Nothing vrong vith being underestimated. Yea, its anoying, but you wuldnt belive, how many times that won me matches. Not so much these days, but back vhen, a few yers ago, vhen i vasnt kuite as buff yet, as i am today, guys tended to look down on me, vhen i steped in the cage vith them. Either thinking they shuld "go easy" on me, or just generaly thinking i cant/wont hurt them, and geting sloppy as a rezult. Or both. Arogance loses fights, and i rarely mised out on a chance to drive that point home.
Not that i can play on that animore, now that i'm more buff then most guys i meet XD . I sometimes miss being underestimated, in a way. It is advantageus, if u can get past the anoyance.