Karjr with a Blaster
Ryloth always held a solid alliance with the Enclave since it was absorbed into the Mandalorian sphere of influence. Even after the Enclave's descent and loss of ground, trade and good relations were maintained, and Ryloth's defense remained steadfast.
But recent actions have started to crack that relationship. The actions on Rishi and the assault on Rodia spread quickly to neighbouring planets, resulting in grave concerns among Ryloth's leadership. Talks at the Enclave embassy broke down and, despite reassurance from Enclave ambassadors, protests gained momentum and ultimately came to a head when paranoid citizens in the capital stormed the embassy, as well as the Enclave military garrison, resulting in the deaths of both a number of Enclave Marines and two Karjr sent to try and ease the concerns of the Ryloth leadership. The remainder of the embassy and troops on Ryloth were forced to evacuate and retreat back to Kestri as the Twi'leks reached out for aid to the Galactic Alliance and nearby elements as well as the New Jedi Order in preparation for an inevitable counterattack from the Enclave.
The loss of Enclave life and traitorous acts cannot go unpunished. They have all but declared war against the Enclave and murdered its people.
It's time for the Enclave to send a message of its own…
Suggested for Groundpounders
In the capital of Lessu, an all-out assault is planned. Its position on a plateau and heavy defenses makes it nearly impossible to attack from the ground without significant losses. Luckily the Enclave specialises in the one place its defenses are weaker: the skies. Using drop ships, gunships, drop pods and Basilisk war droids, breach Lessu's defenses from above and take the capital. Support on the ground in the form of walkers will also be given while Enclave Marines will provide manpower to bolster Mandalorian numbers. Heavy resistance is expected in the form of heavily armed mercenaries, Twi'lek defenders and possibly Alliance elements.
Suggested for Fleeting and Dogfighting
In orbit, the planet is well defended with a blockade of vessels intent on preventing planetfall and driving the Enclave attackers back. A mercenary fleet is confirmed to lend a hand in Ryloth's defense and Alliance vessels are a dangerous threat confirmed to arrive shortly after operations are greenlit. Break their lines, keep the Enclave corridor open and route the enemy to secure the lives of the troops on the ground.
In the skies of Ryloth, an Enclave Star Destroyer has made it through and hangs overhead as a forward base of operations for the ground assault while fighters and air defenses are hard at work to bring the beast down, establish air superiority and keep the skies clear. Air force elements are tasked with preventing enemy superiority, defending the mobile base of operations and providing support to troops on the ground.
Suggested for Duels
The Jedi Order is a dangerous adversary and an element confirmed in the capital. The decades old alliance is cracked and on the verge of shattering almost entirely. The Jedi have pledged their swords in the defense of Ryloth against their former Mandalorian comrades. Drive them back and defend Enclave troops, or attempt to save the old alliance from a seemingly inevitable collapse into total war.