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Private Under the Sands of Jakku


Location: Jakku
Objective : Exploration
Tags: Paxton Reece Sinbad and Zoltan Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

You only had to stand upon the sands of Jakku looking out to the oceans of fawn colored dunes to see something had happened here. The unbearable heat made it necessary to wrap up to keep what moisture a body produced to keep from becoming a sad story with sad ending.

It reminded her of Tattooine the endless sand swirling about in a zen like formation drawing the eye to the horizon and bring up a sense of wonder and question, was there more to be known about Jakku.

Someone from the Coruscant Museum thought so and had authorized an expedition. Serena had no idea who the others were she had opted to travel alone and meet the supply ship on Jakku which she assumed would also carry the other explorers. What their specialty was she had no idea, what their expectations where she would have to find out.

Behind her the clanging of metal on metal, a deal was struck for something, for most of them it was rations and water. She made a request of an organization that traveled the quadrant to bring rations and water to Jakku. It would be something life shouldn't be such a struggle where the strong preyed upon the weak.

The expedition was fortunate the ship had arrived bringing equipment, speeders, rations, medical supplies and precious water. Someone had already tried to break in to get the water, she had an idea who it was but out here it wasn't good to point a finger unless you knew for certain.

She and the others would need to pick a direction and get out there. What would they find, certain they would find SSDs, remnants of rebel fights those were the obvious relics. The Observatory at the plateau perhaps, or Tuanual and locate the Church of the Force. Or was there the unexpected yet to be found hidden beneath the shifting sands.

Sinbad and Zoltan

Zoltan peered out between the slit of his shemagh over the ancient dunes of Jakku. The sands were a testament that eventually death claims all. Like a giant hourglass running on endlessly they shifted and took one relic after the other. He wondered what secrets he would find here. He had been on the pursuit of an ancient ship even older than the Forgotten Republic. Something that was birthed by the Rakkatans. A device built for war and forged in destruction.

The herald's of it's existence, a dusty tome and a Hutt crime lord, said that it was on this planet. The tome mentioned it as Death's Scythe. A giant weapon capable of destroying capital ships and large cities. The Hutt had referred to it as a forge of sorts. Capable of creating armies of droids and ships. Zoltan suspected the truth lies somewhere in between and he lusted to find it. To procure this weapon was tantamount to securing the throne of Galvinos.

Sinbad idly strapped bags to their speeders and motioned to Zoltan to come close. Sinbad was a Iridorian from the planet Dathomir. He was a hardened warrior whose metal had been tested time and again. For many men Sinbad was the equalizer. He was an unstoppable force that could not be contained. Strapped always to his back was a disruptor of sorts. All though he preferred to use the sawed off scatter gun at his hip. Something to do with his traditions…

Zoltan approached and Sinbad spoke in hushed tones. "Zoltan, should we find this ship how should we know the others will let us take it?"

Zoltan regarded the man with a droll stare.

"We'll buy it of course!" He answered, brokering no more questions. But, one came anyways.

"And if that doesn't work?" The Iridorian asked as if he didn't already know the answer.

"Stop asking stupid questions Sin..." Zoltan commanded, a hint of irritation in his eyes.

Paxton Reece

"Whew!" Reece exclaimed as he looked out across the dunes. "It's a hot one today!" He didn't add that it was very likely a hot one everyday on a world like Jakku. He stood at the edge of the boarding ramp of the ship that had brought the expedition, as it was being called. The native Nar-Shaddan and former Antarian Ranger strode jauntily over to the speeder where Sinbad and Zoltan stood talking.

Despite the heat, Reece wore his bright red leather jacket over a black t-shirt and fatigue pants. As his side, hung an old Model 44 Blaster Pistol in a drop holster. He also carried a red carbine strapped to his back, which he called "Cindy." He also had a chest rig, which caused his jacket to look a little awkward and bulky, which contained a canteen and all the essential survival gear he would need to survive a couple of days on his own if it came to that.

Sauntering up to the two, he gave each of them a jaunty grin. "Zol-man, Sin-mad!" He exclaimed, intentionally getting their names wrong, because he thought it was funny. "Ya'll ready to find some treasure?" Reece certainly was. Now that he was on his own, he'd need to buy a ship. Most of the meager pension that the Rangers had paid him out upon his resignation was gone now, having paid to get him this far.

But he knew from his old CO, Beltran Rarr, that Jakku was a world filled with untold goodies. If he was going to find something valuable enough for him to buy a ship with, it would be here.

Serena Bouie Serena Bouie
Sinbad and Zoltan
She smiled and nodded to her two companions, "I am so ready I can feel it in my bones" She could she could feel the tremors of Jakku life to the fibers of her soul. The great sadness, the loneliness, and yet the happiness found in such a harsh place. They held onto hope.

"I understand someone else may be joining us, but we can leave them a beacon to follow and catch up." She looked around if there was another ship coming it would not be hard to see. The skies above Jakku were clear the bright yellow sun beat down upon them.

She pulled out the holobox which showed the map of Jakku, with delicate fingers she pushed aside the current view. She could hardly contain her excitement every where she looked she wanted to go but where to start. "We can start at the Starship Graveyard" She was curious about the Crackle and what it looked like, she also had a curiosity about the ships, and wht was left behind in the ships. Yes the scavengers has spent years pulling most things of value off them but there were sections of the larger ships, that required more than a strong will to get into. There were rumors of navigation beacons on board to shipments of kyber crystals, and the emperor's treasure trove taken from the Imperial Palace vaults to be shipped wherever, no one knew. But think of it of all the things...she stopped and looked up, "sorry got lost for moment."

"The Museum would like some pieces for their Imperial Display, and something for the Republic display. I think that's the best place to get that. The Museum also provided locations for us to search, as well as a clause that whatever you want you have two weeks. So...what shall we do?"

She set the holobox down for their perusal, "Thoughts?"

tags: Paxton Reece Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

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