Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Objective: Defeat Alor Harert
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Teroch Shield, Beskad, Blaster Rifle
Allies: Eternal Empire, Enclave, Etc.
Enemies: Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert ; Dar'manda; Sith

The Shield landed cleanly, the Beskad did not. As the sword came over the rim of his shield in a below angled down to penetrate his opponent she simply disappeared.

No one moved that fast. No one. Telepor---

The thought was jarred in Garrus mind when before he could respond he felt a blow impact from behind which sent him into the wall where Dodhorn had been only a breath ago. Garrus collided with the wall, he managed to angle his shield off to the side and raise his right arm in the process so that he could catch himself with his forearm. No lasting damage was done, like the Hellwolf his armor would protect him.

"Talk is cheap."

...came a reply directed to her before he pushed off the wall...

"You should have kept your beskads out." he came off the wall Garrus was lifting his shield, angling it backwards so that its upper most rim would rest backwards against his shoulder while he swung it around as he whirled to face his opponent again. Ideally it was meant to clip Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert across the faceplate of her helm but this was not the real attack. Using his shield as a screen to obscure her view the Beskad followed in an arcing sweep that would come around for the outside of Dodhorn's left leg just below the knee. In most armor the knee was weak to account for potential maneuverability but Garrus hadn't targeted the knee specifically, he went below it because he wanted to use the momentum of his beskad to take her off her feet and send her to the ground.

"We can dance around all day, Alor Harert."

...he called out from beneath the cover of his Buy'ce...

"Keep dancing and eventually you'll run out of places to step."

Underneath her Helm he had no idea what she was. If he did it probably wouldn't have mattered to him.
NPC Storyteller
  • A shot from the Devourer strikes near the spaceport, causing a minor earthquake and complicating the evacuation
    • NOTE: this is pre-planned plot progression agreed upon with the EE leadership


Panatha, Canthar Spaceport

The evacuation was well underway. It was a colossal effort, even on a world as sparsely-populated as Panatha, which had only just begun to recover from its devastation during the Enclave attack. Fortunately, a colossal relief force had been assembled, drawn from all corners of the galaxy. Forces from the Mandalorians, the Eternal Empire, the Galactic Empire, and several other galactic governments worked in uneasy but effective tandem, protecting and organizing the civilian population as the transports moved into place. Fleets in orbit cleared a corridor through the Mawite ships, providing an evacuation route, while ground troops fought back waves of howling marauders.

Whether anyone would discover Tegan's sabotage in time, of course, was another matter entirely.

But the first real interruption of the evacuation efforts came well before that. The Devourer, locked in combat high above Panatha, was not idle even though it had been boarded. The titanic Mawite vessel continued to open fire even as battle raged through its bulkheads and corridors. It directed a withering barrage out in all directions - toward the enemy fleets, certainly, but also toward the planet below. Re-seeded forests were vaporized beneath the vessel's endless fury, and small towns were erased within minutes, steadily chewing up the terrain. But no one realized until it was too late exactly where that creeping barrage was headed: right for Canthar Spaceport, heart of the evacuation.

The first shot to find its mark was a MegaCaliber turbolaser blast, which slammed into an air traffic control tower at the edge of the spaceport. The tower was vaporized instantly, destroyed so completely that - if not for the great crater around it and the accompanying cloud of drifting ash - one might believe it had never stood there at all. That shot killed only three people, along with eleven droids. In the wake of the battle, their names would be remembered: Tylo Winshold, Denzi Skyrog, and Zacbren Leveer, local air traffic controllers who had heroically volunteered to stay behind and assist with the logistics of the evacuation. On the upside, they died instantly, without pain.

The loss of air traffic control would have been bad enough, but the damage didn't stop there. The thunderous, seismic impact of the giant turbolaser shook the earth with such force that several outlying supply sheds collapsed. Landing pads crumbled, the ships that sat atop them suddenly toppling over or leaning at precarious angles. The long lines of refugees boarding the ships were thrown from their feet as walkways were shaken apart beneath them, leaving them bruised and stunned. None, mercifully, had been killed... not yet. But that had only been the first shot, a range-finding exercise. Now the creeping barrage would continue coming closer, crawling across the spaceport.

Another shot, a more accurate one, would shake this place within minutes. The evacuation was running out of time.


Location: The Devourer, above Panatha
Engaging: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

  • Kralmus monologues at Silhana


The two of them traded barbed words, which was amusing for a little while, but it was more appetizer than main course. Kralmus Orr enjoyed taunts and witty repartee, but only if it was one part of a largely physical struggle; if he'd wanted to fight his battles entirely with words, he would have become a politician. The thought made him chuckle darkly. He was not like Mand'alor; he did not inspire others to follow him. Even his own comrades had always found him... unsettling. No, he was the akk wolf that kept to the edge of the pack, powerful but isolated. That was the way he liked it, of course. Kralmus did not want to be responsible for others. He found it restrictive.

Finally Silhana pushed herself away from the wall, her wound at least mostly closed. For a moment the cannibal thought she was finally going to launch the attack he'd been baiting this whole time, unsteady though she was from her blood loss... but no. Instead she launched into a sweeping series of questions, questions about the Mandalorian people. It seemed obvious to Kralmus that she was playing for time, giving her medical supplies a little longer to take effect. He probably should have just ignored her words, leapt on her and finished her with a flash of his axe, then gone in search of stronger prey. But he didn't. Her words had touched a nerve in him, exploited his passions.

"Oh, but we are building a stronger nation," he drawled, leaning casually on his axe. "Because we, the warriors of Death's Hand, are the true sons of Mandalore. Others might call us Dar'Manda, but they're hypocrites - exactly because of everything you say." The cannibal chuckled again, shaking his head. "We don't mourn. We don't let the past hold us back. Honor, and tradition, and the bonds of clans? Those are the things that the losing side holds onto, consolation prizes when they lost all their wars. They hold those things up so they can claim that it means something to be Mandalorian. But it doesn't, not on its own." He leaned in, as if imparting a secret.

"Being a Mandalorian only means something if you make it mean something. We do that through war."

Realizing he'd become distracted, caught up in his little rant, Kralmus sighed and clucked his tongue. "But there I go monologuing," he said, casually spinning his huge axe end over end in front of him. The weapon was a blur of songsteel in his powerful hands, sending strange, melodic whooshes up and down the prison block as it cut through the empty space in front of him. One more spin and he stopped, his well-practiced arms bringing the weapon to an instant halt in midair. "Come on, now. You promised you'd finally come at me if I answered your questions." The cannibal held his arms wide once more, inviting an attack. "Let's go. Hit me with your best shot, pinkie."

Objective: Watch and wait
Location: Markwood Marshes, Spirewatch Forest, Canthar Province, Panatha
Allies: BOTM/DH/SH - Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
Enemies: EE/Empire/AC
Loadout: Hound armor, Geysa hybrid pistol, Bloodreaver vibroaxe, cortosis sword

As soon as the Bloodhound’s speech concluded, Ronar was already moving. The four remaining Violet Wolves were silent by his side as they again ventured into the dangerous and unpredictable forest. Ronar wondered if he should have spoken to the Bloodhound before departing, but quickly swatted the thought away. Ronar did not have the heart or the stomach for platitudes; he wanted action, and he wanted it immediately. The Bloodhound certainly knew him enough by now to know that he was a man who desired to be in the thick of the fight. If he wanted to find him, he’d know where to look.

Bloodreaver gripped tightly in his hands, Ronar focused on the forest ahead of him, on putting one foot in front of the other, and watching the trees. Tegash’s injury had made the usually unthinking warrior more cautious than ever before. He didn’t want to lose another Wolf to the predilections of nature. Being a man down was already going to be a hassle. Kellain had volunteered to carry the medical equipment, but the warrior was unskilled in its use and Ronar feared that should anything serious happen, it would be a race between death on the field or death by Kellain.

No, no; he couldn’t think like that. He couldn’t worry about the future. He had to focus on the now. He had to focus on the enemy before him and the brothers beside him. That was what it meant to be a Scar Hound, to be a warrior of the Maw. There would be time later to worry about Tegash. And if he ended up with a shattered leg, well, there was always amputation.

Teeth clenched, eyes steely, Ronar ran towards the enemy fortress, his infrared eyes scanning for any patrols or scouts. The Wolves usual tactics would be at a disadvantage here, with the enemy so concentrated, but they would make do.

One way or another, blood would be spilled this day.
N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R

The emergency situation in the base's control room still hasn't subsided. The creatures summoned by the Heathen Priestess ( Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd ) headed towards the Maw's forces to join them. To units led by Thomas Barran Thomas Barran . Based on all this data and images, they were not hostile to the Maw forces, but joined them. The two Wardens of the Shroud in the control room had never seen anything like this before, and it was still unsettling.

In these moments, against these creatures, the help of the Jedi would have been very useful, since they were the best against the undead or such creatures. The heavy cavalry. But since that kind of support wasn't really on the surface of the planet at the moment, they didn't really know who to send there. The number of Wardens of the Shroud is much smaller than any Force User organisation in the Galaxy anyway. And the creatures marched towards the other Maw armies as if they had always been a part of this world. But now, like a raging plague, they sweep away everything in their path.

Not much was known below about how the ritual above was going or what was happening on Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's ship. Only the result was visible here, on the surface. What the man is doing, what Ingrid is doing, what Rath has done, or even Kybo, Khamul, Dodhorn, and more could have been listed. However, the consequences were unpredictable. Not only the main rift, which led from the place of the previous ritual to the capital, or rather to the sea, expanded and became even bigger, reaching into the ocean, but the other, smaller rifts also opened up and began to expand.

Elsewhere, in places further away from this area, it was reported in several places that some strange tentacles and tendrils grabbed the living and dragged them through the rifts into the Netherworld. As a result of these, even more rifts were created, the existing ones expanded...

While they were busy with these things, they noticed too late that the city, the space station to be exact, was being shot at from space. Fortunately, the shot was not good or perfect and only hit one tower, but more could cause more serious damage. The city was still almost completely in ruins due to the actions of the Enclave, but the spaceport was mostly intact, but it might not be able to withstand another shot.

<< Here the base speaks to the evacuation teams at the spaceport. If possible, put up shields around the building or the area. It was already damaged, it was never renovated. Another hit would certainly result in the destruction of the area. Base, out! >>

The next message was sent to the Empress, expecting orders, but the Empress did not respond. It is not known why, because she cannot deal with this during the fight, or she is no longer able to act. That's why the following message was sent to Trinity Harris Trinity Harris on the front line.

<<"Overseer, the empress is unavailable. STRATCOM must be prepared to make decisions when the situation calls for it!">>

And the fight continued…

4th post







Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Victor Vel Aath Victor Vel Aath Myri Dara Myri Dara Jas Katis Jas Katis
Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Elysium Dusk Elysium Dusk Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz


Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Nyaeli Nyaeli
Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Ronar Ronar Runt Runt
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze



FOB: Tuatha, Mt. Suntower,
Canthar Province, Panatha (Early-Spring 877 ABY)

<"McGechin to Guardian One! Suggesting you stick with the 501st an' the TodHussars so its easier to coordinate. Reed's got the Goidels readied for movin' out, looks like he's going to be sticking to Bramber an' Dunwall like glue on this one.">

<"Scott to Wildcat Three! Suggestion taken, Gowrie can hear- hold on.... Affrimative, green-light's been given. Good luck out there, Carwood.">

<"Likewise, Byron.... Gi'e them a dose o' the Reaver treatment, like the good ol' days! Wildcat Three out!">

Readied and on the move already, the rift could both be seen and felt resonating over the rumble of Banshee Company's APCs as they drew ever closer to the farthest northern reaches of it, and though it carried plenty ominous, dark tidings with it, the Goidelic Major-General couldn't help but find himself utterly awestruck by the sheer magnitude of it's power. From Sith-eating to Imperial-eating zombies, from killer-droids to cyborgs of every variety, troopers and marines, marauders and monsters, Lord Aron had seen it all and then some; but nothing could ever have prepared him for a supernatural event of this scale, not even the months of looking into the matter of the Tython meat-grinder, nor the wild crucible of Mongrel's Hill on Korriban for that matter.

All the Kellas had this time was his wits, his allies, and the strength of arms the Empire brought to the fight every time.

But are we enough to counter it? Are we powerful enough to prevail this time?

Interrupted in his thoughts by sudden lurch on the trail, Gowrie then snapped out to listen in on what Kerr was saying to Scott. They had both been in the middle of a conversation when Lord Aron withdrew into his own thoughts on the developing situation around them, and in the mild haze of his daydream, it was obvious the same thing was on the mind of his subordinates at the time, for nothing else could be given consideration in the process of nearing the flanking threshold - and nothing else ever would for soldiers who saw no other life outside the wars they fought.

'Honestly, sir! What I would give for just a couple Imperial-Knights the-day, just that weeeee bit o' Force-Wieldin' assistance to offer just that little extra comfort against the Nether.... We know its the Netherworld, but none here seem to want to say it with their ane lips for some reason. We're up against it this time, an' we haven't even fired our first shot in anger here ye-'

Snapped out of his reverie by the screeching across the skies as their jet-trails lit up the already thunderous clouds above, early salvos from friendly forces in the south set the battle into motion with wickedly destructive fanfare, giving the lower north-flanking column quite the thrilling show to ogle at for a few moments, and to the extent that even the top-gunners and the drivers up and down the line fell victim to their mystified amazement in beholding such a display. 'Like hawks, their trajectories mark our ideal hunting-grounds.', the Kellas lazily muttered to himself as the pretty jet-trails cut through the overcast skies above, but the others still heard him despite auditory overload all around them, but then Gowrie turned with a more focused drive towards his two subordinates, flicking away his cigarra's last remnants before turning to face the Reaver specifically.

'Hop on my channel when the barrage dies down for the next one.... Just pay - attention.'

Nodding in silent reply, the chatter ended once and for all, with Kerr looking over Scott's shoulder to listen in on his end, negating any need to lean in to listen or to ask what was being said. No interruptions were needed, and certainly not beyond that point of the engagement, so the Staff-Sergeant's sneaky look to the keypad certainly helped in this fashion, and also in the realisation that he wouldn't need to pester his superiors for a comm-link channel either.

<"Gowrie to Wildcat Two! Find out as much as ye can about that artillery salvo, as much as ye can.">

<"Reed to Wildcat One! On it - stand by for Sit-Rep, Milord.">

'And exactly what thoughts are running through your head at the moment, hm?'

Confirmations were needed, with two in particular gnawing at the back of Lord Aron's mind at the time, though the discovery of one would surely help make in-roads towards the uncovering of the other, such that would confirm the suspicions of the Lord-Regent's latest, most-troubling batch of crackpot, tinfoil conspiracy theories on the matter. It was in no way a welcome prospect, but being in-the-know made it easier for the Kellas to make his peace with the dangers presented, and doing so sooner rather than later made Lord Aron all the more effective in combat when it mattered most.

'You'll see.'

<"Reed to Wildcat One! The Hellion mercs in the south are committing bombardments to the marshes, laying the firepower on a contingent we know all too well.... We're on, Milord! For the third time, it falls to the Wildcats to face the fethin' Scar Hounds!">

<"Gowrie to Wildcat Two! Thats exactly what we want! Right into the dead center o' the tinfoil madness.... Long overdue in any case - though I should've known it would fall to me to face off against the Mongrel's successor. That's on me though, an' the time will come when I face him in single combat. Not a single doubt in my mind. Thanks for your help in any case, Major!">

<"Very much welcome, Milord. Good luck out there. WIldcat Two out!">

With an appreciative smile at the chance of revelation on burning questions, the Kellas chuckled to himself for a moment before turning to the Reaver to say,'Alright, lets have a word with our Anaxsi colleagues on the matter at hand.', tapping the top-gunner on the shoulder so they could climb down without asking the driver to stop in his tracks. And by the time they were all safely protected by the personnel-carrier's durasteel hull, this was when a rather Goidelic urge began to take hold, accidentally satisfying this subconscious need for a small, though supremely-effective gang of braves with Kerr and Scott taken with him on his way east already. The Banshees' commanding officer was next on the list of coerced heroes for what the Kellas had in mind for the first northern cauldron, noted already for his bravery in the Siege of Nirauan, an outing for which both Gowrie and Kelga'an alike were rewarded well for endeavouring their part in.

'Kelga'an? Dunno if I'm butchering that or not, but anyways.... I'm Lord Aron Gowrie, Major-General of Wildcat Division - an' it is both a pleasure an' honour alike to finally make your acquaintance the-day.'

Objective: Devour Panatha
Allies: Vorm Vorm Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Kyrel had watched the red woman closely as his attack first the forked tip spear would phase through her. He had no time for witches, and sorcery. The man only required absolute destruction by whatever means. She spoke the Maw’s mantra as a means to mock him. This had only made the Master of Ren furrow his own brow. She didn’t know what she was talking about did she? Too long had she spent in isolation with her Empire did she seriously underestimate how much of a monster he truly was? His shell of a form only hid what was beneath the surface, but when he brought it out she would come to regret it.

He stood raising his spear ready to strike. His eyes glared impatiently, as he watched her use the shadows to create tendrils. It was not unlike his own experience just a moment ago using the runes against her. She might have chosen this battle, but he was the one in control of things here. Aboard his own Destroyer he was the end and beginning of all things, something that the red woman had failed to understand.

He didn’t dare dignify her words with a retort. All the remained was the trademark scowl of the Rens eyes through his very death mask. First his forked tipped spear was aimed to strike for her, and right through her tentacles. He changed this tactic by quickly aiming the Hunger into the floor he stood on. With a grunt he drove the spear into the ground, the energy causing the floor to shake. Cracks started to form as a surge of crimson energy went through the floor. With an impassive gaze he watched as the ground started to slowly split into a wide crack, the crimson energy would travel fast right below her feet in an attempt to tear open a rift where she stood upon with the violent energy of the spear.

“You fail to understand that I’m made to kill beings like you. I am the end, the middle, and the beginning of all things.” He said his conviction unwavering, watching as the surge of energy would try to destroy the shadows with crimson draining light. The Sith runes of the spear glowed violently as he could hear the hum of the weapon while it released such destructive energy. As he felt the conflict increase his aim was to slow her down by any means.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Try to save the hostages.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Open
Allies: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Garrus Garon Garrus Garon | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Vorm Vorm | Nal'Khem Szat Nal'Khem Szat | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Sil shoots Kralmus twice.
Sil #1
Kralmus #1
Ivixa #1
Mairéad #1
Sil #2
Kralmus #2
Sil #3
Kralmus #3
Sil #4
Kralmus #4
Sil #5
Kralmus #5
Sil #6
Kralmus #6
Sil #7
Kralmus #7

As he laughed, I tilted my head slightly to the side. Because of the helmet on top, he could no longer see that I was looking at him a little strangely. I have no idea what was going through Kralmus's mind. Based on what I've seen so far, I didn't really want to know or imagine. Blissful ignorance is sometimes a blessing. I think this was also the moment when that was true. I didn't want to know anything about his thoughts about what he planned for the future. In the meantime, the pain continued to ease, I was not cured, a quick and careless movement and the wound would start to tear again and become painful. This was really the kind of situation I would have given up as a bounty hunter, but I couldn't do it this time.

I know many Mandalorians fight with others by their side, companions. I was too much of a bounty hunter in this. Always alone, if you have to work with someone else, it means that the salary has to be divided among several people. I almost asked him what was so funny and why he was laughing so much, but I didn't. A red dot for myself, I praised myself. Back to being a bounty hunter, I always encouraged the girls who were bounty hunters at House Orchid to feel free to work with others, even though I didn't like it and I nearly never did it. For years, I was taught and trained to not accept help and to solve everything on my own.

As a slave, I had to. Now I haven't been like that for years, but there are such deep wounds, roots, and habits that are difficult to heal or change. This was like that too.

To be honest, I was honestly surprised that he answered. Could it be that he has similar "weaknesses" to the average Mandalorians? Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud also loved to tell stories when you asked him something. At least that was my experience with him. Anyway, at least it gave me time to get better and rest a little.

Did I hear you right? Was there really any passion in Kralmus' voice? I gulped as he spoke, yes… the sad fact was that what he said was much more in line with the idea I had of the Mandalorians when I first heard of them as a child. But family and bonds were still important to me, knowing that I couldn't count on someone else. Maybe it's because I haven't been part of anything like that before. The traditional perception should be combined with what Death's Hand represents and we would already have a great culture.

I grimaced at his words at the end, I almost wanted to thank him for his willing answers, but this urge ended with his sneers.

<"My name is Silhana Lo-… Cadera."> I introduced myself. I already knew his name, from the Evaar'la Yaim, but I didn't introduce myself until now.

I'm not finished thinking I'll be the one to capture him and hand him over to one of the governments who is hunting the Death's Hand's men.

<"I'll be your guest, I promised it, after all!"> I told him.

With that, I raised the two pistols and took aim at two areas that were more unprotected. One of those places was the bend of his elbow, and the other was where his thigh and groin met. These were the only places where I had a chance to hurt him. Fair attack? I don't care, I wanted to survive as a bounty hunter, fair fight is secondary now because he doesn't fight fair either…



Last edited:

Objective 3: Fight
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Links: Weapons

Shaking his head at her words, Zachariel knew it would be a lost cause. She simply didn't understand, the world of mortals was an enigma to her in so many ways. It was frustrating, she took things literally and his mockery of her was simply overlooked. For a moment, he wondered if Ingrid would try to teach her, or if some other mortal could instruct her on those ways. But he realized it would be futile, she had already spent countless years under Ingrid and with others, and she was still oblivious.

As his crimson gaze landed upon her, the two stared off with one another. And as she spoke, his eyes narrowed dangerously. She spoke as if she knew him, spoke as if he had betrayed the Brotherhood and the Avatars.
"Your gift? What do you know of what he wanted, of his life and his ambitions?"

The scowl in his voice was evident. Striking out at her, Zachariel saw her focus leave the Avatars and settle fully on her. Shame, he had hoped to capitalize on her diverted attention, but this would do as well. And as he landed and struck nothing, his blades continued to swing, axe and sword screaming with the souls of the damned as he continued his attack. Instead of fighting back, she simply ran, frustrating him further as she spoke once more. Her words increased his ire ever more. She had denied him his due reward, and someone had struck the runes from him.

"Then you denied him his due! His reward as a warlord of the Maw would have been tremendous!" Sneering at her, he snarled further. "He would have been reborn by the Avatars or given the peace of the galaxy to come."

To her, what happened to the souls given unto the Avatars was torture. To them it was paradise. Further, it was the souls of their enemies that would suffer, while the souls of the faithful would be rewarded. The higher up one was, the greater that reward would be. And Mongrel had earned his reward a thousand times over. Yet, her tears showed she didn't see it that way. Typical, the weakness of her thoughts shone through yet again, prompting a deeper scowl from Zachariel.

Halting in his attacks, Zachariel spun his blades as he glowered at her.
"I doubt you'd understand the truth of it all. He was once a warrior of mine, I watched him grow and become the warlord he was always destined to be." Twirling his sword, he pointed it at Eina. "I will see his soul freed from your grasp and given the peace he deserves, he has earned that."

Stepping forward once more, Zachariel struck again with his blades. With his strikes, it would become clear to Eina that the pair were alone. No marauders were coming here, no other souls sought the two out to battle one or the other. Aside from their audience of the Dark Three, they were alone. It was also clear that the warlord preferred it this way. He would fight without the aid of any other, without their interference to his plans. And he would see those plans through, to free Mongrel and to bring about the galaxy to come, for the Dark Three.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to stop the ritual and prevent Zach to reach Kyrel and Ingrid.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
Allies: Open
Enemies: Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Eina shows Zach who Mongrel really was.
Eina #1
Zach #1
Eina #2
Zach #2
Eina #3
Zach #3
Eina #4
Zach #4
Eina #5
Zach #5

Although Zach couldn't know it, Ingrid had tried to teach her when they met, but even the Empress had given up. And Gei accepted her that way, and after a while they didn't even need to communicate with words. And before that, well even before that, they understood each other, mostly because the man was never sarcastic or alike. There was no need for her to learn it. Eina still liked to communicate best with emotions and thoughts rather than spoken words.

As she listened to Zachariel, it was clear that the Warlord also only saw the Warlord in Mongrel, not Asher Kala'myr. Eina spent a lot of time with the man, regularly brought him news about his wife, helped him recover, talked to him, listened to him. Eina did not yet know that Mercy was currently in captivity and that Tu'teggacha would probably take the twins. If she had known, she would have also known that it would break the man and cause him immense pain. Even so, he was very sad that Mercy kept crying and how much she suffered from his absence and death.

"Did you know him or did you see the one you wanted to see?" she asked seriously.

The way the man attacked, there was no help, no hindering. There were only two of them, the Avatars no longer interfered. However, Light of Ashla was up to something. She moved closer to Zach, this time not caring that the blade would hurt her. He cut her in a part where the armour gave her less protection. Golden ichor flowed from the wound onto the blade, ironically made by Eina's mother. However, at the same time, she moved closer to the man, within the range of the weapons. So neither she nor Zach can use melee weapons because swords and spears were too long. The Avatar and the Warlord were too close.

"Let me show you who he really was." Eina told him. And unless Zach comes out, she touches her forehead with his hand, gently. She didn't want to hurt him.

If this was successful, Zach could see and feel what Eina saw and felt when she saw or spoke to Mongrel's soul. At one time, only cold hatred drove the man, rage, anger, the desire to reach paradise. He just wanted to die to enjoy the glory of the Avatars, the Galaxy-to-come, to reach paradise. This was true even after his fate became intertwined with that of his future best agent, whom he kidnapped from the NIO on the planet Carlac. When he suffered his brain injury and even moving his mechanical body was difficult in the spider body, no one was interested in anything other than he had to serve the Maw…

Among the memories, Zach could see more and more the young woman with sometimes red, sometimes pink hair, whom he had met once or twice. Mercy, Mongrel's best and most trusted agent, his shadow and bodyguard, and now the matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe. Finally, during one of the fights, the woman kissed the brain container and everything changed. Mongrel began to realise how important the girl had become to him over the years, and she was able to give him the pleasure of touch again with her telepathic powers. Mongrel, who until then only wanted to die, found again the meaning of life, the joy of life. After that, he got his last body and became the best.

But now he was not only fighting for the Avatars, but mainly to get back to her. It was because of him that he fought for life and not for death. Mercy healed the brain damage, strengthened the man's mind, and made him better, more. In the beginning they were just lovers, but they fell in love as they got to know each other and wanted to give more and more things to the other, they started dreaming dreams that were sacrilegious within the Maw or in the Scar Hounds Tribe...

~ Sometimes it would be so good if your rules weren’t so strict… and I could yell at the world that I am yours. If we didn’t have to hide, but let everyone know that I am your lover, your partner… your family ~ I said the family carefully, he knew I considered him my family, but I wasn’t sure if he thought the same way; I think I'm not too confident when I'm tired and exhausted. ~ Not because of power, not because of influence, just so I can hug you when I want to or kiss you. So that we can go somewhere together like an average couple, walking hand in hand… to let the rest of the Galaxy know that I am the luckiest person in the world… ~ I told him telepathically. ~ I think I'm too romantic when I'm tired… ~

~ I wish that, too, ~ he told her. ~ I wish that we were free. ~

As he became better and better, the legendary Warlord, he dreamed of being with her, of having a family. Their wedding, after Empress Teta, on Tyhon's day, he refused the Heathen Priests to put a rune on Mercy. And he wanted to die so that the woman he loves would be free. Not for the tribe, not for the Maw, not for the Avatars, for the woman he loves more than anything. He even chose a name for himself that has nothing to do with the Maw. Asher, which means "blessed" on his people's language. She ripped Mongrel's soul out of the ritual so Solipsis didn't consume him, and Asher realised at the last minute that he didn't want to die, he wanted to go with Mercy, away from the Maw, away from the war, where they could be free. He was freed from the chains and oppression of the Maw and was able to make free decisions. And now his soul is safe, where he can wait for Mercy to join him and begin their now free and happy life together.

Eina removed her hand from Zachariel's forehead.

"I know this is probably heresy to you, but it is the truth. He was the man behind the Warlord's guise, Asher." she said sadly. "The Maw chained him, bound him, denied him his dreams and desires, what he craved. You can be proud that he achieved these things, that he was able to change in this way. Even if it might be a weakness in your eyes. But the two of them are so similar in behaviour and spirit, there is a bond between them without the Force that is very rare even in the Force, like a Force Dyad."



Location: The Devourer
Objective: Free prisoners and enact revenge
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Garrus Garon Garrus Garon

Enemies: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

Direct Engagement: Vorm Vorm

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Knife on ankle
Ladies Watch under body glove
FDS-4F blaster pistol in thigh holster
FDS-15S scatter gun
Several thermal detonators


Brave? Interesting accusation for someone trying to buy her way out of an honest fight, "We use the tools at our disposal." she quipped back. Ripples in the force moved around her as she felt his presence moving around her own, she began to chill the air, bringing it closer to its freezing point so it would respond to her more quickly. As much as she considered herself outside the light and dark, the darkness on the ship and the effects of the ritual gave her something potent to tap into.

A tug at her waist? The more flexible middle of her armour, coupled with her force sensitivity made such games less effective. Mairéad grinned as she casually reached down and deactivated her waist mounted grenades. "Nice try."

Her Vod were not blessed in the same way. Their heavier armour and lack if force perception meant their first warning was when the rear of the pair noticed the flashing sphere. There was a curse in mandalorian as he scrambled to deactivate the grenades on the belt in front of him, mere seconds later he realised his own similar predicament. He reached around the first deactivated, the second...... there was no time so he ripped the third from his armour and moved to toss it down the room at their assailant. With a crack his armoured hand was turned into a red mist, his forearm bones shattered and his head cracked over at an unnatural angle from the blast. The two vod spilled through the air in opposite directions, the thrower killed instantly, but his vod was still breathing when he hit the wall, for how much longer was up to the gods now.

Mairéad had just long enough to steel herself against the shock, her armour and shield absorbing the shrapnel and her own defences protecting her from the energy a half dozen metres behind her. But it was more than enough to throw off her overwatch and when she pulled the trigger at the advancing creature, it would likely be a glancing hit at the very best if at all.

Sirens blared as internal fire suppression kicked in at the cloud of smoke and aerosolised supercommando tissue. There was one saving grace, if any, to this gruesome trick, that the systems designed into most ships to aid firefighting and evacuation may now be a boon to the other Commandos trying to make their way to Anashja Tal Anashja Tal .

This consideration was for someone else though, Mairéad had the approaching form of Vorm Vorm to think about. Knowing her shot was ruined she put her thoughts into reacting to the inevitable assault



Twilight of the Gods
Path We Tread

First Anaxsi Free Brigade -- Second TodHusars Regiment

'Banshee' Company

- IV -

Eternal Speed -- Part. II

Interacting with: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
— 877, FOB: Tuatha, Mount Suntower, Canthar Province, Panatha

Nukth never found the officer he had been looking for since his departure from the base established by both the Eternals and the Imperials. Nevermind, he followed the column made of Anaxsi APCs that was moving to the rift in the Northern part of Canthar Province, where their enemies were waiting for the Imperials. He knew that the Major-General asked his troops to move in this direction and that they would meet at some point during or before the battle that they were about to spark. Walking alongside the last elements that constituted the backbone of the Anaxsi-Yinchorri mechanised contingent, the Captain was verifying that no one was missing within the troops under his command. Fortunately, they hadn't lost any Hussar to this point -- but this situation could quickly change in a case of ambush. Thanks to Gowrie, the Imperial elements had been travelling towards the ritual's core through the mountains, which made the walk easily and, above all, less hazardous. Five companies from the TodHusars Corps had been sent on Panatha; all were part of the 'Sagaie' Regiment, such as Kelga'an's personal company. The Captain wasn't the official commanding officer of this contingent, especially with the arrival of Reptile Brigade's last elements, but it was near enough. He was considered by the Hussars as the Anaxsi's representative on Panatha. What an honour...! he muttered while thinking about that. The contingent was changing its course when he received an incoming call from 'Goldish' Company:

:: Banshee-Actual, this is Goldish-Actual, Elward, speakin'. Goldish-Unit is movin' to a location settled downstream in your position. Will you need any supply or reinforcement? ::

:: Here's Banshee-Actual -- glad to hear you, El'. Didn't find Gowrie since I left the camp, but we'll probably need an artillery support on our location just as we'll met the Hounds or whatever their name. I'll keep you informed! ::

:: Copy that, Banshee. G'luck anyway! ::

Kelga'an well knew Elward Reising since the academy, where they had taken lessons from the same mentor, whose name was Keïran Holt. Now, they operated within the same regiment, in the same faction. After the defeat on Anaxes, friendship and families had been broken by the conflict and the philosophical oppositions. Fortunately, the relation between the two men, such as the one between Jerec and Nukth, had survived to the fire of human conflicts. The Sieur hanged his rifle to his ventral tactical gear to free his hands for a couple of seconds, allowing himself to rest a moment between the numerous APCs and siege mortars in the area. Some Galidraani troopers accompanied the Anaxsi during this mission, and this combination had something strange but professional. As frenemies that couldn't bear themselves but are forced by fate to collaborate for better or for worse. He let a thin grin appear on his face, hidden by his typical Banshee's helmet.

Without warning, part of the column suddenly stopped itself during its move on Suntower to let two officers that Nukth couldn't recognise immediately climbing down the APC they were sitting on. Apparently, they didn't wear TodHusars' armours, so they were probably Galidraani, but Nukth was wondering why the column had stopped to let them on the ground. He was thinking that it had to be important people, at least captains, when they started to walk towards Kelga'an who was standing a few dozens of metres behind their location. As they were coming closer and closer, he understood that one of the two men was Major-General Gowrie, the so-called Kellas. Damn Anaxes...! Why... me? Oski, breathe, everyhin' is gonna be nice...

When the men had reached his position, the Captain stood at attention for a couple of seconds to salute them -- and especially his direct superior, in this case.« Kelga'an? Dunno if I'm butchering that or not, but anyways.... I'm Lord Aron Gowrie, Major-General of Wildcat Division - an' it is both a pleasure an' honour alike to finally make your acquaintance the-day. » he declared to the Captain. He cleared his throat before answering:

« It's an honour to finally meet you too, Major-General. Long I've been for this moment -- probably before the day we defended Nirauan against the Chiss. I've heard a bunch of things about you and your feats of arms. (He turned his gaze to face both Scott and Kerr.) Nice to meet you too, sieurs. »​
How much will you endure?


Location: Panatha
Attani Implant:
Tag: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

"If it means gettin' rid of arrogant harpies like you, then hell yeah, I enjoy it."

These words only encouraged an even more sinister grin from Nyaeli, who fought hard to keep up with Ara's bladework and dirty tactics. But with her lack of skill, she couldn't keep defending like this forever, so soon enough, Ara managed to trap Nyaeli's blade, and not even a second later she felt a punch connect with the side of her face. It got Nyaeli to stumble back a few steps, dazed and hurt, but luckily she had still been able to force a memory into Ara's mind. One that gave her the time she needed to recover.

"Good, give in to your anger... I know you like it," Nyaeli taunted, and before she really had much more time to think, another memory of Kyell and Miri sparked enough emotions to bring Ara back into the fight. With a sudden pull, Nyaeli was drawn closer and straight into a series of attacks. She managed to catch the Padawan's blade just in time but was left open to the kick in the process, which knocked the wind out of her.

"You don't know nothing! I made my peace!"

"Did you really?" she continued to taunt.

"I'm better! Better than you, better than her… just… get out!"

Another Force push sent Nyaeli flying into the wall again, and at this point, she could really feel her body in some serious pain. But where it was crippling to most, Nyaeli only used it to fuel her insidious plans. "Better?" Nyaeli asked as she began to rise to her feet and allowed those eyes of insanity to meet Ara's again. "You've always been like this, Ara. Discarded as a child, you spent much of your worthless life in the underworld, acting like an animal. How many lives do you think you ruined down there?" Nyaeli asked as she tapped into much deeper memories, hoping to force them into Ara's mind on repeat.

"No, you're not better than anybody, never have been. It's why your boyfriend now shares the bed with another, why the Master you look up to views you as a monster. You're closer to me than you are to them, but we don't want you either," she said with a deepening grin as she raised her blade back up.

"You're too weak, too fragile." Hoping that the new memories had their intended effect, Nyaeli moved forward and lashed out with her blade in a staccato sequence of strikes, hoping to now begin physically tearing her apart as well.








Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Nyaeli Nyaeli
Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Ronar Ronar
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Victor Vel Aath Victor Vel Aath Myri Dara Myri Dara Jas Katis Jas Katis
Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Hiran Avola Hiran Avola
Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an Wolfram Triko
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Elysium Dusk Elysium Dusk Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan





Reeks o'
Merc, so it does.... But ye need to cool the feth down, Thomas.
Greater gambles at stake to consider here.

The first round of bombardments had been enough to threaten loss of self-control again, bearing face on the odds he was up against by then, but in the mind of the Bloodhound, the urge to prove his worth to Rebirth once more was stronger than it had ever been before Panatha. The deep, pulsating thuds on the ground beneath his boots were impacting both near and distant spots in the marshes in what seemed to be an overall-indiscriminate arc of fire, happy to be hitting a general area with the safe assurance that the only ones suffering would be Scar Hounds at the other end.

The battle of conventional nature was finally underway, but the fight of it's spiritual counterpart was still yet to show it's ugly face - though not for long.


An epithet the Bloodhound had not heard in a few years at least, for the Shriven One, and all that represented such repentance in his heart, had been transcended as the Mongrel intended from the very beginning. Not only had the Lost Brigade escaped from the Nether, but the very warriors who fought tooth and nail for the tribe's first Warlord in the first salvos against the Galaxy, and not only the originals, but the wildest and strongest zealots of all the Scar Hounds in the Maw's history. These weren't just Technobarbarian cyborgs, these were the ones who dreamt of exacting the will of the Avatars, dreamt of their Mongrel pulling them up to heights they never thought were possible before - and the very same marauders who dreamt the Omen of Durace's resurrection.


These were the greats, these were the champions of Mar'Zambul, to each a marauder. But the new Warlord had a demand of his own in turn.


Within seconds, thousands of slow-moving warriors walked like spectres through the smoky fog of the marshes around him, all moving without laughter, growling or muttered wordings, though all but one; the viciously loud voice of one who no doubt would have been one of the legendary first marauders who struck out at Chiss space in the previous decade, warriors who were striking out at the Galaxy in life whilst Thomas struck out at the monsters of the dark in death, legends of whom the Bloodhound had heard much and more about in his formative, Shriven years after the fact. If anyone could turn the tide against the onslaught, Barran was sure this lot could step up and show the new breed how to terrify their enemies properly, a lesson of which Thomas knew the Scar Hounds needed to learn again, no matter how painful the process was expected to be.

Agony forged the tribe's warrior spirit in torture and reindoctrination, and had done so since the beginning, but the methods of radicalisation had evolved much more towards the spiritually-driven than their methods had ever included before, though at least the newfound zealotry in the Scar Hounds' hearts could (at the very least) accord with that of the old guard, even if both differing elements awakened that same frenzied wrath from vastly contrasting catalyst-fundamentals.


Like a swarm, Thomas was met with a surrounding mass of warriors at several different stages of their cybernetic journeys, and to each a juggernaut in their own right, but the Bloodhound stood firm, proud and ready to sway a crowd that were still very much on the verge of killing one who either wasn't known to them or was viewed as an unworthy successor by those who had before they died. Some among them would see the Warlord's brief disappointment too, but in their silence, they listened to whatever the loud successor had to say for himself, ready to behead a perceived charlatan at a moment's notice. Ready as ever to spill blood, but there was something new in their eyes, and with dried blood still resting within the confines of eyelids and nostrils alike, the Scar Hounds of old would be shocked to find a wide smirk staring back at them.

They expected fear, remorse, expecting gratitude for not killing him already, but the Bloodhound's belief in Rebirth's power had grown fiercer in seeing that the same process had become his former comrades, resurrected by the self-same entity who dragged him from the tunnel between realms of existence.

'Greetings, brothers.... The man you see standing before you is one you know as the Shriven One, yes? Successor of our great Warlord, yes?'

Some nodded, others sniggered as if it were the most obvious of observations, but the rest remained as still as statues in their process of continuing to hang on Barran's every word, sensing change in the new Warlord already. The Bloodhound's energy, demeanour, and even the look in his eye was changing by then, standing proudly with naked Beskar still remaining unsheathed despite the danger he was in, it was clear to all the silent ones that much had changed in the tribe in their absence. And yet, even with the chuckles and snorts of derision ringing out on all side around him, the mass of silent ones was too large to consider the ambience anything other than serenely quiet, like the very sounds of the battle itself were folding away for the moments they were living once more; it was intoxicating, both for Barran and for his former brethren alike, showing already that there was nothing stopping the momentum of reconciliation beyond that point.

'I have since ascended that title, dear brothers.... As the tribe's new Warlord, I have since become THE BLOODHOUND - REBIRTH'S SECOND CHAMPION!!!!'

The low-chuckles, the cackles, the muttered condemnations; all of it, every last shred of negativity and disdain that Thomas could see, hear and feel in his soul, would then evaporate like the moisture in the mists that hid them all before. Silenced by the sheer strength of his voice and the words it carried across the jungle beyond. This was no mere lesser successor, no simple charlatan holding onto the legacy until a worthy hand ascended it, this one-eyed warrior was a leader of tribe in the truest sense of the word, and more powerful than anyone among them could have predicted in death. Making it all the more surreal was the fact all the latest arrivals to the Nether were speaking spiritual madnesses of things both fantastical and horrifying alike, with some madnesses in particular seemingly occurring as a direct result of the Tython event.

'The ones who live, agents of a legacy's continuation, the ones we can sense all around us - those heartbeats you hear in the distance.... THEY STILL REVERE THE MONGREL'S MEMORY!!!! THEY STILL FIGHT TO SEE WHAT HE SAW IN HIS DREAMS!!!! THE PROPHECY BEYOND THAT WHICH THEY ALL DREAMED TOGETHER!!!!'

There was no way their departed souls could make sense of the insanity of the living realms, in a weird twist of fate from beyond the grave, experiencing the curiosity and fearfulness of the unknown as the living normally had in place of the dead; roles were never made to be reversed in such a fashion, and on the divine path of the Great Cycle's perpetuation, common-sense and reason had been rendered useless to the departed ones since their new brethren's ramblings first started flaring up in the Nether. And with nought but speculation to make sense of the weirdness within and without the dead realms they roamed, all they had was the bombast and the truth of their Warlord's trusted successor.

'My dear brothers an' sisters, the Scar Hounds of today are still every part the same tribe you remember! Still the same Marauders who wish death on the Galaxy.... Only difference between you an' the new breed is this - we take such statements far more seriously in comparison! OATHBOUND BY BLOOD AND CEREMONY!!!! SWORN IN SIGHT OF THE DARK THREE - SWORN TO WREAK HAVOC ON ALL WHO STAND IN OUR WAY!!!!'

Masks were pulled away to gaze on the wonder with their own eyes, sneers and snarls had begun to look on in shock, and in a mystic stroke of irony, all were seemingly struck mute by the very words that swayed each and every last one of them. The very veneer of menace was becoming a monk-like reverence in unified respect for the new Warlord, and as Thomas continued to speak his mind, the Marauders of yesteryear began to understand exactly what it was that the Mongrel saw in the Omen of Durace from the offset, what their former leader risked death (and by way of feral Starweirds no less) to uncover in his proverbial and constant leaps into the unknown. This Bloodhound, the one the Shriven One had become in their absence, clearly embodied that pioneering spirit that magnetised Marauders to the cause like moths to the flame, but the intensity of the successor seemed something altogether more wild and untameable than he ever was before.

'In our Marauders, the dedication one sees seems different to before, this I cannot deny, but this new breed - they'll climb out a trench to fight again with half their face torn clean off! They're all more attuned to their purpose in martyrdom than they ever were with raider mindsets, differing in zealotry, and in ways none of you can articulate yet.... BUT IN YOUR OWN RESURRECTION, YOU AT LEAST UNDERSTAND THE REWARD OF YOUR FUFILMENT AS WARRIORS!!!!'

This was the defining, pivotal moment to sway the crowd.

That one moment that would either turn them into zealots or back into the same savages they were with their time in Nether, as Thomas himself once was.

'You are all remembered, and were before this day. Your sacrifice was never in vain, nor shall it be today, nor any day for that matter.... AN' NOW, YOU HAVE FREE REIGN TO MAKE US UNDERSTAND THAT REMEMBRANCE!!!!'

And as unlikely as it was to sway such savagery, to bind it to his will, Barran had somehow achieved it, and by the merit of his words alone, achieving with wit what others would have needed to fight for. This was no ordinary product of the afterlife's many imperfection, nor of the many weird exploits found and utilised therein; and for the first time in any of the mob's existences, they finally believed that the Avatar of Rebirth had brought back the Shriven One specifically, and with particular reasons in mind. On this merit alone, they had no other option but to organise, no choice but to fight as one or to ruin the chance of another great meat-grinder, and the latter was quickly beginning to seem like sacrilege by then.

'Go an' fight! If not for me, or for the Avatars, nor the Mongrel for that matter - then go an' fight for the sake of the good fight itself.... SHOW THEM THE TRUE MEANING OF HORROR!!!! SHOW THEM THE POWER OF MAR'ZAMBUL!!!!'
Dodhorn Harert, Hellwolf of Mandalore
Alor of the Clan Harert, Sith Lord, Former Mandalore of Ruthless
Objective: Defend the ritual, kill the interlopers.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Beskar'gam | 2x Beskad | 2x Su'arnr be Tracyn | 1x red blade lightsaber
Writing With: Garrus Garon Garrus Garon
Allies: Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | Vorm Vorm | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Nal'Khem Szat Nal'Khem Szat | Open
Enemies: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Garrus Garon Garrus Garon | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open
[ Army of the Night ]
<"Mandalorian or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • She tries to throw away her opponent.
Dodhorn #1
Garrus #1
Dodhorn #2
Garrus #2
Dodhorn #3
Garrus #3
Dodhorn #4
Garrus #4
Dodhorn #5
Garrus #5
Dodhorn #6
Garrus #6

The dance continued as far as Dodhorn was concerned, she really liked to speak and chat during the fight. She could bother her opponent by speaking. She expected that she wouldn't cause too much damage, since the man was also a skilled fighter, but she hoped that he might hit his head inside the helmet and get a concussion. With a concussion, everything is more unpleasant. Movement and coordination slow down, accompanied by dizziness and nausea. Further fighting in such a state can cause even more problems and even lead to death. Although she doubted that it would be like this with a skilled warrior, a Mandalorian.

<"Maybe it bothers you?"> she asked, almost purring.

The woman dodged the attack aimed at her head with the shield. She stepped back a little and tilted her head back. So the shield didn't reach her. However, this was not true for the other weapon, the beskad.

<"Then I wouldn't be able to do the next!"> she told him.

She saw the weapon coming towards her leg, as well as the fact that the blade, not the edge of the weapon, was going to hit her leg. The beskad hit her, she didn't dodge, she didn't move from it. Even before she lost her balance, she tried to reach out for the shield to grab both sides with all her strength. Just as she lost her balance, she pulled the man towards her, along with the shield, and as soon as she hit the ground, she simply tried to throw him away with her momentum and strength.

However, the throwing motion was crueller. She had no intention of letting go of the shield to fly with her opponent. She continued to hold it firmly and pulled it back with all her strength. Perhaps if the shield had a strap and was strong enough, she hoped that the pull wouldn't tear it apart, and might tear the man's arm off with the move. If it is weak, the man flies away during the throwing motion and the shield remains in the woman's hand. Actually, any solution would have been good for the Hellwolf.

During the series of movements, thanks to the man's attack, the woman fell to the ground, her armour clattering loudly on the metal floor.

<"You should have dropped your shield when I said so."> she scoffed.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop and kill Kyrel.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
Allies: Open
Enemies: Open
[ Incense and Iron ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Ingrid after absorbs so many Dark Side energies, she uses this and she breaks the Devourer's spine and hull and cause many troubles inside the ship.
Ingrid #1
Zach #1
Kyrel #1
Ingrid #2
Zach #2
Kyrel #2
Ingrid #3
Zach #3
Kyrel #3
Ingrid #4
Kyrel #4
Ingrid #5
Kyrel #5
Ingrid #6
Kyrel #6

Oh, Ingrid knew very well what Wrath of the Maw was capable of, she followed his actions as well. The woman was an agent, always following the careers of important and powerful people in the Galaxy. Especially when they were so close to the Eternal Empire. But! Ingrid played the same game she once did with Caarlyle Rausgeber. Even that man couldn't stand what she did, the way she defeated him. However, Ingrid was dying at the time and was tied to a chair, she couldn't even use the Force, and it happened during the last phase of the Civil War, she was young, very young.

And now she apparently managed to piss off Kyrel Ren as well. She would have liked to note that he was acting just like a Sith. But for a moment she wondered if it was necessary to make the man angrier than he was now. However, Ingrid decided at this moment that this was not necessary yet, the current situation was more than enough.

Ingrid was waiting to see how he would fight back, how he would act after this. She watched with interest as the man stabbed the spear into the ground and began to use and to release even more energy. The shadow tentacles moved, reaching out in the direction of the energy where the ground split open. She didn't like to do this, even though she was a predator, but it wasn't a challenge for her. She preferred to scout the victim, hunt after it. Buffet? No, there was no challenge, no fun.

"It seems to me that you do not understand what I am." she told him.

This wasn't the first time they would give her more Dark Side energy on top of Dark Side energy in an attempt to overfeed her so to speak. She continued to eat the energies as if her hunger could not be satisfied. She knew, if Kyrel doesn't stop, it will tear the planet apart. She had to stop him.

The Wardens and the Empire do what is necessary. Just like her.

She reached out into the Force, letting her power run through the ship so that the shadows reached everywhere in reality, and in the Force, they crawled everywhere like shadow tendrils. They were still neutral energies, even though she absorbed so much Dark Side energy. The red-haired woman embraced the ship around with her own power and then used telekinetic power to try to crush the Devourer.

The hull and spine of the ship wept as it broke. It didn't cause any tears on its surface, but it was like something breaking its spine, it cracked. Everyone on the ship felt as if an earthquake had shaken the huge ship. Corridors were bent and twisted, some doors were torn from their places, walls were torn in several places inside the ship, corridors were torn off. It was as if Ingrid was holding the ship in her grip, and was tightening her fist around the Devourer, to completely crush this ship.

"One way or another, your ritual will end, Wrath!" she told him.

The grip became even stronger, the hull creaked again...



Objective: Twilight of the Gods; Stop the ritual.
Location: The Devourer
Equipment: Storm Breaker | Shroudsaber x2 | Empire's Shadow | Amulet of Many | Arquti-siqsa
Allies: EE
Enemies: BotM
Directly Engaging: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

Rath was, due to the lack of words, numb to most things that would influence his emotions. There was no overwhelming anger, no sense of peace, and no blindness as to what was becoming of him. As a great man had once said, great power comes with great responsibility. At the same token, great power comes with a great price to pay. And Rath was no exception to this rule hence his situation.

As Kybo began to turn and ordered to regroup. There would be a strong tug from the man's belt as the shroudsaber would be ripped from his person as it flew into Rath's expecting hand. Under the dark lighting it might have been unexpected, or even anticipated. It was rather sudden, but Rath couldn't afford to simply let a Pirate run off with one of his sabers. The Wardens would typically take offense to such a thing, and perhaps even more so when Rath simply let the Pirate hold a shroudsaber.

However, no sooner had the hilt reached Rath's hand did his body suddenly felt something deep within snap. Suddenly Rath couldn't breathe as the lightning that coated along his sword deactivated as well. His body felt incredibly hot like a fire was burning from within as Rath was forced to kneel. Only by partially burying the beskar blade into the ruined floor did Rath prevent himself from falling completely, but even so his mind raced as he tried to understand what was happening. The fire simply burned hotter as his eyes stung from the intensity and sweat dripped from underneath the dark mask.

"Take a deep breath, and calm yourself," a voice spoke within his head. Rath recognized the voice to be the second eldest sister of the nine. Her mind was far stronger than anyone Rath had come across thus far, but he sensed the others were present as well. Rath did not protest and simply took a deep breath to cool the fire. As he exhaled and focused his mind to envision a dark ring in a field of grass. Like the caressing wind, Rath focused his mind to the center of the ring and expelled everything outside of it. Needless thoughts and emotions were washed away in a state of calm. Consequently, so did the intense burning sensation.

"Fate is progressing far quicker than Grandmaster predicted," said another voice within Rath's mind. Her tone was sharp like a knife of beskar with an equivalent willpower to boot.

"The Force holds no such order over the future. It can only show us what will happen, and what possibilities there might be." The first voice retorted in a calm tone.

"Sisters, please do not argue." A third voice that Rath recognized spoke up in his head. Her voice was like a soothing salve to Rath's worries. Memories sparked a sense of hope and joy that Rath was fond of.

"It is good to hear all of you nonetheless," he responded through the telepathic link. Truthfully he was glad to hear from them, but at the same time he feared this would be the last time he could ever speak to any of them. Let alone the Light of his life. Perhaps his emotions were sensed through the Force by the Sisters, but they knew full well of Rath's attachment to one of them. Typically they were the sort to never have attachments, but Rath poked a few loopholes in the past about that ridiculous ideal as it slowly opened their eyes.

"Spare us the sentiment, we only contacted you because," the harsh voice spoke until it was rudely interjected by the soothing voice.

"because I sensed that you were in great danger." It made sense as whether they liked it or not, Rath and one of the Sisters were linked by the Force as fate would have it. Rath could hide from the Force as much as he wanted to. Unless he blatantly sever his connection to the Force she would always feel what he felt. However, as the thought came to light, Rath felt guilty as the soothing voice hinted that danger she sensed was the Force threatening to consume him.

"Just the usual, smacking some arrogant Sith around, maybe a warrior or two gets a flesh wound," he joked with a chuckle as Rath slowly stood up to his own feet. He couldn't hear the huff of irritation, but he certainly felt it.

"Do not give me that excuse. You know as well as I that you've been overexerting yourself. Why must you push yourself so?" she questioned as she understood duty and loyalty. She's done it for many years after all, but here Rath was. Sacrificing so much just to ensure that the galaxy doesn't meet one of the most monstrous Force users in history. However, in the end it might be that Rath himself might become that figure instead, but he never viewed himself as such.

"Only what was necessary. I must stop this heinous act before it blooms into a cascade of death and destruction." Rath stated telepathically, and while he could tell the other six presences were listening. Only three of them were actually talking.

"You say this, but I sense that you do not wish to sacrifice those you fight and serve with in the process. Perhaps you should focus your effort in getting your people out before you do anything drastic?" The calming voice spoke with reason, and it was logical. One that Rath actually gave some consideration.

"Besides, there is a lot of activity around you, and your little exercise is stirring all kinds of trouble. Whatever it is, wrap it fast." The harsh voice ordered, but again there was a drop of logic in their words. One that Rath couldn't very well ignore.

"That's the plan," he stated as he resumed his walk down the corridor. Draining the energy from the electronics and crushing whatever lights there might be. He poured that energy into his saber's cell, effectively recharging the battery as Rath ventured down the hallway under the cloak of darkness. While his presence itself was hidden by the Force, there was a thick aura of fear that wormed their way into the minds. Breaking down their willpower, making them see hallucinations like the shadows were somehow alive. Neither his sword nor his saber was ignited. Instead he took advantage of the dark alongside his armor's natural blending and his own steps being ghostly silent given the shadowsilk in his armor. Who's to say that Rath was right there? Or was it their own minds playing tricks with them?

But then, as if to add further suspense, the whole ship shuddered with such intensity that even Rath had to find his footing in the midst of the twisting corridors. What's more was that the energy he felt was recognizable to be none other than Lord Ingrid herself. There was a deep rumbling from within his core as there was indeed a great hunger unlike anything he experienced. The only time that came close was when he defended Panatha from a few squads of elite Mandalorians. Primal instinct suggested that he should drain this energy as well, but with a deep breath he simply focused on maintaining his balance and draining the ship of its electricity.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Military- Concordia, 4x Shield-class Escort Cruiser, 6x Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvette, 2x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter squadrons, 2x Viper "Blackbird II" Special Operations Interceptor squadrons, 12x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter, 1x HA-2 Pike Squadron

Civilian/Evac- Star Phoenix, Many freighters for evac, Med-1

Mig nodded to the kid.

"I know some basics. My clan use to live aboard starships. What is...." And then the boy started running towards one of the ships. The Mandalorian would quickly follow the kid, and would soon be met with a sight that made his blood run like ice. He knew engines well enough, but he knew weapons more. That was a grav bomb, and with the wamp rat's nest of wires he couldn't just defuse or fry it. He looked at the boy, then quickly put on his helmet and looked for an intercomm.

"Kid. Get your your family and get away from this and every other evac ship that was here before everyone else. That's not and ordinary engine, and I can't explain it right now. Just go!" He then quickly tapped his comms, cutting off his voice modulator so that the kid wouldn't hear him.

"Adenn, and anyone else in charge. We need to ground the Blockade Runners. I have a grav bomb here, and there's no defusing this thing. I have a feeling this one isn't the only one e....." Mig was soon thrown to the floor as the ground was rocked by something big. He looked out, taking a few breaths as he tried to ID the loud bang. Karking Maw! Apparently even when they had "evec ships" they couldn't even pretend to care. He was pretty sure he knew the sound. He'd only heard it once before... on Eshan. Orbital bombardment.... He closed his eyes before running to a head engineers console, using Ionize on any droids that got in his way.

"All refugees, evacuate the ship, I repeat evacuate the ship! Whatever just happened outside knocked her out, and we may have to keep the Blockade Runners back for longer. Get to something quicker that can cut through the debris on it's own." He just hoped they'd listen. The bombardment was good for one thing at least. It gave him the excuse he needed to get people to run like the wind to something smaller, more agile. This might not work. As he ran out with everyone though, he'd the see the results. The tower... was gone. He then quickly sent a message to orbit.

"To anyone in orbit would can ignore the debris field could you try to get the Maw to not drop more rain on us! we lost the control tower and some of our evacs, and I'm not sure if Star Phoenix can even try to handle air and orbital control at the same time with that debris field. And if that came from one of you, for Manda's sake watch your fire!" The was definitely a vale of anger in his voice. Mig hated this kind of thing. He hate not even allowing a a blasted evac, or worse trying to use it to do... this.... He knew how to direct that anger too, and right now it was time he'd just have to try and keep the CR90s on the ground.

Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart Shani Shani Onrai Onrai Asudai Rapux Asudai Rapux Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Bella Bella Rebirth Rebirth

Objective: Devour Panatha
Allies: Vorm Vorm Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The Master of Ren glared daggers against the red woman. His eyes shifted from the cloudy lifeless blue, to the fiery yellow orbs completely consumed by the dark side, and the energies of the conflict that echoed all around him only continued to duel him. Even with him basking in the energy of his rising hunger and all the energies of the dark side he suspected she would use her tendrils against him. With the force of draining energy channeled through the floor he had hoped to create a rift between them, if he was lucky a chasm would open up for her to get swallowed by.

Much to his dismay the red woman would try something else against him. She tried something he didn’t suspect, as she used her own energies not against him but the very ship they fought on. His burning gaze had quickly changed to one of shock as he felt the very durasteel they walked on started to tremble. The very surroundings of the ship started to buckle against the energies she was using. It was difficult to maintain his footing as he held tightly to his spear planted firmly into the creaking metal. His gaze stared deeply into her. “It is too late. I’ve come too far to let a witch stop me. I won’t tire, I won’t die. Can you say the same?” He spat vehemently. The walls of the bridge continued to twist, and now it seemed almost impossible for him to firmly plant himself down. Instead he hung from the spear embedded into the ground.

He wouldn’t lose to her. He was Kyrel Ren, heir to Darth Vader the Devourer of worlds, the Wrath of the Maw. Even as his ship the old bones of the resurgent it was made out of started to crack and wane from her intensity. He took an exhale of breath before he gathered the dark energy from within, and quickly he found himself letting go of the spear. He used the dark energy to send himself flying like a blaster bolt until he crashed into her. By sending himself flying against her in the buckling of his own destroyer he could have heard howling as he attempted to send her flying back.

“To Hell with you.” He said the venom clear in his voice as he attempted to slingshot her into an opening made from the damage she wrought upon the rest of the ship. With one hard boot planted into her gut he attempted to send her flying down a hole that would take her several floors down from the bridge. He only hoped that by separating her from him it would buy him more time.


Objective: Survive
Location: Somewhere on the Devourer
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Vorm Vorm Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Garrus Garon Garrus Garon

Equipment: none of this is on her person, it is stowed amongst other stolen belongings.
damaged Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

Voidstone shackles

Togrutas, being naturally blessed with echolocation are sensitive to vibrations so her eyes snapped open before any of the other prisoners or guards knew what was happened. The whole ship was vibrating, gently at first, but then it became a fearsome shaking that caused the light fittings to shake and doors to slam open and closed. Then the grinding sounds, it was something horrible, like being in a crushed steel drum. The artificial gravity meant Anashja had no sense of the relative angles of the room she was in, but as the metal continued to squeal the main doors from the jail wrenched open and showed the next corridor was now steep slope upwards from where she was. What had happened?

Instinctively she reached towards the force for guidance, but those shackles were like a wall to her. It meant she didn't have the foresight to prepare her when her cell dropped several feet, leaving her stomach in her mouth and bashing her head onto the old floor which was now a ledge in line with her eyes. She had no force sight, but, through the blood from her cracked orbit she could see her escape. There was a gap between the floors, a couple of feet hin height filled with wires and service units. Above it was the armoured floor of the prison and below, was the ceiling of the deck beneath her.

Anashja dropped to her knees and began her crawl to freedom. She was unarmed and in restraints, that had had to change if she wasn't to become a meal for the first stormtroopers she came across. She knew where they locked the property of the prisoners, but would her items be there? After all they were specialist and valuable items. No harm in looking, at the very least she needed to arm herself. It was a tight crawl but in a few minutes she was beneath the storage room. Rolling on to her back, Anashja kicked hard at the hatch and it popped open with a loud bang. The power was out here, it was nearly pitch dark so at least she wouldn't be seen.

" someone there? cough cough" she heard a voice from across the room, a downed stormtroopers with a large crate pinning him to the floor. "Help me, please!" It was the jailor that had not half an hour ago been shocking her for his pleasure. Anashja kneeled by him, she could barely see with her eyes, but could tell his pelvis and legs were shattered. "Give me the key to my shackles willingly, and I will try to heal you." The vengeful mandalorian inside her bit it's tongue and allowed the light in her heart to guide her first.

"I don't want your healing!" The man spat blood at her. "Just finish me and take the damn keys yourself, I will owe you nothing."

Anashja looked around and found a shard of broken metal. "I will give you healing or mercy" He simply swore at her, she didnt understand the language but curses always sound the same. She pressed the metal under his jawline, and with a single move, used the metal of her shackles to hammer it into his brain stem, no pain, no chance of survival.

She smiled ironically to herself as she searched him and quickly locates the keys and a broken stun baton. She unclipped the voidstone shackles and all of a sudden the force came rushing to her. Things were bad out there, really bad.


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