Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 2: The Ultimate Helmet
Current Outfit
IG-14 Blaster Pistol
x4 Thermal Detonators
Ami sat against the tree with her eyes closed, she banged her head back and forth as she listened to the music playing in her ear pods smiling in the process. Compared to the other hellholes that she fought on, Erlinar was a nice change of pace: Great scenery, wonderful waterfalls, and a chill mission for once. Ami and some Mandalorian named Kebii'kara Solus was tasked of finding a helmet from some dead guy. Why was something Ami wasn't informed but it was important to the Empire for some reason. "Maybe it has the ability to fire laser beams." Ami thought getting up and stretching.
"Hey Chicken Legs!" Ami shouted looking for her partner. "Where you at?! We need to scour this forest in search of that damn helmet!"
Current Outfit
IG-14 Blaster Pistol
x4 Thermal Detonators
Ami sat against the tree with her eyes closed, she banged her head back and forth as she listened to the music playing in her ear pods smiling in the process. Compared to the other hellholes that she fought on, Erlinar was a nice change of pace: Great scenery, wonderful waterfalls, and a chill mission for once. Ami and some Mandalorian named Kebii'kara Solus was tasked of finding a helmet from some dead guy. Why was something Ami wasn't informed but it was important to the Empire for some reason. "Maybe it has the ability to fire laser beams." Ami thought getting up and stretching.
"Hey Chicken Legs!" Ami shouted looking for her partner. "Where you at?! We need to scour this forest in search of that damn helmet!"