Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Words: Nine Letters

Galina nodded slowly and finished her meal quickly. Then she followed behind Siobhan to the outdoor range. Her eyes keenly studying everything in sight for a moment. Then her eyes drifted to the table and the weapons.

Curiously, she stepped towards them and for a moment just looked. Reaching down she lightly ran her fingers across the weapons, as her mind ran through the possibilities. Then as Siobhan offered her the slugthrower, she cautiously wrapped her fingers around it. It was familiar. A nod came, the answer simple. Yes.

Memories flooded back of Sigma and the first time a Rebel soldier handed her a weapon. The first time she had to defend her life with deadly force. A sobering thought. "Yes, it is." She finally spoke the words.

Taking a deep breath, she loaded the weapon with a skill level of someone who had clearly done so before, and frequently. Her time in the Rebel army may have been short, but it was not without fighting, not without many days with weaponry training to stay alive. That had always been the point and today it wasn't much different. Granted she didn't have to defend herself. And there was no present threat against her, however the skills would be required in this harsh galaxy.

So with that, she looked to a target. Another sigh, and she lifted the weapon to aim. Something rather interesting happened as she looked to it, fracture lines formed across her vision, almost like fault lines. For a moment she shook her head, trying to push them away.... For it was a most strange thing to see. But they came back regardless of what she tried.

Doing the only thing she could, she ignored it... Aimed again and took her first shot. The recoil, startled her a little, her eyes widen as she looked to the weapon. Then naturally she looked back to the target, to see where the shot had landed. Just a little left of center, but damn near spot on. Perhaps her archery skills, really did transfer over ... Rather easily at that.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan looked...very proud. Well, actually her emotions were conflicting. There was pride due to her daughter's prowess, but at the same time there was a good deal of sadness because she had been forced to grow up so early and been thrust into a violent war as a child. Never given a choice, never allowed to live her own life, for it had been an endless struggle for survival. But...her daughter was strong and it was important for Siobhan that she could defend herself.

"Nice shot, sweetie. Good work," she said warmly, giving Galina's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You have the right stance, footing and your aim is good. I guess your archery skills are transferring over well." There had been something else Siobhan had sensed from her daughter. Obviously she could not automatically know that she had been unconsciously using Shatterpoint, but she had felt the ripples in the Force. However, Siobhan did not want to push the least not yet, knowing how much this still scared Galina.

"You're a natural. Keep at it and shoot a couple more targets. Practice makes perfect. Then you can try out of this rifle," she pointed to a semi-automatic slugthrower rifle, the sort you would use when you were going out on a hunting trip. "After that we can have a look at blasters."
The redhead smiled brightly as she looked to her mother, seeing the pride, the words just warmed her spirit so much. "Thanks mummy." Said so happily. A nod came at her mother's critique. "It makes sense, I think. Good with bow, good with guns? Maybe." At least that was her sincere hope.

The idea of seeing the fault lines, weakness and not knowing it was that ... Was a little disconcerting. The force was still something Galina very much feared. The Mages on Sigma had done so much damage with their powers, hurt so many people. She didn't want to be one of them, didn't want to have that power. But, it could only be ignored for so long. Training would be required eventually, to keep her from falling to something so dark and terrible. Perhaps Tempest would be able to help, to make her more comfortable with the gift and curse she'd been handed.

With a deep breath, she shifted and took her aim again, this time a little quicker and more prepared she fired. The recoil didn't throw her off this time, as she expected it now. This time, almost perfectly dead center. The firemane, definitely had some skill. Little did she know how much Shatterpoint had played into her talent primitive weapons, been the reason she'd done so well. Her survival, a lot of it could be attributed to her subconscious use of the force.

Another breath, and she took a third shot managing to hit exactly the same place as she had with the shot before, just making a larger hole in the target this time.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan watched as Galina took her shots, looking proud but letting her daughter take her time and find her own way. She could see that Halina was having a far easier time dealing with the recoil as she familiarised herself with the weapon. Like it or not, it seemed she was a natural. At this stage Siobhan did not know that Galina had an inherent aptitude for Shatterpoint, though she was not ruling out that a gift from the Force might partially account for her talent.

Or her incredible luck to survive the hellish island she had been thrown onto, with nothing except primitive, improvised weapons to protect her. "Nice work, sweetie," Siobhan said warmly, patting her on the shoulder. "You're really your mothers' daughter." Having said that she picked up the slugthrower rifle, which could be described as this Galaxy's equivalent of the M14 semiautomatic rifle. Siobhan loaded the rifle with the air of a professional, then fell into a ready position, making sure that the rifle butt was firmly placed in the pocket of her firing shoulder, which meant that the recoil would be absorbed by her whole body. Of course, it did not matter that much to her because she was a half-droid who could shrug off the recoil from dual-wielding bolters, but it was proper posture.

Gripping the gun, she aligned the rifle sight, adjusting position so that she was looking upon a target, aimed and then squeezed the trigger. There was a bang and a bullet leapt out and sailed through the air, hitting the target in the bull's eye. Siobhan lowered the rifle and passed it to Galina. "Give it a try, sunshine."
Galina grinned happily, as she glanced to her mother. Joy so clearly written upon her features as she set the weapon down. "Thanks mum!" She squealed a bit excitedly. Her smile just widened at Siobhan's words, so happy to be taking after her mother in anyway.

Curiously she watched as her mother readied herself, aimed and took her shot. She took careful note of Sio's stance, knowing she'd soon have to do it herself. Reaching out, she carefully eyed the rifle as it was passed to her. For a moment, she only looked at the weapon and took in every detail of it. It felt a little strange in her hands, heavier than she expected it to be. Finally she settled, and lifted the rifle to her shoulder. The placement felt odd as she did so, not quite tight against her shoulder. Rifles, she hadn't handled much.... They were somewhat rare on Sigma, and usually the adults handled them, given the size and awkwardness for a small child. Not feeling quite solid she turned to her mother, "Does not feel right. Can you help?" She asked, wanting to make sure she had it right before she fired the weapon, a little worried about the recoil truth be told.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Of course, angel," Siobhan spoke softly. Now that the initial moments had passed, she found that she was actuall enjoying herself. It was a sweet moment of bonding between her and her daughter, or at least she thought so.

"Recoil is a bit of a queen, it's easier with blasters. Steady the handgrip with your non-firing hand. Keep that hand clear from the rifle's action and ejected shells. Put the rifle butt firmly in the pocket of your firing shoulder. That'll make sure the recoil is absorbed by your whole body. Then grip the pistol grip with your firing hand. A backward grip pulling the rifle firmly on your shoulder ensures that when you're ready to fire, squeezing the trigger won't mess up your accuracy. Keep your trigger finger straight, don't curl it around the trigger till you're ready to fire. Keep your elbows under the rifle to support its weight," as she said these words she would help Galina adjust her position.

"Relax your neck and let your cheeks fall naturally to the stock. Relax...check your point of aim, align the rifle sights...and then fire when you're ready," she instructed. She tried and completely failed at keeping the silly grin from her face. "You wouldn't believe how proud I am of you, sweetie," she said quietly, though it was likely that Gallina would hear her!
Galina smiled softly, glad for the assistance with the weapon. Even the young Firemane felt it was a lovely moment between them. Carefully she adjusted her positioning as her mother helped her along, guiding her into a more proper position. It all felt so strange to her, definitely not used to the weapon at all. Breathing in deeply she steeled her nerves about firing the weapon and carefully adjusted herself once more. It took a moment of effort as she shifted her cheek against the weapon, looking through the sites for the first time. And a breath out slowly as she finally adjusted herself one last time, taking aim. The girl sighed, doing her best to relax herself.

Finally she dared to squeeze the trigger. The recoil hit her hardest than she expected, pushing her shoulder more than she imagined, and it showed in her expression as she glanced to her mother. Her gaze then drifted downrange. Her shot, on the outer ring of the target, to the upper right. "Not what I expected." Spoken quietly, as the girl frowned. At the same time, she hadn't seen those mysterious fracture lines in her vision this time, and did a little poorly for it. Odd... She thought to herself, having not quite put it all together.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"It's always hardest the first time, sweetie. Practice makes perfect," Siobhan said warmly, giving Galina a pat on the shoulder. "Sweetie, while you were aiming at targets before...did you sense something? Feel a power guiding your aim, get some special insight that made you perceive fracture lines?" she asked softly.

Siobhan had her suspicions based on the ripples she sensed throguh the Force, but she wanted to hear it from her daughter. She kept her tone gentle and smiled thinly, not wanting to scare. She knew how much the Force still unnerved Galina and honestly did not want to force it on her. But some training would be required, if only so that Galina knew how to defend herself. And as much as Siobhan did not like the idea, it had better come sooner rather than later, for it was a cruel galaxy they lived in.
Galina managed a smile but it soon faded as Siobhan went on. "Yes." She admitted quietly. The idea of what happened, frightened her it the truth be told. "Fracture lines, across my vision. Worried me, they would not go away." A sigh, "But they weren't here this time." The redhead finally admitted. It was too too strange to her, too odd what had happened. "Seen them before. On Sigma. On the island." And there was the truth of it. Looking to Siobhan, hoping for some guidance, some understanding, "What are they? Nothing's wrong with me is it?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"No, angel. There's nothing wrong with you. Not unless there's something wrong with Tempest or me. It was the Force helping you. This is a bit complicated and I'm no expert, so bear with me. I think what you have is a power force-users call Shatterpoint. It's a very complex ability that allows you to perceive weaknesses in an opponent, fault lines. You know the heavy suit of armour I wear? The beskar'gam. The iron it is made of is virtually unbreakable. Lightsabres cannot destroy it, it can withstand blasterfire, you can jump off a roof and the armour will be damaged...but still intact, though obviously not the wearer!" Siobhan said softly.

"However, even it has weaknesses. If you find the one critical spot and apply just the right can shatter it. That's the sort of thing this power allows, in theory, though that's not the way it's mostly used. When I think about it, I believe it's what helped you survived so long on Sigma, on the island. That you were unconsciously using it when you were facing wild animals," she held up her hand. "That and because you're tough as nails."
Galina nodded. The Force was still so strange to her. "It helps me?" She wasn't sure she understood that. But still she listened on and it somewhat made more sense. The redhead sighed heavily as Sio went on, not liking the force that much. It's power frankly frightened her. So much horrors could come from it, and really she'd yet to see it truly be used for good. Perhaps Coryth needed to be introduced to the young redhead to have a chat. "I see."

A nod came, "It .. did happen a lot on the island. Don't remember it much on Sigma." It was probably just as well that she didn't. Even subconcious use of the force, was only bound to have her kidnapped and taken by the mages, or killed by the rebels. She was everything the rebels stood against really. Thinking now, it would be most dangerous to return to Sigma - Especially for Siobhan and Galina. "Don't remember a lot on Sigma. Don't want to either. What I do, is bad enough."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan nodded sadly. "I know, angel. I know." Tone soft, words gentle. To say that Sigma had been awful would be an understatement. Much like saying a krayt dragon was not cuddly, though this would probably not stop Galina from wanting a baby dragon as a pet if she ever encountered it. Maybe one day she would become a dragonrider!

"Shatterpoint is a very rare power, but it can help you. Ideally you'd never have to learn any of this. You could be a kid, grow up and have a normal life, a career...marry one day if you want. But it's the sort of power that can give you an edge if needed. When pushes come to shove, using all you've got, without holding back, can make the difference between life and death. I know you're reticient about learning the Force and the truth is, I don't blame you. But remember, it's what Eileithya used a couple hours ago when she extracted the bullet that would've killed you if it had not been found. It's what she used to heal your injuries and it's the power I used to protect you from those big cats on the island. It can be used for good, if people choose to do so."
The young woman nodded, hearing her mother's words. Sigma was a horrible place, that much was certain. Maybe one day she would return and overthrow the Mages with her mother at her side. Maybe. As for the little redhead's desires to cuddle all creatures great and dangerous ... The bigger the chance they could swallow you whole, the more her desire to pet them and befriend them grew. And well, Galina if she ever saw a krayt dragon would probably totally want to keep it!

"Ah, I see." It made sense to her. "I wanted that too. Normal. But, I can't have normal. So I'll have to settle with dealing with what I don't want because I do not like these ... powers." In truth she'd have given just about anything to give the abilities up. Wanting so much not to be like the Mages upon Sigma.

"Right." She said softly, and another nod followed. "I suppose, that is true. She did. I guess, it can be used for good. Just seen so much evil come from it. And I am ... hesitant. Just worry is all."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"].
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"I know, sweetie. And you're right to be cautious. Your powers can be a gift or a curse. What's important is that you keep your sense of proportion. Simply having superpowers doesn't make us better than people who were born without them. It just means we can do things they can't. Some of them miraculous, others destructive. Those Mages on Sigma forgot that and just used their abilities for evil. Tegaea never had any superpowers beyond going to the gym and using her brain, and she's a far better person than me," Siobhan spoke. Apparently it was mother-and-daughter-talk time.

"Anyway, let's get back to shooting if you want. Remember what I told you about holding the gun and if you see those fault lines, don't hesitate, don't try to brush them off." For the record, Siobhan was still darkside. The Dark Jedi Master rank was well-earned! She also did not want her daughter to end up dark side. It made sense, somehow.
The young girl nodded. "You are right. I still worry." Though she did smile when Siobhan spoke of Tegaea. "Mum seems so strong and smart, without force."

Another nod as she sighed and lifted the rifle again. Slowly she shifted back into the proper position. With great care she held the weapon tightly against her shoulder and once more the fracture lines started to form. Her mind protested, and she shook her head for a moment trying to fight the urge to push them away. It took so much for her to calm herself and allow the fracture lines to remain, to not force them out. Breathing out slowly she finally relaxed, aimed and pulled the trigger.

Lowering the weapon slightly she looked down the range to the target to see where she had hit. This time dead center. As she glanced to Siobhan, her hands were trembling a little with the rifle noticeable shaking as well. Letting go, wasn't easy. The force still frightened her a fair deal, and getting used to an ability that she had naturally been gifted with still seemed so strange to her. The same powers that the Sigma mages abused greatly.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Siobhan visibly beamed with pride when Galina hit the dead centre of the target. But the smile seemed to dissipate when she saw how badly her daughter's hands were trembling and how the rifle was noticeably shaking in her grasp. It was like the fear and anxiety of her daughter was physically palpable to her, so strong was it. Or perhaps it was just an effect of Siobhan becoming more empathic. Reacting quickly Siobhan pulled her daughter into a hug, gently lowering the rifle.

"There, there, sweetie. You did nothing wrong. You were just using a tool to improve on something you already have a talent for," Siobhan spoke gently in what she thought was a reassuring tone, while one of her hands rubbed across Galina's back in an attempt to calm her down. There was a certain urge to call Chesna, but she quickly rejected that thought. It just felt irresponsible to her to call the demigoddess any time her daughter's emotions became awkward, not to mention the fact that it reminded her far too much of brainwashing. If she could not do something so simple and yet vital as reassure her daughter and convince her that her gifts were not evil, then she would be a lousy mother.
Letting go of the rifle with one hand she wrapped her arm around her mummy as Sio embraced her. The Force felt like some kind of strange beast to Galina. A beast she had yet to be able to tame. She breathed a heavy sigh as Siobhan spoke softly to her. The words reassuring for sure. "I .. I guess so. I wanted to push it away, make the lines go away. But I didn't. I didn't push them away." Said with a hint of fear in her words. Hopefully soon she could get over her fear of using the Force and come to accept her abilities. For now though, it still terrified her. There were so many unknowns with it, and uncertainty. It was fear of the unknown that scared her more than anything else.

"Guess that I have to get used to this. It's not going away, is it?" The young redhead had to ask. A part of her wishing she could make it all go away. And another part of her knew too well it wasn't. She just needed to hear the words spoken aloud.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

There were ways to become blind and deaf to the Force. Even to be severed from it, though these days that never seems to hold. Siobhan knew that Coryth was capable of severing someone from the Force. So she could simply tell Galina that the little redhead could take the Force away from her. Her daughter would no longer have to be afraid and could become 'normal'.

It was tempting, so very tempting. After all, having the Force made her daughter unhappy. Never mind the fact that there were good reasons to be concerned about it. Yet...Siobhan would not do that. She was firmly convinced that her daughter could master it...and avoid her own mistakes.

And so...she did not say the complete truth. Hopefully one day Galina would understand. "No, angel. You can ignore it, let your gifts atrophy...that's your choice and not one I'd hold against you. But the Force won't just go away. I won't force training you, but think about it for a moment: If you don't receive any instruction in it at all, you won't have any control, accidents might happen," she said very gently, holding on to her daughter as she tightened her embrace, though she kept it loose enough to not be painful, before releasing her. "Believe in yourself, sweetie. You just did very well. You overcame your fears and landed a good hit."
Galina sighed heavily. Nodding slowly she glanced down range for a moment. Was it really that bad? No. It was just strange. I still don't like it. I know. The redhead was slowly coming around to the idea that training was going to be a must. "I do not want more accidents to happen." Another sigh came and went, "There isn't much choice then, is there? I have to train or this ... curse will haunt me regardless." Right now, Galina had a hard time imagining the Force as anything but a curse. It seemed too much, too terrible a talent for her to really enjoy.

Another nod, "I suppose I did. Was not easy." She said quietly. Her mind still very much resisted the idea of embracing the force and allowing it to enhance her talents without protest. It was going to be a long road for her. That much was certain.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Her daughter was perfectly normal. As normal as any other girl her age, with some enhanced abilities. And a past more hellish than any girl her age should have gone through. There was a massive gap in perception of the Force, but Siobhan was trying to bridge it, as best as she could.

Siobhan gently patted Galina's hand. "You did well, sweetie. You can practice with the gun a bit more and we can move to blasters then." She thought for a moment, a bit torn between continuing the lesson or bringing up the Force again. "You know, Galina, I can use the Force to fly. I could, uh, take you flying."

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