Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two of a Kind

The Last Son
"Not everything is true, and I know some information may have been lost in translation Miss Black."

As the woman in all black, hiding her face indicated for us to sit down, I took a seat while looking for a moment over to Ember as she was introduced. Saying that she didn't have to be worried since she wasn't going to have her arrested. I kept myself from smiling my tensing up the muscles in my cheeks and folding my arms as I sat with my back against the chair. It showed a part of her hand in how much she owned the planet. She owned the police, and possibly more. She had more than just her fingers in the pie.

"I have read over what you given me thus far. What all would this job require of me."

Looking every so little over to Ember, she knew I was going to ask this, but I would voice it anyways.

"If I join on, I'd like Ember by my side. That is the only stipulation that I request before we even get started."

Quite forthcoming. However, I promised that Ember, if she so chose to, could stay by my side and work with me. A partnership. Even if Ember was allowed to leave, I am sure she would have eyes on her at all times. So if worst came to worse, then I would have to attempt to hide her away with Zeph. Secondary to that, I was already forcing my own hand. Showing that I did have some connection to Ember. While I didn't know how much as of yet, I still wanted the opportunity for her to leave or stay.

"Otherwise, yes. I believe we can begin."

[member="Emberly Carrick"],

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