Krius sat, and listened. That's what he did well. Listen.
That way he could paint a picture of a person with their words that mirrored their emotions right before him. The perfect tool for crafting and shaping someone was their own mind. Not by breaking it - not always - but a gentle push here, slight deception there, it was a like a puzzle where you had to make all pieces fit no matter what the cost.
He nodded slowly, processing the hurt Keziah offered to him. For the first time in a long time, it pained to hear her story. Krius didn't feel open waves of emotion but her story seemed to echo part of his own upbringing. He reached over and placed his hand over hers, shaking it slightly in reassurance. He was all she had right now, and he wasn't about to let her down.
"Child, you've been abused because of your power. That power has been abused and neglected, and in turn that has happened to you. My dear, those fools out there simply fear what they don’t understand; us. We are the master race. We were chosen by something we can never explain, but we can understand. We can understand that WE were born with a right to be all powerful and shape the galaxy to how WE wanted it. Why else would you be able to create fire with your mind, or knock down walls with the blink of an eye? It’s not to serve others and their pathetic Order, no, it’s to serve yourself.”
Taking his hand away, he linked his fingers and leant forward to her a little.
“I was born into a society that despised those with the Force. They hated us. Feared us. For my safety I was sent away with my father. That was fine and I learnt to use my powers and develop myself as a person. But when I returned to my mother years later she was murdered in front of me because I dared to use my gift as I saw fit before people who simply didn’t have it. What does that say to you? ”
He answered for her.
“It says that Non-Force users will kill anyone they see as being different. They don’t care about what we could do to make their lives better. They just want to be the greater race with their destructive weapons, blind values and pathetic attempt to be stronger than us. Keziah, they are parasites. They will never understand you nor will they want to. The moment you start to accept yourself and want to be who you really are, they will label you as dangerous and a threat and will not hesitate to kill you. ”
The ship was deathly silent as his words hung.
“The Jedi and Sith will abuse you just as your father did. You will be labelled as a freak and a fool by everyone else unless you stand up and show them of your true power! YOU deserve to be respected, to be worshipped and feared! There will be more of our kind out there who need our help, but right now I want you to become someone who can lead others with me to salvation and take the fight to anyone who tries to stop you. Can you do that Keziah?”
[member="Keziah Denko"]
That way he could paint a picture of a person with their words that mirrored their emotions right before him. The perfect tool for crafting and shaping someone was their own mind. Not by breaking it - not always - but a gentle push here, slight deception there, it was a like a puzzle where you had to make all pieces fit no matter what the cost.
He nodded slowly, processing the hurt Keziah offered to him. For the first time in a long time, it pained to hear her story. Krius didn't feel open waves of emotion but her story seemed to echo part of his own upbringing. He reached over and placed his hand over hers, shaking it slightly in reassurance. He was all she had right now, and he wasn't about to let her down.
"Child, you've been abused because of your power. That power has been abused and neglected, and in turn that has happened to you. My dear, those fools out there simply fear what they don’t understand; us. We are the master race. We were chosen by something we can never explain, but we can understand. We can understand that WE were born with a right to be all powerful and shape the galaxy to how WE wanted it. Why else would you be able to create fire with your mind, or knock down walls with the blink of an eye? It’s not to serve others and their pathetic Order, no, it’s to serve yourself.”
Taking his hand away, he linked his fingers and leant forward to her a little.
“I was born into a society that despised those with the Force. They hated us. Feared us. For my safety I was sent away with my father. That was fine and I learnt to use my powers and develop myself as a person. But when I returned to my mother years later she was murdered in front of me because I dared to use my gift as I saw fit before people who simply didn’t have it. What does that say to you? ”
He answered for her.
“It says that Non-Force users will kill anyone they see as being different. They don’t care about what we could do to make their lives better. They just want to be the greater race with their destructive weapons, blind values and pathetic attempt to be stronger than us. Keziah, they are parasites. They will never understand you nor will they want to. The moment you start to accept yourself and want to be who you really are, they will label you as dangerous and a threat and will not hesitate to kill you. ”
The ship was deathly silent as his words hung.
“The Jedi and Sith will abuse you just as your father did. You will be labelled as a freak and a fool by everyone else unless you stand up and show them of your true power! YOU deserve to be respected, to be worshipped and feared! There will be more of our kind out there who need our help, but right now I want you to become someone who can lead others with me to salvation and take the fight to anyone who tries to stop you. Can you do that Keziah?”
[member="Keziah Denko"]