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Type 2.5 Kandosii-class Dreadnought (Kandosii = "Indomitable", "Ruthless", or "Awesome")

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[member="Spencer Varanin"]


Baby dont hurt me.

Don't hurt me.

No more.
I can't provide you with the exact report because reports are confidential, but your ship and another ship were reported and discussed. They're both powerful ships and lowering the production keeps the ship in tact

[member="Captain Larraq"]
[member="Spencer Varanin"]

This seems confusing to me. Every time I have submitted a report in the past, I was instructed to discuss the matter with the other writer first before admins would take action. Likewise, when I've had an issue with a factory sub in the past, I was typically told that no action could be taken until the submission was used in an unfair way in a roleplay.

As no one has approached me about their issues with this ship, and as I'm fairly sure none of these have been used recently, I'm confused as to not only why the ship was reported or what aspects of the design were pointed out as being unfair, broken, excessive, exc. Particularly when we take into account the inactions of previous admins when I raised issue with a number of the more extreme One Sith designs that had been approved in the past.

At the very least, I think I have the right to know who reported my submission and what aspects of the design were said to have warranted the report. Otherwise we would be enabling and encouraging writers to use the report system for passive-agressive harassment of other writers.

In regards to the feeling that this ship requires edits to make it more fair and balanced, I'd like to see the specific issues raised against it so that I can address them in the submission itself. And if the issue truly is as simple as the production rating, then I'd rather toss on some additional dev to compensate for whatever the issue is and keep the submission as-is.
I'm sorry but you do not have the right to know who reported you, that is confidential. If it was meant to be passive aggressive attack than that issue would have been addressed. The ship itself was not the focal point, as I stated previously (which since I'm mobile I might not have conveyed it properly) this ship was reported because it was the precedence for another ship, which that ship is also being worked with its production. As for specific issues, I'll summarize them for you, but yes development was pointed out.

As for dev being something to help stay at limited, I don't see any number of development that would allow this to stay to limited. If I correctly remember you used your factory dev reduction for this ship?

I understand that when you report something you have to discuss first with the other person, I'm unsure about previous admins, but from what I recall that wasn't the case with submissions since, you can't edit and 99% of the time staff is involved in that. I see what you're saying about it being enabled to be used as passive aggressive, but all reports especially factory ones are looked through and discussed because of people wanting to use it for passive aggressiveness. That is not tolorated.

As for the report the verdict about the production is from staff itself. So like I stated, I'm not sure if there is a value of dev that would allow the ship to be limited, minor , mass produced. The lowest it can go is semi-unique.

[member="Captain Larraq"]
[member="Spencer Varanin"]

Wait a minute...

Let me get this straight...

So one of the Factory Judges ripped off my design, made a bad copy that is less balanced than my design (shorter, lacking the drastically nerfed point defense that justified the armament rating for this ship, and with a much higher defensive Rating (the Kandosii being 16 with +2 against energy weapons and the Union having an 18, but not having, say, -2 against missiles and mass-drivers.).), and someone reported HIS ship for being broken and unbalanced.

And as a result of something entirely unrelated to my creation or how it has been used, my submission is being forced into edits because someone else made a broken submission with zero IC ties to my submission and zero IC or OOC approval from myself to use my ship as the basis for their own design?

That. Is. Absurd.

Because, if this is what you consider an acceptable course of action, than anyone, at any time, can make a purposely broken submission, claim that it is based on one of my submissions, get THEIR submission reported, and then get my submission dragged in for edits.



I'm not touching this thing until I know more about what's going on here. And if "staff" feels that this ship is unbalanced, then "staff" needs to talk to me about it.
After all the times I argued against various starship designs for being absurd, illogical, or overpowered, and was "politely" told to sit down and leave it alone, I see no reason why I should be punished for the actions of another writer in another submission.

If there are specific issues with the design, I'm more than happy to address them and make the ship a little more well rounded. But so far all I've been told is that someone else screwed up and I'm being punished for their actions.

And, apparently, am being expected to just swallow it.
I am staff and I am talking to you about it. I was hoping that this would remain a conversation and not an outburst such as you have done. I've told you the production needs to be edited because of the report, I've told you before the way you discuss things with staff and factory staff needs to remain civil.

I'm tired of this type of outburst, tired of giving you a yard when I've given others an inch when talking to staff.

This submission is denied and you're banned from the factory for 30 days.

[member="Captain Larraq"]
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