It was still a few minutes before dawn when Sam's air speeder pulled up to the quiet coastline. A warm breeze was blowing through the trees and the air was quiet, save for the crashing of the coastal waves. A full moon gave the whole vista a sense of serene calm and warm morning beauty. Sam almost didn't want to get out of the car. She'd just rather sit there for a moment and take it all in. Alas. Duty called and the good Doctor wanted this adventure done as early as possible. Thus, the early start.
Sam set her air speeder down next to the Wookiee glider that was already parked on the coast. It's sole driver was the tiny Doctor Conway. A physical therapist from Silver Rest who had some relation to the patient and today's morning mission. Funny enough. He was also a Beaver.
"Morning Doctor." Sam yawned as she hoped out of her car.
"Morning Knight." The upright Doctor nodded. Then gave a flick of his very beaver-like tail. "Did you bring it with you?"
"Yep." Sam wheeled around the back of her car and popped the trunk. Inside was a large metal case. "...One recon-class probe droid. At your service."
"Excellent." The tiny Doctor smiled. He bounced once on his tiny legs to try and get a better look. Then thought better of it. "...Anyway. Let's pull it out and set it up. We'll need to make sure it works before we start broadcasting."
Sam nodded and heaved the heavy crate out onto the sand. It gave a loud plop! as she settled it.
"Where's our cave?" Sam nodded as she unpacked.
"There is a shady little inlet I like to visit from time-to-time. Just up the coast a bit. I found it during a walk of mine and have returned to visit every since."
Sam nodded and began to power up the droid.
"Sort of. The stream from the coast line actually passes right underneath the giant tree and hollowed out a small tunnel through the roots. The expanse underneath it's roots is quite massive and really quite cozy. If a bit wet."
Sam smiled. "Like, small-small? Or, small-human-small?"
The fuzzy beaver shrugged, "I happen to fit through the branches just fine. Thank-you-very-much."
"Just wondering." Sam snickered. Finally powering up the small floating ball. "...There. Looks fine to me."
"Excellent." The Doctor beamed, "Now. Hold on. Just let me get back to my vehicle and give Knight Quin a call. She'll want to know we're ready."
Sam frowned and scratched her chin, "Whoa. I mean? It's barely daybreak Doc. She'll probably..."
"Nonsense! Nonsense. I'm sure she'll be quite pleased."
The tiny beaver skittered across the sand and waved her off with a salute of his heavy paw. Very much unaffected by Sam's morning plea and seemly rather anxious to get started. So alas. Sam just sighed and looked at the moon. Bright and round. Happily fading. Slowly taking a back seat to the peaking morning sun.
"Ugh. Well. Fine. If you say so. Mhh. So much for sleeping in, anyway."
Sam poked the floating droid with her finger as the good Doctor Conway made his phone call. Sam figured it was probably only a few minutes walk up the coast line to the cave. Hopefully this would be a quick there-and-back-again. Nothing fancy. She'd be back home at the hotel before breakfast. She just knew it.