Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Minds; One Goal...

Connor Harrison


Capital City, Abregado-rae
Abregado System, Core Worlds

The planet was pretty, but that meant nothing to Krius. It could be the jewel of the galaxy but it could still be infested with those corrupting the core with their own blinkered knowledge of the Force. As for those who were not born with the gift at all? Well, they were nothing. Mere parasites feasting on the wealth and progression of others far above them, and their time for extermination would soon be on them.

Krius stood looking at himself in a public restroom mirror of a rather luxurious apartment complex of Capital City. His heap of junk ship, still tattered and run-down, was hooked up at the spaceport a short walk from the city itself. The fuchsia jumpsuit, plated underneath with Armourweave, gently rose and fell on his body with each breath. A crimson utility belt carried a few basic supplies but nothing extensive.

Brown eyes bore into the scaring on his head, his fingers inspecting he flesh where fragments of shrapnel still resided. Krius winced as he traced over a few scars where he had managed to withdraw the metal months ago, but even now it still hurt. His hair slightly patchy on the back of his head where the scarring covered him, Krius was thankful he had his helmet - half for vanity and half for his future protection.

His hands rested on the edge of the water filled basin, stained with blood and covered with damp rags used to clean his wounds. He wasn't usually in such a state, but it seemed even now the scarring needed his attention, but he would be damned if he would go to a medical center. He wasn't that weak.

Matsu. That...parasite. She did this. Months ago on Skye. He had given everything he had to that girl, blinded by her own insecurity and naivety to the world around her, and what did she do in return? Betray, scar and humiliate him.

Fingers curling into basin, Krius looked at himself, asking himself questions that couldn't be answered about how one who had so much potential could become so blind and desperate to be something she wasn't ever going to be. She was embarrassing not just to herself, but to those in control of the Force who really COULD be something more than just a pawn for another's gain. The fact she was now dead, hopefully just a corpse buried by the snow and mutilated by scavengers made him smile. Play with fire, and you will get burnt.

Taking the Phrick helmet on the side of the basin, he lowered his head slightly and slipped it on over to fit snugly around his skull, offering protection from blaster fire and even the lightsaber of a Jedi or Sith. The raised horns on the front simply made him feel like a warrior; an animal, one not to be under-estimated. Not now. Not again.


He was after Keziah Tal'Verda. It had been a while ago since the name had come to his attention on local sourcing of those gifted with the Force and certainly making a name for themselves. Linked to the CIS and with a generous bounty on her head which may or may not still stand, it didn't matter now. She was a Force user and been involved with many vicious campaigns where her name and picture were listed around media reports, most wanted lists and also many of the CIS propaganda.

Of course that was a long time ago, and it was only now Krius has made his way to the Core and the home-world she was linked with having been seen here numerous times that he would see if she was ready to become something more than she could ever dream.

His dark cowl trailed behind him as he left the restroom and kept an eye around the lobby, hoping the stupid bellboy he had given strict instructions to would being Keziah down to him, before he had to take it upon himself to go and find her himself.

@Keziah Tal'Verda
Apartment #B13

The cruel harsh reality of life was something Keziah had learned at a young age. Every time her father picked up the bottle Keziah had watched another piece of her childhood be tossed out the window for when he drank he began violent. She had been happy when he died as she thought her brothers would take her away and they could all begin to heal. She was hopeful for a castle like the ones she read about in books where everyone than lived happily ever after.

Sighing a hand ran lightly through her long fiery red hair as she glanced down at her communicator. There were no new messages which didn't surprise her after all it had only been an hour since she last glanced at it. If she were to get a message it would beep which it hadn't but still Keziah felt the need to check just incase.

The reply that she was waiting for was long over due as she had sent the message in question three months prior to her husband. It had been over a month since she had heard from him and she was starting to get worried. The man had been acting funny ever since the war on Drunkenwell. Keziah played the good wife role, stood by his side and did everything she could to let him know that she was here for him. She had always been certain that within time he would come around and they would cry it out together. She loved him more than anything and to think he would just walk out of her life. No, he wouldn't do that..he cared, didn't he?

Sinking down further into the couch silent tears streamed down her face as she thought of the rumors she heard. Keziah believed not a one as she knew he was better than that. Calico was her beloved, they were to live happily ever after but with every passing day and no response doubt began to creep into the young woman's mind. If her own flesh and blood brothers left her what's to say he wouldn't too?

Angrily she threw a pillow as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Keziah couldn't give up hope on a happily ever after but where was he? Didn't he know that she needed him too? She was in pain? That she spent most nights staring at the celling crying? The bear she snuggled somewhat help but she needed him..someone to talk to about what she was going through. Keziah was too embarrassed to tell anybody else nor did she want there pity. She did her best to suck it up, be brave and act as if nothing was wrong. She want no rumors to begin floating around about her. Once she began to feel better she would go into politics or something.

Just as she was about to get up and make herself busy Keziah heard a knock at the door. The woman's heart went all a flutter in hopes it was Calico as she got up and rushed to open it. Just as fast as her heart had begun to flutter it dropped as she saw some nervous looking bellboy standing in front of her ringing his hands. A sigh escaped her lips as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Umm Mrs. Tal'Verda, sorry to bother you but there is a man down in the lobby who wants to see you. He says it's urgent.. "

Raising an eyebrow she just stood there for a moment as she lightly tapped her foot. There was no man that she knew of would would call on her in the lobby. The fact that the bellboy was shaking told her that he had probably threatened him or something along those lines.

"Jonny, would be so kind as to bring him up her so we can chat. I'll make some tea." Keziah lightly smiled at the bellboy. She had dealt with many people in her short lifetime and it took a lot to scare her. Whomever had come a calling she would deal with on her own turf.

As the boy nodded and ran off Keziah shut the door in order to go prepare for her visitor. She was going to make tea and some snacks.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

He just stood by the decorative reception desk, ignoring the polite offer of assistance from a green skinned Twi'lek dressed too formally for such a job like this. Krius felt hardly any Force aura from him, and most others around him. That just enforced the fact these beings weren't needed to talk to or even acknowledge. Even those with the Force as their ally weren't all important - it was those that called to Krius he seeked to grant them greater things.

The bellboy stepped from the turbolift, muttering to himself. Krius noted he was alone and started to walk towards him, his eyes burning out from under the helmet, a wonderful sense of immortality and power flowing through him as the young boy smiled and clasped his hands before Krius.

"Sir, Mrs. Tal'Verda has invited you to see her personally. Apartment B13, just - "

Krius sighed and walked straight past the runt, not bothering to offer anything other than his shoulder as he walked towards the lift. He entered and thumbed the button for floor B. A small chime and neon blue glow illuminated the lift as it gently began to rise, a surprisingly peaceful and relaxing ride as Krius stood looking ahead, un-phased. He didn't expect the girl to come to him, but it was a surprise she was addresses as "Mrs". That he didn't expect, and it would simply be a factor he would have to erase if this girl was worth the effort.

Relax. If not, simply leave. There are plenty more others out there waiting for your guiding hand.

A light twist of his neck left and right was enough to loosen the tight muscle that was throbbing slightly towards the top of his spine. The turbolift stopped gently and parted its doors onto the bright, airy floor. Krius stepped out and stopped for a moment, letting the Force wrap itself around the girl, trying to listen for her calling that could never really be silence to one who could always hear, such as he.

Turning left, he took a few steps down the hall, passing some lush green plants, decorative pictures on the cream walls and a horrific bronze statue that looked like some ancient monster. Eyes right, he counted the doors up.


There she was. Probably sat watching some news show, or painting her nails, or chatting on a com to dear hubby. That would soon be over. He raised his palm to the door - knocking was for mortals. He didn't hesitate as he pushed the door violently open with an enhanced pulse from the Force flowing from him. The door shed some splinters and slammed around the hinges, inviting him inside.

Stepping into the room, he didn't stop moving through, past the cheap décor, clothing and other personal items until he came face to face with the one he'd been searching for with a face aghast with shock and confusion.

"Keziah Tal'Verda? My name is Krius Syonis. I am here to liberate you. From yourself."

[member="Keziah Denko"]
Keziah figured her 'visitor' to be a member of the clan or perhaps even an annoying politician. When anyone from the clan visited they always waited downstairs for whatever reason when they were more than welcome inside. She had nothing to hide and frankly could enjoy the company even if it was just to chit chat about nonsensical things. Keziah could even see herself excited to dig into the paperwork that was piling up for her missing in action husband. Anything to take her away from her own thoughts worked for her which is why the thought of being a politician popped in her mind. That one of course was nothing she planned on acting on after all she didn't need or want her dirty laundry aired to the galaxy.

As the water began to boil for the green tea she was preparing Keziah hummed to herself turning to prepare little finger sandwiches. The young woman knew what she was going for her mystery guest was far too much but she liked being a good hostess. She loved cooking as it helped her relax and lately she found herself cooking a ton. The leftovers, which were a lot, were given to members of the clan or donated to the local orphanage. Those children deserved a nice home cooked meal more than most as she had no doubt living there was hard.

Her dream was too one day open up an orphanage of her own or a home of sorts were refuges could come to find shelter. They could also get the help they most desperately needed and she could help them find their way in the galaxy. This of course was still a dream as how could Keziah possibly open up anything if she once again was lost herself? The galaxy as she knew it was crumbling around her and she had put on blinders.

Just as she had finished pouring the tea a great loud crash came from inside the living area. Quickly the pot was set down as she spun on her heels to come face to face with her visitor. Immediately she knew this wasn't a prank from a member of the clan as this man was Force Sensitive. As he begun to speak she took a few steps back trying to process. He would see from her face that she was confused as well as those tear stains on her cheeks from before.

Liberate her from herself? What did he mean? Was this some sort of intervention? She blinked a few times as she just stared at the one whom called himself Krius trying to form some sort of response. Keziah had no idea what he meant by his statement. What was he planning to do to her and why couldn't he just knock like a normal person.

It wasn't everyday that someone literally crashed into your apartment and offered help. Keziah would be foolish to just kick him out but just as much to let this stranger stay. Still, she couldn't help but be curious as to what his plans were for her and what made her so special that he came crashing in. It was better to offer snacks than be violent.

"How about we sit, drink so tea and talk about this liberation plans?" She finally stuttered out as she motioned to the tea sitting behind her along with the mini sandwiches. "I also made snacks as well if you would like." Turning she placed the plate of sandwiches as well as the tea cups on a trap before walking past him to a table. Keziah was doing her best to act calm despite the fact someone just burst into her home.

"Please come sit. Tell me more."

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

A soft chuckle came from his mouth, a predictable smile and soft roll of the eyes followed as he walked into the room, looking around at her plush apartment. It was homely, but yet looked like an office with paperwork and various pieces of equipment around the sides, as well as more personal items; pictures, decoration and ornaments.

He walked past her, almost in a predatory circular fashion. He wasn't going to waste time like he had done previously - he was going to get to the point and make sure this woman was worth his time.

"Please don't treat me like you would any normal person coming into your "home", Keziah. You're better than that - but why aren't you stopping me? Why are you offering me tea and biscuits when you should be launching me through the wall with your mind?"

Krius turned to her.

"I can already feel your pain. Loss. Fear. Anger."

His arms crossed behind his back, cowl falling beside him.

"You won't want to sit and drink tea when I've finished with you. You'll want to tear down buildings and crush those who stand before you and the answers you seek. You're hurting, and you've been betrayed."

Krius stared at her.

"The only answer I need from you, right now, is are you willing to let me help you become what you were born to be - a Goddess."

[member="Keziah Denko"]
She had thought that his breaking down her door was just his grand entrance and after that he would calm down. Keziah heading expected him to say no to tea and biscuits.

This was her home, if she wished to offer to tea and biscuits to all her guests it was her right to do so. Who was he to tell her what to do? She was her own individual.

What really grinded her gears was when he spoke about her pain. What did he know of her pain? Her suffering? He had no idea what she have gone through. These past few months have been the hardest for her. She had wanted the happily ever after, the loving husband and beautiful children. The things she had built up for years had crumbled in a matter of seconds. He could never understand.

The young woman was getting her rebuttal all set and she was ready to go until he said something which yet again intrigued her. It threw her off guard and made her forget everything else she was going to say.

"A goddess?" She paused for a second letting the words sink in before answering the question posed to her.

"Yes, I'm willing to accept your help."

Keziah had always thought of herself as someone special but though years of toil and wear her light was dimming. It was refreshing to see someone whom believed in her.

It sounded kind of silly but she had always saw herself living in an ivory castle surrounded by those whom loved and worshiped her. The people she protected on her own accord.

Krius was offering her a chance to be one of those fairytale characters she only read about. It was funny to think about but what did she really have to lose?

Nothing. So why not?

"When do we begin?"

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Krius walked towards the patio window behind the girl, overlooking the City of the sprawling planet, housing many beauties and monsters. Ironic, that within the room there was beauty and a monster in the same space. But Krius never did expect to be known as a beauty by anyone, only himself.

"A stranger breaks into your abode, taps into your very mind and offers you a solution to a problem he knows nothing about. Tell me Keziah...were you always so weak? Is that why your husband doesn't love you anymore?"

He turned to her slowly, no trace of emotion on his face as he pushed her gently with one of his greatest weapons - words.

First, you must break the subject before you.

"Your resilience to question me doesn't hide your tears or that pit in your stomach of loss. It's quite sad really, that others below you have made you feel as worthless as they are."

Second, build them back up.

"I have no time for those weaker than the ones I seek to destroy, and it was a mistake coming here."

Third, make them decide their own fate.

Krius gently began to clench his right fist by his side, and through his he was feeling Keziah's windpipe between his fingers and gently began applying pressure to slowly cut off her air supply and either devoid her of breath or break her neck, whichever he decided to do first.

[member="Keziah Denko"]
Weak. A word she hated yet it always seemed to pop up when describing Keziah and the type of person she was.

Weak was how she felt as a child unable to do anything to keep herself or her brothers safe from their fathers wrath. When they had left her she had again felt weak. She hadn't been worth their time to take along with them.

When the liberty concord left her after the skirmish it was once again weakness she felt. Keziah hadn't been worth their time to come back for or wait for. Even worse was the fact she had been too weak to save the hurt soldiers with her.

What she wasn't going to take from him was telling her that she was weak now. Keziah had been through hell these past few months. She had braved it all alone with a smile plastered on her face. He had no clue who Calico was so how dare he say it was her fault. If Calico had changed and wasn't coming back so be it. She wasn't ready to believe that though.

Anger filled every crevice of her as told her she wasn't loved anymore. She had invited him in for tea and biscuits as a act of kindness to a stranger. No more was she going to take his shenanigans. He was not allowed to just waltz right in here and point fingers at her.

He wanted to see what she could do? Well than she wouldn't keep him waiting any longer.

Before she was able to snap back on him she felt her windpipe begin to close. It was manageable at the moment but she could feel her breathing begin to be restricted.

Turning towards him she thought of throwing him hard across the room away from her into the wall. In the same instance she held up her right hand a tiny ball of flames appeared out of nowhere which she threw at him for good measure. They were little but if they hit her target they would sting. She knew that amulet would come in handy one day.

He wanted to play? So be it. They would play. She was so done taking crap from people when all she had ever been was nice.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

His mouth curled ever so gently at the edge as the anger and frustration started to creep over the girls face, eradicating all signs of "Little Miss Innocent". That was the Jedi in her talking - she'd been corrupted by them and with possible parasites filling her mind with junk; lies and broken promises only one not attuned to the Force would do to one such as her to keep her grounded and on side.

The beast was rattled and the cage was starting to buckle.

And within a few moments of his grasp, the tiny balls of flame spat from her palm, almost like she was controlling the elements around her; it was beautiful to see. Stepping beck to twist his body slightly, he maintained the grasp on her throat with his clenched fist and raised his free hand and fluidly absorbed the flames, or so it seemed, into his palm.

Emitting a small wall of Force energy was enough to quell the small fire, but it was certainly great to have seen. THAT was literally acceptable for a fire he wanted to stir inside her.

"Yes Keziah - let it out! Come on! You're shackled by chains that are holding you back. It's time to break them! Prove to me you're life is worth being spared and that the Jedi haven't killed your pathetic spirit already!"

His voice was louder, more fierce and commanding, but the charming grin remained. This was the last push he would give her, and he was ready to react.

[member="Keziah Denko"]
Keziah had years of pent up frustrations from everything. She had always been the sweet kind one who could handle anything. The young woman prided herself at that and never looking for something in return. It was high time she get out all of the frustration and just let it all go. The young woman deserved more than just sitting here looking at her communicator waiting for a call. Keziah wanted to be something more than what she was right now.

What didn't help was the fact that her little flames didn't seem to phase him at all. In fact he seemed to rather enjoy her fit of rage. This only upset her more as it showed how little she did know in regards to the Force. She was much better with a blaster but Keziah had a feeling that he didn't want to see that.

Ignoring the pressure that he kept putting on her windpipe she lifted her hand up again in which appeared three little balls of flames once again which she tossed his way. The young woman didn't stop there as her eyes scanned the room until she found pieces of the door he had earlier busted. Using the Force she picked a few up and threw them in his general direction.

"Why are you not fighting back?" She almost growled at him as more pieces spun in his direction. The only thing that he was doing wasn't bothering her and if it was she wouldn't allow him to know. At the moment Keziah wasn't thinking straight. She was filled with blind rage, grief and sadness for all she had lost. The man in front of her just happened to be the target of that rage.

"I don't have to prove anything to you, I am worthy of living. You did not waste your time by coming here." She threw back at him as well as another piece of broken door. She was worth of being taught, of being something, a goddess. Normally Keziah would be concerned that they were making so much noise but right now she didn't care if someone called the police.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Splinters of the door flew towards him, and in split-second he was taken back to Skye and the moment he was bombarded by twisted chunks of metal ripped from his ship by Matsu - each segment tearing into his muscle, his flesh and his skull - the pain could be felt even now.

With a snarl, Krius batted his free hand upwards, sending the shrapnel crashing into the ceiling and across the floor, taking some chunks of the wall and paint out with it. She was good, and she was attacking. She was showing a resolve, and that was all he needed.

Nodding, he instantly let go of her, his connection with the Force severed to allow her time to breath and regain her composure.

"Enough games - you have the fire I needed to find." He raised his hands before him and made fists with them, shaking them as if he had in his grasp an entire planet about to be crushed before him.

"Seize your destiny, Keziah - let me take you forward to become something no-one else would allow you to be."

Krius stepped forward, lowering his fists.

"Don't be someone you feel you should be. Be someone you WANT to be. I will help you become that person. Now...shall we have that drink?"

A small knowing smile broke on his face.

[member="Keziah Denko"]
He had wound her up and now he wanted tea. Sighing she took a deep breath trying to calm herself the best she could. His words stung though as she still believed that her husband was out there and he did still love her. Keziah did not wish to believe otherwise.

"Yes, tea." She waved her hand to the untouched tray of tea and goodies. It seemed odd to play tea time now but meh whatever worked. Keziah was too tired to argue about it besides she wished to know more.

"How did you find me?" She questioned as she sat down and picked up a cup of the tea to sip.

"Come sit. I want to hear more about you and your plans for me."

Keziah had went from 100 to 0 in a matter of minutes. She could control her emotions quite well when she wanted to.

This man may want to assist her but he doubted he wished to hear her whole sob story. Honestly it was possibly he already knew it and if not too bad. Keziah did not feel like rehashing her life story right now.

This was a new chapter for her and she wished to put the past in the past where it belonged. She didn't need any of that stuff nor did she want revenge. Well, not right now at least.

Sitting back in her chair she took one of the sandwiches to much on as he talked. There was so much she wanted to know.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Standing his ground, he watched the girl slip seemingly back into hostess mode at the bat of an eyelid. Either she was wonderfully cool inside, or she was bottling some rage to unleash at him. Either way, he was onto her and wouldn't let his guard slip.

Krius walked softly to take cup of warm tea, smelling its sugary aroma and warming him instantly. He sipped, smacked his lips and nodded approval.

"Quite nice. Not bad at all."

Placing the cup down, he turned once more to walk towards the patio door to look out over the city below them; a few cruisers taking off and landing from the Spaceport caught his eye as he soft voice asked the questions.

"I find that standing helps me think more if you'll excuse me Miss Tal'Verda. Or Denko. Names don't matter, not to me. I traced you here through your own fingerprint in the Force. We all have one, and yours called me as I made you my next target. The CIS have, or had, it matters not, a bounty on your head. That was a nice starter. Then there was the Druckenwell incident."

He turned slightly, his face peeping out from the lip of the imposing helmet, eyes looking at her.

"You didn't expect that to go down without people taking note, did you?"

Following through, he faced her with a final turn of his body.

"Forgive my harsh entrance, but I had to know you were worth my coming here to find you. I seek those just like you, Keziah. Trapped. Alone. Betrayed. You were born with a gift, a gift that brought me to you and a gift that needs to be unleashed before the galaxy. You're wasted here-"

He eyes flicked to the picture of Keziah and a man on her sideboard beneath a large mirror.

"- and your emotions are being abused by those who don't deserve your trust."

Krius slowly locked eyes with her.

"Do you want to be that person anymore, Keziah? I don't think you do."

He stood before her, not moving.

"Tell me - who do you want to BE? What do you want from your destiny as a Goddess alongside me?"

[member="Keziah Denko"]
She listened as he spoke not really surprised he heard all about the CIS and Drunkenwell as those were two big events which had drastically changed her life as well the whole galaxy. He must know than that ever since the bounty she had been running for hers and she was tired of that.

"Do you think he's not coming home?"

She questioned quietly, almost to herself as he glanced at the picture she had put up of them. A happier time when they had just begun to build their life together. Being with him was an emotional roller coster but she loved him.

"The invasion really took a toll on him so I have given him his space recently. It's been awhile since I have seen him."

Sighing Keziah finished her cup of tea as she tore her glance from the picture. Shaking her head she smiled lightly. It didn't make any difference. If she saw him again he would see a different side of her.

"Never mind, your right. I am being abused and I don't want that for myself. I want something more for myself and my future. Sitting here is doing me no good. I want more, I deserve more."

His last question caused her to pause and think for a moment. Keziah was one whom never thought of what she wanted. Everything she had done in her best was for others. She thought of herself last and what she wished for herself often was put on the back burner which was why she was so weak when it came to her gifts.

"I want to learn all I can when it comes to my gifts and abilities. I want to be able to throw big balls of fire from my hands. Show people I'm not one to be trifled with. I wish to be strong, not weak. Nothing can stand in my way and I won't allow myself to be taken advantage of. I at the same time wish to be happy and not close myself off completely to the galaxy. I want love and joy again. I have always enjoyed helping others who came from the same lonely place as me. The difference now is I'll actually be able to protect and assist."

She could continue for hours what she was hoping for herself. Actually, scratch that what she WOULD have for herself. She was going to work to achieve every single one of her goals. There was no try, she would do it.

"Oh, one other thing. If I'm going to be a goddess I want a castle. I also am assuming we are equals in this? Your a god and I'm a goddess. Nobody is above the other. What do you want to achieve by having me at your side?"

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Her she was, spooling out her own questions and answers one she started to talk to Krius, and he stood and listened to her, nodding a little at certain points where she touched upon wanting more for herself. However, it couldn't help identify that spark in her voice that was attuned to helping others. That had to be quashed, as it would be her downfall and Krius wasn't going to pick up the pieces when she was broken.

He almost tuned out from her ramblings at this point, but her final statement brought him back to reality. Who was this girl, really? Was she living in a dream of happy endings and rose-tinted ever-afters? Those stories only existed in holo-stories and children's nonsense. Not in reality. People would cut her down the moment she extended her hand to help in an attempt to become this Goddess. There was no castle, no throne and no equality in what Krius was going to offer. He would guide her and control her, but not for his own gain, rather for her own. If she was going to be his equal, she would have to prove her devotion to him and the ethics he believed in.

And the last time he gave someone that chance, it nearly cost him his life. It was time to lay the cards down.

Sitting down opposite young Keziah, her face a picture of calm and eagerness, Krius reached up and removed his helmet gently, lifting it over his head and placing it down beside the chair. His fair skin and features were that a of a man who took care of himself, but it was when her eyes wandered that she would see the cost of betrayal.

A scar ran across the left side of his forehead and a small patch of burnt skin had scarred over on his left cheek, like a frozen ripple of water that was embedded in him. He could see her eyes wandering and he simply smiled gently, tilting his head down and to the side for her to get a better look. His brown hair was short and smooth, but there were numerous areas where the hair had been matted and died due to the numerous scars from the shrapnel embedded in his skull; some where removed, others too dangerous to touch. He embodied a man hiding the effects of serious injury with his helmet while conveying an indestructible front to the world.

"The second you show weakness in offering yourself to help others beneath you, they will use you and turn on you once they are finished with you. It's clear the Jedi code still courses through you, that blind urge to help others and protect them. Well what about you? Who will protect and assist you when you are lying broken and bloodied?"

The broken and bloodied image of former love Matsu Xiangu flashed in his minds eye, her sickening wound and lifeless body he left behind as blood streamed down his face...

"These wounds are the result of wanting to help someone like you. I gave my everything in return for their devotion and support, and in the end they became twisted and evil. She wanted more than she could handle, and turned on me and nearly killed me in a fit of blind, uncontrollable rage."

Slightly different from the events on Skye, but she would never know. He looked back Keziah.

"To be my equal you will need to prove you will be willing to cut down those who stand before us, Jedi and Sith alike, who want to harness your power for their own goals. And those not born with the Force will be taken down the moment they stand in your way. OUR way."

Reaching down, Krius picked up his helmet.

"I will guide and nurture you release your powers, but you must swear to me, right now, before I take you, that the Jedi are nothing to you except a threat, and those you loved are nothing but collateral damage who have abused your trust, and will continue to do so in light of your current fragility."

The helmet slipped back over his head snuggly, making him feel safe once more.

"The choice is yours."

[member="Keziah Denko"]
A common trait, betrayal. The ending result was the same however he was left with more visible scars than she. It made sense now why he wore the helmet. Keziah's pain wasn't physical in nature anymore but still very real. A pain she hide within herself as there was none she felt she could trust anymore.

The want to help others was a silly one. Every time she did reach out to help she was eventually bit in the butt by her actions. When would she learn and stop being so stupid?

There was a time she was part of a gang which nobody messed with them. They did things their way and she had loved it. She had gotten out only when things had gone bad. Krius was offering something very similar.

Before speaking again she looked back up into his eyes so he would know she was serious.

"I denounce the ways of the Jedi. They are nothing but a threat to me just as the Sith are. The people whom I thought loved me are nothing more than collateral damage. They mean nothing to me anymore."

The last statement was a tough pill for her to swallow but she needed a change. This as drastic as it was, was what she needed right now.

"I devote myself to you and your teachings, your ideals. I will embrace them as my own."

She didn't expect him to trust her right away but in time he would see how loyal she truly was. It would take time for them to both fully trust each other. He would see that she wasn't like his former student whom used him.

"I'm ready to go now, there is nothing more I need from this place."

As she spoke she opened up and reached into a cabinet to pull out two light sabers. Keziah had made them both but barely used them. They signified a start to something that she had never finished.

Keziah expected to learn a lot from him but at the same time she felt that she could teach him all the same. They could learn from each other.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Keziah conveyed something to Krius that Matsu never had in the start - sincerity and understanding. A sincerity of her actions and devotion, but understanding of her place right now and what she would need to become in order to fully accept herself.

He felt a surge of excitement touch his heart as she spoke almost religiously the words he wondered if she'd have the bravery to do so. She was now his, and he would do his best to make her something fantastical and all powerful as long as she allowed herself.

He watched Keziah move and remove two lightsabers from her cabinet; the weapons of the Jedi and Sith. Krius eyed them and spoke up, curiosity encouraging him.

"If we face Jedi and the Sith in our travel, your skill with the lightsaber will be useful. However I need to look after myself. Can you teach me the way to handle such a weapon? I don't want your forms, stances and rules - I want your brutality, your natural instinct of combat in taking down an enemy. That, coupled with your Force power, will be unstoppable."

Krius placed his hand on her shoulder and walked her to the shattered door out of her former life. As they crossed the threshold, he stopped and turned her to face him, her eyes connecting with his.

"This room holds your chains and shackles. Destroy them from where you stand now and become free."

The final push...

[member="Keziah Denko"]
Keziah nodded as he asked about the Lightsaber. They could help each other become stronger, unstoppable. It would only behoove her to help him be all he could. Since she had two she may even be inclined to give him one as a gift.

"Yes, I'll show you how to yield such a weapon. That's fine with I never was good with all that fluff anyway."

He may not want to use such fluff however he ought to at least know it exists as it was used by Jedi and Sith frequently. To be able to predict one's enemy next move would help him.

She was glad to already now know one way she could teach him what she knew.

No words were needed as their eyes connected. Keziah understood what needed to be done in order to fully be free of the past.

A simple flick of her hand sent a small flame into the apartment and on the pillow she had thrown earlier causing it to light up a bright red and begin to burn.

It wasn't long for the carpet to catch fire as well and begin to spread across the apartment devouring everything in it's wake. It wouldn't take long now before the whole apartment was engulfed in flames.

She knew they ought to leave now however she couldn't help but turn and watch. It was quite relaxing and nice to put that behind her. The pain she felt was still there but this was a step towards her moving forward and all it took was a spark.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

The corner of his mouth turned up in a satisfied smile, watching the flame that Keziah created from the elements around her with a flick of her wrist start to engulf her apartment. She effectively had destroyed all links to her past that she kept in the apartment - photos, clothing, décor. That was all materialistic, and she would be able to take anything she wanted once they left from anywhere she chose.

As the fire danced in the irises of his eyes, Krius stepped back from the hellish blaze and swirling heat and moved down the corridor to the turbolift, not at an urgent pace at all. He knew she would follow in a moment and he could take her away and leave the fumbling staff to tackle the blaze.

It wasn't her problem anymore.


1 Hour Later
On-board Krius' Ship
Abregado System


Krius was having a horrible feeling of deja vu. It was on this ship, when it was more functional and respectable, that he and Mastu began to tap into her power and where they cemented their bond. The nav-droid fixed into the ships computer would take them away from the planet to a destination yet to be decided.

This would be a time for the girl to open herself a little more to Krius and for him to really knock down the barriers she presented in doing do. It wouldn't be easy, and it probably would be ugly, but that was part of the process in creating something immortal.

Stepping through the hatchway, helmet down resting on the table before her in the main quarters of the small ship.

"I apologize for the lack of hospitality. This ship merely takes me from A to B, nothing more."

Krius sat and motioned for her to join him.

"Now my dear. Relax. I'm here to help you now and work with you - no codes or rules. Well, except that you can stand by me to face anyone who dare oppose us. Bar that, you are your own person and will be stronger for it. Keziah, you are clearly strong with the Force, I have seen it. Tell me what you fear holds you back. What is your fear? What is your weakness. For that will be the first thing I need to destroy."

[member="Keziah Denko"]
As he turned to leave her apartment now a blaze she followed leaving behind everything that had meant so much to her. The fire was enchanting but they had work to do and she didn't belong here anymore.

It wasn't long till she had followed him to his ship. It was smaller than what she was used to but than again the young woman had once upon a time lived on a Flottila. A ship hadn't been the exact place she had wished to settle down but it had been home.

A sigh escaped her lips as all the memories came flooding back to her almost bringing tears to her eyes. She instead shook her head slightly and took a seat next to him pondering his question.

All her fears as of late had become reality so to her they were not just silly fears anymore but part of her reality. She couldn't change that but she could change herself.

"Many of my greatest fears have been proven. I grew up poor, abused as a child. I was never accepted, loved by anyone including my brothers. I feel as if I'm not good enough. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try I'm not worthy of being loved or being accepted by anyone. I'm good for only one thing and that's being used and abused. Others take what they need from me and than throw me away. I should see the writing on the wall but I'm too stupid to. I fall into a trap thinking maybe just maybe they care."

A hand went up to brush away a tear which threatened to fall down her cheek. She was so sick of crying. Lately she had been doing a lot of it for a slew of reasons. On this ship though she didn't want to cry. Taking a deep breath she continued on.

"I am afraid of failing. Everything I have tried to do thus far in my life I have failed at. I don't want to give up but hope is fading. Every time I fail at something my hope fades just a little more. It crushes my spirits, breaks my heart and there are just some things I can't get over. Which I guess you could say is another fear."

It was pretty obvious that Keziah was a complete and total mess. He had asked though so here she was telling him all.

"My past haunts me still to this day. I have never forgiven my father for what he did to me or my mother. I don't even know if I can or if it matters as they are both dead. Burning everything is great and very therapeutic but the pain is still there and it's very real."

[member="Krius Syonis"]

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