Judah Dashiell
Salvage Empire
Dinbar, Elrood | New Dinbar Spaceport [Currently Under Construction]
Progress was being made on the New Dinbar Spaceport. What was once a collection of ruined city blocks overrun with zombies was transformed into a construction site. Nearly everything had been razed beyond the central large skyscraper located near the center of the spaceport. The skyscraper had been skinned in green solarium glass purchased from Arceneau Trade. It had certainly become the show piece to the spaceport, the ocean several blocks away reflecting in the brilliant glass.
With things falling into place the finishing details were coming under closer inspection. In order to finish on time it was becoming painfully clear Salacia would either need more workers or construction droids. Judah had contracted several dozen 'robo beetles' from Firemane and Lady Kerrigan but they were already working overtime. Workers could be added but scraping up quality talent was troublesome, even at a competitive payrate. Most had been taken up and retained to work on spaceships and military bases due to a wartime economy in the Core.
Security contract nearly up with Firemane PMC, there was something else to be added to the mix. Security to keep the spaceport an attractive option for clients in this sector of the 'verse. Judah felt this would be their biggest challenge. Some security forces were more on the shady side of life.
Today his boots were on the ground to inspect the progress but his sectary had informed him of a potential client headed their way. Hopefully this company would be better than some who had come knocking as of late.
Progress was being made on the New Dinbar Spaceport. What was once a collection of ruined city blocks overrun with zombies was transformed into a construction site. Nearly everything had been razed beyond the central large skyscraper located near the center of the spaceport. The skyscraper had been skinned in green solarium glass purchased from Arceneau Trade. It had certainly become the show piece to the spaceport, the ocean several blocks away reflecting in the brilliant glass.
With things falling into place the finishing details were coming under closer inspection. In order to finish on time it was becoming painfully clear Salacia would either need more workers or construction droids. Judah had contracted several dozen 'robo beetles' from Firemane and Lady Kerrigan but they were already working overtime. Workers could be added but scraping up quality talent was troublesome, even at a competitive payrate. Most had been taken up and retained to work on spaceships and military bases due to a wartime economy in the Core.
Security contract nearly up with Firemane PMC, there was something else to be added to the mix. Security to keep the spaceport an attractive option for clients in this sector of the 'verse. Judah felt this would be their biggest challenge. Some security forces were more on the shady side of life.
Today his boots were on the ground to inspect the progress but his sectary had informed him of a potential client headed their way. Hopefully this company would be better than some who had come knocking as of late.