Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The red coloured power that was the ritual swept across the planet and instead of the former sprawling jungle world, it left behind an empty rock that most likely resembled Malachor V. A desolate wasteland, a dead world like Nathema was after Vitiate's deed. After Kyrel drained all life force and essentially killed almost everyone, the Force left no trace in this place and disappeared as if it had never existed.

Actually, this would have been good for the Eternal Empire especially for the Wardens of the Shroud, however, the huge Netherworld rift continuously expanded from the Dark Side energy of the ritual and already covered almost the entire planet, and also extended to the fleet around the planet. This had to be stopped somehow.

The Eternal Empire is famous for not hesitating, but doing what needs to be done, what is necessary. It was now that Overseer Trinity Harris Trinity Harris gave the order to use the Eternal Empire's experimental superweapon, the Valdarán.

As the most famous saying of the Eternal Empire says:

The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary.

And they did, despite the fact that there were hardly any people left on the planet. Only those, who were able to defend themselves; or Eina, or Y'sanne protected them. But here it was about more than that, if the huge rift expands, other planets and other planetary systems can also end up as victims of the disaster here.

And after the order, the officer on duty at the base, who got to the right place thanks to the people of House Io, carried out Trinity's order. The experimental superweapon set off to dig itself into the planet's core.

And if Valdarán succeeds, it will truly be a Coup de Grâce for the planet. But whether it succeeded will not be known until weeks later, because this weapon will give the planet a slow death knell if it reaches the core.

The End.​


//OOC: There will be an epilogue regarding the final fate of the planet when the Result thread is published, where it is expected that Skald, Barran and I (Ingrid) will write and make a summary of the thread as well. And for this, it would be of great help to us if you would send me (Ingrid) in the next few days what happened to you during Annihilation, what you felt was important. 2-3, maybe 4-5 sentences are enough, you don't need to write a novel.

Thank you all for your help and participation! //

And if you didn't finish your narrative yet, feel free to do it.


No one tried to stop the launched superweapon from reaching the planet's core. The planet was already dying in itself, this was necessary because the Netherworld rift, which was opening and expanding everywhere, endangered everything. And the scientists of the Eternal Empire were curiously watching the path of the superweapon and what the consequences would be. Because for the time being, the weapon was only a prototype, by definition it had never been tested, except to stop earthquakes on such planets.

The systems showed that the Valdarán had reached the planet's core and there it began what was the purpose of its existence. And in the core of the planet, the weapon exploded, and scattered the weapon's chemical substances in the core of the planet, and the structure resembling a gravity well also went into operation. The planet's dying phase of several weeks has begun…

It started to slow down the flow of the planet's core. At the same time, gravitational waves started from the planet's core, their combined effect started to cause strong earthquakes on the planet's surface; it also caused sensible gravitational effects and electromagnetic storms too. Depending on the planet volcanic activity starts, and the tremors cause tsunamis.

The gravity effect as it was expected, it was very similar to the Gravity well, and the bomb is acted like a Gravity well projector.

As the planet's spin slowed and then stopped due to changes in the core, the magnetic poles disappeared, the atmosphere collapsed and escaped and all air on the planet ceased. Gravity decreased or increased due to gravitational waves.

But while these were happening, the effects in the core and the ever-increasing gravitational waves literally tore the planet apart, eventually disintegrating the planet into an asteroid field.

However, what the scientists and the Eternal Empire expected happened, the effects on the planet and the destruction of the planet were sufficiently effective and able to cause both the huge and small Netherworld rifts to collapse and close. Although the planet was destroyed, the rest of the Unknown Region was saved.

Really the end.​


Twilight of the Gods
Path We Tread

First Anaxsi Free Brigade -- Second TodHusars Regiment

'Banshee' Company

- IV -

Eternal Speed -- Part. VIII

Interacting with: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
— 877, Northern Battlefront, Rift's Reach, Canthar Province, Panatha

Since they went into the hellish forest near the rift triggered by the Dark forces in action on Panatha, Kelga'an knew that the most challenging part of the trip was about to come. Unfortunately for his Anaxsi fellows, he had been right. Fighting against the zombies had been severe stuff, an ordeal that the TodHusars under his command hadn't faced since the fights over the planet of Coruscant, where hordes and tons of marauders descended on them. But this time was noticeably different. Both the Eternal and Ashlan soldiers were ferocious troops, always dedicated to doing what was needed, whatever the cost. The Galidraani under Gowrie's command hadn't been outdone since the beginning of the fight within Spirewatch, and their knowledge, combined with each other skills, was a matter of importance in those sorts of operations.

But then, the team split itself. Each group had its own objective, even if everyone followed the orders given by the Major-General; but the Kellas had insisted on meeting Mongrel's inheritor alone and in person, and Kelga'an could understand this. It was for sure a subject that mattered to the Galidraani and no one among them had a chance to be involved in it -- moreover when you knew the Anaxsi-Galidraani gripes. So 'Banshee' Company went on its own, making its way near and through the reach triggered on the planet. Slashing marauders, Mawites and all that stuff by dozens, the task force focused on purifying the surface. The stated goal of the operation led by the Eternals had always been to protect and save the more Panathans the troops could. But as the battle and the fights -- especially in space -- went on, the Sieur became no more sure of that.

And with the firing of the two weapons, the outcome was even clearer.

Panatha was like a trap settled by the three allied factions in order to keep and lure the more marauders, Blood Hounds and Sith they could and then kill them all. Kelga'an didn't whether he and his men would be able to make their way out or not, but he would do everything in his power to leave Panatha in one piece. He and his Sons. Now, it seemed that no more alliances counted on the Northern Battlefront; troops from every side were running in the mud, shooting some of their enemies in passing. Cover by the Galidraani artillery, the Sieur attempted to join the Hussars from 'Goldish' Company.

:: Goldish-Actual? This is Banshee-Actual! Do you copy? I repeat: Goldish, this is Banshee, do you copy? ::

No answer came to the leader of the Shield of Anaxes. If Reising was still alive, it seemed that something truly bad happened to his company. The Sieur hoped that it was only the doing of the statics caused by the weapon, or any climatic brutal change in the atmosphere due to it. Anyway, his counterparts knew where to find troop transports to safely leave this place. He made sure he let a last message on Elward's frequency, declaring: Goldish, this is Banshee -- you need to fall back as soon as you receive this! Y'know where the rodevipa is! Over!

The incredible sound of the artillery surrounded them, making them feel like animals in an open-air laboratory that was called 'Panatha'. Fortunately, they already made their way through Spirewatch Forest, but the path to do was still long.


The Sieur was restless. The Anaxsi had no more time to waste there, and the last Imperial contingents were evacuating in the troop transports all over the HQ, but Kelga'an waited. An entire platoon had disappeared from the register, and no one knew where to find them. If they waited one more second... Maybe they were about to reach the site...! They couldn't leave them in a moment like this one. And with the planned operation above the sectors held and claimed by the Chiss Reclamationists, the Banshees had to be at full strength if they wanted to take part in it. But it was pretty sure, now, that the platoon wouldn't come back from wherever it was. Weapons had been fired from space, and their time was limited on the surface. If he waited... Maybe he could lose more than a single platoon -- which was already too much to him.

« Sieur, » the Hussar in the hatch asked, « We gotta go -- there's no more Imperial there. Only the Maw. An' they're about to be annihilated... So please come. »

Kelga'an shook his head. He knew that he would never forgive the decision he was about to take. Even in his dreams, he would never be able to come back there to get his Sons back. Panatha was about to become a sample of the Netherworld for the following centuries, and Kelga'an know it. Reluctantly, he came into the vessel, as the Eternal superweapon was firing. Before reaching the infinite space above his head, he thought the last thing:

Anaxes, n'oubliez pas ceux que j'ai oubliés.

[OOC:] As this is my own take on the epilogue, I wanted to thank Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , EE's Staff & Creative Team, DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie and all the writers for this amazing thread. This is probably one of the best storylines I've done on the site, and I don't think my poor English could find the words to thank y'all. Cœur sur vous!

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