Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Empires: The Dark Lord, The Infernal Child (Darth Carnifex)

It was at that moment that the Emperor realized that Yasha, young Yasha, would never truly understand.

For all of her wisdom beguiling her years and her tenacity in holding the emotionally fragile Mandalorian Clans together during times of greatest hardship, she could never understand what the Emperor understood. It was that distinct disconnect that had led them to this disagreement, this difference of views on the galaxy. He could forgive her for she was still young, and as an Epicanthix she would have many decades to see the galaxy and learn the same truths that he had learned.

That evolution often required a push or, in this instance, a sacrifice.

For the galaxy to reach its true potential, it must be burned through the flame and chaos of war and reborn again in rapture. The Emperor had come to understand that death was not the end, that it was merely the beginning of a journey to true power and understanding. And the Commenor Systems Alliance was a blight upon the galaxy, meek and vacillating as it gave succor to the displaced masses, the miserable chattel that should have perished in the flames of his war so that the survivors would perceive a greater understanding of the Force.

And because of that, the Emperor despised them with such an intensity he was willing to wipe them off the face of the universe.

But he held back his wroth, for he was a cunning man and desired to let every avenue of destiny unfold in front of him before he chose a path.

"Material possessions are fleeting, Yasha Mantis, but I accept your humble gifts. As for Commenor, it lies on their Queen to choose their fate for them. I have given her my demands and a time frame in which to decide which fate she will choose. That is more leniency than I have afforded most, Yasha, because of your relation to the Queen and for the health and stability of our Empire's relationship. But do not mistake me, for I do not suffer fools or foes for very long."

[member="Yasha Mantis"]
In her youth, the Mand’alor thought an economic perspective of events was enough to turn the Emperor’s mind. Surely, once the scales were seen to balance in his favour, he would keep Commenor as it was, the docile economic powerhouse, which held no desire for war.

That was a grave error. The Butcher King cared little for wealth. It was but a tool of consistent recreation, taken from whichever and whomever he saw fit to destroy.

She was sitting with the apex predator of their age, and offered him an easy meal, without the satisfactory chase. The hairs on the back of Yasha Mantis’ neck stood tall.

Something in the room had changed.

The refugees? The Pacifists? What changed? What was it… Mand’alor the Infernal maintained her neutral and severe mask, nothing but a small twitch to one eyelid giving any indication of a chance in the Force Dead woman’s countenance at all.

“My gratitude for sustaining the life of my family… I will not stand against Kay’s choice, Kaine, as I will not stand against yours… I will advise her as I can, and I will protect my cousins and Aunt. Should harm befall the [member="Lady Kay"], Mand’alor will answer… let the rest burn, if they are unfit to survive the coming battles. I hold no love for the refugees from the Alliance, who stink of Myrkr and Dagobah, just as I have no desire to preserve their ways. My only desire is to see my family preserved. All else, who are not Mando’ade by culture or representation do not enter my Empire’s equation.”

Damning ordinary people to their deaths should have weighted on the young woman, but it did not. Those who fought hard enough would keep their lives, those who did not were insufficient to remain. It was the same tactic Yasha learned from Ra in the Civil War.

Those who committed to violence without capability to survive were forfeit. Those who committed to a formation of their souls through the conquering of such battles deserved the honour of their universal place…

… Yet inwardly Yasha lamented the potential loss of Commenor’s economic boon. Inwardly, she prayed Kay would do what was in the best interest of her people…

But one look at the Butcher King and Yasha knew war was in the air. Another Alliance would fall. Thus [member="Darth Carnifex"] coated the spine of Yasha Mantis with another layer of beskar, draining another moment of her childhood and adolescence out of cruelly-set bones.

"At the behest of several foreign powers, I have opened Mandalore up to the placement of Embassies in my Imperial City of Sundari. I would like to personally invite your Empire to place an Embassy in the Royal City, and would discuss the logistics of an Ambassador to Mandalore. As befits my Empire's laws, the use of the Force is prohibited upon my Capital World, yet we do not prohibit the penchant toward the Force. What say you, would you accept the proposal? I have potential parcel of lands to display, if you are amenable to a closer contact, and a Vox Imperius upon my world."

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