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Two Types of fans: Star Wars vs Star Trek

Alli Wren

I like both.. and more.. really I am a fan of sci fi in general. Both Star wars, and Star Trek have things that make them great, Both have wierd things... that make you wonder who wrote them... but I think you can definitely be a fan /lover of both..
I love both, but Starwars will always be my favorite. Star Trek invokes more of a "realistic" sense in its story. Its based in a universe that is our own and all the technology is more grounded to what could really be created in real life, that being said, the story's are more realistic as where nothing is cut and dry and evil and good are the opinions of the beholder. Star Wars is more of a fantasy, a realm to escape to where even the evil bad guys know that they are evil and the good guys win because they have a great moral compass. One is a gritty, more realistic story that shows that lines between good and evil are blurry while the other is more of a fairytale that tells of morals, good and evil and an epic quest. A comparison would be that Star Trek is For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemmingway and Star Wars is Homers The Odyssey
Yep it was called Star Wars: Legacy Revealed
here is a Youtube link, it's separated into parts on there since it an hour and a half

I'm pretty sure it also makes the obvious connections between the Empire and Nazi Germany.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

I was surprised they managed to get JJ Abrams and Joss Whedon in.

Also: 20 Rep. Yey! Been here for 2 weeks. What can I say? *Poses next to bar* I'm just a likable guy. *Falls over while trying to look cool*

Auri Vesta

Captain of the Rimrunner
It all depends if you prefer space fantasy or space science. Star trek is slightly easier to buy as being in the real future, if unlikely. Star Wars has a magical way of making a science fiction movie feel timeless and unreal. Personally, real life space travel, and the emptiness of space kind of freaks me out. I never liked star trek until J J Abrams reboot. Star Wars is more about human relationships, giving it more appeal to non sci fi fans.

Darren Onyx

I have seen Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed like twenty times lolz. I got all my movie nerd stuff from there.
skin, bone, and arrogance
As long as you understand and recognize that Star Wars is infinitely superior to any other scifi, including Star Trek and whatever trash is playing on syfy (I'm looking at you, BSG), then you are free to be a fan of Star Wars and whatever else you want.

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