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Approved Tech TXR-81 "Blue Blur"

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Good Men Don't Need Rules

  • Intent: To create an Airspeeder for Kale and his specific usage.
  • Image Source: Artstation - Hover Hot Rod
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification:: Airspeeder/Racer
  • Role: Personal Transport
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Minimum Crew:
    1 - Driver/Pilot

[*]Optimal Crew:
  • 1 - Driver/Pilot
  • 1 - Navigator/Music Selector

[*]Propulsion: Repulsor Lift Engines
[*]Speed: Extreme
[*]Maneuverability: Very High
[*]Armaments: None
[*]Defenses: Average

[*]Passenger Capacity: 2 Persons (Rear seat)
[*]Cargo Capacity: None

[*]System Components

[*]Other Components

  • Namesake: A code name of the vehicle, Blue Blur, is as it was meant to do. Going distances at extremely fast speeds. Rivaling those of Starships in Subspace, or even being faster than some Pod-racers and other Air Speeders. The entire game for this speeder, is to just be as fast as possible.
  • Fast and Furious - Atrisia Drift: Using various engine components, stabilizers and even an entire Gyroscopic stabilizer system, as well as a Starship grade experimental inertial dampener system, this speeder is one of the best in class for movement and being able to turn on a dime. Even more so, the Driver and occupants are easily able to withstand such speeds and sudden movements for a very clean and comfortable ride no matter how fast, or how often one is performing "Joy-ride Stunts."
  • Taking a Beating: Due to the material construction of the vehicle, as well as a slight improvement to shielding, the vehicle is rather protective of the occupants. Considering the vehicle is moving at speeds that can rival starships, it needs to be able to take the various stresses upon its chassis, frame, engine components, and everything else in between. Thus, a side-effect producing the ability to withstand small arms fire and even some anti-Vehicle weapons on the lower end of the spectrum.
  • All Bark, no Bite: As fast as this vehicle is, and with a fairly durable body, it has nothing in the way of weaponry. While sure the driver or other occupants could potentially produce a weapon to use, such as a blaster pistol, there is no inherit weapons upon the ship.
  • Thats a Big Gun: Anti-vehicle weapons can still pose a threat to the Blue Blur. Namely weapons that are specifically meant to destroy engine components or to just outright pierce through armored vehicles. Sure it can maybe take a hit or two, but otherwise? Its going to be shredded.
  • You have a Licence for that?: With such speed and movement options, driving the vehicle at top speeds, or in complex movements, can really only be done by someone who is an expert pilot/Driver. Sure, any old joe could attempt to perform such feats, but with how fast it moves, one's chance in getting into a wreck or a crash skyrockets the faster they go, or however little experience they may have.
  • That's Not Good: Due to so many engine components attempting to all work together, with so many of them for the specific purpose in creating an extremely fast speeder, The faster one moves, for longer duration, increases the potential for the cooling system to not be able to keep the temperature of the engines down. Even more so when pushing the engine to its absolute limits.
  • Cramped Space: Due to having no form of a "cargo hold" or a trunk, The only way you can store something in the vehicle, is if it can fit within the cab of the speeder. Which is difficult to begin with. The purpose of the vehicle is to really only fit the Driver and Navigator. However, there is a back seat that can fit two people directly behind the Driver and Navigator. This space has little to no leg room for a full grown human. Let alone a species that would be much larger or bigger. Most of the space in the speeder is up front for the Driver and Navigator.
A nice ride? Sure. Faster than pretty much everything else in the skies and ground? Yep. Durable enough to withstand stresses and maybe the odd getaway chase? Mhmm. Blue and filled to the brim with enough engine additions to make any Mechanic go insane? Oh yes.

The Blue Blur is an Air Speeder made first and foremost for speed and maneuverability. Able to race against Podracers, Slip Speeders, Air Speeders, and even be a quick getaway vehicle if needed. The only way to make this better, is to add a hyperdrive. However, as its only really meany for planetary travel across the surface, it will have to do.

Having little to no space other than the Driver, a Navigator and a small backseating for two others, The vehicle is just that. Transport. However, done in style and with gusto. Just be careful of overheating it, and people trying to gun you down. Best bet is to outrun them, and lose them in the dust.

Otherwise, all you can do is pull out a pistol and maybe get some pop-shots.
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