Velok the Younger
When I Was A Young Warthog
There's been a lot of talk about who's fleeting and who's coming in and so forth and so on. [member="Reshmar"] has kindly spearheaded fleeting for the other side, and we've decided to put together a separate OOC thread to make sure we all know what's going on and who's in play. On my side I have [member="Catalys Maijora"], who's bringing a small portion of the Primeval Fleet, with a larger portion in reserve in case opposition gets extremely heavy for whatever reason. [member="Darth Raxis"] has already joined with a flotilla similar to mine as well, which pleases me. Whoever wants to do fleety stuff, please just post in this thread.
I have one PC-captained ship of roughly 1000m and several escorts <400m. I expect all the fleeters on my side to stick to that interpretation of the rules. If they can field more (i.e. through corporations), I expect them to stick to that approximate scale. No 10km fleets, please. However, Reshmar and I have agreed that we don't care about exact fleet length equivalency or even general parity. I'm comfortable being outmatched in the big picture.
Overarching plan. Reshmar and I have decided a pitched battle isn't realistic given the two factions' disparity in resources. The plan here is for us to play cat-and-mouse throughout this Stygian Caldera map*, skirmish by skirmish, decision by decision, and just see how things shake out. The idea is that I'm trying to stay ahead of his large force while he harries me and so forth. My forces are starting at Korriban to draw attention there, concurrent with the big ground brouhaha. Korriban is the only reliable entrance to the Stygian Caldera. My side RPed out mapping a secret back route from Iliabath to Nfolgai, but that's many jumps away and probably won't come into play.
In terms of the Stygan Caldera map, we're RPing as if the OSJ controls Ziost, Thule, Dromund Kaas, and Korriban, with reasonable amounts of direct control in between. Notably, the Chaos map puts Krayiss in another hex, so that one's outside OSJ control at the moment. I know both sides have done some RP involving Athiss, Ashas Ree, and other planets, so I'm well aware we're looking at a complex, evolving strategic tapestry here. Defensive stations, corporate holdings - everything comes into play in something like this. I'm very excited.
Also, pay attention to hyperdrive speeds. For example, my main ship has a Class Two drive; if Resh's ships have a Class One drive, they could guess where I'm going and get there ahead of me, and that's just something I have to deal with.
*If the map looks tiny to you, highlight its address in your browser bar and press 'enter.' Or get it through this page.
I have one PC-captained ship of roughly 1000m and several escorts <400m. I expect all the fleeters on my side to stick to that interpretation of the rules. If they can field more (i.e. through corporations), I expect them to stick to that approximate scale. No 10km fleets, please. However, Reshmar and I have agreed that we don't care about exact fleet length equivalency or even general parity. I'm comfortable being outmatched in the big picture.
Overarching plan. Reshmar and I have decided a pitched battle isn't realistic given the two factions' disparity in resources. The plan here is for us to play cat-and-mouse throughout this Stygian Caldera map*, skirmish by skirmish, decision by decision, and just see how things shake out. The idea is that I'm trying to stay ahead of his large force while he harries me and so forth. My forces are starting at Korriban to draw attention there, concurrent with the big ground brouhaha. Korriban is the only reliable entrance to the Stygian Caldera. My side RPed out mapping a secret back route from Iliabath to Nfolgai, but that's many jumps away and probably won't come into play.
In terms of the Stygan Caldera map, we're RPing as if the OSJ controls Ziost, Thule, Dromund Kaas, and Korriban, with reasonable amounts of direct control in between. Notably, the Chaos map puts Krayiss in another hex, so that one's outside OSJ control at the moment. I know both sides have done some RP involving Athiss, Ashas Ree, and other planets, so I'm well aware we're looking at a complex, evolving strategic tapestry here. Defensive stations, corporate holdings - everything comes into play in something like this. I'm very excited.
Also, pay attention to hyperdrive speeds. For example, my main ship has a Class Two drive; if Resh's ships have a Class One drive, they could guess where I'm going and get there ahead of me, and that's just something I have to deal with.
*If the map looks tiny to you, highlight its address in your browser bar and press 'enter.' Or get it through this page.