Rexus Drath
Well-Known Member
"Oh yeah completely ugly. In fact when we were talking she told me that your mother couldn't love a face like that." Rex said to the shark man trying to sell the whole she don did it routine, Rex even tried to reenforce his words with the force ever so slightly so that if they didn't work they would at least go unnoticed in the mind of the shark. Rex was a damn good mentalist and he would see to it that a fight was avoided on this crowded place. He was no good guy but he had his morales and they involved keeping these people alive and the rainbow girl. "The one with the high heals and inferiority complex." he said pointing over Fi the sith princess. Not that it meant a lot to be sith anymore. You could kick them in the gums and they wouldn't do or more like couldn't bounce back with their army.