Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death is better than bondage.
NAME: Tulas'enan nee Tulahi'rani
FACTION: The Order of the Nighthawk
RANK: Former Slave
SPECIES: Twi’lek
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’7”
WEIGHT: 136 lbs
EYES: Golden
HAIR: None, other than black eyelashes.
SKIN: Pink


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

  • Self-less. One way or another, Tulahi’rani finds herself putting others before herself, be it taking the blame for something or taking one for the team.

  • Independent. Her current lifestyle has left her to fend for herself emotionally and mentally. She is her own rock and refuses to rely on anyone else.

  • Adaptive. Tulahi’rani is quick to become accustomed to new things at any rate they're placed in front of her, be it a new setting or new tasks. Sudden changes, most of the time, do not take her by surprise.

  • Fluent in Ryl, Binary, and the Basic language.

  • Persuasive/Sexual appeal.

  • Relies on raw emotion. If Tulahi’rani is angry, she will act upon those feelings without thinking of the consequences most of the time. Most people in her situation would learn to shut out all emotion, but she does the exact opposite.

  • Little to no combat skills other than a slightly above average kick or punch. Life as an exotic dancer has left her slim and lean, however Tulahi’rani doesn't know the first thing about defending herself except swinging a limb. She has no fist-face coordination and will end up with a small chance of landing a hit. Her stamina is average. Her pain tolerance is 30% there.

  • Self-loathing. Tulahi’rani is disgusted with herself due to the lifestyle she is forced into. At the end of each day, she feels dirty. She is angry at the people who put her in her current position and she despises those who are entertained by her services.

  • Naive. Tulahi’rani is semi-clueless as to what is going on around the galaxies other than the talk she hears from clients.
Tulahi’rani stands at 5’7” ft and weighs 136 pounds. She is humanoid, save for her two lekku at the top of her head. Like most Twi’leks, she has a slim frame. Her muscles are now gently defined from her work as a dancer and she is curved in all the right places. Her daily outfits are almost always revealing, only covering what needed to be covered, leaving nothing to the imagination. Though, if she had the choice, she would most likely wear loose-fitting pants and a top that showed her midriff at the most. On her forehead, just under her lekku and where Humans expect them to be, are perfectly, though exotically, shaped eyebrows that are tattooed on in order to give her something that would make her more attractive and slightly less alien-like (these were on by force). Usually, Tulahi’rani wears heavy eye makeup, but despises the process of putting it on and washing it all off at the end of the day. Due to the lack of true exercise, Tulahi’rani is relatively soft to the touch, which adds to her sexual appeal, but firm in all the right places. Her two lekku at the top of her head are adorned with soft ribbons and are either draped over her shoulders or kept behind them, finding it uncomfortable to wrap them around her neck sometimes.

Tulahi'rani was born a twin, the youngest of three sisters, and final daughter to two parents. There is Tewonhi'rani (the oldest and most responsible), Aulahi'rani (the middle, first twin, and most stubborn), and finally Tulahi'rani (the youngest, second twin, and most beautiful). In most cases, all sisters would get along kindly without a care in the world. In truth, Tula never truly got along with her sisters. They were all a tight-knit family and she loved them more than anything, yes, but their personalities seemed to clash most of the time. Tewon is always focused on getting married and getting her younger sisters married, too. Though she is very smart and skillful in most housewife things, she is very materialistic and focused on being beautiful, silently jealous of Tula's natural beauty. Aula is a very ambitious woman and has decided that she wants to be a school teacher, but she is very spoiled. Tula is very reserved and tends to quietly appreciate and participate in the arts more, such as singing or painting, but she is very naive when it comes to the unspoken, unfair truths of the world.

Due to the fact that they were a lower class family, Tula's parents were keen on marrying their daughters off to good enough families so they will not have to struggle. All good intentions, she understood, but Tula was always determined to marry for love. Her parents wanted each and every one of them to be physically perfect. It stressed Tula out most of the time, because if she wasn't perfect, she would be nagged and verbally attacked endlessly. She learned to distance herself from them while remaining respectful to the as her parents. Because of her rare pink color, Tula was sought out the most, to Tewon and Aula's dismay. It created a rift between the sisters and was constantly used to her parents' advantage. This very fact seemed to be the start of her downfall.

Unfortunately, like most Twi’lek females at a young age, Tulahi’rani was sold into slavery as an exotic dancer after being kidnapped on a Lessu port. The first months of her new work were hard for her to handle both mentally and emotionally. The hoots, hollers, whistles, calls, unwanted touches, and uncomfortable advances were taking their toll on her mental state, but she forced herself to brave it, promising herself that she would get herself out of it one way or another. Simply ignore the hungry looks, wandering hands, and vulgar nothing's whispered to her in her ear and she wouldn't be punished. After a couple of years, she was given a "promotion", as her master would put it, and Tulahi'rani was now expected to sleep with customers should they pay for it.

Tulahi’rani’s life went on as routine beginning from age seventeen: wake up, make up, dance, serve, look sexy, have sex, shower, sleep, repeat. Luckily, her owners thought her health maintained at top priority. In the beginning of her work, Tulahi’rani remained obedient and followed instructions to the letter out of fear, but as time went on she became more defiant and started to use her "abuse immunity" to her advantage. It was enough to get her in trouble and a quite literal slap on the wrist, but never enough to inflict critical damage. Those who wanted her wouldn't like it if their merchandise was bruised or rotten, now would they?

During her work, other female slaves, Twi’lek or not, stayed close together in trying times and often depended on each other in order to survive (emotionally, at least). She hated how they were treated. She hates how she is treated; like a piece of meat or as if she is a shiny new plaything surrounded by children. All of them wanted to play with her. People saw a smile on Tulahi’rani’s face whenever she was working, but on the inside she was slowly kindling a fire that grew to be pure hatred. Who gave whom permission to buy her? To play around with her? To mess around with her? Did they not realize that she was also a sentient being, capable of feelings and intelligent thinking? This boiling hatred simmered deep within her for the longest time. With every new face that shows up to see her, she swears to herself that she will track them down in the future and end them along with her owners, but she also knew deep down that she wasn't capable of doing it.

Tulahi'rani is unaware of her Force Sensitivity. Without her acknowledgement, the easiest way for her to tap into her power is for her to be angry. Usually one object or two would fly across the room following her tantrum. This fact can be easily used against her better judgement, and anger is easy enough to mold.

After an escape attempt that will likely mean the end of her life if caught, Tula is rescued by a man named Tristram. Through an unexpected, reluctant, but tactical marriage, Tula is miraculously freed from her shackles and manages to escape Nar Shaddaa. Her next stop? Ryloth.

Tula has joined the Order of the Nighthawk, with her husband being its' founder. She continues to search for her purpose and is determined to be stronger.

The Witty Tease (shared with her husband, [member="Tristram Senan"])


Tulahi'rani said:
Her repetitive life took a U-turn when she realized things would move around on their own accord, especially if she was angry. Tulahi’rani is a late-blooming Force-sensitive. She knew what it meant and she knew the things she would be able to do with the Force, the only problem is finding teacher. During the night, she tried to teach herself how to control the Force but never managed to achieve anything except moving objects slightly. She is never allowed to leave, how will she ever learn the ways of the Force?


Death is better than bondage.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Hello, and thank you! :D ... You won't really come after me, will you? ;-; pls dun hert mi

I haven't anyone in mind just yet. I just thought I'd cross that bridge when I get there. :blush:


Death is better than bondage.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I think that's a wonderful idea! I humbly accept. :D However, it will be a little bit of time before I officially need a teacher. I plan on starting my story from the beginning during my time as a slave, where I am chosen and bought by Zenva.

let me know if y'all want ayy master, ay have plenty av use faw ayy twi'liek like you aboard my ship!


Death is better than bondage.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I definitely believe Tulahi'rani will be needing a rescue. As you probably know, she is very adamant about her freedom, especially since her Force-sensitivity. However, Zenva will not make it easy for me to be swept away. There's no doubt in my mind that there will be a fight. :unsure:

[member="Jed Lonestar"]

I'm afraid that Zenva and I have already made plans for her to be my master. :( Though I'd still be happy and willing to thread with you. :D

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