Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ultimate Thread of Spam!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Lol...just make sure you cover your tracks after this run of posts with single posts in the other game threads. That way, when and if someone checks your profile and checks your posts, the few that will show will be those legit ones. :D

[member="Kitrine Corsair"]
[member="Marina DeVoe"] yea, that vas the bigest spam-line of poodoo i ever seen XD

And yea... usualy i make a rule not to go easy on anione (asyde from ppl who specificly dont want a real spar, he did want one XD ), but he vas so in-competent i just didnt feel right mesing him up (and it vas frendly, not a event, so i vasnt obliged to do it to win, aniway, i mesed-up plenty of scrubs at events, but thats there own fault for not being ready for it). Tho by the time i told him to stop, i vas almost iritated enogh to floor him, so... yea, it vas a close call :p

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hehe... well, out of say 700 or so quickies I was tapping, I only scored like 250 posts. Still, it's as pure spamming as spamming gets [member="Natalija"] my index is sore... :(

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Yea, you could look at it that way.
I do know that on other boards there was what was called 'Post Flood safety Check' and there was a 1 minute delay between posts. many of those other boards were charged by how many posts there were per day, so the board owners would have to activated that flood check.
Hmm...wonder who pays for this that I think of it.
Dare I ask?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Well, just curious as to whom's financing in keeping this board ad free.
An ad free board is not free, you know. I am leery in asking as I may tick off the Big Green Gila Monster. I've not had very pleasant experiences with him, you know. :(

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