Undin Jaii Kryze
Little Crazy Badass

Image Source: http://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=315422
Intent: A weapon to payback for [member="Lyth Meran"].
Development Thread: If needed.
Manufacturer: Undin Jaii Kryze
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Undin Jaii Kryze, [member="Lyth Meran"]
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Slugthrower components, plastic plating.
Classification: Slugthrower
Size: Handheld.
Length: 10 cm.
Weight: 100 g.
Ammunition Type: Power cell, gas canisters, explosive detonite.
Ammunition Capacity: 1 slug.
Effective Range: Personal.
Rate of Fire: Single action.
Special Features: N/A
Strengths: AoE and able to take down multiple targets with a single shot.
Weaknesses: Will make the weapon explode after a single shot. AoE is too close to the gun, and very possible to kill the user.
Description: After Lyth gave Undin The Electrum Banana, he wanted to 1-up her. And with miniscular pieces and micro-engineering, he was able to conceive a weapon small enough for her to hold, that after a single shot, the explosive slug, would fall into the ground, causing an Area of Effect explosion, taking the gun, user and everybody in the near vacinity. This "special ability" is normally unseen and will surprise enemies and most-likely the user aswell.
The range of said explosion is 1x1 meters.
Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)