Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tsol Skirata

STATUS: Make the Tools/Weapons area better, draft the starship Think thats it?.
Gar tion, mando'alor johayc,
Ibac ni'ntey cet'daabla?
Shi eyn verd be aruetii aliik
Ibac haar haat ni tayl'la
Eyn ve'vut aliik, eyn tal aliik
Eyn ver'verd su'tayl ijaat
Ner ka'rta tor su'haat, aruetii
Sa haat bal sa dral sa gar
Bid kaysh johayc
Bal kaysh johayc
Ibac ver'verde alor
Al jii pitat orj'jaon kaysh rang
Ti nasaad og'bah susul
'Lek jii pitat orj'jaon kaysh rang
Bal nayc runi bah susul
You are who, that Mando captain said
That I must kneel down?
Just a soldier of foreign flag
That's the truth I hold
A flag of gold, a flag of blood
A mercenary still holds honour
My heart of justice is still true
As true and as bright as yours
So he spoke
And he spoke
That mercenary captain
But now rain weeps over his ash
With no one there to hear
Yes now rain weeps over his ash
And no soul to hear


NAME: Tsolus Kebiin-Skirata
ALIAS: Tsol, Jackal

SPECIES: near-human (human/kiffar)
HOMEWORLD: Concord Dawn
CLAN: Skirata
AGE: 19 standard years (832BBY)

SEX: male
VOICE SAMPLE: Newt, The Maze Runner

HAIR: brown
EYE: blue
SKIN: caucasion
HEIGHT: 5'9" (175cm)
WEIGHT: 125lb (56.7kg)
BUILD: underweight/athletic

OCCUPATION: bounty hunter
AFFILIATION(S): Mandalorian Empire, Clan Skirata


  • Mandalorian Raised: Taught from age 6 to be a warrior, Tsol has marked endurance, marksmanship, and close-quarters training.
  • Teräs Käsi-Stava Arts: To offset his lithe form, Tsol specializes in full-body, deflective fighting styles that focus on speed, anticipation, and pressure points.
  • Racing Junkie: Speeder races fuel this talent born adrenaline junkie. He's even won a podrace once.
  • Small Frame: Remarkably flexible and quick. Perhaps too much so.
  • Self-Loathing: Convinced he's not lived up to his culture's ideal, his self-loathing prompts Tsol to be reckless. Survival means progress, while death only confirms his self-perceived weakness.
  • One-eyed: Missing his left eye, Tsol's sense of depth and periphery vision often falter when not assisted by his helmet's HUD systems. But until the chance he opts for surgery, he'll never have his original balance.
  • Social Mess: Tsol is stoic and pragmatically minded, like a good Mandalorian should be, but is particularly blunt and challenging.
  • Small Frame: His small and malnourished body simply doesn't have the muscle mass to physically compare to most above his weight.

  • Always Hungry: born with a ravenous metabolism, he's always on the prowl for food. Knows a few cultural recipes, from sweets to dry-rations; cooking he tends to keep on hand.
  • Lawman of Sorts: Tsol gravitates toward Police and Sector Ranger bounties, preferring to hunt criminals than play stooge to gang bosses. Neutral missions--anything from the dozens of galactic governments, or basic find-for-questioning tasks--are fair game.
  • Homosexual: Has the misfortune of feeling too weak for mando'ade, and rooted prejudice against supposedly inferior aruetiise, foreigners. What's a boy to do.
  • Half-Kiffar: While not a full-blooded Kiffar, he can pick up faint emotional impressions from the inanimate or dead. Its uncommon for Tsol to glean memories through this psychometry.

Tsol is an averagely tall, underweight male with feminine features, though still has lean muscle definition. He's long brown hair that dusts the back of his neck with long bangs in front of his ears and over left eyepatch. The one visible eye is tired, darkly-circled ice above an expressionless small mouth.

Tsol typically wears slim-fitted clothing of green and gray hues along an ever-present hardy, cropped racing jacket and tall, dark boots. His light Mandalorian armor -- a helmet, two gauntlets, light breastplate, and kneeguards -- tends to be kept to a duffel bag unless in an unsavory setting and planning for combat. The mythosaur-buckled gunbelt and tucked away kukri, though, are ever present.

Noticeably, Tsol wears a collection of simple jewelry, more than the standard Mando'ad. Usually a black choker-collar, silver earring, and Heart of Ice sliver tied into a pendant.

Facially an expressionless stoic, Tsol instead emotes through a variety of head tilts, hand placements, and eye settings. Though he's zero issue with blunt commentary and challenging remarks, which are often spoke flatly. Challenging remarks made against Tsol or Mando'ade, however, is usually the prelude to a brawl. Fights aren't something he seeks to instigate, its more like a side affect of Tsol's personality. Even so, brawling, shooting, killing: Tsol has zero compunction with any of it.

In terms of combat, Tsol gravitates toward ambush and sneak tactics. As taught by his parents, honour is about holding true to the Mando Code and nothing to do with straight fights or even honesty. That said, his father was rather unique in his interpretation of Mandalorian ethics, which was passed down to Tsol. To them, being a Mandalorian is freedom. Your strength and independence are your own and sold to those without either. Something never taught to the young Mandalorian, unfortunately, was even an ounce of communicative skills. As a result, his sparse attempts at flirtation are unnervingly direct and awkward, which has resulted in subtle anxiety about the whole idea -- something he would never consciously admit to.

The downside to these lessons of inner strength is that Tsol, since birth, was a runt. Convinced he hasn't lived up to his father and culture's ideal, the boy has internally become a self-loathing mess.


Tsol was born on Concord Dawn from Mandalorians of clans Kebiin and Skirata. The eccentric Clan Kebiin had mostly been wiped out since the gulag plague, but Tsol--while officially a member of Clan Skirata--retained the name out of honour for his mom. Unfortunately for the well-experienced and decently wealthy parents, the fruits of their labor was a sickly child. Various deficiencies, viruses--all seen to by doctors--resulted in Tsol developing as somewhat of a runt; in fact, it was assumed his parents were starving the boy on several occasion. He was still trained properly but consistently fell behind compared to others mando kids of his age, instilling the beginnings of what would become deep rooted self-loathing, as well as bitterness towards his father.

In spite of his lacking strength, Tsol excelled in his training most otherwise. Learning to handle, shoot, clean blasters; blade, medical aid, and survival skills; and other soldier's training all before the age of nine. One day his mom returned from a solo operation near Kiffu, her home, with a skull-faced pup: some wild mutt breed of Msak hound and Raquor'daan. It was called Ferid-Ferid by Tsol, no one's sure why, while Tsol's father jokingly considered it their own Rekr (Clan Skirata's sigil animal). Tsol and Ferid grew alongside one another, the runt pair developing an affinity, and was often brought along on missions. Meanwhile the hostility between Tsol and his father grew to the point that, on his 12th birthday, he pulled a blaster on his taciturn father. A bolt was never shot as, in an instant, his father just disappeared before Tsol's eyes. It wasn't discovered what had happened, but Tsol felt he had still killed his father in his heart and regretted it. In memorium, Tsol retrieved his father's crooked blade, a kukri.

That disappearance had proven to be a galactic event with billions gone, which led to the boy and his mom holding a solitary funeral rite believing he wouldn't be coming back. Meanwhile Tsol's self-perceived weakness alongside his father's passing left the 12yr old emotionally distant, a trait that would become permanent. During the approaching Verd'goten, the Mandalorian Trials, Tsol developed developed a relationship with a boy named Shevla. Their year long romantic rivalry helped push the other through to completion and onto age 13, adulthood. In celebration, Shevla presented a gift from Tsol's heritage, a blue Heart of Ice. Unfortunately the gem, filled with memories of the past year, was a farewell gift to young Tsol as the other was leaving. Even so, Tsol split the Heart of Ice in two and shared with with Shevla, whom he hasn't seen since.

Though the reason was never clear, he blamed Shevla's leave for Tsol's comparative weaker form; a fear that had since grown pathological. Back to his emotionally destitute and small self, Tsol was surprised with another gift: Mandalorian steel. Those in Clan Skirata had crafted beskar'gam for him, which was immediately available for battle testing in Mand'alor Yasha Cadera's coming war against the Republic. The war was as short as it was bloody. And while the armor did save him from demise it was gravely damaged, alongside his mom. Her death had been glorious, something a Mandalorian could be proud of, but Tsol was torn between that thought and his mom's empty helmet. In replacement of his own, Tsol took on his mom's beskar'gam--the pieces that weren't too broken or too female--and continued to fight until the Mandalorians had soundly crushed the Republic.

Following the end of that short war, Tsol was approached by a member of House Skirata, about placement within their predominantly owned company MandalMotors. Perhaps to retain the unfortunate young adult, or perhaps not. Regardless Tsol, still disquieted by death and abandonment, declined and took Ferid aboard his mom's starship to the other end of the galaxy in order to work out his internal problems or die trying.

  • Salvaged Mandalorian armor:
    helmet w/ full HUD suite
  • weaponized gauntlets
  • knee guards

[*]Rugged durasteel breastplate
[*]Broken beskar'gam remnants, stowed aboard his ship

  • Right gauntlet:
    velocity-7 dart shooter
  • DUR-24 cutting laser
  • whipcord launcher

[*]Left gauntlet:
  • ZX flame projector
  • rocket system
  • grappling hook

[*]Knee dart shooters (2)
  • Fex-MC poison
  • Stun agent

[*]WESTAR C11 blaster pistol (2)
[*]Wentross TO-B1 bowcaster (typically ship-stored)
[*]Grenades, variable:
  • Thermal detonator
  • Smoke grenade
  • Ion grenade
  • Flashbang grenade

  • Field security overloader
  • Utility belt
  • Steeltoed boots
    attached jumpjets
  • magnetic soles

[*]Comlink cylinder
[*]Bounty Hunter license
[*]GE-MES energy shield: module housing is confined to a slim cylinder on the rear of Tsol's belt, activated through HUD or physically by pressing belt-buckle. Current Modules are:
  • COM: plasma, ion, slug
  • COM: bolsters previous COM module
  • DEMO: explosive, kinetic, particle
  • SHOCK (sub): zaps others on contact

Speculated to be a muddled mix of Kiffu's Msak hounds--long, emaciated species known for its speed--and a Raquor'daan of Sriluur--large, vicious wolves with stony hides and scorpion tails. This particular mutt lacked the poisonous tail, instead having a sweeping thing with metal-like tip, and retained the smaller Msak's one meter height. Trained rigidly, the wolf mutt is capable of capable of moving about in polite city-worlds without eating babies or the like. Should the command be given or the young Skirata be harmed in any way, Ferid turns vicious and nothing short of half a dozen blaster bolts can stop him. Will steal food from your plate and prefers sleeping on-top of Tsol.
SHIP: Mother, Cannok-Type gunship
  • Removed:
    Flex-tube missile launcher x1
  • Captain-grade bunk x2

  • F2 Ion cannon
  • Holding cell x2

Originally the starship of Tsol's mom under a far cruder name, the boy christened it Mother after the woman's passing during the Republic-Mandalorian War. An old ship affiliated with the Mandalorian Protectors which had been stolen by buir Kebiin as a joke until the woman linked with them in actuality. While still fit for its role as a heavily armed, modular transport, the since retained alterations of Keb'buir had stripped the Cannok of its so-called frivolities in order to accommodate bounty hunting pursuits. That said, Tsol has a collection or podracer parts lodged within the aft troop bay that would tighten the already cramped elbow room for any others aboard. For the boy and his wolf, however, the amount of space is just right. His mom's pale navy and tan coats of paint could use a good touch up -- from the outside the unsightly ship looks even more destitute from the apparent lack of care; a ruse to discourage theft and suspicion-- but the interior is thoroughly spick-and-span.


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