Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uncommon Complications


It seemed the meeting with the Queen was very prosperous; very enjoyable and with a great outcome. Maybe not all these galactic organizations vying for control of the galaxy are bad. It would definitely be something to do research into. Even though he had bad run-ins with two impressively large factions already, however, the age old phrase still rang true; third time's the charm. However, it seemed things were going to get complicated.... very complicated. As Ferron was leaving the Queens royal estate with his escorts, the security chief leading Ferrons escort noticed an individual nearby that fit a description of a wanted poster that he recalled was from the Shrouded Republic. Ferron remembered that wanted ad, and advised the Security Chief to run a check on the identity of the individual that was wanted to see if there was a match. They didn't change their escort pattern so as to not look suspicious. Once the identity was confirmed and the chief looked to Ferron for permission, Ferron nodded, and the KDY Security Team drew their weapons once they got close enough to the individual. They had approached the woman anyway since they were heading to their ship to leave the planet.

"You there! Name; Ra," the Security chief shouted as he trained his blaster on the woman. The other security personal didn't do anything except try to circle the woman and show their stun sticks. "You are a suspected criminal of the Shrouded Republic. We demand you relinquish your weapons and come in for questioning. This is not an execution, nor is this a judgement of law. Ferron, the President of Kuat Drive Yards has offered his support, strictly, to the law and justice of the Galaxy. We request you allow yourself to be detained and questioned for the actions claimed against you. If it is shown you have acted in no criminal way, you will be released. Please, do not resist." This was a big problem, to do on Commenor ground. The Queen [member="Lady Kay"] may be upset with Ferron, and for good reason, but it was better if she got as little involved as possible, as it might cause conflictions with other major factions. This may have been the safest way to ensure their neutrality in the situation. But it was her planet, her rules. If she or her guards stepped in, they would be in their right.

"Ra," Ferron spoke up, behind his Security Chief. "KDY used to be villainous. While I have not blindly made KDY a beacon of justice, nor do I forget the past of my company, I do hope you do the right thing. We only want to question you. If you resist, we will pursue. However, if you answer the questions I have for you, and it is proven you've done nothing wrong, we will no longer be involved. Please, for the safety of everyone here, we don't need a major military endangering civilians coming down here for one person."
Having just wrapped up a meeting with Darben, Ra was on her way to the spaceport to return to her fleet and continue with her work. About half way between the two locations, she heard her name called out. Not a known person here, it surprised her and she stopped.

She calmly listened to the accusations brought to her by the group confronting her. Lifting an eyebrow, she opened her hands at her sides to display something. There were no weapons. Her visit here had been for business and as such did not carry any on her body.

"What weapons?"

That did not mean she was helpless though, she could still use the Force. Listening as the man continued, she weighed her options. One on one, she felt she would be able to escape. He wasn't alone though. Those men circled around her with an open display of their stun sticks. Fully aware what those weapons could do, she made no move to escape.

When he finished, another man spoke up from behind him. Her eyes moved to look at him. It appeared he was the man in charge, the owner of KDY itself. He pointed out a few things and by her body language he should be able to tell she wasn't going to do much to resist.

"I have no intention of causing a scene."

[member="Ferron Troste"]

"I believe it is just a general assumption that suspected criminals would have weapons. Trust me, I don't think my Security Chief would claim that you were carrying a blaster or anything, Ra." Ferron placed a soft hand on his Security Chiefs shoulder and then gave it a pat. His hand was pulled back as the Security Chief approached her, "however, we do assume anyone can carry any weapon, even when they aren't physically holding anything." Ferron didn't have the full documentation on the individual, but he was always against force users, so he was a paranoid man. Which meant his last statement was implying she could be force sensitive. Then the question is begged, if he doesn't want to associate, or face off, with force users, why attempt to detain one? As the Security Chief approached, he kept his weapon trained on her, and the other Guards also approached her. One Guard sheathed his stun stick and reached for some Galactic Standard handcuffs on his belt, "we're going to put you in cuffs, only for yours and our safety. When we feel it's safe, we will remove them." If Ra allowed him to put the cuffs on her, Ferron would remove himself from behind his Security Chief and thank the woman for not causing a scene. The Security Chief would also lower his weapon. They would then proceed to Ferrons ship, while the Guard that put the cuffs on her would put his hand on her shoulder to direct her, he wouldn't fight it if she didn't want to be touched. If she refused the handcuffs, the guards were ready to fight.
As he spoke, Ra let out a small breath that wasn't quite a laugh and wore an almost smirk before she spoke.

"Of course. A person that is normally a criminal would generally carry weapons."

Simple logic used on him, to hopefully put him on her side early on. Ra might be guilty of some crimes, she didn't feel she was wrong in doing what she did against Darth Tacitus, Shrouded Republic or their people.

Having lowered her brow, when he mentioned placing cuffs on her, it lifted again.

"I guess as a presumed criminal, it makes sense to cuff."

She did not resist, but her body was stiff and remained unrelaxed the entire time. While not fighting the cuffs, Ra did not agree to being touched or guided by the Guard.

"You have me surrounded and so as not to draw any further attention to, it would be preferred I walk on my own."

[member="Ferron Troste"]

"We are not the Commenor Justice System, we are a private security force that will later become military. You'll come to find we take justice and law very seriously, but while we do not follow most structures of law, we will not put you behind bars until your criminality is proven true, if it is. The cuffs reassure us you are cioperative and are literally for our protection," Ferron sighed, feeling slight disappointment as it seemed she was giving a smartallic response or didn't take it seriously, "we will remove them when we feel safe. Even unarmed individuals are dangerous."

And that was all Ferron said. The group of Security personnel was relatively small, due to the restrictions of the Queen. A total of five men, including the Chief. Usually Ferron wanted at least ten, but for this case he chose to negotiate with fewer. Every so often, one of the guards would speak, but only to direct Ra into the proper direction. Once they arrived at their transport, they got permission to leave the planet, and they would proceed to Ferrons ship.

"Pilot, alert our ship to send a message to the Shrouded Republic; inform them we have captured the alleged criminal Ra, along with a face scan. Tell them we will meet their forces at the edge of CSA territory. Do not enter CSA territory." Ferron spoke to the pilot, who nodded and started comms with their ship. Ferron turned back around as the guards sat Ra down. She sat in a side seat along with everyone else (similar to an Imperial dropship, or chinook helicopter seating). They did not remove the cuffs.

Ferron sat across from her, about four feet away. "Please tell me your full name, Ra," he stated as he leaned in to analyze her. "Unfortunately, for you, and in some cases, I am to be your judge, before you meet your executioner. I have that power with KDY, and more or less with the Shrouded Republic. But we are not allied nor support many factions. My advisors tell me they are associated with someone powerful; who I am neither friends with nor fear. You can make this easy, or you can make this hard. It's your choice." As they exited the planets atmosphere, Ferron finished and waited for Ra's response. A couple guards had their hands on their stun sticks, but the others waited.
"I understand fully. Just merely pointing out it would call more attention to us if something more than cuffing was involved."

This wasn't spoken with malice or any tone to indicate something other than her opinion on the matter. The rest of the trip, Ra kept silent and followed every direction given to her by the guards.

Once they were aboard the shuttle and away from Commenor, Ferron began by asking for her full name. She fully intended to play his rules in this. He said he had the power to be a judge before she might meet up with Darth Tacitus. Not once did she display anything other than cooperation with him.

"Ra'a'mah Numare."

She also did not intend to give away more than was needed at this time.

[member="Ferron Troste"]

With Ra's answer, he looked over to his chief that had some of the information from the bounty listing. The chief nodded, and that queued Ferron to act. He turned to the guard on Ra's right, speaking calmly, "basic pat-down," then he turned his head back to the Chief, "Read the allegations." So far, he felt she was being honest. That was good.

The Chief nodded and held up the datapad to where both he and Ra could see it, there was nothing to hide. "Ra'a'mah Numare, you are accused of the following crimes by The Shrouded Republic; Conspiracy to commit treason against the state, high Treason, resistance to apprehension by lawful authorities, multiple counts of murder, abuse of power in office, orchestration of terrorist and other subversive activities, and illegal use of state assets. These are the crimes listed by the Shrouded Republic. This is an organization we do not entirely know, but they currently have no reason for us to disbelieve them."

Ferron stared at Ra as the Chief read out her crimes labeled by the organization. He wasn't in the mood to boast his position, to act like he held her life in his hands. But Ferron knew every day in this galaxy, you could die. He knew that if you wronged the wrong people, crossed the wrong organizations, or pushed too much, you could get killed. But that was the point; you didn't know every person in the galaxy, so you couldn't just sit around and lock yourself up in a corner of the galaxy. If you were going to be in it, then you damn well better be one of the people you don't cross. Force users, crime bosses, even massive organizations didn't scare Ferron, because there was a chance for death everyday. The guard gave a less than thorough pat down on Ra to check for weapons, and Ferron began his questioning. They were still reaching their ship. By now, the message had been sent to the Shrouded Republic, with the coordinates of where Ferrons ship would be, outside of CSA territory.

"These are the crimes made against you. What of these crimes have you committed?" Ferron got up from his seat and walked around, in a few minutes they would dock in his ship and they would be in a proper interrogation room. "And... I guess, how do you plead? I don't think I really care how you plead... I just want to understand what you did and why. I'm not going to force any technology or other means on you to tell the truth. I expect the same from you." Ferron was going to avoid direct contact such as distance, eye contact, and any other means to safe care his mind in basic ways from mind altering effects. By the time Ra answered, they would be entering his Imperial II-class Frigate.
Attn: [member="Ferron Troste"] | [member="Ra'a'mah"]
  • CNS War Child
    Adjudicator-class Star Destroyer, Deep Space

Commodore Vilhelm Marek was one of the men who had been with the Shrouded Republic since the beginning. He had fought at Krayiss II, when imperial Sith warships devastated the Dominion fleet around him. He was there at Ession, when Darth Tacitus, then known as Kainan Wolfe, made his address, assuming command and calling all forces still loyal to the Dominion to report for duty.

He stood by and watched as the Overlord ordered the arrest of the treacherous Senators who would sell what was left of their old nation, to save their skins and wealth and he was there when a judge condemned them and the executioner swung the lightsaber.

He was not the best officer in the navy of the Shrouded Republic, but he was loyal and he despised the former Lady of Whispers for her betrayal against the nation that they had built with their blood, sweat and tears. Sure, the regime of the Shrouded Republic was harsh, but it respected and upheld the letter of the law. Besides, the traitor was not one to judge the Overlord for his decisions. While she spent her time playing her little spy games from her cozy castle on Vjun, the refugee fleet that was the Shrouded Republic in those first two years, had endured unimaginable hardships and learned the necessity of strict discipline, loyalty and order.

So, when a message came from STRATCOM, instructing the commodore to take his two Star Destroyers to a set of coordinates a system away from Commenori space, in order to take custody of the infamous traitor, he jumped at the opportunity to do so.

The War Child and its sister ship Decisive Action, both Star Destroyers of the Adjudicator class, sailed through hyperspace towards their destination with all due haste. Standing on the bridge of the ship he had been in command of since the vessel was built, five years ago, the commodore opened a channel to the KDY frigate.

"Attention, mister Troste. This is commodore Marek of the Shrouded Republic Navy, hailing from the bridge of the War Child. We have received instructions to rendezvous with your vessel at the following coordinates," the commodore spoke while the ship's super tactical droid attached the coordinates to the message. "The War Child and a second Star Destroyer will arrive at a location nearby to the coordinates you provided and will await confirmation of your arrival. Please respond to this message once your vessel has reached the coordinates."
Sitting calmly through the pat down and listened to the charges brought against her by Tacitus, she looked at Ferron as he looked at her. Nodding at each more or less bullet point charge as she noted them in her mind, she let out a little sigh when the list was finished.

Ra watched as he got up to walk around, a telling sign to indicate he was the one in control here and not her. Something subtle that only a person that was used to interrogation or law enforcement would even think of to notice. Wolfe had already decided she was guilty of the crimes and had put word out to capture her. Luckily though, Ferron was willing to listen to her side of things. Even if they were on the way to meet with Wolfe and hand her over. There was a chance for her to win her freedom from this man.

If he could read body language and listened to the tone of her voice as she spoke, even if her words might sound like she was getting smart with him, she was not intending them that way.

"I suppose it depends on which point of view you want. However, since I am on one side only and you are to be the judge in the matter, I will defend myself. In a way I am guilty of two of the listed crimes. However, the ones I am not are murder, high treason, abuse of power and use of state assets."

Sitting straight up, she looked at Ferron as she spoke. What she said was true from her point of view.

"Without knowing exactly what details you wish to know, I have no idea how to answer your broad question."

[member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Ferron Troste"]

The transport was just entering the Frigates docking bay as Ferron listed, but he snapped at Ra and interrupted her before she could finish her final sentence. He spun around, "I want to know everything!" He walked back over, with a stronger, more determined voice, not even close to a whisper. "I don't care if it was your hand that caused murders or not. If you caused a rally of people to fight on your behalf that is far worse than an incite to riot. If that is the case, I consider those people you instigated as weapons placed in your hands." He continued to speak, walking back and forth, however intentionally avoiding direct contact. Perhaps he was avoiding distraction, or, maybe this is how he conducts interrogations. "If you enabled automatic defenses to fire on certain ships, if you activated droids with a subroutine to kill or assassinate," he spun back around, and crouched down at Ra as the shuttle was just landing, "if you so much as tripped and 'accidentally' hit an airlock button that threw someone out into space, I'll throw that in the murder bin." Ferron stood back up and straightened his uniform. The other guards stood as well, encouraging Ra to stand with them as they were prepared to leave. "We will resume this in the interrogation room I've had the men prepare. Inside, your bindings will be removed. But what I want to know, miss Numare, is everything. I don't care if it's your side of the story, if it's the Shrouded Republics side of the story, or a damned bystander. You're going to tell me everything, from the beginning, that lead to why these allegations were made against you. It would be best not to leave anything out, even if it may incriminate you. It may just save your life."

Ferron walked out of the shuttle first. It seemed like this was a 'hush hush' moment as Ferron didn't walk with the guards. This was a privacy measure, but Ra may not ever know, nor care. Ferron was out of sight by the time the guards exited the Shuttle. "Miss Numare, before we head up to the interrogation room I am required to ask; have you eaten or had any beverages before we caught up to you?" The Chief spoke up, "we can not offer you a luxurious buffet, but I am required to offer you minimum required sustenance for all guests and prisoners." If she requested anything, the Chief would have spoken to another guard and sent them off on an errand to retrieve something for Ra. Otherwise, the Chief would request Ra to follow him. Of course, it wasn't a real request. Walking through the corridors of the Imperial-II Frigate, it realistically resembled any other imperial ship. If anything, it entirely resembled the original Imperial Star Destroyers. Gray, cold, and sleek. Kuati Security was posted where one would expect a Stormtrooper, none of them in full trooper gear, just security or crewman uniforms. By the time they reached the interrogation room, Ferron was already coming down the hall in a new outfit; a less formal uniform, and one of a high ranking officer uniform. The Chief removed Ra's cuffs, and if she requested food or drink, military rations and/or a glass of water would have been brought. Ferron didn't want to look like some dumb business executive to the Shrouded Republic ( [member="Darth Tacitus"] ). The Chief guided Ra inside; it was a typical interrogation room. A table, two chairs, and a mirror. It was cold. Once Ra was seated, Ferron stepped up to the door outside and advised the guards to let no one in except himself and the chief. Ra didn't hear any of this, the room was basically sound proof on both ends. Ferron straightened his uniform, opened the door, entered, and the door closed behind him. "Alright, miss Numare. From the beginning, please. What did you do that caused all of this?" He asked, walking over to the table, crossing his arms and staring down at her.


On the bridge of the Blackmore Imperial-II Frigate, Captain Comsky was at attention the entire time as soon as Ferron announced the situation from the dropship. This just turned from a business venture to a high priority mission with extreme consequences. Captain Comsky was not prepared to laze about during such. He was with the crewman, triple checking all safety perimeters, environment controls, life support, weapons, shield.... everything. There was a possibility this could turn bad. Comsky was slightly paranoid with that conclusion. He had been a high ranking naval officer in the past with Kuat Drive Yards, throughout a few owners of the company. He fought in those wars and battles, and even the one where the Orbital Array was attacked. Was he a master of naval combat and strategy? No, he was a Captain, not an Admiral. Well, perhaps he was intelligent, but relegated only to a Captains position due to Ferrons request, trusting him to get the job done. The Blackmore was being escorted by two old model Gladiator-class Star Destroyers, but it seemed they were expecting more company. Comsky had just recently finished a conversation with another Captain who was retrofitting an old class model ship at the Orbital Array, requesting their assistance at about half way to the designated coordinates which were generated for the meeting point. It was an encrypted message. However, something unexpected happened... as Ferron boarded and the bridge was given confirmation to proceed into hyper space, a message was received... by the Shrouded Republic. "Captain," a comms Officer spoke up, "We have a long-ranged message from commodore Marek of the Shrouded Republic Navy, he is addressing the President directly." The Captain tilted his head, and wondered why this commodore would request direct communication with Ferron. Some of it made sense, but this was supposed to be a classified message, no names were to be spoken. Perhaps it's just gusto. "I'll take it in my ready room," the Captain nodded to the Officer and he proceeded at a swift pace to his ready room. "Go ahead with the coordinates, men."

Once the Captain entered his ready room, he sat down at his office and read out the message on a secure holonet device. As he was about to write a response, he noticed the message required only a response upon which they had reached their planned location. This was a very small alteration to the plan laid out by Ferron, but not very different. He felt the President didn't need to know about it, and decided to return to his duties.
Ra took the verbal abuse from Ferron in stride and listened to what he said. As he exited the ship, the guards came up around her again to lead to the interrogation room. Once they were off the shuttle, one of the guards stopped to ask if she had anything to food or drink before she had been taken into custody.

"No, I did not have anything. Just some water would be fine though."

Falling into step, she was escorted to the room where she was going to be questioned. The ship was typical of what an imperial ship would be and even though Ra knew Ferron wasn't with them, she wondered about his choice. As they walked it gave her the opportunity to compose her answer for him.

She took the seat offered to her and the glass of water.

"Thank you."

Setting the glass down,​ she looked at Ferron. He may not look at her or do anything to indicate he was really interested in hearing her answer. Some people worked like that. She was more personable and looked at him as she spoke.

"The beginning started about five years ago. At the time of the fall of the Dominion. I was head of intelligence for them. After the government fell, Mister Wolfe or Darth Tacitus as he is known now offered me the same position within his government. It was the remnants of the Dominion. Under his rule, he brought about the death of many people. Then another government rose up called the Ancient Eye.

"He choose to ally the Shrouded Republic with them. My own ideals were not what they had, so I remained loyal to Mister Wolfe and his Shrouded Republic until the Ancient Eye grew weak.

"Now for clarity sake, I gathered around me people that were loyal to me and entirely outside of either government. One of those people have a personal rivalry with Mister Wolfe. When the Ancient Eye grew weak, they were open to attack. So I brought these people in and did initiate a rebellion against the Ancient Eye with a focus on Mister Wolfe and the Shrouded Republic."

Here Ra paused to take a drink of the water and give her words time to register with Ferron. Everything she had said was true and only a few details were left out. They did not pertain to her reasons leading up to her actions. ​

"Under the leadership of Mister Wolfe, he brought about the deaths of many innocent lives and destruction of peoples. That is not something I can stand for or defend. So I slowly, quietly grew a force and when we were ready, we struck."

[member="Ferron Troste"] [member="Darth Tacitus"]

Ferron turned to walk back and forth across the room as Ra began to speak. He was taking all of it into his mind and could understand the logic of some things. However, at first it sounded like the woman just didn't have a taste for an organization and chose to fight them to remove them from the organization she worked for. Thankfully, her ending statement cleared things up.... mostly. Ferron walked slowly as he mounted everything she said in her mind, but it didn't seem enough. At first it sounded very truthful, but by the end it sounded like she was trying to swing it to her said, make herself look like a hero. "You're going to have to explain to me why you chose to attack this, ehm, 'Ancient Eye.' From what you've stated it sounded like conflicting ideals; which, madam," he turned to stare at, putting his hands quickly on the table, "is absolutely no cause for a Rebellion." He paused, only staring at Ra for a moment. If she tried to speak, he would hush her. "Perhaps," he continued speaking, turning to walk back and forth in the room again, "a government you support and... or live under decides to allow immigrants into the organization. That is not a cause, not a legitimate reason for a rebellion, to risk the lives of innocent people just because you want change. Two governments becoming allies, or creating a cease fire, or even joining a united organization type of team, is no cause for a damned rebellion!" His voice raised raised towards the final two words, but he took a breath and calmed down again.

"You have no say in the government. In fact, an intelligence position would do nothing involving government change except protect the government from its enemies. And no, a rebellion is not in protection of your government, their decisions, nor ideals. It is in fact the complete opposite! Do you understand? An Intelligence position is not. A. Formal. Government. Position. You don't make decisions, you aren't an individual that can raise a staff in that government and say 'hey, we're going to do this now,' Quite frankly, this high treason allegation is making credible sense. You attempted to change something within the government of the organization you supported, am I wrong? Did you even go to this... Mister Wolfe, er, Darth Tacitus, whatever his name is, and ask him not to ally with the Ancient Eye, or to break the alliance? Well of course you did, right? That is the sensible thing to do. And an individual that trusted you enough and liked you enough to immediately give you a high position probably with classified and restricted access, surely they would have had open ears to your thoughts? Or, maybe I'm wrong, maybe he gave you more power than I assume for an Intelligence Officer, maybe he couldn't care less about your thoughts on the way the government was to be handled. Maybe he said sit down, shut up, and investigate some internal crimes or something."

Ferron grasped his hands together, leaning them up so his thumbs touched his nose as he closed his eyes. He stopped, taking in a deep, relaxing, yet disappointed, breath. After a moment he walked over to the table, pulled the chair out, and sat down in front of her. He didn't look upset, he didn't look angry, he just stared off into space before looking up at her. "However, unfortunately, your claim of the Shrouded Republic killing many innocent people, and probably destroying lives and habitations (cities/villages/homes/etc), is not an enforceable crime. Even if it were true. If it were, we would not be having this conversation. Secondly, the entire issue would have to be investigated, and I assure you, it is highly unlikely a completely neutral party with absolutely no bias would really be allowed to investigate such a claim. The problem is... war. War is guaranteed to come with the loss of life and collateral damage. It's called war when it's an insignificant minority group, it's a war if they just don't like them. War is a hard case to settle, because almost every patriot will side with the government, and it would cause unimaginable riots and discontent; destabilizing the entire government and law. Now, I want you to know, I don't care about the Shrouded Republic. Quite honestly I couldn't care less. I don't care about their wars. They have ties and flags in places that make me flat out avoid contact with them. The Ancient Eye gives me the appearance that they encourage Sith or Sith-like ideals. Neither of these organizations are perfect so to be brutally honest, I care not to have anything to do with them. What I care about is Justice. And if you're telling me one - or both - of these organizations are committing atrocities of war, and you're their scapegoat, then this is much bigger than you and I. You want the truth? I'd be happy to wipe them off the Galactic Map. I don't like the Sith, I don't like any force religion but that is neither here nor there, and I certainly don't like abuse of power. I have my suspicions of you, this Darth Tacitus, everyone. Getting involved is a risk, but just existing is a risk. So I don't care. I took over Kuat Drive Yards to make it right again, to bring back justice and opportunity. I'm taking a risk sitting in this chair. I could have sat back, done nothing, keep a day to day job and just... try to live. But then you see what happens - massive factions vying for control of the galaxy, people being plowed over to make new roads for the... I'm mister royalty or I'm mister better-than-you. So, it's chocked up to; don't take action and risk dying, or take action and risk dying."

Ferron leaned in to squint at Ra, having a serious tone. Ferron wasn't playing any games any longer and within another hour they would probably be out of the CSA territory. This was Ra's last chance. "Ra'a'ma Numare. I want you to risk everything. I want you to tell me all the things you don't want me to know. I want to know why you didn't like the Ancient Eye, and why you chose a Rebellion was the best option. You lay your life down on the line, right here, because after you get on that Shrouded ship, there's no more living. There's no more rest or relaxation. If I rule against you I am sure the Shrouded will come to the same conclusion, and that's if you get a fair trial." Ferron leaned back in his chair to let Ra mull over her options, but just then, his commlink chirped. He turned away, looking at the floor. "This is Ferron, Good News?" "This is Captain Comsky, sir, the Bird has joined the Hand." The Commlink chirped, it seemed that Captain Comsky had given Ferron a coded phrase, one he was happy about. "Understood, Radio silence from here on out," he responded, looking at Ra. "Now's the time to speak up, Ra. Even if you are a criminal, if you did what I feel is commendable I'll set you free. If I don't like what I hear, I'm going to have to hand you over."
She sat through Ferron's entire tirade silently. There would be no outward signs of her thoughts or feelings on what he said. When she was given the chance to speak, she would point out how so many wars and rebellions had been fought over ideals alone. What she left out was any mention of the Force. It was known through history of the never ending war between the Jedi and Sith. He said he didn't like any Force religion so it was fully kept out of her statement.

If he allowed her to continue to speak, she would point out there were the Ruusan Accords on what was or was not acceptable in war. Being able to speak freely, she would cite her own actions, display to Ferron openly and lay all her cards out for him. Yes, she was guilty of a few of the items Wolfe charged her with. However none of her actions indication she had abused any of the perceived power she had in her office. Everything had been done outside of the sphere of the Shrouded Republic and Ancient Eye. She had not committed any murder of any people that worked for either government, nor had she called for anybody to be killed. Another thing was she never used any state assets in her actions.

One of the things she did not do was point out any actions Wolfe had done. Unless he asked her to clarify anything or explain any of her actions in further detail, Ra told him everything she had personally done and why she had decided to hold the rebellion on Wolfe. With what she thought of as a more or less closing statement, she finished her thoughts.

"I stopped believing in his goals and views. Met people that showed and taught me how wrong our beliefs were. There was a time when I once shared Wolfe's views, goals, beliefs and objectives. Then the light shined on me and showed me just how much worse the Galaxy was for them. Call the rebellion a form of atonement. An attempt to right some of the wrongs that had been accomplished under the banner of the Shrouded Republic."

Now she fell silent​ and waited on the judgement of Ferron.

[member="Ferron Troste"] [member="Darth Tacitus"]

Ferron tapped at his elbow a few times as he stayed quiet and listened intently to the words this woman said. Not a whole lot was adding up, but not just what she said. Both sides. Well, sides, as in the warrant allegations. Ferron wasn't too sure. It was a serious decision he had to make. He was sure that if he became an enemy of the Shrouded Republic, he'd have more to deal with than just them. But if he gave this woman over, he could be sentencing an innocent person to death or life in prison. Life in prison? That's a damned joke in this era. People take what they want and kill those who don't agree with them. For a moment, he pondered, rubbing his thumb against his index finger. The room was silent, then a knock came on the door. Ferron had been on his feet the entire day, but his mind was too distracted to fall prey to fatigue.... however, he was starting to feel it, and Ra could tell. Ferron looked over to the door, staring for a moment, before glancing back at Ra and then walking towards the door. He reached his hand out behind himself towards Ra and raised a finger, implying 'one moment please.' He opened the door and there was an ordinary Kuati Security Crewman at the door, he handed a datapad to Ferron. Ferron seemed pleased, perhaps getting something he was looking for. He browsed it for a hot moment, nodding his head, before leaving the room. Paying no more mind to Ra for the moment, the door closed.

Ra was left alone in the room, no hand cuffs, but there was a mirror to her left. Ferron was outside, and he walked up to his Security Chief from earlier and made his decision to his Chief. Ferron... however.... left the deck. He started his way to the bridge. The Security Chief nodded to the men guarding the door and they opened it. The Chief and four guards entered the room. They did not have stun sticks, but standard issue blasters. "Miss Numare," the Security Chief spoke up as the other Guards surrounded the room. Not her, but against the walls. "I've been informed to let you know this is the safest room on the ship. It's not a room ordinarily designated as an interrogation room. You are to remain seated until further orders, no matter what happens. If you move, we will be forced to restrain you. Your safety in this matter means everything." The Security Chief said nothing more. None of the guards would actually do anything if Ra got upset, stood up, or got in their faces, however, they would get aggressive if she approached the door. They remained silent.

[member="Darth Tacitus"]​

Finally, it seemed the time came to meet with Commodore Marek and the Shrouded Republic Fleet. The Frigate and two Gladiators dropped out of hyperspace near the designated coordinates, and Captain Comsky was already preparing his message. "Attention Shrouded Republic fleet, this is the KDY Fleet, ready for transfer. We have arrived at the Coordinates and will await for your arrival. Again, this is the KDY Fleet, we have arrived." The message was encrypted and authorization was correct, the Commodore would know this was not a fake message, all was going according to plan, however, Ferron wasn't quite finished. As the Captain finished his message, Ferron entered the bridge. "Captain Comsky!" he said in delight, seeing his friend. "President Ferron, how good to see you all the way up here," he responded, turning around and looking proper, "what brings you?" Ferron had to force a fake smile in response to the question, walking over to shake his hand. "I'm afraid I've got some bad news.... or I think it'll be bad news. I need the comm for a moment." The Captain bowed his head and stretched his hand out to give way to the President, directing him to the Comms Officer. "I understand, I'm prepared for any outcome, sir." Captain Comsky was a very by-the-book man, but he understood the ranks and would do anything he could to rearrange his plans if it meant an executive order. Ferron took a moment to ready himself. This was not protocol, and it was very dangerous. But Ferron needed to know.

"Attention Shrouded Republic. I understand.... Commodore Marek, is who I will be speaking to, or should. This is President Ferron Troste."

If the Shrouded Republic was in the middle of sending a response, they would be interrupted. Ferron was using a priority channel, unencrypted, and completely public to any listeners.

"It appears we are having some trouble confirming some information. We absolutely need to double check the woman we have in custody is indeed the one the Shrouded Republic is searching for. I have no doubts of who I have detained, however, we also need to prove who you are. If you could just answer me one question; What exactly occurred on the Planet Winter the day of the Rebellion?"

Even Ra could hear this transmission over the Chiefs commlink. This answer would tell Ferron everything he needed to know, and he was prepared for every outcome. To be honest, both outcomes were not going to be very enjoyable, but one was going to be the correct one. If Commodore Marek questioned Ferron for not encrypting his direct message, or why he was speaking names, alerting others to their location, Ferron would repeat "I need an answer, Commodore" and if it was anyone other than the Commodore speaking, Ferron would wait patiently until the Commodore responded. He had to know the answer.
Attn: [member="Ferron Troste"] | [member="Ra'a'mah"]
  • CNS War Child
    Adjudicator-class Star Destroyer, Deep Space

The commodore smiled at the news. The KDY ships had reached the coordinates and his quarry was finally within reach. Soon, the traitor would face justice for her crimes and he knew that the judge wouldn't be lenient. Too many good soldiers died because of her actions. And knowing the Overlord, her trial and execution would be a public spectacle, an example for all those who would entertain thoughts of disloyalty. "Nav, execute jump to the coordinates," he ordered.

But, before long, there was a complication. "Attention Shrouded Republic. I understand.... Commodore Marek, is who I will be speaking to, or should. This is President Ferron Troste," the message began. "It appears we are having some trouble confirming some information. We absolutely need to double check the woman we have in custody is indeed the one the Shrouded Republic is searching for. I have no doubts of who I have detained, however, we also need to prove who you are. If you could just answer me one question; What exactly occurred on the Planet Winter the day of the Rebellion?"

The commodore's fist slammed into the command console of his star destroyer. She got to them, he thought. Sithspit. Drawing a breath to collect himself, the commodore responded. "President Troste, this is commodore Marek," the officer spoke, his voice calm and authoritative as the two star destroyers sailed through hyperspace towards their destination. "Although I don't know what relevance your question has, I will answer it. That woman used her knowledge and resources that she obtained through her government position, to sneak her operatives past our security. I don't know what she told you, but I will say this. While she was in the government of our nation, not once did she raise objections regarding the orders and policies that the Overlord and the Assembly had issued. Not once."

"If indeed she had any disagreements about the way we do things, she could have taken them through the proper channels, or she could have run against Tacitus in the elections. Instead, she chose the cowardly and illegal method of staging a coup. And as a result of that, soldiers, loyal citizens of the Shrouded Republic, lost their lives. So, whatever she told you, keep in mind that this woman is a skilled manipulator, well versed at bending the facts to suit her agenda. The truth, mister president, is that the only motivations behind her actions, are greed and a hunger for power, regardless of the consequences which others have to suffer as a result for that."

"So, here is the truth. Our policies and laws are harsh, yes. But we do not have the luxury of living on a bountiful planet and enjoying fat, content lives. Therefore, we must do what is necessary to insure the least loss of life. Because freedom is never given, it is earned. And when nations assume the former, individuals like that woman, who put their self-interest above the wellbeing of a nation, are allowed to profit from the hard work and sacrifices of the rest."

At that moment, the two star destroyers approached the end of their journey through hyperspace, two cold, gray triangles amidst the endless streaks of light which surrounded them. "I could tell you the rest," the commodore said as his face lit with a satisfied smile. "But we would have to discuss that some other time, perhaps over a cup of tea. Now, what will it be? Will you choose to see past whatever lies she told you and do the right and lawful thing? Or will you break the law by aiding and abetting a wanted criminal? The choice and the consequences, are up to you to decide."
[member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Ra'a'mah"]

Ferron smiled, looking down at about the halfway point of the Commodores response, he had heard what he needed to know. "You know, Commodore," Ferron knew full well the Commodore would be en route, and surely by the time they arrived, Ferron would still be talking, "The reasoning for my question was very simple; I need truth. Whether that is, in your mind, whether I feel you've lied to me and I am about to cross you. If it means I need to confirm what you've said with the reports I have gained during this incident. Or, if it means I'm trying to catch you off guard. Now, all is well, would this be the truth. And let me inform you of something before you get any bright ideas. I am a man who believes in Justice. I believe that in this galaxy we have truly reached a point where people no longer need to survive, yet the ahem, authority, demands and dictates that at any moment your life may be stricken from you, nothing is free, we worked hard for this, we fought for your right to live. And so on, and so forth. However, while any of that may be true, the reasoning, is not. If I shot my Captain, right here, right now, because he once supported my enemy, well, a business enemy, but that isn't the point. If I find he supported my enemy, I should kill him for treason. We all know he has given me secrets of my past enemy, but what if he doesn't care who he works for, if he's sold secrets on me, or is selling secrets right now? He could be putting lives in danger, he could be plotting against me - no! No, Commodore Marek. I'm sorry, but that is your world, or the... The Shrouded Republics world. I understand your thoughts and ideals, I really do. I know for a fact, by unbiased sources, that yes. Ra'a'mah Numare did in fact commit murder. She did infiltrate secured locations. She did incite mayhem and death. But you know.... I'm not a blind man to law. Just a man who commits self defense, but all the evidence shows murder. I can see, Commodore, I can interpret and I am a smart man. And your worst enemy is an intelligent man."

Ferron stopped rambling for a moment, glancing over to Captain Comsky and giving him a nod. "Ra'a'mah did incite many, many deaths. Presumably many innocent lives. Perhaps even multiples of your soldiers......... that you left behind. Ra did kill people, and she did incite the deaths of more. But you see, Commodore, we must reach the root of the problem. Because while Ra was the next in line to cause that tragedy, it wasn't Ra who committed it. It was the Shrouded Republic, and their weapons." Ferron paused. Commodore Marek and his ships did not notice if Ferrons weapons or shields were charging, nor aiming, but sensors and alarms did go off. A massive ship was entering the system. While she was not as impressive as the Commodores ships, everyone knew it was a formidable weapon.

Between the two Adjudicator-class Star Destroyers, and the two Gladiator-class Star Destroyers escorting Ferrons Imperial II-class Frigate, was an ancient model of Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.


It looked like it had just come from a repairing facility, in fact, it looked like it still needed to be docked at one. This Star Destroyer was heavily scarred. Many main batteries were inoperable or entirely missing from the hull, while far more point defenses were gone... many missing due to massive bombing craters on it. It was an ancient bird with scars to show the hell it had been through. It was not pretty, it didn't just come off the assembly line. She was old.

If weapons fire hadn't erupted yet, as the Star Destroyers weapons, or what remained of them, had not armed themselves yet. However, the few that could still turn, did so, aiming, spread out, at the Adjudicators. "Commodore Marek, meet this old bird. She was part of countless battles before I came into office. However, her last battle was when she defended the Orbital Shipyards. That mission was ultimately a failure. But as we all do, we recover. And... so is she. May I ask you something? Do you know how hard it is to catch a small, flying animal, Commodore Marek? If it's just you, with your typical net, it can be quite aggravating. But have you ever tried to catch a Bonegnawer? Good sized, intimidating birds. They aren't immortal, you can probably kill one, if you were trained. Just like any bird. But... they could apparently crush stone, and were known for killing prey simply by bashing them into the ground. Of course, they might hurt themselves in the process, but they got their kills."

"Now, before you cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. I am not threatening you. In fact, originally, KDS Mauriacus was supposed to be a last chance support in case you were not able to lend escort, or if we came under attack. I wouldn't dare threaten you with a galactic champion fighter with a broken fist. However, the people of KDY entrust that I hold up the law, and you know why? Because when I do what is right, and give my people a living, and not force them to survive, they want that life for their families, and friends, too."

"Now, you're done with me babbling so I'll get to the point. My Captains, my crewmen, and the employees I work with, they all know that if they lived under the Shrouded Republics rule, it would not be a happy living. This is not a statement from me about Ra. Ra didn't convert me, nor convince me. No. I have the facts in my hands. Spoken of no bias, not from a Shrouded Republic soldier, not from a friend of Ra'a'mah Numares, but cold, hard, facts. I know what Wolfe did. So, we're leaving, and Ra is now in my protective custody. You need to make your decision."
Attn: [member="Ferron Troste"] | [member="Ra'a'mah"]
  • CNS War Child
    Adjudicator-class Star Destroyer, Deep Space

It was then that the two Adjudicator-class Star Destroyers entered the system, sleek, efficient warships designed to perform a single function: war. And they performed that role admirably. "Mister Troste," the commodore spoke coldly, a hint of warning in his voice. "I am not some businessman who mingles with the rich and powerful, or spends time at the table of lies with them. I am a simple man. A military man. A law-abiding citizen of a nation which, if it had followed the path of mercy and lenience which you so fervently claim to promote, would be but a distant memory written in the blood of millions. When faced with genocide, we abandoned the delusions of leisurly life and embraced the principles of order and discipline."

"You speak so eloquently about justice and the rule of law, while at the same time committing a crime by aiding and abetting a wanted criminal. Now, here's the thing. I don't know how you people do it in the Core Worlds, but in the Shrouded Republic we do not play fast and loose with the rule of law. Where I come from, laws are not something metaphorical and open to interpretation. Laws are absolute. Due process is absolute."

"So, before you begin wondering what is the reason for my long-winded speech about laws and discipline, let me tell you this. We have many, many friends in this galaxy. Our reach extends far and wide and there is nowhere a criminal can hide from us, that we can not reach. So, believe me when I say this, if you do not hand over the criminal, you too will become a criminal and you shall be dealt with accordingly, as the law dictates. An arrest warrant will be issued in your name, one which you will find valid in most nations in this galaxy. Your company's assets will be seized. You and your accomplices will be tracked down, detained, then brought in to stand trial in a court of law and then you will be punished for your crimes, according to the precepts of the law," the commodore spoke, as his two star destroyers fanned out on trajectories which would allow them to flank the KDY fleet.

Starfighters began to emerge from the bellies of the two warships, sleek, deadly TIE Reapers that have been as much of a staple of the Shrouded Republic's navy, as the star destroyers which they emerged from, ready as always to enforce their nation's hardline approach to law.

"You are currently within international space. Which means that I have jurisdiction to act within the bounds and regulations of the law as I see fit, here. So I give you this one chance to come clean. Surrender your guest into our custody. Otherwise, by the authority vested in me by the Shrouded Republic, I hereby place you and your entire crew under arrest for complicity to criminal actions. Have I been clear enough, mister President?"
[member="Darth Tacitus"] [member=Ra'a'mah]

Ferron listened to the Commodores words, clearly, giving him full attention. "Commodore Marek, correct? Your talk of law is flawed. The problem being is every single nation in the Galaxy has different laws. Their views and ideals create those rules and laws. However, your laws are meant for drones, lifeless husks of rampage and thoughtlessness. Your discipline is inhumane. You irrationally judge an individual for their choices at life, and what they want. Yes, we should discipline and teach people. Yes, we should have a system for people to understand the way life is, and how they should live in it. But at the end of the day, an individual is a single sentient who has choices and ideals. Your world is created for emotionless droids that follow your command. Realistically, they listen because they fear discipline, and fear is not the answer. Fear is a good emotion, for survival. But we need not fear any longer."

"I know of your friends, maybe not specifically who they are, but make no mistake, I understand the consequences." Ferron was already targeted by the Confederacy, and the Mandalorians weren't very fond of him anymore, but he, too, had friends of his own. "But I have news for you; I don't fething care. People die every day in the galaxy, whether it is from your mistreatment, wars, or bloodthirsty and greedy pirates. The threat of loss hangs over your head each and every day. You have two choices; hide in your corner and shut up, or act. I could die the next morning, from a ship crashing into my house, or a faulty system in a transport going haywire and blowing out all the air on the way to a meeting. Or I could die, right here, standing for what I believe in. I rebuilt this Company with one idea, on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the evil and the greedy and the whole galaxy tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole galaxy -- No, YOU move."


KDS Mauriacus opened its hangar bays; slow and rusted, but they opened. Teams of fighters poured out, a mix of Predator-class Fighters and A-6 Interceptors. The Gladiators moved forward, one to each Adjudicator and blockading them, launching their mix of A-6 Interceptors and A-Wing Interceptors.

"My Gladiators... they will not finish the fight, they know how they stand against your Star Destroyers. However, the Mariacus knows defeat. It knows pain. They can't be scared, nor forced to surrender. They know loss, and what it means for this idea to die. You can't hurt them. It takes death to stop their pain." Ferron turned to Captain Comsky, "We're leaving, activate Red Alert, Combat Engaged."

"My hands are clean. Yours are soaked in blood."

It was at this point Ferron stopped reporting to the Commodore. His Frigate turned around, preparing to jump to hyperspace. The Gladiators did everything they could to block weapons fire of the Adjudicators, but the Frigate was at long range for them, while the Gladiators blocked them off. The Adjudicator that was closest to Ferron and with a window for a hyperjump would be engaged by the Mauricus, physically, if needed.

"That thought sent a rush of hatred and rage through him, and he reached down to his belt, pulling out his private sidearm with a picture of his family in the grip." Ferron started speaking in a public broadcast, to no one in particular. It was at this point he assumed the battle would erupt, and the Gladiators opened fire at the slightest movement of the Adjudicators, or if they didn't stop moving. "He loaded his last energy cell into it and jammed the lock with his palm, gritting his teeth as he looked forward, seeing what laid before him."

"The pain of watching everything around him fall still biting at him as he listened to his men fight and die all around him, slogging forward to be cut down. Then, the noise of battle began to dull, drawing back. He looked up at his enemies, hearing a deep, rapid drumbeat in his ears, overriding all other sounds. He could acutely smell the blood and cordite in the air, even as the sensations from his skin slid away."

"The drumbeat grew faster, and he rose, no longer feeling pain, no longer feeling anything except his heightened instinct of survival, like an animal in flight mode. He thought he could smell their fear, and could see a blur, indistinct but locked in his mind. Hatred began to grow within him, flaring up as he stepped through the water. Numbly, he raised his rifle, for the last time."

Ferron was speaking about the elder captain of the Mauricus, even if his ship was struck and he was shaken, he continued. It was his goodbye and his thanks, showing gratitude for the Captain of the Mauricas. It was unknown how the battle would go, but the plan was for the KDY Frigate to leave on a direct course straight back into CSA territory, which would make this also CSA and [member="Lady Kay"] s problem if the Shrouded Republic would enter. The Gladiators would fight tooth and nail until they were forced to retreat, but the Mauricus would stay, until the end. Even attempting a ramming maneuver at any given chance. It had little weapons, but its engines were in top performance.
Attn: [member="Ferron Troste"] | [member="Ra'a'mah"]
  • CNS War Child
    Adjudicator-class Star Destroyer, Deep Space

The commodore sighed, slowly shaking his head. "Is that what you think, mister President? That we came here looking for bloodshed and that we will just open fire on you and your ships?" the commodore asked. "No, mister Marek. As I have said, in the Shrouded Republic we respect and uphold the letter of the law. There will be repercussions for your decision. However, in spite of what that traitor may have told you, we do not engage in acts of violence for no reason. We are not barbarians."

"I am disappointed in you, mister Troste. I have thought that, perhaps, you are a man who seeks to uphold justice. But I see now that it is not so," Vilhelm sighed. "Whatever other things you think the Shrouded Republic has done, at least we can not be called hypocrites. At least we do not condemn a nation because it refused to bend over and die."

Turning his attention to the ensign responsible for communications, the commodore clenched his fists as he spoke his orders. "Ensign, notify the Decisive Action that they are not to engage unless the KDY ships open fire. Have our starfighters maintain formation around our star destroyers, but otherwise do not attack. Let those cowards run to Commenor. If they think we can not reach them there, they are making a horrible mistake."

Switching the channel to the KDY fleet back on, he sent Troste one final message. "Mister Troste, be aware that you are harboring a wanted criminal and sheltering the leader of a terrorist organization. This, by the laws of any nation, makes you an accomplice in terrorist activities. I hope you have a very good team of lawyers. Because we are coming for you. And you will face justice for your crimes. This is not a threat, it is not a warning. It is a fact."
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT WOMAN!" Vulpesen was racing back and forth across the deck of the vixen, weapons scattering behind, in front, and a round him. "Don't you DARE be dead!" His hand flicked out, causing a rather odd looking saber to fly into his hand, a shiver of darkside energy soon racing up his spine. It wasn't often he brought the Truth Sin Lightsaber into battle. But truth was, he needed to pull all the stops. Ra had been taken, and while under his guard. How the hell did an entire security company which had lent its leader to the protection of a single woman, LOSE THAT SINGLE WOMAN? With such a thought, it was easy to see why Vulpesen had dug himself into the force to seek out her presence, even at the cost of burning a bit of his soul through the power of force communion. And once she was found, the Vixen had been launched into hyperspace, as fast as he could get its engines to rev.

[member="Ferron Troste"]'s bridge would be given another alert, though far less pressing in nature as its radar would pick up a much smaller vessel on side of his ship opposite of [member="Darth Tacitus"]. The Vixen had finally arrived, and with its arrival, came a simple request for comms. The message was marked with the shield of the Vitae Alliance, and under it written the letters, VSF. Its subject: Here for our charge.

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