Resh did his best for a time, but found himself overwhelmed by everything. In a crucial moment, he became distracted, and yelped as a searing pain stabbed his forearm. A blaster bolt scorched through his sleeve and into his skin, his attempt to deflect overextending and the pain causing him to drop his lightsaber. And as the tank exploded, threatening not only him but Eloise as well, his pain turned to fear, and his fear turned to anger in a flash of a moment.
"Stop!" He yelled defiantly, as if events already in motion would cease on his demand. A shockwave of energy, with Resh at its epicenter, burst forth, throwing aside the troops that had been attacking them, and repelling the incoming shrapnel from the tank explosion. Resh had saved them in an uncontrollable fit, but had failed to control himself in the chaos, just as he had back when the Jedi first rescued him. Suddenly tired, Resh dropped to the ground, feeling himself on the verge of unconsciousness.
"Stop!" He yelled defiantly, as if events already in motion would cease on his demand. A shockwave of energy, with Resh at its epicenter, burst forth, throwing aside the troops that had been attacking them, and repelling the incoming shrapnel from the tank explosion. Resh had saved them in an uncontrollable fit, but had failed to control himself in the chaos, just as he had back when the Jedi first rescued him. Suddenly tired, Resh dropped to the ground, feeling himself on the verge of unconsciousness.