Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Undercover turns to possible Corruption?


Want to find a new arc with Kat since I haven't really been able to get her into much thread stuff so I came up with a new idea for her that I thought could be a lot of fun to explore.

I was thinking that Kat tries to do undercover spying of the Sith Order, dark side affiliated factions, trying to provide GA with information and expose any plots or plans. Acting as if she is a fallen Jedi and desires to learn more Dark Side powers and corruption.

I also want to offer this as a long term idea that has to consequences of the longer that Kat is undercover, the more corrupted she becomes. That people have a chance to actually turn Kat from a Jedi Healer into an actual Sith. Might take time and some convincing but I want that door very much open for people.

Right now, Kat would be looking for a way into any Dark Side faction to begin her undercover work, so presenting herself as a fallen Jedi seeking guidance on her next steps. Happy to work out the spy details and such with her, not aiming to bring a faction down, more create steps and opportunities for her spy work to send her down the Dark Side path more.
As a sith and a doctor Astrid understands the want to heal people while being a sith at heart if you want we can discuss how Astrid and kat meet unless she scouted Astrid out.

We can certainly cross paths

Drazen is very evil, but could be a good in to dark side corruption!

Definitely open to crossing paths

I'd be interested if you'd like to get her into the DE. Could prove to be interesting shenanigans. Kat Decoria Kat Decoria

Not sure I want her to commit to the SO or DE atm but could interact and see the vibe

Now that sounds fun

Open to interacting if you wanted

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria Jedi-turned-Sith reporting, if she needs a friend to hash out the doctrine flip IC :)

Sure, can have them cross paths

I’m going to find you and ship you back to NJO

Love you too! ;)

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