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Two Birds, One Stone

Dinbar, Elrood | New Dinbar Spaceport [Currently Under Construction]

Progress was being made on the New Dinbar Spaceport. What was once a collection of ruined city blocks overrun with zombies was transformed into a construction site. Nearly everything had been razed beyond the central large skyscraper located near the center of the spaceport. The skyscraper had been skinned in green solarium glass purchased from Arceneau Trade. It had certainly become the show piece to the spaceport, the ocean several blocks away reflecting in the brilliant glass.

With things falling into place the finishing details were coming under closer inspection. In order to finish on time it was becoming painfully clear Salacia would either need more workers or construction droids. Judah had contracted several dozen 'robo beetles' from Firemane and Lady Kerrigan but they were already working overtime. Workers could be added but scraping up quality talent was troublesome, even at a competitive payrate. Most had been taken up and retained to work on spaceships and military bases due to a wartime economy in the Core.

Security contract nearly up with Firemane PMC, there was something else to be added to the mix. Security to keep the spaceport an attractive option for clients in this sector of the 'verse. Judah felt this would be their biggest challenge. Some security forces were more on the shady side of life.

Today his boots were on the ground to inspect the progress but his sectary had informed him of a potential client headed their way. Hopefully this company would be better than some who had come knocking as of late.

As [member="Judah Dashiell"] stood inspecting the progress of his building, a new figure would emerge out from behind a nearby street corner. He was dressed in an expensive suit, with an even more expensive watch on his wrist. A fancy black bow tie lay tied around his neck, restricting his breathing and causing him no small degree of discomfort. He was dressed very fancily for an ordinary pedestrian.​
Except he wasn't a normal pedestrian. He was an emissary of the Paladin Consortium, one of the most promising up-and-coming Private Military Contractors in the galaxy. He was there because Mr. Dashiell had requested Paladin troops, and he was there to discuss such matters.​
He approached the man observing his architectural masterpiece, stopping to stand next to him for a moment and gaze upon it. After a brief moment, he would speak. "What is it you're building here?"

Holo-blueprints were being projected in front of Judah. He was dressed slightly more casually than the man who was approaching, Judah preferring to have his dress shirt rolled to his elbows, skipping the suit jacket in such an environment. Several of the construction foremen were walking him through block-by-block of the multiblock project. So far the central block with the green glass skyscraper was the most complete. Salacia Consolidated was already using the skyscraper as an office while their work continued on site.

It took a moment for Judah to realize the late comer in the expensive suit wasn't a Salacia Consolidated employee. Just a passerby, someone wandering through the construction zones. Judah didn't consider it a wise move in a suit that cost more than some mortgage payments for the average galactic citizen.

Turning away from the slowly twirling blueprints, Judah turned to address the man as the crowd of foremen and Salacia managers fell silent, watching. There was no sense speaking if the main person wasn't paying attention. Most would have to wind up repeating themselves anyaways.

"New Dinbar Spaceport. The last one had seen better days."
The man nodded, examining the building with a not-so-critical eye. He was no architect, spending most of his life in diplomacy and lawyering schools in the core worlds. Nevertheless, he could tell this was bound to be an impressive structure indeed.

He would turn to face [member="Judah Dashiell"], sticking out a gloved hand in offer of a handshake. "My name is Jonathon Valteer, emissary of the Paladin Consortium here to negotiate the placement of peacekeepers and construction droids in your city. I trust I am not interrupting anything?" He noticed how the entire area got silent as he spoke to the man, he was probably interrupting an unofficial meeting of sorts. However, he doubted it was more important than what he and this man had to discuss.

Regarding the hand for a brief moment before reaching out in a firm handshake. The Emissary was curious. What Private Military had their own Emissaries? Judah had did a brief stint in the Galactic Republic as a Emissary but had never run across one for a private company. He supposed it was something the PMC did to set themselves apart from the rest in the 'verse. Most experiences he had with PMCs left him feeling more than a little dirty, most weren't exactly reassuring or reliable.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Valteer. Judah Dashiell, Salacia Consolidated."

In the middle of the walkthrough, Judah could push it back. Have other employees do the check and status updates and fill him in later. It would be in poor form to send away a representative.

"I have more than enough time to discuss a potential contract or two. The skyscraper here is mainly done, perhaps you'd like to head into the offices upstairs? Or perhaps you would enjoy a walking tour to get a feel for the needs we will have here at New Dinbar Spaceport."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Jonathon would reply to the man's handshake with a firm grip of his own. It was a symbol of disrespect and lack of self esteem to give someone a limp handshake, and it never did well to start of such meeting with a bad impression.

A friendly grin would spread across the emissary's face in response to Judah's words as they shook hands. "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Dashiell. As for the meeting, I would much like to see the area you're hiring our services to protect. Always serves well to do a first-hand risk assessment. Lead the way!"

Though the man wasn't exactly dressed for the occaison, he had intentions to look over the surrounding area anyways on his own. With a large area like this one to cover, it was important the Consortium had a good idea of what it was theuy were dealing with. This way, as folks say, would a be a prime opportunity to knock out two birds with one stone.

"You're sure?"

They had a few blocks to cover in the 'assessment' of the budding spaceport. Most of it still under construction at this point but Judah suspected Mr.Valteer would get a general idea. Besides, there were the blueprints in tow to fall back on. Turning to the the assembled workers who were already doing a walkthrough, Judah got a copy of the schematics to use on his journey through with the representative.

"You seem pretty dead set on this so lets go. You're currently in the most central part. Skyscraper in front of us will be offices. Most of this block administration. This is where your PMC would be headquartered and work out of. Building can be tailored to your needs as you see fit as it is yet to be completed."

"Would your PMC require anything out of the ordinary? For example, extra durasteel supports or blaster proof glass?"
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Jonathon looked around more closely as Judah described the administration block. He saw the building where the Paladins were to be stationed and nodded his head approvingly. He was glad to see that the PMC would have a central base of operations in the city within the administration area. It would do well for the spaceport's officials to have a host of Paladins at the ready nearby at all times.

As the Salacia CEO asked if he'd have any special requirements, the man would begin to nod immediately. As a matter of fact, the Consortium had quite a few ideas to potentially bolster the effectiveness of the peacekeepers on the planet.

"Yes, hold on for just a moment. Our CEO provided me with a list of improvements we could add to make the area more secure. Ah ha! Here it is..." He would pull a datapad out of his briefcase, quickly powering it on. As the screen came to life, he began to read off the list. "A barracks in the basement for the peacekeepers, though I'm sure you already thought of that one. Droid charging and maintenance stations, and a secuity checkpoint before you enter the property. Reinforced supports and blasterproof glass would be ideal. An armory is necessary for the peacekeepers to keep their equipment. And since this is a spaceport, one or two anti-craft cannons would be good, which we could or course provide." He would then pause a moment before continuing. "Janus also had another idea. This depends completely on the level of security you wish us to provide. He recommended a second building connected to the first, much smaller of course. It eould serve as a garage for several ground vehicles, as well as room for a few small starships on the roof. This way, we can prevent any unwanted ships from landing in the spaceport. All of these options are up to you, of course. These are just ways to maximze the security we can provide you."

"Its doable." The requirement list was long, some of it he already had suspected the company would request. Blaster proof glass, reinforced supports were already on his own personal list. The exterior of the building wasn't even completed, giving himself the chance to request the supports be put in and inspected should they chose the Paladin PMC for the space port needs. Their Tabaqui facilities were churning out recycled durasteel quickly, with operations contracted out to small mom-and-pop set ups around the 'verse to supply their need. War time economy meant a great demand for the product. They were just getting more creative with it at this stage.

"Would you mind sending the information over, we would like to review the requests. See if our architects can work said demands in." There was a slight pause as Judah slowly continued the tour on. They were moving down the eastern side of the central block, still speaking on the matter of the security building.

"How about an underground tunnel to the more main parts of the spaceport. Docking bays, checkpoint. Those sorts of things. Would it be faster for your company to reach locations or do they prefer surface movements?"
Jonathon quickly drew his datapad as an experienced Mandalorian warrior would his weapon. He'd type in a few quick commands, before looking up at his client. "It is done. I'd appreciate it if you could send me the same list back once you have decided what will be constructed, additionally listing what will be built."​
As they continued walking down the central block, he would nod to the man's suggestion. "Tunnels, I like that. Could make it faster for us to get to where we need to be at a quicker pace."
They would continue walking, and the man would take a look around. This looked to be a nice city, though he might only be observing the nicer district at the moment. Nevertheless, what was Judah expecting to happen? "I'll have to say, Mr. Dashiell, this is a rather nice city you've got here. What type of trouble are you expecting exactly?" This was an essential question that would help determine the resources the Consortium would need to apply to this region in order to maintain security.​
[member="Judah Dashiell"]​

"I'll have to get with the team but sending over our information won't be a issue. If selected you would see it arrive within a standard weeks time as the minor details become finalized."

They were leaving the central district now, moving into the Spaceport itself. Docking bays, terminals, ports and the like were in the midst of being installed. A hotel was springing up in one far corner of the block, the Firemane provided construction droids flying back and forth for materials as they worked. From this angle, Judah could turn back to the central district and show one of the tunnels to Mr. Valteer. Spacious enough to fit specialized indoor speeders if needed.

"Expect the worst, you've seen how the Galaxy is lately. However, it is not so much the 'verse in this case. Several spaceports here in the Outer Rim get the reputation for being seedy or hideous, often both. My vision is to create a place where trade is encouraged and brings in a higher type of client. Companies, business sentients, families, government organizations looking to dock without getting assaulted."

"Hence where security comes in. A sizable presence to keep down any trouble is needed."
The emissary would silently listen to the man's words, all while observing the environment around him. He would occasionally jot down notes on his datapad, either concerning Judah's words or what he saw around him. Places that could use security checkpoints, nice vantage points to put hawk's nests, et cetera. One of the reasons the Consortium had hired Jonathan was his keen eye for spotting things others might not.​
After a few more minutes of silently walking and furious note taking, the emissary would speak again. "Indeed, the galaxy is a fragile place these days. That's how and why PMC businesses thrive, they have so much to feed off of. It is unlikely there will ever be total peace, and someone will always need a hired gun. Now, does this area have any history or trouble or security threats?"​
(OOC: gratz on CJ btw :D)​
[member="Judah Dashiell"]​
[member="Janus"] [OOC: Sorry, for some reason I thought I replied]

"We're on Elrood. Right on the Rimma Trade Route. There's always a concern with security. This planet is controlled by the Galactic Alliance for now, at one time it was dangerously close to the Black Rose territory, although I do believe they've folded at this point. You'd probably know more than I about galactic politics. I try to stay out of it....tends to give me a headache."

Other security concerns? Lets see....

"Kesh seems to be harboring Sith lately, although they don't seem to be organized enough to be a concern. Being on the Trade Route, one never knows whats going to blow through this sector. Its a convenient passageway."
Jonathon nodded his head as [member="Judah Dashiell"] mentioned the Rimma Trade Route. It was a route that spanned most of the galaxy. It was a wealth of economic growth for the planets that bordered it, but such power also brought other more... unwanted attention. Pirates and criminals also often frequented the lanes, making money off of those who carried it. A certain nuisance to a planet such as Elrood.

"Yes, the trade route is certainly a liability. I've seen many cities like this transformed into smuggler and criminal cesspools because of lack of proper policing. Luckily, we should be able to take care of that for you."

He would scribble down a few more notes, before offering a somewhat offhanded question with a quick sideways glance. "Do you have any preference in the demographics of your police force? Any certain percentages of droids, species, genders, anything like that? I ask because when we are tasked to protect a group of people, they can sometimes become uncomfortable in the presence of security droids or alien species."

"Yes, no one wants a second Mos Eisley cesspool. Seems to be more than enough of those in the 'verse. Just like these dive cantinas littering the populace. Seems there's one on every corner nowadays. Perhaps it might be why some of these more planned cities are working well. You know, like the one [member="Alric Kuhn"] runs out there near First Order territory?"

Judah continued to walk along and shook his head at the next question. It was a bit of an odd one, but there were quite a few who hated alien species out in the galaxy.

"No, not at all. Salacia is welcoming of any sentient and I expect that to continue to carry over to the security as well. No need to have a certain percentage or anything. I do expect a bit of diversity. If you're expecting problems from xenophobic minds then perhaps the spaceport won't be the type of place for those folks to begin with."
The emissary jotted down notes as [member="Judah Dashiell"] commented on more terrestrial guards for the spaceport. His idea was duly noted, and the Consortium representitive would be sure to specifically use native-looking mercenaries for the job.

He would mutter to himself as he finished up the small file he had been filling out, just preliminary information for the job. He would later devise a briefing for the peacekeepers to observe, highlighting their primary duties in Elrood.

"Alright, that looks to be about all. Is there anything else you might wish to discuss with me before I go have a quick solo look around?"

Watching the Representative mutter or talk to himself as notes were jotted down, Judah shook his head at the question. There wasn't much else in his opinion about the security. If the man was a security expert there would be a walk through with issues related to various points of architecture and safety concerns. Judah suspected the man would be doing as such during his jaunt through the still in progress Dinbar Spaceport.

"Not at the moment. Enjoy your trip, if you need me just give me a comm call. I won't be too far away."

Turning back around, Judah stopped short from walking away.

"Careful out there, we're short on construction droids. Supplies are short, doesn't help when idiots are razing things every other week. Heads up, don't want a beam falling on your head."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]​
(Sorry, completely forgot about this :( )​
Jonathon stopped in his tracks as he heard Judah mention the construction droids. Interestingly enough, Janus, the leader of the Consortium, owned several other businesses than the one the emissary was currently representing. One of them was Kalor-Tech Industries, a smaller company he had inherited from a close associate of his. They manufactured construction droids, and this could be a prime opportunity to make an additional sale...​
The Consortium representative turned back to the businessman. "You know, if you're low on construction droids I might be able to help you out. How many do you suppose you need?"

Security and construction droids? There was an odd mix for a business if he ever did hear one, although there may have been some type of umbrella company involved with both. Then again, Firemane did PMC and various perhaps the two went more hand in hand than he had been first lead to believe.

"I'm not sure. Enough to do several blocks at once without creating a hazard. Now we've got the extra work to do per your instructions, but I'm sure ground crews can handle that. Its the buildings that need the most work. Everything needs to be completed and the energy sector still has yet to be installed."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Jonathon nodded. He had still yet to tour the entirety of the spaceport, so he wasn't exactly sure how many droids these several blocks would need. He scratched his chin for a moment. He had another appointment to go to soon enough, but he probably had time to make a quick estimate as he was doing his own little private tour.​
"I'll tell you what, I'll make a rough estimate as I tour the area. I have to leave in just a bit, but I'll send you a general number and price as I'm on my way to my next errand. We could add that to the contract if you choose to purchase them, and my lawyers can send you the updated rough draft. Sound good?"

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