Serena Bouie

Location: Jakku
Objective : Exploration
Tags: Paxton Reece Sinbad and Zoltan

You only had to stand upon the sands of Jakku looking out to the oceans of fawn colored dunes to see something had happened here. The unbearable heat made it necessary to wrap up to keep what moisture a body produced to keep from becoming a sad story with sad ending.
It reminded her of Tattooine the endless sand swirling about in a zen like formation drawing the eye to the horizon and bring up a sense of wonder and question, was there more to be known about Jakku.
Someone from the Coruscant Museum thought so and had authorized an expedition. Serena had no idea who the others were she had opted to travel alone and meet the supply ship on Jakku which she assumed would also carry the other explorers. What their specialty was she had no idea, what their expectations where she would have to find out.
Behind her the clanging of metal on metal, a deal was struck for something, for most of them it was rations and water. She made a request of an organization that traveled the quadrant to bring rations and water to Jakku. It would be something life shouldn't be such a struggle where the strong preyed upon the weak.
The expedition was fortunate the ship had arrived bringing equipment, speeders, rations, medical supplies and precious water. Someone had already tried to break in to get the water, she had an idea who it was but out here it wasn't good to point a finger unless you knew for certain.
She and the others would need to pick a direction and get out there. What would they find, certain they would find SSDs, remnants of rebel fights those were the obvious relics. The Observatory at the plateau perhaps, or Tuanual and locate the Church of the Force. Or was there the unexpected yet to be found hidden beneath the shifting sands.