Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Turmoil Station

The commlink buzzing came as a surprise to Kai. The voice on the other end was unfamiliar to him—although he sort of recalled overhearing the man speaking elsewhere on the station, as part of the background noise.

Lifting his commlink to his lips, Kai spoke aloud in his weak rasp. "Thanks for the ride."

Iris’ question was difficult to answer. <I'm here because I was invited. What I am is less important.> Je'daii, Jedi—to him, there was little difference between the two beyond some vague details of doctrine and the fact that one group wielded lightsabers, while the other preferred blades. They were all knights, and at the end of the day Kai wanted to be a Knight more than anything else.

<Are you ready to go now, or did you need anything else here?>



Was that true? What he was was les- No, that was true. She never judged him for being Sithspawn, so why did it matter what title he used? If he was still helping people, there was nothing to question. She shook her head, turning her gaze down where she'd come from. "I can probably ask around, but if you think that's a waste of time, I'm ready to leave now and find a place that would be better to ask around."
Cotan switched the feed away from the two kids as they started to make their way to his ship. "Adorable," he mused to himself. "Young love."

But he couldn't watch them forever; no, he still had a mountain of reports and and paperwork from Judges in the field to sift through that Zak had never bothered with while he was gone.

ok I'm done

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