Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Underworld of Tarko-Se

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Kaila begrudgingly fell in behind the droid, hands clasped behind her back and occasionally glancing at the battle below, noting the leaping assault of Malok Malok and the sudden counter by the Kintan Crusher. By all accounts her seeming interest and practiced grace looked as if it belonged here despite being one of four beings who were, in actuality, cryptically out of place.

It was all an effort to blend in despite shedding her Syndicate Boss disguise for the otherwise battle ready armor that could have easily been mistaken for that of a bounty hunter or shady spacer.

But as she leaned to closely to better hear Tarus' whispering, her true state of mind could easily be heard in her voice.

"Had I foreseen this, we would not be here. I do not like surprises"

Whatever persona she had manufactured for syndicate business was gone now, replaced with something more calculating and with a greater sense of urgency as her eyes darted from place to place behind the mirrored lens built into the mask.

"We should stay close"

Whether the fallen Jedi took her suggestion or not, Kaila would soon find herself in a large room no doubt paid for by their mysterious... host? There was something off about him, more than the peculiarity of this sudden invitation. There was clearly something here that was powerful in the force and yet the physical being standing before her showed no signs of force sensitivity.

Are you... like me? She wondered.

Nevertheless, she would greet him with a simple nod, and the nearby draconic looking fellow with a glance. Now it was their host's turn to greet them.

"A Sith acolyte, a jedi who has lost their way and a being who seems so strangely unfamiliar with these times...each of you is strong in the force, each of you has special abilities and special knowledge...but you all feel rough, unrefined and somehow lost on your own paths."

"Still, you are all very interesting, worth my notice and perhaps...I could have use of all of you..."

Acolyte. A word that had been used throughout the ancient sith empires to describe a slave who had been dragged to Korriban for showing signs of force sensitivity. Essentially the sith equivalent of a young Padawan. How many of Carnifex's apprentices- Beings far beyond the capabilities of a simple acolyte and even some Jedi Knights- had she slain in single combat to get where she was today? She should be teaching acolytes of her own.

The implication made her blood boil. She couldn't help herself, she had to set the record straight. But that didn't mean she couldn't do so with tact.

"I believe whatever informant told you about us is... mistaken. It's been years since I could be considered an Acolyte, nor can Jutrand academy offer me anything that I do not already have"

There was a certain humming quality in her tone despite her frustrations, frustrations that her alchemized cortosis thankfully hid from the others. Her business had always been her own, and she planned to keep it that way.

"But I'm sure you realize this. After all, whatever... use you have for me is best left in more capable hands than an Acolyte's. Why else would you invite us instead of summoning your own minions?"

She added, eager to hear what this cryptic meeting was really about now that she made her point.

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Tarus Undara Tarus Undara Laphisto Laphisto

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"It is bold to see one make a wager...but then I reckon you of all people would have seen enough and experienced enough to have gained better insight into the workings of people and how victory might be in their grasp if they play their cards right."

Laphistos brow raised softly at the mans words, shaking his head gently with a small chuckle pushing past his lips sitting in the seat next to the man - or well as best as his biology would allow him to- "aye i have been around and seen a thing or two lad, seen my fair share of fighters, of jedi, sith and others the galaxy has had to offer"

truth be told there was very little that could surprise, or impress the Kiev'arian these days. truth be told, with his most recent awakening to the galaxy at large, he was more focused on experiencing his freedom. a gift he had been given by the old Silver jedi grandmaster. while he had no idea who or what the organization stood for they were the ones who had awakened him and thus subsequently obtained his contract.

his thoughts were inturupted when Tarus Undara Tarus Undara and Kaila Irons Kaila Irons entered the box. his eyes instinctively flashing that teal blue as he peered into them through the force. he immediately recognized the woman's force signature, the peculiar curious thing one that had peeked his interest but had been distracted from when the droid approached him.
"A Sith acolyte, a jedi who has lost their way and a being who seems so strangely unfamiliar with these times...each of you is strong in the force, each of you has special abilities and special knowledge...but you all feel rough, unrefined and somehow lost on your own paths."

turning to face Credius Nargath Credius Nargath as he spoke once again he raised a brow. unrefined and lost? now those were not words he would have accosiated with himself, though he could see them fitting with the others perhaps least to some degree that is. while he was unfamiliar with these times he was far from lost and unrefined.and he took a small offense to that internally though his face didnt show it.

when the woman began to speak laphisto nodded softly " its not every day you see this many force sensitives drawn together like this. especiially ones from various walks of life. " laphistos eyes drifted back to the mysterious man who had summoned them here originally " I am unsure what your plans may be, but if you seek to hire my organization then we can discuss busineess"


Tags: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Laphisto Laphisto
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Neimoidia


Tarus nodded silently at Kaila’s suggestion, willing to work with her rather than against for the time being. Truly, he had no qualms with her, Acolyte or not, but he did have issue with his identity as a former Jedi being revealed so blatantly. Credulous listeners in Tarko-se, especially those with mouths that reported back to the Dark Lords and Ladies of the Sith Order, would love to share such tantalizing information with their masters; Tarus’ former vocation was not so well known among his current compatriots, and was something he’d prefer to keep quiet.

Like his companion, Tarus’ frustration bubbled beneath the surface. He desperately hated being held on a leash, tugged around when his skills were needed. Such an arrangement is what cost the Nightsisters on Selvaris their lives. Would this masked figure be the next to die for cornering the Desert Wolf?

What do you want?” Tarus growled bitterly, choosing words over violence for the moment.



Loadout: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Henchmen: [X]
Location: Tarko-se, Cato Nemoïdia

As Kaila Irons Kaila Irons raised her voice, her words sharp and decisive, filled with a seething, held back anger, the masked man's hand slowly rose towards his chest, his fingers slowly caressing a large, crimson stone set into an electrum and auridium broche of sorts. However, this did not seem to be the target of his fingers, as they slid over the jewel towards a small trinket hanging around his neck, gently clasping around said trinket as he seemed to silently listen to the woman's words.​
"I believe whatever informant told you about us is... mistaken. It's been years since I could be considered an Acolyte, nor can Jutrand academy offer me anything that I do not already have"
"But I'm sure you realize this. After all, whatever... use you have for me is best left in more capable hands than an Acolyte's. Why else would you invite us instead of summoning your own minions?"

A dry, hollow chuckle escaped from behind the mask, as the man's hand now reached towards the back of his neck, hidden within his hood, his fingers running along the chain of the trinket and there he stopped for a moment, having released the clasp of the chain, allowing the chain of the small, trinket-like necklace to fall across the palm of his hand.

"They can offer you the rank of Sith Lord...a rank you have yet to achieve despite your bluster and bemoaning of your own strength and power." Standing up from his seat, the man's form seemed...crooked, if underneath the armor, beneath the robes and hood, there was but an old, withered and frail man suffering from the one thing so many men and women sought to stave off: Time.

Turning towards Laphisto Laphisto , seemingly witholding his answer to the SIth's last question for the time being, the stranger tilted his head a bit to the side and chuckled once more, his hollow, icy eyes looking at the ancient being with a certain degree of delight and glee within them. "There is something all of you can do for me... a job which is risky and certainly not for the faint of heart. However, should you be willing to do this, I can procure and grant you things which you might not have been able to get your hands on otherwise."

With his eyes now darting towards Tarus Undara Tarus Undara the man tilted his head to the other side, humming a bit as he seemed to take in the fallen jedi's demeanor, before chuckling for a final time. "What I want, is to have something retrieved which rightfully belongs to may be dangerous, it may be may spell the end for you should you choose to accept, but in the will be rewarded nonetheless."

Finally, the man reached out his hand towards one of the Sceleratis standing nearby and as soon as he let go of the small trinket, the truth finally started to reveal itself. The icy blue eyes that had been looking at them from behind the mask turned crimson, a bright gold and red with an inhumanly slit pupil, but that was perhaps the least of the changes that happened, for once more the chill returned, but since they were all three much closer to the origin of it, these three force sensitives should have been more likely to figure out just what was happening. The force was being siphoned, little bits at a time, but with so many people and at least a large portion of them having at least some connection to the force, whether they knew it or was all being drawn towards the cloaked and masked man.

"Sometimes..." The man's back straightened itself, his crimson eyes turning towards Kaila Irons Kaila Irons a vigor returning to his overall stance and a feeling of expanding strength being quite clearly to be felt, yet this was no epicanthix, no, this man was something unnatural, an abhorrent abomination within the force, a monster through and through. "It is better to rely on the greed, the desire and ingenuity of those who want it all...than to rely on those who desire nothing and who have no will of their own."

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto | Malok Malok | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tarus Undara Tarus Undara

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto watched the masked cropken man with a raised brow. Though he mildly listened to Kaila Irons Kaila Irons and Tarus Undara Tarus Undara something wasn't sitting right with him. Least when he was looking at Credius Nargath Credius Nargath . Something felt off while they pertruded a powerful force aura they had no signature almost as if something was hiding who they truly were.

His answer came as he watched the man unhook his necklace and drop it off into the droids hand of which he quickly winced as the signature came rolling into his eye sight causing him to his lightly at the unexpected signature.

He wasn't even truly paying attention to what they were monologuing about before shaking his head with a small rumble escaping from his throat. Blinking a few times he now saw the man's signature for what it was which made him uneasy and caused him to stand up slightly. Watching as strands of the force seemed to sap into the man before him.

" Your a wound of the force."

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