Anna smiled and hugged Eric. She would be sad to see him go, but she had faith he'd come back to visit. The dark-haired woman kissed his forehead like she used to when he was a child and let go.
"I... Might be gone for awhile, but I promise I'll come visit you any chance I get!" Eric assured her, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn't really sure what to say.
"I know. I love you. You'll always be my little boy, even if I'm not really you mom," Anna replied, smiling sadly.
"You've always been my mom. You're the only mother I've ever known. I don't remember my real parents," Eric almost felt bad saying that in front of Alex, but it was true. Anna was the only mother he head ever known. The two of them finished saying there good-byes and Eric walked over to join Alex, ready for their adventure to begin.