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Public Under The City (Nar Shaddaa)


Y'Toub system, near HSC-SJC border
Nar Shaddaa Undercity
Hutt Territory​

On the surface, Nar Shaddaa was bright and eye-catching, a lively sight that seemed inviting. It was a lavish trap(especially with the Hutt's in control), it's dark reality hidden beneath the glamour.

An old but refurbished airspeeder descended to that truth, the warm colors dissipating to cold the further it went into the undercity. It came to a stop outside of a cantina, the black jacketed young man locking down the vehicle systems as he stepped out. Two Nikto thugs stood out front the establishment, one going to stand guard by the speeder, the other following Tenac as he entered.

It was a lavish trap, one that almost anyone could profit off of, as long as they didn't step on any Hutt tails.

His focus was like a tunnel, a blank stare meeting the bartender's brief look of concern as he stepped up to the counter, Nikto in tow.

"Here to collect the monthly tax," Tenac stated, letting a gloved hand rest on the flat surface, "everyone knows how dangerous the undercity can be."

Though his little gang had never met any representatives of the Hutt Consortium, Tenac knew the slugs were at the top of the command chain in this underworld. The credits flowed up from loyal lackey groups like his, into the hands of more trusted organizations that would then distribute everyone's cut once the Hutts were satisfied.

As usual, things went smoothly without any major incidents in this area. There was already a decent sum collected, now stashed in a secure compartment of their speeder. The middle-men often appeared out of the blue to collect, or would contact him via a private commlink beforehand. The area Tenac operated out of just simply wasn't high priority enough for anything else.

The young man dismissed the Nikto by his side, allowing them to enter the cantina they stood out front of once more. Leaning against the vehicle, Tenac took a rare moment to relax, letting his sharp gaze fan across the streets. If no one ended up showing to collect, there was still another job he had to do.

(feel free to join in with your own story, I don't have anything important planned)


A chill swept through the streets of the Smugglers Moon. The vast skycutters above cast deep shadows over the undercity, blanketing her in eternal darkness. It was here that Hacks found herself, her four hands kept in her jacket pockets as she loitered by an intersection. Her eyes studied those who came and went, mechanical feet pacing back and forth as she waited for her dealer.

The whine of an airspeeder engine cut through the air and her gaze narrowed on the occupants. She didn't need to be told to know the Nikto were muscle and something was going down. She walked towards a lamp post, its bulb stuttered as its filaments waned, and leaned herself against the pole. In a few minutes the trio were out with credits in tow.

Her dealer, a gauntly Aqualish by the name of Loxosceles Salticidae, walked with a limp as he came to Hacks' side, his pincers chittered as he spoke to her in rapid, poorly translated basic. She didn't say a word back, her eyes still glued on the three by the airspeeder as they tucked the credits away. She held out a hand and felt a plasti bag fall onto her palm, she quickly ducked it into her pockets and offered Loxo his credits.

The Aqualish dealer followed her gaze and she dipped her chin, quietly speaking to him so as not to be overheard, "Racket?" Pincers smashed against his chinbone as he chittered away a string of words, barely comprehensible, "Dund me involve." Loxo shrugged his shoulders, clapped her on the shoulder and went back the way he came, from darkened alleys.
The hum of the holo-signs above, and the muffled music within the cantina was more than enough to drown out the possibility of overhearing anyone on the streets nearby. On top of that, there were a few other conversations between the lowlifes that loitered about, but only one stuck out.

A freakishly tall nose-blaster, getting her daily fix most likely. Tenac met that stare with his own blank gaze, his disdain of such individuals hardwired since Yalara.

These exchanges had become common sight for the young man in his new line of work, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity every time. Such potential wasted, especially with that abnormal height, he wondered what they might be if not trapped down here.

Tenac's gloved hand tensed into a brief fist, the flash of anger passing as his now glare lowered to his wrist comm, checking its chronometer. He would remain a bit longer just in case, before moving on to that strange job he had been tipped off to.
Hacks' plastic eyes turned to Loxo and watched his retreating back until he rounded the corner, then they returned to the stranger by the airspeeder. He was watching her now, too. She didn't flinch or avert her eyes, she watched him, the gentle clenching of his fist. He was on edge.

Then he looked down to something, checking his wrist. In that second she scanned him, her datagoggles measured facial parameters. Her AJ^6 implant that turned thought to code whirred with activity, translating the biological to digital, electrical impulses artificially fired across her neural pathways in response. Controlling her datagoggles with her mind she ran his face against the Hutt Consortium and Alliance databanks, looking to asses his rap sheet.

As she sliced code her body remained rigid against the lamp post, her eyes affixed on the stranger.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Pass the time
Tags: Tendra Daklan Tendra Daklan Hacks Hacks

Dezik let out a loud cough before lifting his helmet briefly exposing his mouth. He spat out a mixture of phlegm and blood onto the durasteel floor. God he hated this place, his lungs always acted up in big cities and metropolis planets were the worst.
"You good Sarnt?" his subordinate, Corporal Doza, called out to him. Dezik turned to the man and replied. "Sooner we're done with this place the better." he said while clearing his throat. "You get any leads on our mark?" he said before straightening out. "To be honest, I don't even know who we're looking for"

"Feth's sake, am I the only one who payed attention to the briefing? Some corpo's kid ran off and is trying to play his hand at gangster. Dad hired private eyes who tracked him to this dump and they outsourced the actual searching to us." Dezik explained

"So what, we're errand boys for some suits who are too scared to mix in with the plebs."

"Yes, now pay attention to the people around us." he said before letting out a sigh. "Ah forget it. Bravo radioed in that they had a solid lead in the Duros Sector and are pursuing while you were checking that last club." Dezik said before grabbing his rifle which was leaning against a wall and slinging it around his shoulder. "They'll probably snatch him within the next few hours."

"What do we do then? Just piss about here until they call us back?" Doza asked. Dezik didn't even bother answering, Doza already knew the answer to that question.

The two men turned their attention over to the staring contest that Hacks and Tendra were locked into.
"What the hell did her parents feed her." Doza said, referring to the 7 foot tall human. He looked back and forth between the two waiting for something to break up the monotony of standing around and doing nothing. "You guys gonna kiss?! Or keep staring at each other like a pair of squids!" he shouted at them mockingly.
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All other scans aside, Hacks' database inquiry wouldn't turn up much. The Hutts did have a file on him though, meticulous as always. It detailed his alias, Tenac, and the fact that he was the leader of a smalltime gang that operated out of the Refugee Sector. Small racketeering jobs like these were his bread and butter since he joined some months ago.

The young man had no way of knowing how thoroughly sized up he had been, and he still felt that stare as he looked up from the wrist-comm. What was this person's problem? Who were they? Had they been following him? How long? There were many reasons for Tenac to be paranoid, but it was difficult to not see just another lost soul.

It didn't hurt to be certain. Pushing off of the airspeeder's side to take a step forward, he stood straight now, eyes closing briefly as his mind reached out to touch the Force. Sensing was a challenge on such a lively moon, but with his eyes opened again and the stare reengaged, Tenac could at least tell there was something off about this woman, besides the obvious. Just a bit further...

His concentration was broken, the two men nearby earning an irritated glower. Upon noticing their armor, the young man's expression softened somewhat, finding a new appreciation for their interjection. It had been long since he thought on the days of casual banter in the military, and it was a surprisingly welcome mood-lightener compared to the edge-riddled atmosphere he carried.

Still, he wouldn't dignify their comment with acknowledgement. She was just too tall.

Continuing his stride, Tenac made his way closer along the street, and to the three of interest nearby. "So, what brings you all down to this fine cesspool?" He asked, his tone casual, stopping when there was still a decent distance between them all. Maybe they'd be open to making some credits.
A name flashed across her datagoggles. Tenac. Small time booster, Refugee Sector, same neighbourhood as her. Racketeering. I was right, she thought. When his gaze afixed on her once more she relented, pushed off from the lamp post and turned her back as she made way for the cantina from where he had come.

A boisterous, jeering voice sliced through the night, like broken piano wire, "You guys gonna kiss?! Or keep staring at each other like a pair of squids!" She turned her plastic eyes on the mercenary, giving him a once over. Probably an alcoholic vet, she thought to herself, talking chit gets people killed down here, he won't last long.

She had met the type before, they were a dime a dozen in the Refugee Sector. Offworlders new to Hutt Space, couldn't keep their mouths shut. Green as grass. Hacks was not the type to get involved, she kept to herself, albeit the odd nosing of who was new in the neighbourhoods of the Moon. She passed the cantina doors and moved inside, synthwave music washing over her as she beelined for the bar.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Pass the time
Tags: Tendra Daklan Tendra Daklan Hacks Hacks

"5 credits that they'll actually do it." Doza said as Hacks and Tendra turned their attention to the two troopers. When Tendra approached and Hacks drifted into the club Dezik smiled under his helmet and turned to Doza. "Easiest 5 credits I ever earned." he said extending his hand out for the money. "You been watching too much of those shitty holodramas that your girlfriend obsesses over." he continued as the Corporal handed him the money.

As Tendra got closer Dezik shifted his attention over, gripping his rifle sling, ready to pull his DLT forward should he need to. Never hurt to be careful in a place like this.

"So, what brings you all down to this fine cesspool?"

Dezik gave Doza a quick glance before turning back to Tendra. "We're holidaymakers." Doza replied jokingly. Dezik waved him off before giving his own reply. "Just finishing up a dead end job is all." he said before sizing up the man who stood before him. Dressed like a swoop biker with an expensive looking speeder to match the jacket. If he had to hazard a guess he was in with some of the local gangs. No one in this hellhole could afford any of that through legitimate means.

"What's our business to you?" he continued, a hint of arrogance in his voice. You could never truly get it out the system, that imperial arrogance. Walking and talking like you own the place, speaking to others as if they're not worth the time. Nar Shaddaa was certainly not the place for that attitude but Dezik was still new to the underworld and as such, didn't care all too much about formalities.
Now, there really were only three. With Hacks' departure, it was clear she wasn't interested in sticking around to listen further. That was fine for Tenac, as it was the usual with many people down in the undercity. At least he wouldn't have to worry about anything else, gladly leaving that to the two Nikto already inside the cantina.

Letting his arms relax by his side, Tenac's hand hovered casually over his right hip, above the holster hidden partially by his jacket. As nonchalant as they seemed, the two stormtrooper mercenaries were on guard, the young man's sharp eye catching the movements.

He would tolerate it, for now. Tenac was no stranger to that arrogance, but had put a great effort into playing his cards right since he arrived on Nar Shaddaa.

"Without the right friends, you'll get a lot more than me interested in your business." He spoke, regarding the duo a bit more seriously now as he stepped closer. "If you want to put your skills to use and make some credits at the same time, you might be of use to me. I've got a big job." Now, Tenac was speaking their language, his own imperial nature shining through too, though his tone was lighthearted at best.

Dezik Agorr Dezik Agorr
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Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Pass the time
Tags: Tendra Daklan Tendra Daklan

"Without the right friends, you'll get a lot more than me interested in your business."

Almost sounded like a threat but he wasn't wrong, Nar Shaddaa was a bad place to get mixed up in and Dezik never even planned on coming to the place. Yet despite this, he found more comfort in his blaster rifle. Then Tendra said something that perked his interest.

"If you want to put your skills to use and make some credits at the same time, you might be of use to me. I've got a big job."

Dezik gave Doza a quick glance before replying. "What kind of job." The corporal turned to Dezik and despite the helmet he could sense alarm and confusion. "Sarnt? We can't just take jobs like that, if the CO found ou-" Dezik raised his hand and cut the man off.

"The CO won't find out. Look, would you rather stand around here waiting for some spice junkie to throw up on your boots or make a few credits." he said to Doxa. "I'm sure it won't take too long." he finished. Doza was right though, this wasn't how things were done. All jobs usually were dealt out by the boss, Kenth and he was very particular about clients, especially after their exodus from the Final Dawn. But as Dezik said, no one had to find out. He looked back at Tendra and spoke. "I'm guessing it's something to do with whatever you were in that club for."
Glancing over his shoulder at the cantina entrance, Tenac lifted a hand to wave dismissively at it, his head giving a shake as it returned its attention to Dezik Agorr Dezik Agorr .

"That's nothing, just a friendly visit. This is more of a freelance job, for both of us."

From what he had gathered, these two were likely a part of a much larger mercenary band, and a professional one made of ex-military at that. He couldn't place the design of their stormtrooper armor however, and so had no clue where their loyalties may have once lied. Tenac was very interested.

Having grown up under the rule of the First Order, Tendra's indoctrination had been swift, many aspects of it still lingering. Unspoken and arbitrary as it may be, there was a kinship he felt towards the stormtroopers. All in all, they were infinitely better company than the rabble that wandered under the city moon's heights.

"Got an unscheduled container that arrived at the cargo docks just an hour ago. Pilot swore it was on the manifest, but locked down his freighter and won't cooperate, so it shouldn't be more than another friendly visit. At best."

Details were on a need-to-know basis, especially for Tenac. The only reason he was being sent in was because he was the closest on scene, and expendable. His gang had never even met with a Hutt representative, as was the case for many that worked for them in the undercity.

There was likely to be an uppity rival gang behind all of this, with a firefight to follow. Trying to sneak cargo in was the norm for those wishing to avoid Hutt taxation, and it hardly went unnoticed. He just wanted to know what the cargo was. He was confident in a positive outcome either way, especially with some trained stormtroopers by his side.

Gesturing to a turbolift at the end of the street, the dark clothed young man began to slowly backpedal towards it, still facing the mercenary duo.

"It'll be a quick trip, you in?"

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Objective: Pass the time
Tags: Tendra Daklan Tendra Daklan

Doza looked at Dezik as the job details came in, Dezik could sense he didn’t like it at all. “Scare a pilot into handing over a package. Sounds easy enough.” He said, hoping to sooth some of his subordinates’ fears. Tenet mentioned it was a quick job at best as well, perfect for Dezik. They didn’t have the time for a long protracted contract and he wanted off of this moon.

“Yeah we’re in.” He said, speaking for the both of them. He could see Doza turn his head and look around wearily as if he was expecting their CO to turn the corner and catch them both there. From why Dezikread in his files the man had a clean disciplinary record, couldn’t cope with life outside the army so joined up with mercy instead.

Dezik motioned for Tenec to lead the way before speaking once more “Only thing I’ll ask, how much we getting paid for this mission.”

[Phone Post]
They were in. Mostly. Even if the alarmed and confused one was apprehensive about the job, Tenac had a feeling that the pay might put his mind at ease. With a small but expendable sum of credits gathered over the months, the young man was eager to fund something worthwhile.

Either way, he would keep his eye on that one. Going up against two stormtroopers without knowing their full expertise and loadout was not something Tenac saw as wise, no matter how well he had managed thus far. Besides, he was too confident, even in his people skills to think it would ever reach that point.

"That depends on how things go. Could be more than what we both imagine, but we'll also have first pickings on the contents of that container and freighter. A Vev StarThrust, I'm told. Who knows what we'll find."

Coming to a stop next to the turbolift entrance, Tenac's gloved hand pressed against the console to call one down from the transportation network. He was still open to the idea of others tagging along on the job as well, but was intent on leaving the two Nikto behind, just in case there was a handoff to be made after all.

A loud chime signaled the turbolift's arrival, the doors sliding open to release the many passengers within. Stepping in, Tenac now motioned for them to follow.

"Straight to the cargo docks administration, with a short walk to the docking bay we're needed in."

Dezik Agorr Dezik Agorr

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