Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Tyrants Without Thrones || GA Dominion of Lazerian IV


Ariana du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Crystal Valley, Lazerian IV
Objective Two: Crystal Valley


Ariana smiled as her walk towards the transport trucks grew closer, the figures slowly coming into view as both Syndicate and their entrapped laborers. The mission briefing had included warnings that the enemy possessed specialized items that could detect Force users. Not that any Force User is that difficult to spot when they get going in combat. But Ariana admitted that such attempts of disguise or mind tricks would be made that much more difficult; Especially when there existed unalterable physical proof of her being a Force user.

Ah well.

Jedi and Force users alike often stick out like. . . well, like Lightsabers when ignited in the dark. Ariana herself ignited her own lightsaber, the Syndicate enforcers moved with uncertainty to excited movements and shouts. Without her smile fading away, she moved into range with frightening speed and with her lightsaber already in motion to strike. The first enforcer fired their only shot before finding himself impaled with Ariana’s lightsaber. The second and third enforcer fired wildly as the fourth attempted to move and flank Ariana, she for her part was in no mood to regulate her stamina.

A Force shield erupted to protect the young du Couteau heir and she pushed it outward as she launched herself to the two enforcers in front of her. The heads collapsed to the ground before their bodies finally crumpled and the last enforcer seemingly paused in stunned silence before suddenly finding himself pinned against the transport truck and weapon ripped away through the Force. Ariana’s smile never faded, but as she held the enforcer up by the throat with her cybernetic arm something began twitching on the corners of her lips as her smile turned rather jagged.

“You’ll drive me to-” Ariana began to order when the Enforcer began to mumble something, his lips trembling as his mouth attempted to gather more oxygen. Her cybernetic hand twitched and clasped as tightly as the mechanism could; rendering the Enforcer limp and dead. Ariana released the body and turned to face a group of cowering indentured workers, their feelings were a mixture of relief but more importantly a lot of fear.

“You all are free to go, the Alliance has set their eyes upon this planet. You’ll soon find aid ships and further Alliance personnel arriving to hand out food and supplies.” Ariana called out to them as she walked towards the lead transport truck and began to fiddle around with the controls and dash. She found a single undamaged data-slate and thanked the Force; there was a guidance system that gave the driver directions to the compound where the workers were going to mine.

Ariana turned and was about to head out before being stopped by one of the former Syndicate forced laborers. “-Where do we head to?” The man asked, unsure if this was all just a cruel delusion of a man witnessing his own final moments before death.

“Get yourself and your family to the city, the Alliance had already made landfall in multiple areas around the planet.” Ariana explained before gesturing with her head to the transport trucks, her smile never leaving her face. “I’ll be continuing my journey to clear out the Syndicate’s main mining operation. Or hinder it, we’ll see.” Ariana explained a bit more before quickly heading out and looking at her data-slate for directions. The group of workers no doubt needed much in the way of assistance and further aid, but as it stood that was a job for the Alliance proper. Ariana had her own mission to handle first and foremost, she intended to fulfill it to its completion.


Tags: (Open)​

(Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor , Phobos Phobos , Diogo Talon Diogo Talon , Gil Horn Gil Horn , Kuhbee Kuhbee , Yusa Yssah Yusa Yssah , OPEN)

Not exactly good at hiding themselves, these dark foes.

Jack sighed wearily, beneath the shade of his hood, inclining for the oncoming patrol just flanking right out the city state. The edges of his soaked fabric swayed beneath the gentle raindrops, willing himself to inch a bit closer, venturing just along the skirts of the drenched forests, knowing what needed to be done, while the others around the massive camp did their role.

It only took... Fifty feet for the enemy ambush to reveal-?

A violet blade gripped backwards, clashing the vibrant energy sword launched for his left shoulderblade, Jack held the saber steadily behind him, peeking over to the baleful, masked visage, of his foe. The Knight smirked coyly.

"Lovely day for a stroll." Twisting about in Shien grip, Jack spun the opposing blade out of the weaker opponent's control, right hand gripped for his second saber in a blur.

A deep azure, penetrated out of the thug's back. Jack withdrew both blades, observing his opponent falling haplessly for the soft ground, squelching through water and mud. Clicking his tongue with utter disdain, for the unnecessary loss of life... And innocence.

Sith prompted natural disdain. This one? A brainwashed child forced to fight for the lowest of scum? He turly pitied.

But pity would service no good, they sensed the comrade being slain and reacted accordingly. Muddied boots crunched through drenched grass, the glowing hue of energy swords emerged around the darkened tree barks, a trio flanked around their seemingly Jedi prey.

Jack de-ignited his first lightsaber, content to use the blue, for now: Throwing off the hood and bowed his head, the glowing blue held steadily in a lower angled, Makashi stance. Festures poised, and controlled.
Refugee camp outskirts
Interacting: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Will you pipe down?

"Rude," Diogo muttered. He wanted to say a lot more, like, is that helmet cutting off the oxygen to your thick skull? but the big guy already sounded like he wanted to sock Diogo in the face so he didn't.

Then, Connel struck. Not Diogo... but the patrol. The man was so big it was hard to believe he could move that fast. In a blur, he maneuvered with brutal efficiency, neutralizing all three of 'em in an instant. Stealth wasn't really Diogo's style. Required too much patience. But Force damn the big guy looked cool as hell taking those suckers out. Maybe Diogo should just shut up and learn a thing or two. Heh... yeah, right.

Alright kid… first lesson. If you are hanging with me… you do exactly what and as I tell you. No questions, no ifs, no ands, and no butts…

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're in charge, man. I get it," he said, doing everything in his power not to roll his eyes.

First lesson… clear your mind… feel the Force around you… feel it inside you… feel the glow it gives off….

Now you shrink it… you compact it and make it as small as possible before using your own body to mask it… when you can do that… follow me to that waterfall.

Big man sounded more like a nagging teacher than his former grouchy self. Diogo supposed that was an improvement.

"Yes, sir." He did as he was bid, concentrating on the kinetic energy that surrounded him. He shrunk his emanating Force presence, compressing it like malleable clay squeezed in the palm of his hand. It wasn't masterful by any stretch of the imagination, but it'd be good enough for the low-level thugs they were dealing with.

"Waterfall?" he asked, following Connel. He couldn't hear or see anything. "Sounds romantic."


He had no eyes, but not only was he going to be a sniper, he wanted them to use hand signs.

Aris just peered at Aadihr. Unable to feel the Force himself, he didn't understand this. How could he? He knew that Miraluka could 'see' with the Force, but to his understanding it was like an aura around them. Or something. In truth it still didn't make much sense how to see without eyes. Aris could hear things before he saw them, but it wasn't like he could hear hand signals.

"Epicanthix teach their young military hand signs so they can talk in operations like this once they're older." Clarity was important. Aris didn't want to have any more misunderstandings with his teachers, and he did trust Aadihr was a good man, even if he still didn't understand how the blind man was going to use a sniper rifle. He looked ahead, flexing his hand. The black markings over his arm shifted, separating from his skin to form into a dagger he held now. A lightsaber was loud, and the tell tale hum would give them away.

A dagger should be fine, if he needed a blade.

"I'll always go for the one on the left."

If there was a group, a pair even, it would make it easier to handle this way. Aadhir could go right, he would go left. Then, he moved. He could hear the patrols, hear the enemy soldiers as they breathed. He'd go alone with Aadhir as his overwatch. Separate was best for them, for all of them, until they reached the imprisoned soldiers.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos


Dean crouched beside Katarine, his back pressed lightly against the cold, grimy wall of the warehouse as he scanned the surrounding area. His eyes flicked toward the Syndicate's guards patrolling the perimeter, their movements purposeful but routine. This wasn't his first infiltration, and by now, he could spot weak links in a security line as easily as breathing.

The tension in the air was palpable, but Dean exuded calm confidence, the corner of his mouth tugging into a faint smirk as he whispered, "Not quite like Zeltros, but we've got this."

He adjusted the strap of his utility pack, his free hand casually brushing over the holstered blaster at his hip. Beneath the playful comment, he was completely focused, his mind already running through contingencies. Dean didn't have the Force like Katarine did, but his instincts were sharp, and his years of experience with the SIA made him a dangerous asset in the field.

Dean glanced at her, the faint glow of the distant city lights catching in his sharp features. "You're quiet," he said, his tone soft but edged with curiosity. "Nervous? Or just focused?"

He didn't wait for a reply, instead shifting his attention back to the building. His voice dropped, more serious now. "Alright, here's what I'm seeing. The guards are running patrols on a 30-second interval along the north wall. That means we've got a narrow window to make it to that side entrance," he said, nodding toward a heavy metal door partially obscured by crates. "Once we're in, I can slice into their security systems, pull up their data, and see where they're stashing that holocron."

His gaze flicked back to her, this time softer, but his tone steady. "You ready?"

I'm scarier with my mask off.


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Lazerian IV | OBJECTIVE : ¾ Hybrid | TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jack Wright Jack Wright | Diogo Talon Diogo Talon TAG (FOE) : @


Diogo was probably lucky that Connel did not hear his last quip, “the Grouch” would probably had come out, no matter how funny his comment was.

What was that?

Nothing… nothing… genuinely surprised that the Padawan was closely following, Connel waived for him to get down again, There was a small encampment. Apparently some slaves were being brought here to dig underneath the waterfall. This was unacceptable and was going to be stopped here and now. There were a total of eight members of the Syndicate and three slaves. They looked to be waiting for more to be brought in, as two of the Syndicate thugs were in communication through comm-links. Next lesson, tell me what you see. Tell me everything.

The only “wrong” answer here was a “wise cracking” one.

Giving the kid a chance to actually do something meaningful also gave Connel a chance to come up with a plan. He was not going to move until either the slaves were in immediate danger, or more were brought in (no sense giving up their position needlessly). Tapping his own comm-link, he looked for Jack Wright Jack Wright 's frequency.

If you’re available, could use your help at my location, don’t worry about it if you aren’t..

One good thing about NJO Comm-links, they could be “position tracked” by others of the same type and setup. This offers a “security” or not being hacked, as well as a way to come and find others. As he was watching, (and listening to Diogo Talon Diogo Talon ), Connel could sense another. He did not recognize who it was (as he had yet to meet Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau ) but the Shadow hoped she would not put herself in danger.
Last edited:



Location: Tormaine City
Objective: Rescue Jedi Holocron
Tags: Dean Walker Dean Walker

"You're quiet," he said, his tone soft but edged with curiosity. "Nervous? Or just focused?"

He was perceptive, a trait that made him good at his SIA work and made him a good partner. The two had been spending a lot of time together since Grandmaster Noble arranged the team and by now they were beginning to pick up on each others moods. Katarine was thankful for his clam demeanor and his simple emotion. So far there was very little guesswork with Dean and she appreciated that. He was also learning that Jedi weren't nearly as flawless as the galaxy believed, or at the very least Katarine was a piss poor Jedi. First he'd discovered she didn't know how to fly a ship, and before this mission she'd clued him in on her other weakness. As this was a mission focused primarily on darksiders it was information he needed to know. She wasn't about to risk her partners life just to keep from embarrassing herself. By now he knew that the darkside made her weak and dizzy, especially if a darksider touched her. He also knew she was managing the situation the best she could and would hopefully still be an asset on this mission. He did not know the whole sordid story of her past and her battle of addiction with the darkside. She couldn't bring herself ot admit that out loud yet but as long as he knew the basics he'd be ready for the mission.

"Yes. Just don't want to slow you down out here."
She smiled at him, but there was genuine concern behind her deep green eyes. There was a reason Katarine wasn't on the front lines of this war, and always took assignments in the underworld where the criminals were non Force users. Katarine was hardly a conventional Jedi and often that made her hard on herself. She was trying to work on that, thanks to the teachings of Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor but it was slow progress.

Alright, here's what I'm seeing. The guards are running patrols on a 30-second interval along the north wall. That means we've got a narrow window to make it to that side entrance,.... "Once we're in, I can slice into their security systems, pull up their data, and see where they're stashing that holocron.""

Katarine glanced over his broad shoulder as he spoke, watching the guards and timing herself. He was exactly right in his calculations, though by now she knew he would be. She also knew that despite the lack of the Force he'd get there in under thirty seconds without her having to worry, and he'd be able to slice in no problem. Valery certainly had given her a partner that picked up all the slack Katarine needed. Maybe the Grandmaster knew what she was doing after all. Katarine smirked at that thought.

"You ready?"

She nodded at him, her deep green eyes holding his gray ones for just a moment before taking a deep breath. "3...2...1... let's move!" They moved silently and quickly, crossing the gap between the wall and the side entrance like two shadows that never existed. With the Force Katarine reached their destination first, but only by a few seconds. Dean was fast and he kept up as well as she knew he would. They reached their destination and crouched down out of sight again. It was a tight fit but Katarine slid over as far as she could to let him at the door panel.

"Do your thing slick."
She winked at him and then her deep green eyes scanned the courtyard, playing a lookout in case someone spotted them and started shooting. So far things were going smoothly but they both knew that could change at any moment. They had to be ready.

Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold


Fighting For Others

Outfit: Clothing/Armor | Glove | Right Arm | Talisman
Weapons: Lightsaber 1 | Lightsaber 2 | Hook Swords

Azurine crouched low behind the remnants of a duracrete barrier, her two hook swords and lightsabers strapped securely to her sides. Her heart thudded in her chest, a steady rhythm that matched the intensity of the mission ahead. She scanned the broken cityscape, her sharp eyes flicking to the Syndicate patrols moving in calculated patterns. With her was her master—Valery, Aris, and Aadihr.

Aadihr was Aris's master now. She had no idea when that happened, but she couldn’t help the mix of emotions that came with it. Of course, she smiled and played the part. She knew the experiences Aadihr had would be brilliant at instructing Aris, and she was genuinely happy about it. But how was she supposed to keep her distance now?

She felt the familiar heat of frustration this time mixed with a pain she didn't have the time to deal with right now rise within her. She had a way of drawing trouble, and the last thing she wanted was for Aadihr or Aris to pay the price for that. The guilt simmered beneath her fear, a constant reminder of why she’d made her decisions in the first place. It seemed the galaxy wasn’t giving her a choice.

Azzie quickly nodded in response to Valery's breakdown of their goal. She was here to help Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren secure his home, the same way that he had been there to help her do the same with Iridonia. Whatever they could do to aid his efforts, she was going to do everything in her power to provide it. "Understood. It's time to shine a little hope for these people."

She noticed the confusion in Aris's aura, glancing at the sniper, and she couldn’t keep herself from chuckling. Though there were limits, she knew just how good his perception really was, even if he lacked physical eyes. Leaning over to the other padawan, she whispered, "Never let it be said that this blind man couldn't hit the broad side of a star destroyer." She joked as she got up, pulling one of the lightsaber hilts from her belt. She wanted to have it in hand and ready, but keep it off until necessary.

"We can take the right, then. Just signal if you need anything." And with that, Azzie gave a nod to Valery to make sure that the plan was approved, waiting only for the go ahead from the Grandmaster. She took a quick moment to render herself invisible through cloaking herself within the force, and headed out into the streets.




Outfit: Senate Commando Durasteel Armor
Weapons: Heavy Blaster Pistol | Vibroknife | Loadouts in bio

Lady Sylvia Organa Lady Sylvia Organa had worked herself to the bone these ever since the the ball at New Cov. Her sleepless nights, heated meetings and constant appointments, petitions, and proposals finally led to this.

Nos almost had to physically restrain Sylvia from dropping in with the relief forces herself. The Zeltron, now adorned in blue durasteel armor of the Senate Commando unit. He had put in the time and effort and earned himself and Sylvia's retinue a place within the Galactic Senate Security Forces, and himself a role as captain.

Nos adjusted his helm, unused to being hindered by armor, as he directed the blue-clad relief forces from Alderaan in offloading supplies and expanding the refugee camps further away from the conflict.

With each 'cell' of new tents came a supply point near the main arterial road where food, water, and necessities were delivered and distributed twice daily, and additionally as needed, or to pick up sick or wounded refugees to one of the medical tents shared between every 4 cells.

Adjacent to each supply point was a small watchtower where a guard would keep watch a comms unit to check in, ensuring the refugees' safety from external threats as well as peacekeeping the camp from conflict and opportunistic crime amongst refugees or other relief forces.

Surrounding each cell's central supply point were three rows of tents in a checkered 'U', a semicircular formation to allow for easy access to each supply point as well as giving space in the center for children to play, pet animals to graze, and community meetings from the refugees to take place. It was temporary, but comfortable. Sylvia had gone to great lengths to ensure supplies were not only abundant, but also distributed equally and orderly, and everything arranged for Efficiency, Comfort, and Security.

Despite the rigorous training the commandos had gone through, they were not above assisting their assigned cells of refugees in manual labor, either.

Nos removed his helmet to breath fresh air, instead smelling Maclunkies. He suddenly found his own stomach rumbling. He pulled a nutrient-bar from his pouch, tore open the wrapping, and bit into it.

Despite the grim nature of war, Nos found some small satisfaction that Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren had given Sylvia, and himself, a chance. The Jedi had several security operations outside the camp currently. Nos and the Alderaanian Senate Commandos of Sylvia Organa's retinue would help ensure safety and order within the camp.

Taking the city back fell to others, but the lifeblood of the city, its populace and their wellbeing, were under his protection.

Them, and the damn slime that the karking Miraluka Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos adopted. The Jedi even named it Sugar. It was a pest from Coruscant, but Sylvia promised Miraluka that the sludgespawn could stay in the camp. The green trash-eater wrapped around his durasteel-protected leg, it's dumb smile and hopeful eyes gazing at his nutri-bar wrapper.

Nos sighed, finished the bar, and lowered the wrapper for the Sugar, who excitedly glorped the wrapper and began dissolving the wrapper, jiggling happily.

The Stoic Zeltron put his helmet back on, walking back towards the cells of the refugee camp, his gait awkward and asymmetrical as the sludgespawn hitched a ride on his ankle, wobbling joyfully as it decomposed the trash treat.


(Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor , Phobos Phobos , Diogo Talon Diogo Talon , Gil Horn Gil Horn , Kuhbee Kuhbee , Yusa Yssah Yusa Yssah , Nos Voros Nos Voros , OPEN)

"If you're available, could use your help at my location, don't worry about it if you aren't..."

Jack muttered incoherently under his breath, his sole acknowledgement to the other Jedi's call through his com. Just about batting another sword from his right, a singular arched swing throwing the enemy off-balance, leading another to strike at his back left.

The response? Duck, and kick, a squelching noise made from the boot planted firmly into the opponent's torso, staggering them back and used the Force to balance themself, making another swing that made contact with azure. Jack fighting off both opponents, the third of whom tried making another back-strike, that Jack silently huffed to, the Force enhancing his senses for time to slow down in his perception, just a second.

Blue and purple ignited in a cyclone, cleaning through a full three-sixty, marking in clean abdomens. The crouched Jack felt perception return to normal, the trio of Syndicate minions collapsed on the ground, more bodies for the pile.

He had zero time to celebrate as his violet blade slashed downwards, cleaning through a hurtled rock. Jack now thrown on the defensive, taking cover over a slope with logs and boulders flung via slopping Force execution, courtesy of two more thugs seeking to avenge their comrades; hatred for the downfall of their allies, thorughly palpable.

Tags: Kuhbee Kuhbee



Gil Horn walked beside his Padawan, his long black robes trailing the dusty ground of the refugee camp. The air was heavy with the scent of illness and desperation, mingled with the faint, sharp tang of antiseptics from the makeshift medical stations. His gloved mechanical hand rested on the hilt of his saberstaff, not out of a need for defense, but as a subtle reminder of the weight of responsibility that came with being a Jedi.

He glanced down at Kuhbee, whose normally exuberant energy was muted by the sobering reality around them. Gil could sense the turmoil in the young Wookiee—emotions bubbling beneath the surface, raw and untempered. The sight of the suffering refugees was clearly stirring painful memories. Gil crouched slightly to meet Kuhbee's gaze, his green eyes soft but steady.

"Heavy, isn't it?" Gil said, his voice low but steady. "Seeing all this suffering—it's not something you can prepare for in the Temple. No holocron or lesson can capture the weight of this."

He gestured subtly to the camp around them: the haggard faces, the shivering children clutching scraps of cloth, the lines of makeshift shelters barely shielding families from the elements.

"This is why we're here, Kuhbee. Why the Jedi exist. Not for glory or for grand battles with Sith Lords, but for this. For the people who have no one else to turn to. For the ones who've lost everything."

Gil's tone carried a mix of gravity and warmth as he continued, his words measured. "A Jedi's first duty is not to wield a lightsaber or use the Force in spectacular ways. It's to bring hope, to heal, and to help. Power without purpose is meaningless. What good is being a Jedi if we can't use what we've been given to ease the suffering of others?"

He straightened and placed a firm but gentle hand on Kuhbee's shoulder. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's okay to feel sad, angry, even scared. Those feelings remind us we're alive, that we care. But what defines us is what we do with those emotions. Do we let them weigh us down, or do we use them to drive us forward?"

Gil motioned toward a group of refugees gathered around a makeshift water station. "There are lives here that can be saved because we're here. Maybe it's healing the sick. Maybe it's just listening to their stories and letting them know someone cares. Every little bit matters."

He smiled faintly, a flicker of dry humor slipping through. "And if you're worried about your lightsaber looking awkward on your belt, don't be. You'll forget it's even there once you start tripping over your own robes like the rest of us."

The joke was light, but his gaze remained serious, encouraging. "Come on. Let's get to work. Together, we'll show them what it means to have hope again."



WEAPON: Lightsaber
TAGS: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Thralrii Hillbolt Thralrii Hillbolt | Drystan Creed Drystan Creed

Lightsaber clashed again energy sword. Khssh! He spun his blade around to parry away another strike as there were just so many of them. It wasn't a battle for survival, it was a battle to win. Most of the trip to his home world had been spent deep in thought. Some of that had been mentally preparing himself for the fact that he was going to have to hurt, and possibly kill, in order to free the planet from those who had taken it hostage. He entirely hated the notion of doing so, but what choice did he have against people who wanted to kill him.

"It's the Valoren Prince!" one of the masked and armored said.

"Focus on killing him!" said another.

To be expected. They'd been trying to kill him for a long time. First when they killed his parents, again when he'd arrived on Coruscant, again when flying to Hurikane with Grandmaster Noble, and yet again when he searched for sign of his sister. It had always been their goal to wipe out his entire line.

More of them turned on him, but he wasn't alone. Cora was there to help him, as were several others. Even Fate was with him, and he was popping off blaster shot after blaster shot to keep the enemy combatants at bay. Caelan used the Force to enhance his strength and speed and began to cut down the warriors that attacked him as best he could. Some of them tried to use the Force against him, one of them managed to push him back with the Force, but they were more like him: built for combat.

His blade cut through their armor, which wasn't made to stop sabers, just blaster bolts. Fate's efforts to keep them at bay gradually waned and he was forced to retreat away as Caelan became surrounded by the people that sought to kill him. He cried out in distress towards Cora and the others, especially the soldiers, trying to get their attention to assist Caelan before he was overwhelmed.

For his part, his blade kept the enemy from striking him, but he had a difficult time cutting through their numbers with so many of them converging upon him. It became a defensive only effort for him almost as quickly as he had made to cut through them. Such was the nature of it. He was too much of a target for them.

"I will not fall. You will not have this world and end my family line!"


Resh Resh
"How many battles have you been in?"

I don’t know,” Eloise replied, shrugging. “A lot.

She was a war veteran even before she joined the Order, having fought in battles back on Zaathru. “I started out killing slavers. They were organized into tribes living out in the desert. My mother amassed an army of locals and liberated slaves to go wipe them out once and for all. She let me come along. My brother was too scared, so he stayed home.” Her dad was off in the Netherworld when it happened, or else he probably would’ve protested. She was just thirteen years old when she climbed aboard the “magic” repulsor-powered chariot and charged into battle, wielding the lightsaber Daddy had helped her build. The same one she now held in her hand, ready to slaughter the Syndicate.

Though so far, there hadn’t been any soldiers coming their way. Eloise knew they had been deliberately posted away from the fighting. Probably because Resh was a greenhorn and needed to be eased into the whole war thing. They hadn’t seen each other in a while. She’d turned seventeen in that time. “How old are you now, Resh?” she asked. “And this is your first time?

Up ahead, she heard distant rumbling growing louder. Probably a tank. If it came their way, no problem. They’d just blow it up.
For his part, his blade kept the enemy from striking him, but he had a difficult time cutting through their numbers with so many of them converging upon him. It became a defensive only effort for him almost as quickly as he had made to cut through them. Such was the nature of it. He was too much of a target for them.

"I will not fall. You will not have this world and end my family line!"

Silence was broken only by the heavy boots of Syndicate patrols, their cold eyes scanning for signs of rebellion and found the sudden presence of the Prince and his jedi allies most wanting. Yet amidst this oppressive animosity, something stirred—an unseen force, a blur of motion, a phantom being racing through the city like a shadow on the wind.

They were not alone.

Through the labyrinth of alleyways, a fleeting shape moved like the wind given form, indistinct yet undeniable. Whatever it was, it traversed the city with an unnatural grace, a streak of motion that left no sound but the faintest hiss of displaced air. Walls crumbled in its wake as if startled by its passing. Streetlights flickered as though uncertain they had glimpsed something real. It zipped through narrow passages and vaulted over barricades with a speed and precision that defied comprehension.

Across rooftops and through broken windows, it danced, a spectral blur that seemed to exist between moments. When its path was obstructed, it leapt skyward, ascending to the rooftops in a single bound, its silhouette briefly outlined against the dim light of the stars. From above, the city sprawled like a graveyard, desolate and suffocating, the occasional Syndicate patrol weaving through the ruins below.

Its quarry, oblivious to the storm approaching, gathered near the remnants of an old market centers and charging toward Jedi resistance. A cluster of darksiders stood exchanging cruel laughter and curses. Much like the ash in the air and litter of the streets, their presence was like a stain on the lifeless streets.

The blur moved again, streaking downward with breathtaking speed. A falling star. It hit the ground without a sound, the impact absorbed in a way that defied logic and the laws of physics. For a moment, the streets were still once more, the figure vanishing into shadow. Then, without warning, it surged forward, a streak of motion so swift it seemed to fold time around itself. Light burst into being—two arcs of brilliant yellow energy igniting in its wake. The glowing shields, humming with power, burned like twin suns as they cut through the darkness. The darksiders barely had time to react before the shape collided with their group like a speeder careening out of control. The two closest bore the full force of the impact. One was hurled backward, their torso crumpling inward from the sheer power of the strike. Another let out a strangled cry before their body was flung like a ragdoll into the rubble. A third raised a weapon in a futile defense but found only searing pain as one of the glowing arcs cleaved through their arm, disarming them both literally and figuratively. The remaining darksiders were tossed aside like debris in a gale. They tumbled through the air, landing meters away in broken heaps. The energy from the collision hummed in the air, an oppressive reminder of the force that had just struck.

Visually the scene occurred in the blink of an eye but audibly a furious wookies roar reverberated from multiple locations at once. The patrol that sought to attack Prince Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren and his allies would find a brief respite.

Ariana du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Crystal Valley, Lazerian IV
Objective Two: Crystal Valley


There was a saying whenever things turned rather rough, It’s not all that bad. For many it was a cheerful sentiment, while for many it was a cynical realization that the galaxy could always get worse. And the galaxy will get worse. Ariana wearily mused on that fact of life as she trekked across the forested valley, the Syndicate’s main mining location was nearing in her approach. The countless months, perhaps even years, of such criminal efforts had gone unabated and uncontested; simply allowing untold amounts of suffering to flourish.

Ariana smiled all the same, not because she was particularly happy about such a fact, but because she could. Her eyes narrowed as the tree line broke into a wide clearing, fences and large machines filled her vision. The Syndicate were either attempting to collect as much of these ‘empath’ crystals before the Alliance shut it all down permanently or simply making hay while the sun still shined like it was a normal day. She crouched and slowly moved forward, her senses picking out different emotions that flooded the Force around them all.

Anguish, fear, dread and malice.

Carefully Ariana jumped over the fencing and made herself small as she pressed against a nearby crate as several Syndicate Enforcers patrolled the area. All the while the workers wasted away gathering the crystals and preparing them to be shipped out as quickly as they were mined. Ariana counted about fifteen enforcers so far but knew to expect a far greater number in the nearby barracks and other buildings that littered the clearing. Even if it was double or even triple the number that she had already counted, Ariana felt confident all the same but her job was to locate the Syndicate headquarters. A large mansion that probably had been previously owned by some poor noble family.

The young du Couteau heir placed a finger on her lips and gave a thoughtful expression as she planned her next set of actions. Her smile only wavered when the thought of failure came into play and the actions needed if such occurrence were to happen. It annoyed her greatly but there was nearly no way she could sneak into the offices without setting off the thousands of crystals that had been mined already.

Ariana’s eyes widened as her ears twitched at the sound of several clicks and the realization of where she stood. The failure had already occurred when she forgot the range of which the empath crystals could sense Force users. Placing both hands against the crate she had been using for cover, Ariana welled up the Force within her palms and shoved the crate forward. Several enforcers shouted and the blaster fire commenced moments after her attack. With a snap-hiss of her lightsaber Ariana lunged towards the nearest enforcer with the same smile she had since the start of her mission.

Smile through the pain, laugh at the fear. . . .


Tags: (Open)​
Refugee camp outskirts
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Diogo hunkered down again, carefully scanning the encampment. A small work force occupied it by the looks of things. Everyone seemed on edge. Two of the Syndicate thugs were on coms, but it was impossible to hear what they were saying and Diogo was't a lip reader. The rush of the cascading waterfall brought a steady white noise to the surrounding area and a misty blanket stretched out across the waterfall basin.

Next lesson, tell me what you see. Tell me everything.

"I see eight losers," he said confidently. Nine if you count the big guy at his side. "And three slaves. They seem to be waiting for something."

Diogo figured his answer was superfluous. Connel would already know all that, he was just testing the padawan. As the big man attempted to contact Jack Wright Jack Wright and got a muted response, the boy raised a scruffy eyebrow. "He sounds busy." Or, like Connel, his manners left something to be desired.
I'm scarier with my mask off.


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Lazerian IV | OBJECTIVE : ¾ Hybrid | TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jack Wright Jack Wright | Diogo Talon Diogo Talon TAG (FOE) : @


Not our problem, he probably is in the soup too…

The kid next to him was trying to either sound cool, or grown up, or whatever, it didn’t matter as he was attentive as that was all Connel cared about. Then there was something else.

It doesn't matter, we can handle this...

What was that?

Two more were coming, and they were dragging two. The two slaves looked to be smaller than the others. This was going to complicate things, as while he wanted to wait for another to assist, the clarity of who they were made him clearly angry.

They were kids…



This was beyond the pale and time to lay the cards down.Turning to the kid, and pulling his mask off, Connel had a glare of rage in him. He was not aggressive or angry towards Diogo, it was becoming clear where his anger was directed.

No images, no games, this is “me” talking. Can you handle this? Tell me now, it is okay if you cannot. I’m going to get those slaves out of there, and if you can handle what is going on Connel then reached and pulled out the collected blasters from their tucked in spots in his belt and put them on the ground in front of the Padawan… You can give them these and direct them to the encampment. If not then take them with you and keep them safe. It’s okay whichever you choose, but I need to know that I can count on you, no matter which you choose.

Calming down momentarily, in a way that added more weight to the situation, he stared into the kid’s soul… or at least it felt like it. This is real if you want to get out of here, it’s okay, if you want to stay it’s okay. I will be keeping the attention of those monsters, but I need you to tell me now and tell me honestly, no games…

Putting a hand gently, but firmly on Diogo’s shoulder, he asked one last time. Yes or no.

"Oh." Resh swallowed nervously, feeling all the more out of his element now. She recounted a personal history, from before her time with the Order. It all sounded rather intense.

How old are you now, Resh?” she asked. “And this is your first time?

"Uhh, I don't know," He answered, his lips twisting, "I don't think I really age the same way you do, being a clone and all. And yes. This is my first time," He glanced up at her, "How old were you your first time?"

The sound of something heavy and mechanical heading their direction shocked Resh back to attention. He peeked out from behind the building they stood at, just managing to get a look at the culprit; Some kind of mobile artillery, likely rolling this way to position itself an appropriate distance to fire at the main Alliance forces over where the fighting was heaviest. It had a small cadre of soldiers escorting it. Resh snuck back, lest he be seen staring, "What do we do? They're coming this way!" He asked in a hushed whisper.


Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Drystan Creed Drystan Creed | Thralrii Hillbolt Thralrii Hillbolt | Boggo Flib Boggo Flib

"Understood," Cora nodded to Drystan. "Thank you, Knight Creed." Though her expression was steely, one well-manicured eyebrow rose at the mention of Brazier. It was a tad difficult to imagine the aloof shadow pampering a racyon kit, but it seemed as though he were a more capable caretaker than she'd imagined.

There was no prelude, no air thick with tension before the incursion. They'd stepped right onto an active battlefield, flanked by the commandos of Alpha platoon.

Cora focused on keeping as much of the assault off of Caelan as she could. Her saber spun in a blur of blue light, deflecting blaster bolts back into the waves of Obsidian soldiers.

"It's the Valoren Prince!" one of the masked and armored said.

"Focus on killing him!" said another.

The chaos became very thick very quickly, effectively cutting her off from the Padawan prince once he'd been recognized. It was not unusual for Jedi to escort a royal heir away from harm, but usually said heir wasn't fighting alongside them.

"Cover me!" she called to teams Diamondback and Anaconda, motioning for the allied soldiers to flank her. "I'm going to try something."

As the commandos surrounded her, Cora closed her eyes and exhaled harshly. Both hands extended out towards Calen, towards the veritable wall of enemies that separated them. It took a concentrated effort for the Force to surge through the opposition, pushing them to either side as if they'd been struck by an ocean's wave. It was enough to knock away the soldiers in its direct path, and it was enough to allow them to reach Caelan.

Cora suddenly jerked her head to the side. A blaster bolt whizzed past her ear, so close that she could feel residual heat on her cheek. Her eyes opened and she raised her blade once more, deflecting incoming fire with one hand while tapping her ear comm with the other. There was a cluster of nearby buildings in the direction the shot had come from.

"Creed, snipers on the roof."

Her blade struck at joints and cleaved weapons as she moved forward, pushing her way towards the Padawan. The stream of soldiers seemed almost endless, but they were all caught off guard by a sudden burst of light in the distance. For the second time, Cora felt warmth against he face – but this time, it was revitalizing. The warmth of Ashla.

A guttural roar bounced through the city, a familiar cry belonging to a tall, hairy humanoid.

"We're with you, Caelan," she said once he was within earshot. "I didn't know that Devit had a Wookiee population."

"Uhh, I don't know. I don't think I really age the same way you do, being a clone and all. And yes. This is my first time. How old were you your first time?"

Eloise supposed his explanation made sense, although it was weird to think about. She didn't know a lot about clones, let alone their aging process. Was he aging faster than normal, or slower? Would he be stuck at the age he was now indefinitely, or would he wake up one day in the body of an adult? How long was his lifespan? "Thirteen," she answered his question. "I dunno if that's considered 'too young'. I see Padawans getting thrown onto the front lines by their masters all the time, though, so I'll fight anyone that acts like I'm some outlier."

As the sound grew louder, their foe came into clear view: a tank, just as she had suspected. She ducked into cover alongside Resh.

"What do we do? They're coming this way!"

"Listen, did they give you any grenades?" she asked, her tone much calmer than Resh's panicked whisper. "EMT or ION shit? Do you know how to shoot lightning with the Force or something else that would disable the electronics in that thing?"
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