Daughter of Krest

The sun began to set on Sector A-12, one of Coruscant's higher class residential sectors. Asajj watched from atop one of it's skyscrapers as the orange light began to fade between the highrise towers. It was a jungle of durasteel and lights, something she didn't appreciate as much as some of it's residents. Whether she had always thought that was a mystery, ever since her visit to Dathomir she had viewed the galaxy differently. Although even now she could feel the line between the physical and spirit realms, the veil was much thicker here. A quick glance down to her hand, with a wriggle of her fingers, exhibited a small ember of green energy. She could still use her powers here, but it was nothing like on Dathomir, where the veil nearly blurred.
Turning to face the rather large building behind her, she crossed her arms to help fight off the colder air this high up. She was waiting for her master, Darth Ophidia, so that they could finish their plan to retrieve the lightsabers of the legendary Dark Jedi, Asajj Ventress, from the vault infront of her. Of course, it had been quite some time since they last met, and since then she had suffered a great defeat on Contruum. Because of this she wore a cortosis-layered suit of armor, which kept the pain of her burned flesh at bay. However over the top was her green robes, gifted to her by the woman on Dathomir. All in all she looked and felt very different, and it remained to be seen whether Ophidia would care much.
The only way to find out was to wait for her, and so she did...
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