Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Minds; One Goal...

Connor Harrison

Krius sat, and listened. That's what he did well. Listen.

That way he could paint a picture of a person with their words that mirrored their emotions right before him. The perfect tool for crafting and shaping someone was their own mind. Not by breaking it - not always - but a gentle push here, slight deception there, it was a like a puzzle where you had to make all pieces fit no matter what the cost.

He nodded slowly, processing the hurt Keziah offered to him. For the first time in a long time, it pained to hear her story. Krius didn't feel open waves of emotion but her story seemed to echo part of his own upbringing. He reached over and placed his hand over hers, shaking it slightly in reassurance. He was all she had right now, and he wasn't about to let her down.

"Child, you've been abused because of your power. That power has been abused and neglected, and in turn that has happened to you. My dear, those fools out there simply fear what they don’t understand; us. We are the master race. We were chosen by something we can never explain, but we can understand. We can understand that WE were born with a right to be all powerful and shape the galaxy to how WE wanted it. Why else would you be able to create fire with your mind, or knock down walls with the blink of an eye? It’s not to serve others and their pathetic Order, no, it’s to serve yourself.”

Taking his hand away, he linked his fingers and leant forward to her a little.

“I was born into a society that despised those with the Force. They hated us. Feared us. For my safety I was sent away with my father. That was fine and I learnt to use my powers and develop myself as a person. But when I returned to my mother years later she was murdered in front of me because I dared to use my gift as I saw fit before people who simply didn’t have it. What does that say to you? ”

He answered for her.

“It says that Non-Force users will kill anyone they see as being different. They don’t care about what we could do to make their lives better. They just want to be the greater race with their destructive weapons, blind values and pathetic attempt to be stronger than us. Keziah, they are parasites. They will never understand you nor will they want to. The moment you start to accept yourself and want to be who you really are, they will label you as dangerous and a threat and will not hesitate to kill you. ”

The ship was deathly silent as his words hung.

“The Jedi and Sith will abuse you just as your father did. You will be labelled as a freak and a fool by everyone else unless you stand up and show them of your true power! YOU deserve to be respected, to be worshipped and feared! There will be more of our kind out there who need our help, but right now I want you to become someone who can lead others with me to salvation and take the fight to anyone who tries to stop you. Can you do that Keziah?”

[member="Keziah Denko"]
She had seen the non-Force users and their destructive weapons. Keziah actually was pretty good when it came to using those destructive weapons. Keziah used to think that they were freedom fighters and they did what they had to. The countless wars however did nothing but cause pain and destruction. She remembered they were always looking for ways to defend themselves from Force Users. Could that have been her purpose?

"Yes, I can do that. I can accept the person that I am and the gifts I have been blessed with. I can learn to be a leader and not just a follower in my own life. I am the master of my own destiny. I'm so sick of people telling me what to do and what's 'good' for me."

Keziah was excited to actually get started and be a better, stronger her that could be a leader. She ought to be able to stand alone and be fierce. She could have everything she wanted all she needed to do was to take it.

Keziah wanted her son and daughter back but she didn't wish to be just a mom. She wanted to be something great and a role model for them. Keziah was no good to anyone the way she was. In time though she could and would have it all.

"When do we begin? I'm eager to get started."

The future to her looked bright and she knew with him guiding her for the moment things would get better.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

He smiled at her willing. He hadn't seen anything like it before in a long time, but the test would simply be how she handled herself away from the confides of the ship and away from his warm words. But, there was a flicker of an image that Keziah gave him without even knowing. As soon as she had finished, Krius pushed up and slammed his fist down in front of her.

"The second I find those children of yours, I'm going to break their necks with great pleasure and toss them aside like I will toss YOU aside!" His voice boomed around the ship.

"Your emotions work against you and now because of that you have bared yourself to be broken and reduced to nothing!"

Krius glared at her, before letting his words sink in. Slowly, he sat back down.

"You see how dangerous it is to be so open with your memories my dear? You have children, and now they are in danger because you are attached to them and they are taking over your thoughts. Are they in danger?"

He stood once more and moved to the cockpit, stopping before the hatchway and turning back to Keziah.

"Do you know where they are? If so, we will go and find them and use it as a test for you to take down anyone standing before you. You will have to cut yourself off from the ties you find for them as any hesitation will be exploited and used against you. You are a warrior first, everything else second."

[member="Keziah Denko"]
He wanted a reaction from her but he wasn't going to get it. Keziah understood his point that the children were a weakness. That her love for them could be her undoing. It made her wonder even now in her quest if having them with her was in their best interest or hers. She would always be worried for their safety.

"I..I don't know. They are Force Sensitive but only infants. I would like to take them somewhere I feel is safe. I'm not sure with me is very safe."

If Keziah was going on this journey and even if she wasn't the safest place might not be with her. She was always targeted and having them with her could end badly for all parties. She didn't wish to put anyone in that situation.

"Currently they are with non Force users unless they were moved. Do you know somewhere safe we can take them? A place that is safe for them."

She paused for a moment before saying one more thing that needed to be said.

"Also, threaten my babies again and I will not hesitate to kill you on site. Mark my words, I will not allow harm to come to them. If the best place for them is not with me right now I can accept that however you will not threaten them. Are we clear?"

She glared at him as she spoke her last words. Keziah could be fierce when she wanted to be.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Krius stepped back from going to the cockpit and clasped his hands together, smiling.

"But of course my dear, I wouldn't expect anything less. And I want that attitude from you to anyone who threatens your children, yourself, or even me. We are one now - a force combined and your resilience to threats will make you a stronger person. Remember that."

He stepped over to her and pressed a silver button on the edge of the table, amongst a few others slides and dials. As he did, a green holomap appeared from a projector above to cast a glowing galactic map before them, separating them in a wonderful illumination of green.

"We are now around here-" he pointed to a spot with his finger, "- and right now we can take any of the routes through to most of the galaxy. If you know where you children are, we should go there now and reclaim them. They are the future, Keziah. The future of what could save this place from corruption and danger."

He sidled around to her, still looking at the galaxy map.

"I do not have any place safe for them, because there IS no where really safe from danger. The best place...I will regret this...but the best place may be with us."

Krius looked beside himself to her.

"We can go and save your children and then once you are at rest with them here, we can start to see what real power you have buried inside that pretty little head of yours. And then we can seek those who hurt you and make them suffer."

[member="Keziah Denko"]
She wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her children, herself or him. He was kind enough to assist her in being a better her and even now was going to assist her in finding the twins. Keziah believed she knew where they were but she couldn’t be sure. It was a start though and were they would be headed first.

Her children were the future and she had a feeling that they were more important than even he realized but not because they were her children. They were the mixture of a Force Dead clone and a Force User and while they were strong with the Force she had a feeling they were also Force resistant. If what she thought was true they would be unstoppable which made getting to them even more important.

“The last time I saw them they were on Fondor,” she stated as she pointed to the planet on the screen. “They are with their uncles whom are not only soldiers but immune to our gifts. It would be best to use our brains when going in there. If I act friendly and like myself we should have no problem.”

She doubted that Krius liked the idea of her going in there and acting all friendly however it was what would have to be done. She couldn’t go in there and demand her children as that would never work. They wouldn't hand them over if they thought something was up. She wanted to be a strong warrior however at the same she had to be smart about it. Some situations required calculating plans and being friendly.

Keziah didn’t exactly like the idea of keeping them here however she would do what she had to. Nobody said any of this would be easy but she could and would do it all. She would also do her best to not bother him with the children after they were rescued.

“It should be easy; I go in get them and get out. Unless you have a better idea?” They were working together in this and as such she was willing to listen if he had any ideas on how they should be retrieved. They were at the end of the day her children and she would make the final decision.

[member="Krius Syonis"]

Connor Harrison

Krius couldn’t lie, but he couldn’t openly admit he was happy about now falling into childcare duties. This wasn’t what he laid out for Keziah, and yes it was a benefit she had children, but it was also a big weakness. They would be halted in their progression and her mind would be torn between developing and progressing forward with her power but also with the safety and well-being of her children.

Looking at her finger directing at Fondor, it was a planet he had visited and knew well, so navigating the terrain and what lay planet-side wouldn’t be a problem. It was the beings on the surface that would be the problem. But, maybe it wasn’t all negative.

Krius arched his fingers and rested his chin on the thumbs of his hand, plotting and threading a link between him, the children and Keziah. His eyes flicked between her and the map. He had nothing to lose from following his path, and maybe he had to take darker action to really release Keziah’s ability and gain her knowledge in return.

Besides, she was nothing to him except an asset in the grand scheme of things.

“We can set a course for Fondor. I will accompany you if you wish, and not get involved. This is your path to follow and something you feel you must do, then of course.”

He forced a smile.

[member="Keziah Denko"]
She thought that she could perhaps take them somewhere away from all of this that was safe. The last thing that she wanted was them being on this ship. That wasn't safe at all and it wouldn't allow her to do what it was she needed to do for herself. A part of her thought perhaps it was better to just leave them as they were. They were her children though and just abandoning them wasn't in her nature.

A sigh escaped her lips as she knew this was not what he signed up for. She couldn't expect for him to care for her and the twins. "I don't even know if they are there anymore. I used to be able to sense their presence but I can't anymore. It's frustrating." She didn't think much of it as she had never been able to sense his presence. The thought of something being wrong never crossed her mind.

"I could just be sending us on a wild chase when they were moved but I would have thought they would tell me. I should be training not flying half way across the galaxy," she mused taking another breath.

"You can be involved just no throwing doors around or something. I don't wish to make this complicated."

[member="Krius Syonis"]

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