Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Un-Common Captain

[member="Zakath Tariz"]

Following the advice of [member="Kaine Australis"] , Lori started to put together a plan for her own ship that was bigger than a fighter, and her own crew. He said that he was going to pay for it all for the first year and once she was able to make credits on her own, she'd be able to pay him back. With the occupation of Commenor ongoing, she wasn't really sure if she still had access to a bunch of credits or not. The Sith could have frozen her family's assets. Trying to access them cpuld also give away her location. [member="Sebastian Thel"] would probably use his expertise to track her down that way. So she had to be smart. When she was ready, she might spring a trap for him, but not just yet. That was better to do at a later time...

So for now she put out a random ad on the holonet to see who would bite, if anyone:

Newly Appointed Captain Looking For Crew!

Fully paid positions with room and board. Not looking for a large crew, just a few individuals. Are you craving an adventure? Are you craving experiences to learn and opportunities to grow? Well give me a shout and we can schedule an interview!

Lori had no idea if that was enough for an ad, nor if it would even work. There was only one way to find out.


King of Pumpkins
Sora had decided to travel beyond the ME since the warmaster seemed to be getting out and about. Sora had yet to play any form of role within the ME, it was most likely because he was a droid. But even he strove for adventure. That was until the droid saw a job listing for a position on a crew. Sora figured what better way to spend some time away other than be someone of next to no importance.

So he sent a message back.

Greetings Captain,
I saw your listing for a crew and wished to join. I am a self autonomous droid who wishes to do something interesting rather than being mothballed and shelved by those who once owned me. Please tell me where I might join in on the crew.

Signed Sora.

He left of the part about him having any connection to a clan or being a leader of any kind. No one had really seen him yet anyways so he could get away with pretending to be a no-body.

[member="Loreena Arenais"]


OOC Writer Account

Jain Kazko
Core, Kuat Sector, Kuat System, Kuat, Apartment Complex

Adjusting the headset sitting over both of her ears for a moment Jain slides the holographic display keyboard towards her ribs before proceeding to deftly compose a reply to the posted job advert, intelligence had recently come through that the poster had undetermined and unclear connections to the ongoing Commenor investigation presenting a tentative job opportunity to see the Galaxy for an inquisitive Jain....And also the possibility to acquire and store useful intelligence, with the Alliance defeated several insurgency groups were springing up in their previous sphere of influence the kind that if organised could mount an effective resistance to the First Order. "I'm on ships so much these days the educators probably would have done me better to have picked me for some mast jockey than the Corps." Kazko or "Alika" as she was known as within the secret files of the First Order Security Bureau's databases grumbles to herself, slightly irritated by the recent jumps all across the Galaxy it was by no means easy or entirely pleasant to try and slip from the Unknown Reaches into the Core even with the Alliance's absence.

The ideas passing behind Jain's spheres begin to coalesce into a brief reply with fingers moving at an alarming pace, Jain recalled wordlessly with more than a pinch of pride that her words per minute count surpassed that of most other Humans so exams growing up and studying proved itself to be trivial as did note-taking in class. "Sixty-Two words per minute with ninety-nine per cent accuracy.....Damn I'm good." Jain's eyes steadily rolled with the text she'd composed on the liquid crystal display sitting atop an Oak desk in the middle of an ascetic priestly-looking bedroom kept in immaculate cleanliness which reflected the young woman's mind-bending disciplined upbringing, yet even for all of that Jain still had frequently broached the rules and escaped punishments up until recently and now the Security Bureau saw fit to try and put the girl far away from First Imperial territory, to test her loyalty and resolve. Truthfully sometimes Jain forgot who she was and which side of the Galaxy's politics she sat on with an open-mind and open-heart despite trying to appear otherwise the girl often found herself a world-apart from her peers.

Subject: Crew Position


Pulled-up your advert after having it passed onto me by a friend of mine, I'm interested in filling a vacant position on this small crew of yours I've got a background in the private security sector and can translate several languages proficiently. I have mechanics training and can perform preventative maintenance care and servicing on most common repulsor-based vehicles, most of my history is in Speeder Bikes although I have worked on full-sized land and air speeders in the past.

I possess a desire to get around the Galaxy, I'm hoping to get out beyond the core and I think I can bring some highly valuable skills to a budding spacer crew. If you're interested just send me a reply and we can schedule an interview at a neutral location of your choosing.

Kindest Regards,

Jain pauses for a moment, in the end, dropping her almond-shaped Hazel spheres hovering the cursor above the 'send' button briefly assessing the deeply guilty feeling that sweeps over her, was she beginning to believe the lie she'd used to deceive so many. Would the illusion finally come and swallow its' grand orchestrator? Only time would tell. Jain depresses the touchpad's left input key nominating the 'Send' which then pulled the browser window back to the conspicuously vacant inbox, Jain liked to keep things tidy and glanced over shoulder towards the several empty glass bottles sitting atop a white polymer bedside table neatly placed in three files. Thinking for a moment on her life and the conflicting thoughts running wild through her mind like a violent stampeding herd of Bantha across a beautiful and peaceful Naboo plain, the fields abruptly peel away to the stark-white classrooms of her childhood where she recalls a mantra so often repeated.

"Life isn't about freedom." Uncurling her crown constructed from a single towel Jain throws her blonde hair into a lazy utilitarian ponytail and swipes the backpack off the neatly-made bed featuring the ubiquitous hospital corners so often left by professionals. Sliding the soft skin of hands into a pair of fingerless gloves with white hard-hat clunking softly in her backpack Jain slides her personal data assistance into the wrist-mounted holder wrapped tightly around her left forearm before making for the door with thoughts going to the sheer cliffs of a distant mesa she'd soon be scaling in the name of personal fitness.....And examining the old Wehr residence belonging to a certain former Officer-turned mercenary leader.

[member="Loreena Arenais"]
[member="Loreena Arenais"]

Another message came back

Little Sparrow,

This is Scholar. Can't tell you my real name, but I can tell you I'm an artifact hunter of a kind. Ineterested in filling a spot on your vessel. Send me the time and date and I'll be there.

Yours truly.

The first message to arrive was one by [member="Sora Talus"] . And it didn't take long either! Reading on, Lori soon figured out why. Sora was a droid! And from what she could tell, he seemed similar to [member="Ultimatum"] . She had met that droid a while ago, saving him and a pilot after their ship had suffered from an attack and couldn't control it's flight coming into an orbital refueling station. He seemed alright and she held no prejudice against them. Plus there were so many advantages to having them as well! Hmmm.

Lori was about to write up a reply when another message came in. This one was lengthier and it made her wonder if Kaz had a lot of experience in replying to them. [member="Alika Zovu"] 's background seemed good, and at least she'd be another hand to help with the mechanical side of things. Lori had done some tinkering, but her skills were mainly in creating stuff. Like her jetpack and her armour when she gets around to it! Although she did do some maintenance on her training fighter, she knew that a freighter was a different animal altogether.

Of course she still needed to commission her own ship too. But Lori had yet to finalize on the design and functionality of it. Maybe she'd borrow one in the meantime.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a message from [member="Zakath Tariz"] , otherwise known as Scholar. He claimed to be an artifact hunter. Ohhh! Treasure! That could be useful too! With her own knowledge of traps and with the help of the others, they could find a lot of neat stuff. Maybe things that could help her family and her planet too!

Lori chewed the inside of her cheek as she pondered on where to meet them. She couldn't go in old CSA territory. It was unsafe for her. And not everyone felt safe in Mandalorian territory either. Hmmm.

Corellia seemed okay! It was a little rough, but that could work. Especially when they discovered that she was merely 16 standard years old. No doubt that could be a dealbreaker. There was just one way to find out though.

She whipped up a reply, same mesaage, but sent to each of them seperately:

Hey there!

Thanks for replying so quickly! My ship is still getting some work done, but it'll be ready soon. In the meantime, how about we meet up on Corellia? I can send you the co-ordinates to one of the cafe's there and we could meet in a few standard days.

Let me know if that works for you.

Little Sparrow
Subject: Crew Position

I am replying to your post about a Open crew position on your team. I am a skilled and experienced Combat Professional with experience in Slicing, Salvaging, and Starship Maintenance. My previous job was working on the Jast Salvage Crew around the Skor Battlefield. I am also a skilled adept Force User and recovered a Light Saber from my last job. I hope you will choose me to fill in a position on your crew.

Thank you,
Giddean Stevens

"Okay S, email is sent," He paused as he waited for a min, "Understood S, I accepted the mission so let's just get on with this, I do this for the S.I.S. and get the Directir to speak to Master Halle about rejoining the Sentinal Division."

Giddean took a ear com out from his ear and placed it on the hilt of his lightsaber. Igniting the lightsaber and destroying the Communications Device. SIS was a very secretive bunch, everything was against the Agency. He looked over his equipment, ragged dark clothing, blaster pistol, Saber, and a Scrambler Key for slicing.

The mission was simple, find out who Sparrow was and protect them no matter who it was. Apparently someone in Division was flagged the email address and wished to sent an agent to be sure. He just got back from a mission in the First Order space, and figured he could go back to Kuat to check on his aunt and then to the Praxeum. Guess they wanted a Padawan due to the lack of Knights recently.

Well what's the worse that could happen, it's not like the target was a Exiles Royal with a Bounty on their head. He was getting to imaginative, needed to stay on mission.

[member="Loreena Arenais"]


OOC Writer Account

Jain Kazko
Core, Kuat Sector, Kuat System, Kuat Surface's

Securing her backpack to the Z-74 Speeder Bike's custom rear-mounted Durasteel cargo rack Jain saunters with an arrogance in her step that could pass for being local. That accented speech only helped make this quality all the more painstakingly obvious, Jain couldn't help but give off a fiery pride as if some unspoken claim to being the most dangerous individual in any given environment. 'Kaz' It was a misleading nickname to be certain atleast in the barely an adult's mind which draws an image of some battle-scarred soldier-turned mercenary missing an arm at the elbow, the thought solicits a hearty and genuine chuckle from Jain as she straddle the bike's fuselage lazily fingering at the ignition key cycle combination. "Really should service this old thing...." Jolting the throttle in neutral gear the Repulsor field roars with its' distinct 'Znyoom' Jain smiles warmly towards the cold machine and nods approvingly but just before she can take-off in the direction of Asho Wehr's old residential property the personal data assistant sheathed in its' holster on left wrist buzzes unpleasantly against Jain's skin.

Reclining back Jain brings the data assistant beneath her Hazel spheres and studies the message preview on the liquid crystal display and gives a respectful 'hmph' 'Corellia' She thought for a moment. 'Nice and close atleast, under construction. Handler will need to know, prepare dead-drop communication this afternoon.' Unlocking the passcode lock on her assistant with her thumb-print Jain begins to compose a reply, fingers move across the touchscreen with a practiced dexterity that betrayed atleast in-part a deep and rich history working with such interface devices.

Subject: Crew Position

Corellia? It's perfect that's not too many jumps for me, send the local GPS Co-ordinates for the Cafe and its' name along with a nominated interview time and we'll make this interview happen.

Kindest Regards,
'Calcified Gundark' Jain couldn't but chuckle reading the holonet address that had been provided to her by the handler, examining the reply for a moment before giving a satisfied nod she gently taps the 'send' button before wrapping both gloved hands firmly around the Bike's handles, shifting the vehicle into first gear with right boot Jain's corresponding hand throttles the vehicle, zooming across the grassy plains of Kuat towards that point of interest; Asho Wehr's mesa and the secrets it may contain. Truthfully though she only expected to find old furniture and maybe family analogue photo albums but you could never be certain until you sought out the truth.

[member="Loreena Arenais"] [member="Giddean Kuat"]
After she had sent her message off, another had arrived in her inbox. This one was from [member="Giddean Kuat"] . Hmm. Slicing, combat, salvaging and maintenance; all of that was great! Lori started to wonder abput all of these people. How old were they all? How did they treat younglings like herself? Would she be recognized at all? Did she need an alias besides what her email address gave out? Maybe just being called Captain would be enough. Once she could trust them, then maybe she could give them more.

Yeah. That was perfect.

Another message arrived. A reply from Kaz this time, wanting the co-ordinates. Hmm.
Her fingers drummed on the back of her datapad as she chewed the inside of her cheek. Which cafe to go to? [member="Alika Zovu"] There were so many when she pulled up a quick search. One such place that popped up made her giggle. "Doodnik's...Duuuuuuude Nick." She laughed again and just KNEW that she had to use it. So upon doing a search for it's location, she found the co-ordinates and attached them to her message:

Hey everyone!

I've attached the co-ordinates for Doodnik's Café. Please meet me there in three standard days time. I'll be there mid-day. Look for the girl with the goggles on top of her head.

Little Sparrow.
After sending the message off, Lori was quick to her feet to pack and hitch a ride to Corellia. Hopefully everyone was nice.

[member="Zakath Tariz"] [member="Sora Talus"]
Legal work wasn't what Derriphan was normally looking for. It was too much heavy lifting for too little money, but it was better then not earning anything at all. Since his last job for some cartel of which he couldn't even recall the name went south, including the deaths of more then a few people he had been precisely tasked not to shoot, he was more or less blacklisted from working as footsoldier for any criminal organization that ever heard his name. Some warriors were a scalpel, quick and precise. Others a sword, brave and trustworthy. Derriphan was a shotgun fired with a single hand while looking the other way, deadly but unpredictable.

The prospect of money was good, but the chance of living somewhere else then his home was really what called his attention on the position offered. Calling the dirty hole in the back of a rundown factory a home was an overstatement, and only marginally better then sharing the streets with the beggars.
Subject: Your offer


Not a man of many words.

Singed: The gun you will need.
[member="Loreena Arenais"]
Giddean wondered around Tyne's Horky that was the best known location of some of the best mineral deposits in all of history. Being a Kuat he should know, many of those mineral were used in construction of Kuati Starships. However, he was now a Stevens, had to work for three days straight to Slice all the information into a fake background. Facial Profile updated to the Holonet, Identification Card pressed on a Commenoran Birth Card, even a Fake Holonet presence for the last seven years. Hell, Giddean even worked on a profile on the Guide Network, and that stuff relies on a hard connection link that forces the slicer to break into a Guide Relay Station. Was this job really worth all that trouble...

It took him much longer then he wished to admit, but he finally arrived to the meeting place. A dinner called Doodnik's Café, boy was this place out of the way. Entering it was pretty dead, but the ones there seemed like the type of the planet, miners.

He took a seat at one of the booths and waited for someone that looked like this Sparrow Individual. While waiting a Service Droid placed a menu in front of him, "What will it be darling?"

Giddean took once glance at the menu and ordered, "I will have Gartro Egg Omelet, Nuna Bacon and Fern Hashbrowns with cup of Caf." He picked up the menu and handed it back to the waitress droid who took it and the order back to the chef who was hard at work. Best not to wait on an empty stomach.

[member="Alika Zovu"] [member="Loreena Arenais"][member="Zakath Tariz"] @Derriphan @Sora Talus
Another message popped onto her datapad. Hmm. It was an interesting one. A gun she'd need? Maybe he was a weapons expert or a mercenary or something. That could be handy! Although Lori was trained in some forms of combat, she couldn't exactly take out whole armies by herself! At least not yet.

She whipped up a response:

To the Gun I Will Need,

There's no requirement of being a chatterbox. Meet me at Doodnik's Café on Corellia. I've attached the co-ordinates to this message. Just look for the girl with the goggles on her head!

Little Sparrow.
After sending off the message, Lori chewed the inside of her cheek. Meeting random people at a cafe might not be much of a safe idea. Especially given what's happened to Commenor and her family. If only she had a decoy...

Maybe next time she'd do that.

Days later Lori had arrived. She wore a dark grey flightsuit, complete with goggles on top of her long brown hair. Instead of her jet pack Ol'Sparky, she carried a boring old backpack. But at least it held some stuff in it. Like her datapad, her blaster and a small, sheathed dagger.

After opening the doors, she took a brief look around and then headed over to one of the large tables. Her backpack was flopped onto the chair beside hers. She snatched one of the menus and then opened it to go over the items. It was probably akward for one person to hog up a big table, yet she was expecting guests. Just how many would show, she didn't know.

[member="Derriphan"] [member="Giddean Kuat"] [member="Zakath Tariz"] [member="Sora Talus"] [member="Kirchenhof"]
After receiving an answer his message, Derriphan made his way to Corellia. From a distance he observed the cafe in which he had been invited, making sure to remember every exit, every window and the patrons going in and out. Surveillance was a vital part of any merc's toolkit, and while he didn't really could think of a reason why this could be a trap his paranoia didn't simply stopped because of it. Once an hour had passed, the young clone finally caught sight of his potential employer, walking into the establishment. Waiting for a few more minutes, checking to see if anything would happen inside that would support his suspicions, he made his way towards the cafe.

On the way he passed by a window, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. The ski mask that obscured his head was useful in the underworld, where fear was an effective currency for someone in his line of work, but for a legal job it would likely raise alarms he didn't meant to set off. Making sure that no one was looking at him, he pulled it off and quickly pulled up his scarf to at least hide to lower half of his face. Checking his reflection once again, Derriphan was satisfied. He still looked like a merc, but with his blond hair and his vibrant green eyes now out in the open he at least made a somewhat more trustworthy impression.


Derriphan stood at the large table where the girl he assumed to be his potential employer was seated. His left already reached for a chair, while he waited for her to answer if he had come to the right place.

[member="Loreena Arenais"] [member="Kirchenhof"] [member="Giddean Kuat"] [member="Zakath Tariz"] [member="Sora Talus"]
[member="Derriphan"] was the first to arrive! Of course she had no idea of which one of the people that had responded to her ad that he was. Well, certainly not the droid! Although he could have some fake bio skin on him. It was hard to tell as his face was half covered.

"Yeah, that's me! Have a seat. Which one are you? Did you want something to eat?
Or should we just wait for anyone else to show? I think that others are coming too. Or at least they said as much. But you can't really trust people to do what they say they'll do. Not during these times, anyways."

Yeah, she tended to send out a lot of word vomit when she was slightly nervous. Lori was a twin, so awkward silences weren't really something that she was used to. So she dealt with them in the best way that she knew how. By filling in the silent gaps.
[member="Loreena Arenais"] [member="Derriphan"] [member="Giddean Kuat"] [member="Kirchenhof"]

He was the next to arrive. Silent but with a small smile upon his face. He looked disarming, with only half plate durasteel, a small silver hilt lightsaber, and a backpack slung over his shoulder. Streaks of salt white ran through his jet black hair. It betrayed his age, but those that could feel strength in the force would feel his inexperience.

Regardless he approached the group.

"I'm Scholar," He said. Whomever greeted him would be Sparrow.

The rest would have to be assessed on a case by case.
"Derriphan. Mercenary."

The young merc answered the river of words erratically flowing out of [member="Loreena Arenais"]'s mouth with these two short words before finally taking his seat. He also offered a short nod to [member="Zakath Tariz"] that had introduced himself as "scholar", sizing the man up and down. Afterwards he simply remained silent, his eyes jumping between his potential employer and paranoidly observing the entrance of the cafe. There wasn't much to talk about yet, and Derriphan wasn't a man of many words anyway.
Lori looked up to [member="Zakath Tariz"] as he approached her table. He had a welcoming smile which she returned, trying not to seem over excited that two people showed up so far! That wasn't really a whole crew yet, but it was a great start! "I'm Little Sparrow!
Come and have a seat! Did you want something to eat?"

Her attention was drawn to [member="Derriphan"] as he spoke up before he sat down. "Great to meet you.
A mercenary? I know plenty of those. My Guardians have done that kind of work a bunch. I even had aome training with them. But I'm not quite sure if that's the lifestyle for me. My parents would probably have a fit!"
Oh yes, that they would.

She thought back on some of the words of advice that [member="Kaine Australis"] told her when it came to rounding up a crew. 'Get to know them and their talents'. 'Some might stay while others should be cut loose'. This was going to be a big learning experience for her.

"So I guess you all are surprised that I'm a kid, huh?
Would it bother you to have a kid as a Captain?"

Might as well get things started.
Giddean appeared next to the table with [member="Loreena Arenais"], [member="Derriphan"], and [member="Zakath Tariz"] with a plate of his breakfast and the cup of Caf. Sitting next to his new employer, "Not really a matter if we get paid in my opinion," He looked at the young women, "Hell I will call you Queen of Empress Teta if the pay is right."

This small women had a familiar look to her, the eyes, he felt as if he may have meet her from somewhere else?

Shrugging it off, he picked up his Caf and took a sip. Satisfied he set it down, "Giddean Stevens, applied for the crew slicer and mechanic and Handy Dandy Force User, pleasure to meet you all."

Picking up a fork he began to dig into his food and listened to the rest of the crew as they were beginning to explain themselves. He was here on a mission of some important so he did not think he would be here for multiple missions.
Lori snickered at the thought of being called Queen of Empress Teta. Would she ever become a Queen some day? Maybe. But more than likely not. Especially with the Sith occupation of her home world. Of course if she somehow got married to a King, then that'd be a different story.

Fat chance of that happening though!

She grinned as [member="Giddean Kuat"] introduced himself. "Oh so you're the slicer mechanic guy! Good to meet you too!" The odds were pretty good for her so far. There were just a couple left that could possibly appear. "Maybe we'll just wait a few more moments. Umm. Do any of you have questions for me while we wait?
Our ship will be a refurbished D5-Mantis by the way, in case you were wondering. It's getting worked on right now. So we can't get to it yet."
Subject: Crew

Hoping to join up, if you are willing to meet! For the sense of adventure!
Renla pressed the send, and then sat back. She was ready at a spaceport on Imhaylan. She had thought long and hard on this...and decided that maybe she was due for some adventure out there. While her mother and father were off planet, and Renla had made sure Brigh would be safe, she started work searching. And then she happened upon one that interested her, and immediately set upon setting up a meeting. Now she would wait, and while she did she thought this all over. This would be a big decision. Her father would not approve no doubt, her mother perhaps would.

Maybe it was spur of the moment, wanting not to be stuck on planet anymore. Maybe she wanted to feel free, to get out there. And this was her chance, a chance of escape from the terror in the back of her mind.

[member="Loreena Arenais"]

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