Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Turin Val Kur

Turin Val Kur

NAME: Turin Val Kur
FACTION: The Republic

  • Jedi Battlemaster-From Alternate Timeline
  • Jedi General- From Alternate Timeline
  • Jedi Master
  • Distant Ties to Vahl
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Light


Battlemaster: As the Battlemaster of the Republic in his previous timeline, one full of constant war, his combat style is quick and overbearing. Able to use a variety of weapons, even known to duel wield saberstaffs in battle, and with a mastery over several lightsaber and hand-to-hand combat forms, he was a powerhouse in his timeline.

Jedi General: Coming from a timeline filled with strife and near constant war, Turin's skill set is dedicated to the fast paced world of the battlefield, making him agile, adaptable, and his usage of lightsaber forms unorthadox. It also gives him an interesting set of skills that are most suited for the battlefield

Zealot: Even in his timeline, his views on the Sith were often seen as zealous and dangerously close to the Dark Side.Because of this he was kept away from both Knighthood and Mastery for a time despite his prowess in battle. Now in this timeline, his policies and ideals are even less accepted by the new Jedi Order he finds himself serving.

Refusal: It has been rumored that Turin knows the Vapaad lightsaber form, however, even in his timeline, he did not teach it to anyone and refuses to use the style. The truth of the matter however, is that he had the knowledge removed from his mind, making this form his greatest weakness as he has neglected to even touch any sort of knowledge on the subject leaving him without counters to the form.

Lightsaber Forms:
Due to his specialization in combat Turin holds an Adept to Master level understanding of all lightsaber forms and can teach them.
  • Specializes in Lightsaber-to-lightsaber dueling forms
  • Djem So
  • Ataru

[*]Cannot and will not re-learn/use/teach Vapaad or its other variants

Force Powers:
  • Fundamentals and Basics of Jedi Padawan Training - Master
  • Force Healing - Minor Training (Could stabilize a fallen ally for a time)
  • Applications of Telekinesis - Master
  • Art of Movement - Master
  • Force Strength - Adept
  • Force Body - Master
  • Force Barrier - Adept
  • Battle (Force) Meld - Master
  • Battle Precognition - Adept
  • Force Sight - Master
  • Tutaminis: Adept

  • Father's Silver Bladed Lightsaber - Tertiary
  • Ceremonial Battle Master Green, Single Bladed Dual-Phase Waterproof Lightsaber - Primary
  • x2 Semi-Permanent Magnetized Waterproof Blue Lightsabers - Secondary
  • Robes of the Warrior
  • Family Jedi Garb
  • Black Jedi Robes
  • Bantha Leather Utility Belt
  • Emergency Locator/SOS Beacon Buckle
  • Various Other Bits and Bobs
  • Spacer's Leather Jedi garb (pictured above)

True to Pictures


Turin Val Kur as a young Jedi Knight
Coming from a long line of Imperial Knights, Turin Val Kur was placed into the care of the Jedi Temple after the Sith Empire and Gulag Plague destroyed the Imperial Remnant and his family. Trained to become a Jedi for the rest of his life he had several different Masters throughout his Padawan training. Raised in a particularly dark time of war against the Sith Empire and her allies, he found his home in the realm of combat, preparing himself for the inevitable time when the Jedi would officially join the struggle. However, at the time the Jedi were officially staying away from the war angering the young padawan. A sleeper agent in the Republic Jedi Council saw this anger and attempted to cultivate it, taking him as his apprentice and teaching him the violent Vapaad lightsaber form along with other combat-based lightsaber forms.

Turin Val Kur confronts his previous Master

The council member however was found out, and fled the temple. After his escape off planet, Turin was knighted with his first mission to take his previous master into custody. The two met on an icy world and using the Vapaad style he was taught he was goaded into striking down his old master, bringing him ever closer to the Dark Side. On his return his rank was recinded after the council found he had given into his darker side and placed under the supervision of the chief Jedi Healer. The hope was that this change of pace from combat drills to healing and helping the weak and hurt would shift and balance his mind. He kept his anger in check while with this new Master and soon his rank was given back and he took his first padawan.

She was a beautiful Corellian, close to his age whom had lost her master in a Sith raid. He used this history with the Sith to push his ideas of capital punishment against Sith and his thoughts that the Jedi Council were fools for letting this war go by without taking an official stance. The two fell in love, but kept the secret hidden until she was Knighted. However, this was not to last. The One Sith returned in this time of turmoil, assimilating the already overbearing Sith Empire forcibly into their ranks. His lover fell to the Dark Side and attempted to seduce Turin to her side as well. Refusing, she vowed to kill him for his betrayal and joined the Sith.

With the advent of the One Sith, the Jedi Order was pressured to join the war by every faction allied with the Republic to bolster their ranks, and they gave in. Promoting many of their Knights, including Turin (though reluctantly due to his failure in keeping his apprentice away from the Dark Side), he was given the rank of Jedi General, a rank that hadn't been used officially since the war against Darth Krayt. He led many battle succesfully, displaying his prowess in battle with the lightsaber. When the current battlemaster was slain by a powerful Sith Lord, Turin was the obvious choice, given the title and ceremonial lightsaber by the Council.

Turin Val Kur, Jedi General and Battlemaster of the Jedi Order

However, the war came at a terrible cost. Many Jedi fell to the Dark Side and those he had once thought of as friends fell to his blades. With no end in sight, he was sent as part of a Mandalorian, Protectorate, Republic strike team to kill the Dark Lord. His apprentice was one of the Sith Lords guarding him. She used everything in her power to stop him and the strike team, but alone with Turin they dueled in a colorful display. Vapaad master against Vapaad master. But Turin had the edge over his apprentice. He fed off the uncontrolled battle rage to propel his assault and struck her down. In her dying breaths the two shared a final kiss before she became one with the Force.

The mission was a failure and afterwards he became withdrawn. He asked for his knowledge of Vapaad to be stripped from his mind, a process that nearly robbed him of his power to use the Force. He continued as a member of the Republic military, taking himself away from the ground battlefields and into space however, during what was to be a pivotal battle between the Sith and Republic he was attacked by a terrifying Sith Spawn and as a result, transported into this galactic timeline with no way to return to his home.

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