Attention to everyone who is currently at or moving to Ziost.
I'd like to keep a list of who is there and what they're doing. The diplomats are going to be doing their thing, but that leaves little old me high and dry until someone decides that diplomacy is boring and they want to start an international incident. All Silver fleets currently orbiting or approaching Ziost, please respond with what you've done so far so I can stockpile stuff to react to. This will also help me build a tag library for space stuff.
All Sith fleets currently
en route or in a position to reinforce, I'd also like to know about you.
[member=Coci Heavenshield] | [member=Rozalyne Kurganova] | [member=Mira Rekali]
If I've forgotten anyone, let me know. I'm tiding you guys over until Ignus gets back on his boat.