Short Swords

Ariana du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Location: Crystal Valley, Lazerian IV
Objective Two: Crystal Valley

Ariana smiled as her walk towards the transport trucks grew closer, the figures slowly coming into view as both Syndicate and their entrapped laborers. The mission briefing had included warnings that the enemy possessed specialized items that could detect Force users. Not that any Force User is that difficult to spot when they get going in combat. But Ariana admitted that such attempts of disguise or mind tricks would be made that much more difficult; Especially when there existed unalterable physical proof of her being a Force user.
Ah well.
Jedi and Force users alike often stick out like. . . well, like Lightsabers when ignited in the dark. Ariana herself ignited her own lightsaber, the Syndicate enforcers moved with uncertainty to excited movements and shouts. Without her smile fading away, she moved into range with frightening speed and with her lightsaber already in motion to strike. The first enforcer fired their only shot before finding himself impaled with Ariana’s lightsaber. The second and third enforcer fired wildly as the fourth attempted to move and flank Ariana, she for her part was in no mood to regulate her stamina.
A Force shield erupted to protect the young du Couteau heir and she pushed it outward as she launched herself to the two enforcers in front of her. The heads collapsed to the ground before their bodies finally crumpled and the last enforcer seemingly paused in stunned silence before suddenly finding himself pinned against the transport truck and weapon ripped away through the Force. Ariana’s smile never faded, but as she held the enforcer up by the throat with her cybernetic arm something began twitching on the corners of her lips as her smile turned rather jagged.
“You’ll drive me to-” Ariana began to order when the Enforcer began to mumble something, his lips trembling as his mouth attempted to gather more oxygen. Her cybernetic hand twitched and clasped as tightly as the mechanism could; rendering the Enforcer limp and dead. Ariana released the body and turned to face a group of cowering indentured workers, their feelings were a mixture of relief but more importantly a lot of fear.
“You all are free to go, the Alliance has set their eyes upon this planet. You’ll soon find aid ships and further Alliance personnel arriving to hand out food and supplies.” Ariana called out to them as she walked towards the lead transport truck and began to fiddle around with the controls and dash. She found a single undamaged data-slate and thanked the Force; there was a guidance system that gave the driver directions to the compound where the workers were going to mine.
Ariana turned and was about to head out before being stopped by one of the former Syndicate forced laborers. “-Where do we head to?” The man asked, unsure if this was all just a cruel delusion of a man witnessing his own final moments before death.
“Get yourself and your family to the city, the Alliance had already made landfall in multiple areas around the planet.” Ariana explained before gesturing with her head to the transport trucks, her smile never leaving her face. “I’ll be continuing my journey to clear out the Syndicate’s main mining operation. Or hinder it, we’ll see.” Ariana explained a bit more before quickly heading out and looking at her data-slate for directions. The group of workers no doubt needed much in the way of assistance and further aid, but as it stood that was a job for the Alliance proper. Ariana had her own mission to handle first and foremost, she intended to fulfill it to its completion.

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