Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Truths and a Lie (IC)

2? I could see Caltin having a stern sense of humor, and he has a son.

1.) Elise wears a red cloak because her Dreamseer mentor wears one.
2.) Elise is stealthy because both her parents used a degree of stealth, especially her father.
3.) Elise uses unconventional ammunition types because her mother looked down on regular blaster fire as too easy to negate.
Revna lie is 1. Revna is too introverted to dance.

My own lie was 3. The conclusion of blaster fire being too easy to counter is actually one Elise developed herself. Gwyn was a fan of blasters herself.

1.) Elise suffers frequent nightmares, but usually lets them happen. As a Dreamseer she can manipulate her own dreams near absolutely, but she feels like she deserves to suffer.
2.) Elise distrusts nearly every superpower in the galaxy one way or another. She is wary about joining any of them.
3.) Elise is terrified of growing older and being infested with genetic defects due to aging. She feels like a ticking time bomb unable to safe the galaxy while she's in her prime.
Guessing #3 as the lie. Was torn between #2 and #3 but think Elise hates superpowers...

1) Rhys chooses to not keep track of people's names because he does not wish to get attached to anyone.

2) Rhys loves causing chaos and spouting religious/political fanaticism as justification due to the fact that is how he sees those in power explain their actions.

3) Rhys has never drank caf in his life. Not because he believes he hates it but he sleeps through mornings and the idea of needing a pick me up is foreign to him.
My guess is 2.

1. Jonyna once dated a battle droid and a padawan at the same time. Neither of which she initiated, they came to her, and were both okay with sharing.

2. Jonyna has an allergy to mushrooms. She gets quite snippy if someone suggests she try them.

3. Jonyna once convinced a bounty hunter to stop hunting her by flirting with him mid combat.

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