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Public Underworld of Tarko-Se


Tarko-se Arena | Cato Neimoidia
In a dimly lit corner of a lavishly adorned chamber, the hum of exotic creatures echoed against the stone walls, melding seamlessly with the sounds of excited spectators flooding the Tarko-se Arena. Underboss Gedultey Dod, a prominent figure on Cato Neimoidia and the Haxion Brood, stood majestically at the center of it all, decked in intricate black and red robes that mirrored the vibrant hues of the planet's famed twilight sky.

Gedultey's keen, analytical eyes scanned the arena with precision. As the reigning patron of this coliseum, he presided over a venue where blood was spilled and fortunes were forged, all under the vigilant scrutiny of local inhabitants and avaricious off-world investors. Today marked the start of the highly anticipated Tarko-se games, an event renowned for its brutal displays of combat and wild pageantry.

Teams from various corners of the galaxy were engaged in fierce competition, striving not only for triumph but also for the admiration of the Neimoidians. Gedultey personally reveled in witnessing the spark of enthusiasm in the audience's eyes, a manifestation of their ecstatic joy that escalated into a chaotic fervor.

As Gedultey neared the magnificent dais, he was greeted by thunderous applause, a cacophony that enveloped him and further inflated his already considerable ego. His role was not merely administrative; he was a showman, an entertainer, a manipulator of empires. He chuckled lightly, tipping his head as he acknowledged the cheers and jeers from the crowd that reverberated through the arena.

Gesturing dramatically, his voice boomed, "Welcome, my loyal patrons! Let the games begin! Send in the Mutant Akk Dogs."

The audience erupted in response, and as he spoke, he cleverly plotted behind his poised demeanor. Each battle fought would be meticulously analyzed for the glory of the Haxion Brood Syndicate.

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Hat Qoo-Tath



/:/ Tarko-se Arena| Cato Neimoidia /:/
Tag: Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod /:/

"That Neimoidian is going to owe me for this job," the Cerean exhaled wearily as the Mutant Akk Dogs emerged from the holding pen into the arena, where gladiators and mercenaries had gathered in anticipation. These creatures, once symbols of beauty on their homeworld, had become embodiments of twisted ambition due to the actions of the Nar Shaddaa breeders.

Their snarls, coupled with jagged teeth and glowing purple eyes, radiated a palpable danger that unsettled even the most experienced combatants as several of them dropped their provided weapons in abstract terror. The majority of the unfortunate individuals within this hell pit were merely striving to endure in a tumultuous galaxy, as countless worlds were consumed by the fires of war.

He was one of these souls, put to work for the Invisible Market Cell of the Haxion Brood an emergent criminal syndicate. As he surveyed his environment, he sought in vain for an opportunity to evade this retribution, only to discover that every possible route was obstructed by imposing enforcers, causing his grip to tighten around the ZV2 Compact Heavy Blaster Pistol within hand.

With a steady hand, he kept his finger poised on the trigger, ready to react at a moment's notice to the beasts stalking around the arena . The tension in the air was considerable as the crowd held its breath, waiting for the inevitable clash between man and beast to unfold.

A spark of resolve igniting in his gaze as he braced himself to confront the monstrous adversaries under the ever-watchful gaze of the Underboss whose cold indifference brought a shiver down the spine.

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This was a test.​
A trial that would determine if the Behemoth was still mighty. It had been so long since Malok set foot onto a battlefield. For what felt like an eternity, he had stepped aside so that the youngest of his mercenary band might have a chance to gain experience. However. While passing the torch would indeed create a strong generation, it also allowed weakness to seep into his bones. Thus, away from the eyes of his subordinates, Malok entered the games.​
Now, he awaited the commencement of open combat.​
At the sound of the gracious host's voice, there was a roar of sound. The audience surrounding the Behemoth were hungry to see bloodshed. Hungry to see brave competitors devoured by the arena. Malok had no intention of falling this day. Thus, his grip upon Grond tightened as the mutated beasts made their appearance.​
He bared his fangs.​
He beat his chest.​
Today, Malok would prove he was still Apex.​

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto sat in the stands, his arms crossed over his chest. when he had first heard of these games he was more curious than anything. a part of him wanted to sign up and participate, perhaps earning him his verd'goten, though he opted against it. least not yet. he had instead come here to watch. and to observe. with the hostilities rising, and war on the rise in every corner of the galaxy the Lilaste order needed man power. those who were not afraid to show strength, those capable of holding thier own when it came down to it.

and what better place to get that man power, to find those willing to work for a few credits, than those desperate enough to enter into an arena with mutant animals and fight for the amusement of others. With desperation, the ranks and or mercenary contracts of the Lilaste order could be their salvation

Hat Qoo-Tath Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod Malok Malok

The spectators were filled with excitement and anticipation as the initial wave of Mutant Akk Dogs entered the arena, enhanced by illicit substances and stimulants sourced from the most nefarious regions of the Galactic Underworld. These creatures were relentless, driven by an instinct to either eliminate their prey or meet their own demise. Given the current lineup of contestants in the arena, it was evident that the audience would soon witness the announcement of the first kill.

Dod traced his thin, green finger along the balcony ledge, his gaze locked onto the tumult below. The Akk Dog delivered a powerful headbutt to the first mercenary, causing him to lurch backward. The creature's armor remained intact, while its eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, embodying its wild rage. The mercenary wobbled dangerously close to the beast's jaws, serving as a vivid illustration of the perils inherent in the arena.

The Neimoidian remarked with a gentle smile, "What a tragic fate for him, just two days shy of retirement. Such is the harshness of our world... or perhaps not." As he leaned back in his chair, he took pleasure in the sight of the mercenary's head being devoured by the dog. With fewer mercenaries surviving the arena nowadays, his financial obligations for their medical treatment and support would diminish significantly.

Nevertheless, numerous additional challengers remained unscathed, such as Hat Qoo-Tath, the Cerean mercenary who was indebted to him and was repaying this obligation through a lifetime of service in the arena.
Dod inquired with a narrowed gaze, peering through the monitors to identify the unusual figure Malok Malok before him.

"Derok, who is this imposing ape obstructing my view?" The creature appeared to possess a formidable physique and considerable strength, characteristics that would likely guarantee its survival in the arena. However, such attributes posed a financial threat to Dod, as the potential for their survival could ultimately deplete his resources if it were not eliminated by the conclusion of the event.

"Unsure, your Grace. They arrived this morning from Freighter A-10 near the Capital." the Neimoidian aide said, with a sliver of fear. His eyes widened in astonishment at the lack of information that could potentially sway the situation in favor of the establishment. Consequently, he resolved to dispatch a more powerful creature to face the imposing gladiator, seizing the microphone to amplify his voice.

"As part of our limited time offer in the Tarko-se Arena, you the audience will witness our most formidable beast in captivity. The unbreakable, the unshakeable, the invulnerable Kintan Crusher from the bowels of Hutt Space. Glance down below, as these two monsters clash for the glory of the Neimoidian Hives." He expressed his pride and joy to uplift the spirits of the audience, who were already in a state of excitement. The crowd responded with a mix of cheers and boos, reacting to the pairing and the impressive presence of the creature emerging from the devastated yet still powerful stronghold of the Hutt Cartels.

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This was a Trial indeed.

There was yet another announcement from the speakers - and with it came a thunderous response from the audience. Many cheered, hoping for even more carnage. Some boo'd. The Behemoth, however, stared ahead with interest. Then, the ground rumbled beneath his feet. The gate churned open, revealing the form of a Kintan Crusher. The beast was so large that Malok had to look up at it, which was a rare thing at his height.

Yet, the Behemoth felt no fear. Far from it. He felt excitement.

And from that feeling came the Force. It thundered within his beating heart before coursing wildly through his veins. Every muscle became saturated with its presence. His bones became steeped in it. Like so many time before, Malok began to push his very essence, preparing himself to do battle with his tremendous adversary. Once satisfied, he took a dangerous step forward...and broke into a full sprint. Empowered, he then leapt into the air, soaring high above the Kintan Crusher.

His hammer then came down over his head, attempting to cave in the Crusher's very skull.



Hat Qoo-Tath



/:/ Tarko-se Arena| Cato Neimoidia /:/
Tag: Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod /:/

"These are some Nasty Mutts for sure" Hat uttered through clenched teeth as the first mercenary was slain by the Mutant Akk Dog in the mere blink of an eye. The audience erupted in cheers as the mercenaries and debtors braced themselves for the approaching onslaught, the aroma of blood permeating the atmosphere.

These creatures possessed formidable scale armor capable of withstanding even the enhanced blade of a lightsaber, indicating that standard blaster fire would prove largely ineffective.

Time was not on his side as one of the mutant canines charged at him, its jaws snapping as he tumbled away, stirring up a cloud of dust and debris on the arena floor. Adrenaline coursed through his body as he hastily regained his footing, his heart racing with urgency. He understood the necessity of rapid decision-making in an environment such as this as the crowd was expecting their money's-worth.

"Come on pooch, make this easy for papa." he said with a firm expression, as the dog circled him, emitting a low growl as its eyes locked on their quarry with precision.

In a decisive motion, he squeezed the trigger on the ZV2 Compact Heavy Blaster Pistol in quick succession, unleashing a barrage of blaster bolts from the compact barrel. These projectiles struck the armored plating shielding the dog's neck. Although the lasers found their target, they merely provoked the creature, which hesitated briefly as if evaluating him before launching itself at him again.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Kaila sat comfortably in a private viewing box far above the arena crowd, reclined in well cushioned chair and wearing a new suit more befitting of the "business woman" persona she had adopted for the day. To the outside world she was some VIP with some vague connections to Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod 's business here in the arena, an investor or "Business partner" of sorts. Few realized that Kaila was in fact a Sith, one of several secretly leading the Haxion Brood from the shadows, never revealing this fact to anyone outside their secretive brotherhood, not even the other members of The Brood...

Still, even if her shadowy brotherhood was a mystery, that didn't stop her from pursuing her own agenda. She was a scholar by trade and by pleasure, scouring the galaxy for ancient and forbidden lore to further her own training in the dark side even behind her master's back.

And so she had agreed to meet a two individuals today; Tarus Undara Tarus Undara to exchange knowledge for knowledge. An illegal artifact from Dathomir, in exchange for secrets of Dathomiri alchemy which she was yet to fully grasp. While meeting a fallen Jedi was not something the young but increasingly powerful apprentice expected, her pursuit of that power had seen her meeting with all manner of people.

But she would not be the only one benefitting from her shady deals today. The Brood itself, people such as the armed cyborgs standing at the doors on either side of her, would benefit from additional arms. Arms she planned on purchasing from Credius Nargath Credius Nargath of the Umbrella Corporation, though first they needed to make arrangements during this little pre-meeting before she was willing to participate in an exchange on some backwater world. Such a thing needed to be quick, quiet and smooth, and so negotiating beforehand seemed like the right call.

For now she would wait for whoever arrived first, relax and enjoy her expensive wine while she watched the carnage below. One would think a woman who had once been practically a slave to her master would feel some sympathy for the ones being forced to fight down below, and perhaps later it would hit her, but right now, drinking in the dark side energies as much as the wine, she felt... different. She felt... important. This was new.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto remained in the public seating his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the creatures fight the mercenaries, his hand grasping his chin as he leaned over and spoke to the man to his left, "Commander Tarian, what's going on? Or more so, what is it I could be missing with my eyesight." while Laphisto contionued to peer out into the arena and on occasion the surrounding stands with the force he made no intention of hiding his force signature, either by arrogance, on purpose or the inability to do so was to be seen.

the commander spoke up peering through a set of binoculars at the area" well sir it looks like a good majority of the mercenaries are either dead, dying or wounded already. but one in particular named Hat Qoo-Tath seems to be a viable hire, should they survive that is"

his ear perked up however upon hearing Gedultey Dod Gedultey Dod speak and his eyes drifted towards the reveal of the large creature before then spying the force signature of Malok Malok leap into the air to deal a presumably lethal blow to the beast. as Laphisto watched and followed the man he began to peer into him through the force. pulling at thier alignment or least trying to identify thier connection to the force. " it seems my intuition was correct commander. we have a few force sensitives in the area." after speaking Laphistos eyes caught the signature of Kaila Irons Kaila Irons from a crossed the arena and almost instinctivly he began to peer into her next, looking to find her alignment to the force.

it was quite peculiar how force sensitives always seemed to gather enmass either willingly or unwillingly then again the force was a strange phenomenon on its own.


Tags: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Neimoidia


In a viewing box high above the Tarko-se Arena, Tarus Undara waded through the gathered onlookers and important guests. They were here to watch the fights, get drunk on Neimoidian spirits, and waste credits making baseless bets on carnage below. He was completely content to let them. Tarus was here, in the underbelly of Cato Neimoidia, for one reason: exchanging his knowledge for a powerful artifact better kept away from the prying eyes of the Alliance or the primitive clutches of the Mandalorian Crusaders.

He was here for a Nightsister crystal.

With his first lightsaber destroyed on Tython and his current one resistant to both bonding and bleeding, Tarus was in the market for a new crystal, one that he hoped would not resist his will to use it. His connection to Dathomiri magic made the tainted Nightsister crystals and alluring option, one that he was willing to impart his own knowledge of the old magics to obtain. Tarus crossed from a busy room into a much calmer suite, where he spotted the woman who he was to make the exchange with - a young Sith Acolyte by name of Kaila Irons Kaila Irons who possessed a voracity for learning the ways of the Nightsisters. Tarus made his way to the woman and sat opposite her in a padded chair.

He gazed out the viewport to the bloody combat unfolding in the arena before speaking, eyes looking forward instead of at her. "What lovely chaos this is," Tarus remarked. A younger, different him would have loathed to witness such unnecessary violence. Now, he simply didn't care. Tarus turned to face Kaila. "Do you have it?" he asked.



Loadout: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Henchmen: [X]
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Nemoïdia

Slowly, the masked man walked down towards a box with a few well-appointed seats. They had cost him quite a few credits and though his armor was allowing for his body to move somewhat more freely, it still didn't remove the pain and the sheer agony the withered Sith Lord had to go through just to actually move from one place to another. In a way he missed his time as naught but a soul in the nether, engorging himself on the unsuspecting travelers and beings that had mistaken him for a force ghost.

However, the troubles in the galaxy had forced him to be awoken from stasis and slowly play his hand once again. He no longer controlled the N&Z Umbrella Corporation outright, but he had his pawns within the board and the lower divisions to allow himself access to all the power within the company, and even though he no longer held any great status among the Sith, the near limitless potential he had, combined with his polished and incomparable efficiency allowed him to perform feats that would send younger, less withered members of the order running for the hills.

However, most of that didn't matter for now, as all he intended to do for this time was to relax and perhaps have a conversation or two, things he had lacked for many, many years after his self-exile into the Tomb of C.

With the Sceleratis walking behind him, the masked Sith finally settled himself in one of the opulent seats within the spectator box he had commandeered. As he sat down, his eyes peered down towards the arena, finding it a most amusing spectacle, to see what could be considered a brute in the eyes of the uninitiated taking on a good number of beasts, but Credius did appreciate the ferocity of the warrior named Malok Malok he saw within the pit.

Slowly, his senses allowed him to look for more...specific people, a tingling sensation near his left and right temple indicating that his hunger was being stirred by the presence of so many connected to the force. However, thanks to the dolos amulet in his posession, none would be any wiser on what he truly was, be it force sensitive or not, he had no specific alignment thanks to the amulet's masking powers, even the extent of his own connection was minimized to seem faint and practically pointless to consider him anything but just an untrained and untapped force sensitive.

Turning towards one of his Sceleratii, Credius motioned three of them towards those who he had managed to weed out of the number of force sensitives he could sense all around the arena. A pair of them would make their way through the spectators, seemingly gliding through the crowd with ease as each of them weaved their way to their target, each sceleratii drenched in a dark side aura coming from the Ebony Fang swords they carried while they approached their targets.

It wouldn't take long for the first pair to find themselves near Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and Tarus Undara Tarus Undara , while the third would reach Laphisto Laphisto not much later. Despite their obvious aura, they wouldn't show any hostility, yet each would hear the same thing, as the metallic sounding voice of the Sceleratii would ring out: "The Master would like for you to grant him your company."

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Laphisto Laphisto prying into the business of others would uncover something as peculiar as it was disturbing, a unique presence in the force likely to confuse and worry most. As Tarus Undara Tarus Undara might also feel for himself, the business woman tucked away in her own booth was not who she seemed, nor was she a mere Acolyte.

Her presence in the force was like a whirlwind that had drawn in many things. Light and Dark both dwelled there, or more accurately the light was being slowly choked out of her signature by the inky tendrils of the Dark Side. Despite her age, The very air around the apprentice felt ancient, beyond her years, beyond that of any empire or culture yet living.

But there was something wrong with this dark whirlwind. It felt... caged. Trapped by something that should not be able to hold it and yet held it in chains.

And yet, the woman radiating this energy smiled at the Fallen Jedi, completely unaware that their essence was being stalked by two individuals among the crowd. It was not the bright smile of two friends meeting nor making a new acquaintance, but rather the subtle smile of a woman who saw opportunity walking through the door.

"What lovely chaos this is,"

"The crowd certainly thinks so" She hummed, noting how the crowd roared at the sight of Malok Malok leaping into the air.

"Do you have it?"

"Of course," Kaila turned to her guards while reaching into a very small pocket

"Leave us"

The cybernetic bodyguards would simply nod before stepping outside to gear both doors. It wasn't until they left that Kaila would resume the deal, wishing for her men to remain in the dark when it came to her true nature.

When they were out of earshot, she would allow the Crystal to float out of it's protective case, hovering just out of Tarus' reach and just within her own, bathing the viewing box in an eerie green glow.

"This wasn't east to get," Kaila explained with a stern undertone to her otherwise formal and aristocratic voice.

"The Brood would to be very sad if you were to take this and then vanish before the pact is complete. But you wouldn't do that to your hardworking friends, right?" She said almost teasingly, a bit like a friend who she'd learned so much from since joining The Brood.

"The Master would like for you to grant him your company."

"Boss, you might want to see this" One of the guards called, his voice muffled by the heavy doors that stood between the VIP's privacy and the crowd roaring crowd outside.

Kaila's golden eyes narrowed on the door, her teasingly friendly aura gone in an instant as she summoned a pair of lightsabers into her hands while the crystal returned gently to it's protective lockbox.

"Friends of yours...?"

This wasn't part of the plan either way, not hers, and deviating from the plan displeased her greatly. Opening another box with a mere gesture, she summoned an old mask and gauntlet to her hand, taking a moment to put both on before summoning a cloak from a nearby hanger as well, draping them over her shoulders so as to hide her weapons and body from the outside crowd when the time came.

The door opened to reveal the towering "Sceleratis" and her own Haxion Brood guards who had come to block it's path. Kaila looked up at the assumed droid, her thoughts and expressions isolated from view and from the force by her Cortosis mask.

"Who is your master and for what purpose does he request me?"

That was a distinction she wanted to make very clear; She could be requested just the droid's master could also be denied if Kaila wished. She could not be summoned like one of the hounds in the arena below, no matter how imposing the messenger. She was leaving that life behind, she'd be damned if she let anyone treat her the way Carnifex saw fit to.

"Or are you here for my client? You'll have to wait then, I take my business and client privacy very seriously"

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Tarus Undara Tarus Undara

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto looked upon the other force sensitives, his eyes stared at Kaila Irons Kaila Irons with piqued curiosity as he delved deeper and deeper against her alignment before flicking his eyes over Tarus Undara Tarus Undara he shook his head with a rumble, the teal glow vanishing from his eyes causing him to recoil back grabbing at the bridge of his nose with a small hiss. It always pained him to use that ability. Least for such extended periods of time he heard his commander talking but he couldn't hear him.

Shaking his head a few times he cleared his throat looking to the commander who looked uneasy, a hand on his side arm as he repeated himself.

" We have company sir, seems we have been invited to meet with some one"

Laphisto turned to look at the droid his eyes instinctively flashing. That teal blue while he peered at the droid through the force.

"Well it would be rude to turn them down now wouldn't it commander?" Laphisto raised a brow before looking to tarian then back to the droid with a frown. One of the reasons he disliked droids was that he couldn't see them. He had to rely on his natural sight which was already poor in of its self. Least with force sensitives or organic life he could see them.

Standing himself up laphisto turned to the droid and gave a small nod. It seemed he wasn't going to argue least not yet that is.

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath
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Tags: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Laphisto Laphisto
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Neimoidia


Tarus' hunger for the prize Kaila Irons Kaila Irons held before him was visible in his very eyes, but he remained calm and even as she made a subtextual warning against taking the crystal and disappearing. Were she a broker for any other syndicate, he might had considered it, but with the Brood's benefactors carrying crimson lightsabers, he thought better than to betray them. Tarus had no way of knowing what ties she or any of the other Haxion Sith had to the mainland Order, and besides that, if she were able to acquire such a rare prize then surely, she could do so again in the future.

They were interrupted, however, and she thought him to blame. "No friends on Cato Neimoidia," Tarus said bitterly. His only 'friends' these days were closer to colleagues than confidants, and they were all on Korriban. This was a stranger to him, and whether they were a threat or not was yet to be determined. Tarus forwent his helmet, not seeing much point in hiding his identity on the Neimoidian homeworld, but he did of course have his lightsaber.

The fallen Jedi stood behind the Acolyte, his hand ready to ignite the golden blade.


The Neimoidian observed with keen interest on the monitors as the formidable fighter Malok Malok ascended through the skies toward the Kintan Crusher, poised to execute a rapid and lethal strike that was sure to astonish and thrill the spectators, given the shortness of the contest in such a notorious combat venue.

Each step of the crusher caused the ground to tremble and the roars of the crowd to grow louder and louder, its gaze aflame with an unyielding determination to succeed under the command of its merciless Neimoidian masters. Such a scene evoked the image of an unbreakable spirit confined within a semi-sentient entity, unable think for itself nor complain about its misery to others.

"Come on, Unbreakable Crusher. I've got half a thousand credits on your short victory over the contestants." Gedultey said underneath his breath, grasping the plush armrest intensely as he envisioned the expressions of the audience and any potential investors upon witnessing his allegedly invincible champion being vanquished by a novice lacking any recognized expertise.

The implications of such an outcome would undoubtedly place him in a precarious position, potentially leading to significant financial repercussions for the Dod Hive-Family, who had secured a large loan from the Trade Federation to renovate the arena and ensure its continued profitability. He needed the champion to do something against the gladiator before the debt-collectors arrived to receive their annual bribe for the month.

The shine of the power hammer was reflected in the Crusher's enormous gaze, which raised its bulky right arm in an effort to strike the gladiator back to the ground with a powerful and devastating backhand.

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Loadout: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Henchmen: [X]
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Nemoïdia

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons would notice that it wasn't just one Sceleratis droid, but two, making it clear that they seemed to come for not just one person. And if it wasn't clear yet by their presence, their voices practically in unison confirmed their objective. "You both have a presence within the force, you have both intrigued the Master, however...the master is a patient man, he shall wait if that is what you wish while you can conclude your business amongst one another. The master is after all a merciful and understanding man."
In truth, Credius was anything but merciful, but generally, if he had set his sights onto people, he could have the patience of a true stalking predator, waiting till the moment was right to strike or in this case to finally have the discussion, the meeting he wanted to have. However, to truly make it so that noth Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and Tarus Undara Tarus Undara knew that it was not just some lowly mobster or paltry sith with a desire to get a leg up on someone who was awaiting them, Credius himself, from his own privater box allowed his energy, his darkness to seep out, like a void it would spread the cold across the very arena itself, touching not just them, but making his presence known to any and all force sensitives around in order to make it clear that he was no being to be ignored.

Laphisto Laphisto in the meantime would hear the droid standing in front of him speak just as well. "The master wishes to converse with you, he means you no harm nor ill will, believing that meeting you would be beneficial for both himself and you. If you would please conclude any business you have and would follow me, this servant will bring you to his private seatings."

Should Laphisto agree to this, he'd be lead through the crowd, until they'd arrive at a closed off private box near the upper echelons of the arena, where if he'd enter, he'd see a man covered red garments and a cloak over a shimmering armor, while wearing a golden mask, the man's presence within the force unmistakable and hard to ignore. "Would you care to join me as we watch the remainder of this fight?"

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto | Malok Malok | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tarus Undara Tarus Undara

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Kaila narrowed her eyes on the droid, only for the dark presence of it's master to roll across the arena like a cold fog. The fact that it had remained so hidden until this servant's master wanted to be found meant that he was surely a powerful lord of the Sith. It may be wise to at least hear him out.

She glanced over her shoulder at Tarus Undara Tarus Undara , noting that he was prepared to fight if need be.

"Take your box... Assuming that you agree to the terms we discussed prior, I think our business is concluded for the time being. I'll find when it's time to collect my payment"

"In the meantime," She glanced back at the droid

"I think it in our best interest to accept this... invitation"

She hoped Tarus might come to the same conclusion; That they had a better chance of ending the day unscathed if they worked together for the time being. An understanding that ultimately led her to allow his taking of the crystal early.

Kaila would then take a step forward, motioning for her guards to stay put for now. She knew hired thugs would be of no use where they were going, and if this little visit forced Kaila to reveal her true nature, she'd rather that her own hirelings remain in the dark. Out of sight, out of mind.

"Very well, take me to your master"

She was admittedly curious, and Kaila had done far worse to satisfy curiosities. And she had endured them all, so far at least.

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Tarus Undara Tarus Undara Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto walked to the private booth with commander Tarian in tow. The commander kept a hand on his pistol in skepticism. one of the attributes he had admired about the commander. But that was not the whole reason as to why Laphisto kept the good commander around. it was his strange attunement to the force. or the lack thereof. An individual who was dead to the force was quite adventitious in a combat scenario. Especially against force users who might find it difficult to target the commander with force-based abilities.

upon arriving at the Booth Laphisto gave a small nod towards the man in the booth as he spoke. a small chuckle pushing past his lips as his eyes flicked that familiar teal blue, peering at Credius Nargath Credius Nargath through the force. though he was suprised at what he saw. while he didnt see any alignment to teh force let alone any force signature at all. the aurora around the man spoke a different tale. and that simple peeked his interest and curiosity further.

" im not one for the games, though they are quite entertaining. in fact iv placed a small wager on the mean looking one." approaching the seat next to the mysterious armored man Laphisto left his commander at the door. " so you have a business proposal for me i hear"

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Tarus Undara Tarus Undara


Tags: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Laphisto Laphisto
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Neimoidia


The fallen Jedi's eyes narrowed at this self-proclaimed servant and the odd vagaries of his suggestion that they follow him back to his master. In Tarus' experience, following anyone back to their unnamed, unseen leader was a bad move to make. Still, a deal was a deal, and anything Tarus could do to alleviate his debt to Kaila Irons Kaila Irons without any permanent repercussions was worth doing. Besides, is push came to shove, he was confident in his skills and found the Acolyte to be well enough able to hold her own as well; they could fight their way out if this was some sort of trap.

"Very well," Tarus conceded then, moving to follow the envoy. He stayed close to Kaila, speaking in a low tone to her as they moved. "This isn't what I had in mind," he grumbled. His cut his eyes sideways to the semi-shuttered viewports, catching glimpses of barbaric pit fighting. A spatter of fresh blood was soaking into the earth, but who it belonged to, Tarus could not tell.

All he cared about now was the box clutched tightly in his hand. In his mind, he was already contemplating dozens of ways to harness the crystal and mount it into the hilt of a new lightsaber.



Loadout: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Henchmen: [X]
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Nemoïdia

With Laphisto Laphisto having arrived at the box, the masked man waved his hand for the droid to leave their presence, strangely unsettling eyes, blue or maybe gray, pale and almost milky seemed to scan the new arrival, before letting out a hollow sounding chuckle when the draconic being mentioned not being one for games. Nodding calmly when it was mentioned that the draconic being had made a sort of wager. "It is bold to see one make a wager...but then I reckon you of all people would have seen enough and experienced enough to have gained better insight into the workings of people and how victory might be in their grasp if they play their cards right."
There was no doubt that this man had been at the very core of the cold wave that seemed to roll across the arena, tendrils of darkness reaching out to those that seemed to display the most... 'delicious and ripened' connections to the force. His voice held a degree of glee and interest, intrigue and perhaps even a hint of wariness. However, no doubt an air of selfconfidence and crude curiosity resided within the tones that exited the mask as well.


With Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and Tarus Undara Tarus Undara being guided towards the expensive looking, private box as well by the two droids, they too would find themselves confronted with a cloaked and masked man, who despite clearly having been at the center of the eerie darkness, the threatening chill permeating the air, did not seem to show any sign of any connection to the force itself, no alignment, no nature, nothing but this strange and glooming presence that betrayed that despite not showing any signs of being a force sensitive, something was clearly amiss with that feeling.

"So good of you two to come and join us as well..." The voice once more rang through the box, soft and dulcitone, yet hollow and icy in nature, riddled with both the tones of a honey-slattered silver tongue and an air of arrogance and grandeur. "A Sith acolyte, a jedi who has lost their way and a being who seems so strangely unfamiliar with these times...each of you is strong in the force, each of you has special abilities and special knowledge...but you all feel rough, unrefined and somehow lost on your own paths."

Nodding towards the gladitorial games below, the masked man let out a chuckle again. "Still, you are all very interesting, worth my notice and perhaps...I could have use of all of you..."

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto | Malok Malok | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tarus Undara Tarus Undara


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