Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Two to Tango

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

The city was a stark contrast from the idyllic landscapes of Theed. Different, yes, but very interesting, too. Hollis' gaze darted about, drawn to the skyscrapers, traffic, and the colorful performers competing for attention of passersby. Her head would turn to watch even as she passed, smiling wide. It wasn't until Justice gently grasped her hand did she remember just why they were here: dinner!

As the two arrived at the restaurant, Hollis' smile only grew. They'd done a stunning job of making the place look like it could fit into the architecture and style of Naboo. She held onto Justice's hand until they were at the small table that he'd reserved.

A quiet gasp made Hollis' lips part slightly as she stood to stare out the window. "My," she said, blinking. "What a view." Indeed the restaurant's interior made her feel at home, so much so that she almost forgot the view out the window would be a cityscape. "This is amazing," she said as she took a seat across from her date.

Just a moment later, there was a glass of wine in her hand – deep scarlet in color. She brought it up to smell, noting the floral hints. As Justice lifted his glass and offered a toast, Hollis couldn't help but chuckle. She lifted her glass, too. Momentarily, she entertained the idea of toasting... but she really couldn't top that. A waiter came, bringing menus and a basket of lovely five five-blossom bread.

Hollis let out a happy squeal and helped herself. "This really is just like home," she said, grinning at him.


Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Hollis seemed to really be enjoying herself, and the authenticity of the facility was a major win as far as Justice was concerned. Was he paying out more than he should, likely, but the Jedi really wanted to impress the brunette. He was pulling out all the stops, though was it going to set a really high bar for any future dates? Justice did not really know because he was just trying to focus on making sure there would be a second date.​
“I’m glad you like it. To be honest I was not sure if going full on Naboo was the way to go.”
Justice laughed a bit nervously, especially when he realized his outfit certainly did not fit the fancy environment they found themselves in. Apparently he had not gone full out on the Naboo theme, but as he mused earlier, he needed some new clothing. At this point, Justice was simply being honest with the woman. His confession was only slightly interrupted to look at the menu.​
“So the wine… it is my uncle’s. Everything else… I am not an expert with Naboo faire. Maybe you would like to recommend something?”
Just set the menu down, deciding he was going to trust her recommendation completely, and hope he liked it. There was not much Justice did not like when it came to food. Then again just the fact he was having dinner with Hollis would make anything worth it, he was more than certain.​
The bit of wine he had in his glass went down smooth, and before he knew it the waiter had poured another glass. Justice did not need to get himself drunk, so he let it sit until their meal would come. Water would be fine for the moment.​
“Okay so far I know you are the artsy type, that you wanted to be a handmaiden, what else is there to know about Hollis?”

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

Hollis truly appreciated the thought Justice had put into their date. Bringing her here was a sweet gesture. It was certainly nice to have a bit of home when she was so far from it. Jedi life was very different from the life she was leading on Naboo. Though she was very excited to be a Jedi, she was grateful to have a little break – even if only for an evening.

"Really?" Hollis blinked when Justice mentioned the wine was from his Uncle's winery. She reached out and turned the bottle to see the label. It brought a smile to her face as she took another small sip. She wasn't much of a drinker, but she did enjoy a bit of wine with dinner – to compliment the flavors, not to get drunk. After all, it happened far too easily...

"Sure," she said, nodding when he asked her to recommend a meal. Hollis gazed at him from across the table, as if studying him. "I think you might like smoked Kaadu ribs. Hmm. The Braised Shaak Roast sounds good too – I'll get that." Hollis decided, and she'd be fine with Justice trying some of her meal if he wanted. When the waiter returned for their orders, Hollis was content to order for them both. The man gave a small nod as if he approved of her choices before taking their request to the kitchen.

After unfolding her cloth napkin, she spread it out on her lap. "Oh, me?" Hollis asked, grinning. "Hmm. What else is there to say?" She said aloud, but she was more thinking it to herself. "Well, I'm an only child." It had been a bit lonely as a child, but she'd always done her best to be surrounded by friends. "I have a lot of different hobbies..." she thought about listing them off, but she didn't want to bore him. "But I'm not really good at anything... it's just fun to try new things." At the root of it all might have been a fear of failure that she refused to acknowledge.

"Jedi life is very different though... so I'm learning," she said after some thought. "Like, it all feels... quite serious." Hollis didn't really know what she'd been expecting. "Why do you want to be a Jedi?" she asked, remembering when Judah had asked her the same thing.



Location: Training Room
Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

“Ummm ribs! Yes, please.”

There was a bit of excitement in Just’s voice as he answered. He did nothing to contain the joy he felt with Hollis’ suggestion. Justice was a meat and potatoes kind of guy, and this definitely fit that bill. When Hollis ordered for them both it seemed natural. He was not sure what to think about it, other than tradition would have suggested he needed to do it. Hollis was confident enough, and that was an attractive quality.

He listened as they waited for their food. Hollis was a woman of many talents, but not good at anything. It seemed like her favorite hobby was starting hobbies. There was nothing wrong with that. Justice was not the same in that regard, but he still had a hard time focusing on anything long enough to really count it as a hobby.

“Jedi are definitely different,” he commented.

If anyone knew that it was Justice. His life seemed to be in the shadow of the Jedi order most of his life. He could not seem to escape it. His mother was the sister of the infamous Judah Lesan, two cousins had joined the Jedi in some fashion, and Justice had been dumped on them at a young age. It was embarrassing, and when Hollis asked why he wanted to be a Jedi he almost gulped audibly.

Was he ready to admit that being a Jedi was not his choice, not at first anyway. It was a point of shame in a way. Historically it had not been a choice for younglings either. Justice had never been a youngling in that sense, nor had been identified by a Jedi Master sent to find those who were force sensitive.

He scratched the back of his head as he looked away for a moment.

“Ummm well… I was kinda forced to join. My mom sent me to Uncle Judah after my brother got killed,” Justice was not about admit they were imperial. “He was military. She was military, and I was a surprise.”

He shrugged.

“I was never good at the military thing, so mom thought I would be better off here. I fell in love with archeology and realized preserving history is a life calling as much as defending the galaxy against injustice. Keeping powerful artifacts out of the hands of those who would seek their own ambition is worth dedicating a lifetime to.”

This time Justice did not seem to be rambling as much as expressing his passion. He did catch himself when the food was set in front of them and almost drooled a little at the sight and smell of it all. He looked at Hollis with a wide smile of approval.

“Good pick for sure,” he said, taking a quick taste. “Definitely a good pick.”

He took a sip of the wine to wash his pallet.

“So what about you? Have you thought about your own path among the Jedi yet?”

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

Hollis was glad that Justice seemed pleased about eating the smoked ribs. It was a dish she enjoyed too. But all the food here sounded lovely. She would just have to make a return trip to try some of the other things.

As they waited for their meals, she listened to Justice's answer.

Her head canted to the side ever slightly. Joining the Jedi hadn't been his choice? Hollis thought for a moment what that would be like. Her dark eyes lingered for a moment on his shoulders as he shrugged. But a smile grew on her lips as he mentioned archaeology. She'd seen first-hand how much passion he put into visiting archaeological sites. "You definitely found your calling," she said, still smiling. He had also taken the situation and made it better – she admired him for it.

As their plates were put down before them with a small flourish of the waiter's hand, Hollis' eyes widened. Everything looked amazing, really authentic, too. The meat looked seasoned and cooked to perfection. Hollis lifted her fork and took a small bite of the roast, which was cooked with vegetables. Her eyes closed. "Mmm. It's really good," she said, exercising some restraint. What she wanted to do was dig in, but she didn't want to appear rude. And she did want to really savor the meal.

In between bites, she considered Justice's question.

"I've thought about it a lot." Hollis nodded and set her fork down for a moment. "But I don't know what I want to do yet. It's overwhelming." She let out a little sigh. It was her indecision at its finest. "I... don't know." She looked a bit puzzled as she turned her eyes down to her meal. "I can't see myself fighting. Healing, yes," Hollis said, and then took a sip of wine. "I'd like to do something... helpful at least."

Hollis wasn't the sort to dwell too long on what others thought of her. However, when she looked across the table, Justice's opinion of her did matter. Very much so.



Location: Training Room
Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

Just really did not want to be rude, but the ribs were just too good. He was listening to Hollis, but simultaneously filling his mouth with as much food as he could manage without being too egregious. It was admirable that she wanted to do something among the Jedi which would make a difference. At some level every Jedi wanted to, even those masters which said it was impossible. Justice certainly hoped he would not be so cynical in his more experienced age, but one glance to the metal arm made him wonder.

The truth was Justice often wondered if it had been worth it. Bri was gone, though still alive, and it was the one thing which he had to convince himself. Bri was alive so what was a missing arm. That made it a little easier to stomach, but had he lost it on Tython? With the way Sith always seemed to bounce back, did they really make a difference? At least they had not found the forge.

“You’ll figure it out,” Justice said as he pulled himself out of his own musings. “I didn’t really figure it out until I got hurt. I was grounded for so long getting used to the new arm and all the therapy. It meant a lot of reading, and I discovered a passion for history. The first mission out and well… it was a dig to an old temple on Ossus. Part of me felt so alive, like I was connected to the past. It was decided.”

Hopefully Hollis got his point. It did not matter when she figured out because sometimes it just came when it came. Justice would have never imagined that an injury could lead to his life calling, but it had. He had been stuck, but as much as the arm made him more self-conscious than he had ever been before, it also was the thing that got him out of the holding pattern he had been lost in. Hollis was new, and she would figure it out soon.

“They assign you a master yet?”

Justice was curious, and the date provided a great opportunity for the pair to ask each other whatever they wanted. The longer they sat together talking, and eating, the more comfortable Just was getting around the woman. Sure he would still have his nervous quirks, but Justice found he was enjoying Hollis’ company. It was much a comforting thought as it was dangerous.

He knew what he had done for a friend before, someone he felt connected to. What would Justice do for someone that he let himself connect to in a way that was beyond friendship? It was a haunting thought, but as he looked at the woman sitting across from him he could only smile.

Whatever happened, it would be worth it.​

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

Hollis nodded. She hoped he was right, and she would figure out her path. Maybe she'd have some kind of breakthrough like he had. It would be nice to have a focus for once – if she could maintain it. Quite a lot of her energy felt wasted when she put so much into a random hobby only to drop it. "Yeah," she said, shrugging slightly. "I'm sure I'll find something eventually."

It was nice to have someone to talk to about these things. And it was someone that understood.

She lifted her fork again and took a couple of bites. The meat had been roasted with a delicious mixture of spices, and the vegetables were homey. Comfort food. Indeed she had noticed Justice's appetite, and it made her smile to know he enjoyed the ribs. Seeing him happy made her feel happy too. Or maybe it was the way their force auras seemed to blend around the edges, melding for brief moments.

It was the first time she'd really noticed that.

There was warmth and comfort in his presence. Somehow, it felt beyond just being with someone... even though that hardly made sense. She glanced up from her meal and shook her head.

"Not yet," she said, and bit her lower lip. "Maybe it's because I didn't spar that day..." Hollis thought back, wondering if perhaps she ought to have just tried. "They would have said something... if I was unsuitable or something, right?" Hollis asked with a bit of nervous laughter.

"Who's your master? Is it your uncle?"
She asked before taking another sip of wine.



Location: Training Room
Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

“Judah,” Justice asked, almost spitting his wine out all over the place. “Oh no… that would definitely not work.”

Justice was shaking his head pretty hard.

“I mean I go to him for advice and stuff, but other than that. See Uncle Judah is a Jedi Shadow. He bends the rules and kills… a lot. I could not imagine what it would take to learn from him, or walk the path he does. No… it’s not who I am…”

His eyes looked down at his plate for a moment. It was empty, but his eyes lingered as he thought about what he wanted to say. Hollis needed to know that it was not just a master that selected a padawan, but that she needed to be okay with who she was working with.

“Your master, whoever it ends up being, is going to influence your path. You need to know they are walking a path you can follow, that you won’t become someone you are not. Being a Jedi is as much about being who you are as it is learning to use the force to make the galaxy better than what it is.”

He did not know if any of what he was saying made sense, but Just knew he needed to tell her the way he saw things. For a moment he closed his eyes as he tried to collect himself. That was when he noticed what Hollis had been sensing throughout the night. Her aura was close, brushing against his ever so slightly from time to time. Justice smiled as he opened his eyes.

For a moment he just looked at the woman. She was beautiful, almost even more so now that he could see her aura about her as well. There might have been a lovestruck look in Justice’s eyes as he admired her. If she noticed, if anyone did, Just did not care. He reached out to take her hand.

“I can sense how close you are… when I focus. Sometimes force users meet other force users and they bond… their aura’s become linked you might say. I’m told it is a beautiful thing.”

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

Hollis brought a hand up to her mouth to cover a small chuckle as Justice confirmed that Judah was not his master. She nodded a couple of times; she could see how family members as masters just would not work out for some. Her head canted to the side ever slightly as he elaborated about Judah. The Jedi Master had killed people? Well, that certainly did re-color her intial meeting with him. But just as she'd felt, Justice was very different.

"I appreciate you saying that," Hollis said when Justice explained the importance of having the right master. She'd never thought about it like that before. In her mind, a Master had simply been a teacher or source of guidance. Now, she was beginning to understand that it was much more than that. It was influence, too.

When a comfortable quiet settled between them, her eyes met his.

The way he looked at her made her heart skip. Hollis' gaze softened, looking adoringly back at him. Her hand opened instantly when he reached for her, and grasped his gently. "Really?" she asked. "I didn't know that could happen. I wonder what it's like..."

She hadn't known about force users bonding in this way. Though, now that she did, she was almost certain that's what she was feeling. It was, however, a very new sensation – she'd never felt like this about anyone, force sensitive or not. When it felt like her heart might burst, she finally blinked and glanced down at her empty plate.

"How about dessert?" she asked, sheepishly.



Location: Training Room
Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

Dessert. It was a convenient way to break the tension. It was a good tension though, something that made Justice feel warm inside. Something about Hollis made him feel different, and he could not describe it at all. There was no reason to try either because whatever it was he felt, it danced in response in those moments her aura touched his. He smiled at the suggestion, as he pulled his hand away.

“I have no idea,” he was answering both questions. It was not like Justice had truly explored a force bond with anyone else before. If that was what was happening between them, Justice would gladly welcome it.

He peeked at the dessert menu, though his eyes kept stealing glances of Hollis. At this point he could not help but look whenever he could find the opportunity.

“Anything chocolate looks good,” he finally responded.

Justice set the menu down and smirked a little. While he figured Hollis had little control of what she could do with her aura, Justice knew what he could do with his. Maybe it was the part of him that was a Lesan, but Justice felt a little playful, a little ornery. Closing his eyes he brushed his aura against hers. A wave his aura washed over hers. Justice wondered if she notice. Maybe he needed to pull it back and send it again a few more times.

There was almost a chuckle escaping as the playful look reached Just’s eyes. He did not know why it seemed so fun to flirt in this way, but Justice was finding it quite fun. Whether she picked up on it or not he stopped for the moment and looked out the window.

“We could always just skip dessert too. The city looks amazing too.”

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx
When his hand left hers, she was immediately left wanting. It took her by surprise. But Hollis blinked and hastily opened the dessert menu, letting the delicious-looking images distract her. "Chocolate is always a good choice," she said with a grin and a sage-like nod. There were, of course, several items that looked good... but for some reason, she found it rather difficult to concentrate. However, she couldn't exactly pinpoint why.​
She did know that she was probably blushing, though. Then, she matched gazes with Justice as realized what was happening... sort of. Then, she started to concentrate, too. She felt it... his aura. It was playful energy, and she felt the influence on her own. Of course, she couldn't willfully direct her aura like he could, so she moved her foot under the table until it nudged his. Hollis couldn't help but giggle.​
Her gaze followed his out the window, but then snapped back to him when he suggested skipping dessert. "Skip it? No, no, no," she said, shaking her head. "We can't skip dessert!" Hollis almost looked offended, but playfully so. After taking another quick glance down at the menu, she suddenly closed it and looked to Justice. "We could... go out and find something for dessert though!" Hollis grinned. "It'll be my treat, okay?"
She appreciated him taking her to such a nice restaurant, but she did feel a bit bad about the bill that was about to be delivered.​
Once the bill was settled, the two of them would be out on the street to explore. After all, Hollis didn't really want to go back to the temple yet... she had a feeling he didn't want to either. They didn't want the night to end.​



Location: Training Room
Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

Okay, so Justice knew skipping dessert was a mortal sin as far as Hollis was concerned. At least they could both agree on chocolate, even if Justice could take it or leave it after a meal. She wanted to pay though, and Just was not sure what he thought about that. Naturally he was more a modern man, but this was a first date, and wasn’t he supposed to impress her.

“I should insist on paying, but I’ll allow it.”

He offered his arm as they toured the rest of the entertainment district. There would be a street vendor somewhere that had something for a dessert. This was more of an experience anyway. Coruscant was newer to them both, and Justice was happy to be doing it with Hollis. It was funny how he could feel so connected to someone he had just met, but it was…


Just motioned to a stand that seemed to be selling reasonably priced delicacies at a portion that would not make him feel too bloated after such a good meal. They approached and ordered whatever the other wanted before walking back toward where they had parked. It was a little quiet, Justice being unsure what kind of stuff to be talking about.

“So it is a nice night out… and I know I said it before, but you really do look good.”

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

As they toured the entertainment district, Hollis made note of the holo-theatre. It boasted the newest holo-films. Maybe it would be an option for their next date. The thought alone made her blush, and she couldn't deny the fluttering of her heart. They hadn't even finished their first date yet, and she was already thinking ahead to the next. At least, she hoped there would be a next one...

She glanced to the side at Justice as they got in line at a dessert vendor. They seemed to get along rather well, and had similar personalities. Of course, it took time to really get to know someone... but somehow Hollis already felt a great level of comfort with him. When they got to the front of the line, she was so distracted that she stumbled a bit over the menu – but ultimately ended up with a frozen treat on a stick.

On the walk back to his bike, Hollis finished up her dessert and made sure that she didn't have any food on her face. When Justice spoke again and complimented her, Hollis felt warmth rise on her face.

"Thanks," she said, lashes fluttering lightly. "And it is a really nice night. I almost don't want it to end!"

But she supposed that all things – first dates included – did have to eventually come to an end.

After the ride back, she hopped down off the speeder bike. It was dark now but the temple lights threw spots of illumination, enough to see eachother and where they were going. "I had fun tonight. Thank you for dinner," she said, as she turned to face him. The path to her dorm was coming up fast... too fast. "Maybe we can see eachother again soon?" she said it like a question.

Hollis lingered there for a long moment. Would he give her a kiss goodnight? Honestly, she wouldn't have minded if he did.



Location: Training Room
Wearing: xxx
Arm: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

“Me either,” Justice said with a smile.

But it had to. They both were going to have to part ways at some point to go back to their rooms, and while Justice had fun with her, he was anxious for their next outing. The sooner they ended this, the sooner they could move to the next. That was one way to look at it, he supposed.

The ride back was uneventful. That was a good thing. Coruscanti traffic was way busier than anything Justice had been used to, and it took every bit of his driving skill to find the fastest way back to the temple. It would not be hard to admit the ride was one of the nest parts of the night since Hollis had to hold on tight. He may have driven a little faster because of it.

When they arrived back, Hollis seemed to linger as though she were waiting for something. This was where Justice froze with indecision. Was she waiting for him to do something? Did she expect him to kiss her? Was it something else?

“Soon… oh yeah… soon,”
he said. “I really enjoyed myself too, and dinner, and the ride, and you.”

He was rambling. What else was there to say other than goodnight?

“Maybe if you’re free this weekend?” Justice found himself asking before he knew he was asking it. He was still frozen in his mind about what to do, but his tongue seemed to be working at least.

It was decision time however, and Justice really did not know what the right option was, so like the idiot he was, Justice shook Hollis’ hand.

“Well I hope you have a goodnight… see you this weekend.”

T R A I N I N G (D A T E)
Location: Training Room​
Outfit: xxx

Hollis nodded eagerly when he asked if she was free this weekend. Inside, her heart was probably doing a bit of a happy dance. While she continued to linger on the path, she held her breath when Justice came a bit closer. She found herself leaning towards him.

And then she felt his hand grasp hers.

Blinking, Hollis gently shook his hand – the way acquaintances might or people completing some kind of business deal. She met his gaze, eyes a bit wide. Nevertheless, she smiled brightly at him.

"Yes, see you this weekend," she said as she started to turn away. "Goodnight..."

Her hand rose and waved at him, and she watched him walking the opposite direction towards his dorm. She certainly hadn't come to the Jedi intending to find a date... In fact, she wondered if any of the masters would discourage it. For now, it didn't matter – she was already excited for the weekend.

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