Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Undead Nightmare


The dead figure stayed where it was, letting the clawing darkness consume more and more of it's form. Then, it grinned. Or at least seemed to. "Waving that around isn't going to stop me, you know." Then he was gone. The last of the darkness covered it's form, and like a sheet tossed into the air the black fell to the ground, dissipating in a cloud of smoke. What remained of the undead within the room collapsed onto themselves. Or onto the pike that impaled them, as Amani stabbed into one.

"That's not good."

Kahlil groaned as he opened one of his eyes. The other was a little too burned to open. Nothing Bacta couldn't fix, still painful though.

".. You guys okay?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas shot a glance to the knight as she rushed over to his master behind him, using her medical knowledge to try and awake him from his slumber "If he's running out of tricks, he'll be vulnerable for us to strike" he grunted without even looking back to her, his grip tighting on the lightsaber that was held out towards the undead commander. The teen wanted to send the undead plague back from where it came, especially after what they did to his master.

"I will not let him touch Master Kahlil again..."

Putting one foot back it seemed Silas was going to charge the undead leader and strike at him with all his aggression could muster, but within a flash, the man vanished along with his army of the living dead. Silas blinked and seemed to ease up, his face filled with anger now turning into one of regret and worry for his master.

The padawan swiftly turned and knelt down at his master's side, a hand resting on his shoulder when he began to awake "We're fine master, you on the other hand have seen better days" he said with concern, looking over to the knight for some reassurance

"He'll be fine right?"

The lich vanished in a puff of smoke, and as nice as the immediate reprieve was, it only made her more nervous about what else was at play. "Where…?" Kahlil's awakening, at least, served to lessen the worry a bit.

"We're alright," She answered him first, giving the master a quick lookover to make sure nothing was critical. Her attention then turned to the worried young padawan, "A quick wash in the bacta tank and he'll be as good as new." Amani offered a warm smile, then reached under Kahlil's arm to offer a bit of support, "Can you stand? Walk?"



Kahlil pushed himself up. Some. More stumbled to his feet than actually stood on his own. The much taller man grimaced as he glanced to Amani. Simply nodded his thanks for her support. If it could really be called that. Damn Epicathix height. Though his gaze lingered on Silas longer. Just watching the Padawan.

The anger left. But the problem it exposed was something they'd have to talk about. Later.

"Lets get out of here before anything else of mine turns out to be sentient, yeah?" He flashed a grin, best as he could with his face so burned.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Amani Serys Amani Serys
"Okay, that's good..." he said with a relieved sigh as he looked Kahlil over with the Jedi medic just in case there was anything she missed. Thankfully, there wasn't anything too bad, other than his face being burned. Silas met his master's gaze and knew something was up just from the way he looked at him. That on the other hand would have to wait till later.

"Agreed... we don't want to return you to Valery Noble Valery Noble with your face looking like that." the boy said, as he hooked his arm around Kahlils and looked to the knight to indicate her to help him to his feet.

"Let's get him up and help him to the ship, we can return for anything of interest later..."

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The master stood up, his immense height now much more obvious when right beside Amani. At his behest she was already moving, "If you say so," Not that he'd have to tell her twice. This place was nothing but evil and death.

Even if the idea of letting it fester for even longer didn't sit well.

"Yeah, maybe we just don't mention this part to Val," She managed a joke as they began to move out. All the while Amani remained on high alert, expecting something else to jump out at them from the shadows, "What are we gonna do now?" The healer asked, concerned over the apparent escape of their undead adversary.



"Ahh I wouldn't worry too much. She probably already knows."

Handy thing about their bond. Well, mostly handy. Kahlil had no doubt he'd get a lecture from his wife about these wounds at some point. He limped, with their assistance, towards the exit they'd come in. Without their master the dead bodies that had been given life were little more than puppets without strings. The dark still clung around them, but at least they couldn't move.

The Master just stared at the bodies as they passed. Near the exit he stopped them, glancing to the nearby panel of the wall to the left. And nodded.

"Pull off the panel there. Hit the button. Should still work to set this place ablaze."

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
"Good luck with that Master"

Silas grinned slightly and with the help of Amani pulled him up to his feet. As expected he was quite heavy, considering he towered above him and weighed a whole lot more than he'd ever be in his lifetime. Nonetheless, both Jedi managed to cope fine as they walked past the lifeless bodies who lay to rest once more from their master's disappearance.

Close to the exit, Master Kahlil stopped them and motioned to the door. He told them he had a fail safe that would set this whole place alight if needs be. It seemed like Kahlil had thought of every possibility possible. Nodding once, he reached his hand over and opened the latch, the button in clear view and available to begin the countdown.

"From that alone, it appears we will never be coming back. At least the sith won't find use of it"

Looking to the two Jedi first he finally hit his fist into the button, signifying the spark that would burn down everything that Kahlil had worked for. He doubted the master would be sad, after all, he was way past that line of work now.

The mention of a ‘burn everything’ button was about the best news Amani had heard since getting here. Just watching the padawan make the definitive press felt like a worry being lifted off of her shoulders.

“Val owes me, so I think I’m in the clear,” She managed a smirk. It wasn’t exactly a debt Amani planned on cashing in, especially considering it was already paid as far as she was concerned. But the joke was indicative of the ease in her mood now that the facility was being put behind them.

Even though the lich guy seemingly got away. Oh well, silver linings.

“All things considered that probably could have gone a lot worse,” The knight shrugged, “Time to get out of here, yeah? If I never come back to this planet again, it’ll be too soon.”


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