Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unexpected Guest

The fiery landscape of Mustafar never ceased to amaze Kyrel, for now two years had passed since the fall of the First Order, with the disappearance of his Supreme Leader. He had been alone, yes the First Order was reforming under the command of a droid, a dead man he had despised. Now he had been left alone with the Imperials that went with him, and so for the past two years he remained in solitude on Mustafar. Vader's Fortress was his home, a man that he thought of as a God. The Skywalker bloodline was infamous created by the Force itself, serving both the dark side and the light. For years Kyrel followed in the footsteps of both Vader and Kylo Ren, becoming the First Order's most feared warrior, and now he had spent his days broken and lost without a sense of purpose.

With his days if not spent in his own self pity, worked to unlock the dark side portal created by Lord Momin. An Ancient Sith responsible for creating the likes of Fortress Vader, and now the home to the Master of Ren, he used it to reflect, meditate on the dark side with his efforts in unlocking the secrets of the dark side. His own training was limited but his emotions had made him a force to be reckoned with, from being a cybernetic monstrosity similar to the likes of Vader, to rising up to be where he was today. Now he stood over the nexus, attempting to unlock the portal once more. The cave having various descriptions and carvings, with monoliths spread all about the dark side energies focused from the two arches of the castle, as a conductor of sorts.

As soon as he was about to begin, something had stopped him. Someone, or something had entered his domain. Stopping the ritual immediately, his hands went to his saberstaff as he entered the obsidian halls to find the source.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

One year ago…..
Kitara unbeknownst to her;her ship dropped out of lightspeed directly in the center of a light side nexus. Up until a month ago she had been trapped inside unable to escape. Over the past year she had been slowly transformed; the darkness inside her was slowly bleeding daylight. The light from the nexus pierced her dark heart becoming a light side force user. Depending on your point of view she was freed from her hate and anger. Now she knew Kitara had to face her darkest fear falling back to the dark side.

Present day….

Kitara’s ship dropped out of lightspeed enroute to Vaders fortress, one of the strangest sith lords redeemed by his only son. She felt this was the place she would be able to confront her darkest fear.As her ship was landing Kitara was brought back to her past….The full moon was set at it’s full brilliance, only casting a shadow on what she would become. Kitara was ruthless without mercy and hated everything concerning the light side driving her literally insane. She was chaotic at best, allowing every emotion guiding her path. She would force choke anyone who decided to make her angry, and she took pleasure in killing for it. If she had the opportunity to force Grip your limbs, she would not think twice about it.

Tonight would be the night she would pass the ultimate test she has placed on herself. Concealing herself with the force, she entered her master’s bedroom, snuck up by the foot of the bed. She took him by the neck with force grip, seeing his eyes filled with shock that it was her, Kitara impaled him with lightsaber all the way to the hilt.
Kitara was set free from her memory when she felt a presence.She was not alone!

A presence of someone using the dark side of the force. Closing her eyes she felt awkward it was like looking in the mirror seeing someone you don’t recognize. Vanquishing the images of her past she was able to calm herself. Her ship landed, her fingers tapping the hilt of newly constructed lightsaber. Relying on patience, she exited her ship into the unknown.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
The Hologram form of the Castle appeared that a ship had docked unnoticed in the landing platform of the castle. A blood red cloak wrapped around his armor, his Raiment of the Vigilant, his mask was left in his chambers exposing a human male, his face wrought with dark side corruption, pale skin, veins showing, yellow blazing eyes. As if a man who would be in his mid thirties was looking to be ten times that age. It was all due to years immersing himself in the dark side. Growing in power, he had faced enemies in the name of the Supreme Leader, for his vision of the First Order, and now here he was alone. But know he had some entertainment, in the form of an uninvited guest that would face his wrath.

Lava flowed through the fortress, it was covered in a a layer of Obsidian all over the castle. Fortress Vader was like a flame for the moths who fed on the dark side. For as long as he was here, he would not allow anyone into this most sacred place. Pulling out his Harbinger, a weapon of pure dark side energy. Crystals born from the place where Vader was born, it allowed him to brutalize his foes, and no matter how much damage he took. He would still keep coming after his enemies.

Approaching the opening to the castle, a platform stood above the river of lava that flowed. Steam hissed as the brute of a man appeared, when he entered the steam and lava mirrored a sound that was the breathing of Vader himself. "Who dares enter this sanctum!?" He said angrily to a woman, muscular in stature enough that rivaled that to the strength of Kyrel. Grabbing a hold of his saberstaff activating a crackling red blade, sprouting up, with two crossguard blades activating shortly after. He moved to strike upon the woman

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Kitara sensed the veil of the dark side closing in and all around the both of them. She knew all to well what he was thinking considering she had been on the other-side herself, consumed with fury to destroy her. In the past she would have given into her uncontrollable rage and strike down anyone who came against her. That was then and this was now, drawing from the force within her, slowing down her heartbeat to gain a sense of calmness and balance, unlike her former self. The former sith wasn’t expecting company, all she wore was her usual leggings, her Jedi robe, which she soon let slide to the floor which revealed a tight fitting shirt which gave the appearance of a one piece suit.

No one in the galaxy would ever think of her to be a jedi, their probably were not too many women in the galaxy who would share her muscularity, along with her fire emblem eyes passed down through her chiss bloodline. Ignoring his question she planed for what was about to happen next. She did not waiver, staring him down while he adanced.Kitara fell into a defensive stance, her double-bladed saber ignited simultaneously. The veil honed in on her attempting to draw out her former self as the Sith advanced. She could feel the fight not only with him but with herself as well.
[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel was soon enraged, as upon looking at the Jedi he knew she had to die. No Jedi were permitted to enter the Fortress and come out alive, with the unstable crackle of the blade soon met her own saberstaff, in one savage motion of the Master of Ren lifting his saberstaff up over his shoulders, soon came crashing down in a power strike, with the enhanced exo skeleton of his armor, his body strength, and the rage fueled adrenaline from his own lightsaber being fed into him. The brute attempted to knock the muscular jedi back, attempting to advance on her with an array of brute attacks, his saberstaff had only one blade activate, the clashes sending sparks across their surroundings.

"Die Jedi!" The Ren yelled, as he advanced step by step, his blade arcing as if Kyrel was wielding a hammer with each power attack he started to send the Jedi's way, always in a sequence of three strikes before attempting to advance upon her. Each swing was fueled with anger and power, drawing upon the dark side energy given to him by his weapon, but at a cost of great pain to his body. Yet he didn't give in and only used his rage to progress the ferocity of his attacks and his movements. Soon the Jedi would either counter, or be forced on the offensive.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Kitara was taken back by the brute fury of the sith, she felt his rage with every power attack unleashed in his array of three strikes before advancing before striking again. It wasn’t too often she felt she may be overpowered by this sith. She was not going to let that happen, the first three attempts she parried tossing his attacks aside,her blade spinning, she needed to counter and even out the playing field.His attacks knocking her back a few paces, taking its toll.

Parring the first three, she second guessed herself, side stepping counter clock wise, her blade soon became one, the temptation to envoke rage crept in like a silent assasine, attempting to calm herself Kitara went on the offensive, with a series of diagonal cross slashes, spinning her blade in a figure eight, she brought down a power attack that probably would have knocked down a regular man.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel could feel anger swelling up insode of her, she was on the defensive as he relentlessly advanced upon her. Before he knew it however, she soon began her own counter attack. Kyrel soon took a step back when she launched her own strike. Almost curious to see if she would give into her rage, he was almost counting on it. Such a prospect would have been both interesting and amusing to the Master of Ren.

With her own strike attempting to stagger him back, he held his ground bringing his blade up for a strong block. With the blades locked. He kept it only for a moment. Before unleashing a trachta maneuver. Deactivating his own lightsaber sidestepping her to hit her face with the brunt of his hilt. Attempting to use her own confusion to bring one end of the hilt to her chest and attempting to impale her upon a reactivating blade hopefully bringing a swift end to the fight.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Not once, but twice did the master of ren break her defense, the first one clipped her bottom lip leaving a trail of blood, and the other on her chest. With each attack he made, and every passing second of the battle, the light that defeated the darkside within her was being extinguished with every passing moment. The sounds around her, especially the lava below mimicking vaders voice whispering in her ear. The jedi within her was allowing the force to flow through her, and as the light began to extinguish she saw how she once bended the force, to harness it and crush her enemies.After the second hit her demeanor through out the battle changed, her once calm amber eyes blazed afire, resembling hourglasses’ timing the inevitable demise of the jedi within her. She felt the force in complete hate, strains of energy around his neck, she wanted to wrap her hand around his neck and crush with the force, and drive her weapon into his abdomen, and slowly retrieve while he was still breathing. Her conflict battled the good and the dark as the light tried to fight back.

In a final attempt in her confusion trusted her instincts and sidestepped in the nick of time, although his saber brazed her side leaving burn marks on her side enough to leave a festering wound. Somehow she was able to bring her blade down, spinning counter clockwise around his saber, and they remained locked for a moment standing head to head facing each other.Kitara locked eyes with the Ren Knight, as she licked her wound, the light with in slowly giving into the darkside. She did not know at this point but her once purple lightsaber radiating tints of red as though it were bleeding as the fight continued.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
She barely managed to avoid his attack as parts of her side was burned. Turning her motion to counterclockwise. Kyrel swiftly reacted to her second attack activating the second blade. The unstable blade emerging he moved the staff horizontally moving to block her amethyst blade in on quick motion, the two being locked face to face in a blade lock.

He soon noticed that her saber was being corrupted, that she was tapping into the dark side in order to win this fight. A triumphant smirk appeared on his face, as even the Jedi could not resist the darkness from both within and from without. He attempted to break the lock with a kick to her midsection, spinning his blades into an offensive arc. He moved to drive her back in a series of power strikes to push her towards the edge of the platform, and onto the lava below.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Kitara’s emotions became what they once were chaotic and uncontrollable, she could not resist the darkside any longer. She hated herself for becoming a jedi and allowing it taint the darkside of the force. Her opponents smirk sealed her fate, there was no way in her mind that a Jedi would win this fight. She felt the pull of the darkside and allowed it to extinguish the light forever.

Kitara was most annoyed with progress in this fight always on the defensive, she knew she had to do something fast and change the momentum into her favor. Kitara battled hard, spinning her blade in a whirlwind fashion, clashing with each one of his strikes pushing her towards the edge, the hum of each of theirs echoed through out.Kitara had enough, she dug in steadfast, shifting her weight, she pressed against each whirlwind strike until she broke free, and came at him with an onslaught of power attacks, tapping into her force rage, she unleashed on the Ren Knight.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel felt delight when she became enraged fully succumb to the power of the dark side. Weather Or not it was due to either Vader's fortress, or what was going on inside of herself. He could not say. All he did know of course that even with the dark side. She could and will not beat him so easily.

He was forced to move back on the defensive. Allowing her to gain the upper hand by moving back, giving her the thought that she would win. If only to set a trap as she herself tried to drive him to the edge of the platform. He stopped his attack, standing as she moved in for the kill. Reaching out with the Force as if an invisible hand had taken a hold of her stopping her in her place. Attempting to reach out and freeze her in place with the force.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

Ktara thought she had the upper hand, believing that givin into her force rage would defeat the Ren Knight.Allowing her rage to blossom out of control Kitara became chaotic in her movements she was unaware she was deceived and about to stumble into a trap. Through the whole fight either of them said a word.The former jedi came to redeem herself, the darkside clouded her judgement drawing her her only to ride the downward spiral. The darkside welcomed her and entangled within its interictal web.

The chaotic sith with every movement she had, her emotions resonating within her realizing her hate for the jedi destroying any remanence of light. Pressing against the Ren Knight with every once of powe Kitara walked right into the trap laid before her.Every joint in her body froze, tension filled her entire body freezing her in place.She only smirked realizing she sprung the trap. She would never admit it,, but she has a small bit of respect for him, which only fueled her rage.

“Resorting to trickery are we?”

The former Jedi would have done the same thing, the only difference she would have killed him already, or least make them suffer,and she knew this was far from over.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]
The Master of Ren was unimpressed she had allowed her rage to get the better of her. Lowering His hand he walked towards her, when she stated he used rickety he scoffed replying to her with a cold tone. "Not trickery, there is still much about the Force you still not understand." He said his saberstaff deactivating the unstable red blades retreating.

He was not amused with how a Jedi had attacked him. Yet had taken delight to how she resorted to the dark side to defeat him. He looked at her puzzled on what she would do. "Why are you here give me one good reason not to kill you?" He asked her.

[member="Kitara Delarosa"]

Kitara Delarosa

The Ren Knight’s question was not an easy one to answer. The former Jedi, once a sith only to fall once had to search deep within to find the answer. The Ren knight would learn later Kitara was not only a Jedi who had recently fell-she was a Sith Knight submersed in the dark sided.A Sith warrior consumed with rage, more so than had had seen thus far. Kitara was chaotic and reckless, and through a series of events in her past she had slain her former master on the cusp of knight hood not fully understanding the true meaning of being a sith.

The darkside had woven an intricate web, pathways, choices and one that allowed her to be trapped inside a lightside nexus allowing her forsake the darkside, only to pave another pathway that led her to vaders castle. Allowing her to believe she would be able to defeat her deepest temptation…Falling to the darkside once more. As soon as her ship arrived the darkside began to corrupt her, once Kitara giving into her anger, she fell into her old routine; allowing her anger to consume her, evoking Force rage.
The Ren Knight if he realized it or not was allowing the dark side to fulfill Kitara Destiny. His trap he had set for Kitara was preordained, and she was meant to be snared. This was the pinnacle, the climax, that would forever change her destiny and she knew it as soon as she was frozen. She watched him as he paced, Her moment to take a step back and focus. By this time she her force rage had over exhausted her efforts. Her anger had drowned out the calmness of the jedi aspect of her driving it out of her completely. The Ren knight probably might have thought her to be Dark Jedi; She was not. She was a stih.

Through victory,
my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

She felt the last words of the sith code; only to be followed by a revelation. Instead of allowing her anger to control her,Kitara supressed it deep, allowing memories to flood her memory, how she was able to use powerful force abilities, albeit she used them out of recklessness. This time she channeled her anger allowing it simmer with in, being of the right mind she never let it boil, overtaking her. Kitara focused, her mind set on breaking the hold he had over her, she saw the restrains, imaginary lines woven around her keeping her in place. The simmering anger began to rise, keeping it in check for the first time in along awhile.She knew she had to be quick, she wasn’t sure how long she would be able to keep her focus before it completely drained her. Considering this is the first time she had touched the dark side in over a year. She was consumed by the power it gave her, and the victory she had over the light, and was anticipating her victory.She was not disappointed, The jedi within her was completely destroyed.

Kitara taking control of her anger released it once she had found the source of intricate lines holding her frozen, the force severing them, and that point she knew The force had set her free. Her light saber had long been deactivated. She watched him for a moment, tapping into her force sense, but it was obvious he had shielded her from probing him, she may have been able to penetrate his defenses but that would have taken too much time leaving her exhausted, she was just beginning to remember. She wanted her power to return immediately, but realized she needed to have patience before she regained it fully.

“Who do you think I am….
Sith or Jedi..”

The was no in-between, she wasn’t about to reveal her intentions just yet, she was testing him to see how in tune he was to the force.She wanted to learn why the force had brought her here, and why he was the only one here.Kitara could not feel any others of importance. As far she knew there was only the two of them.

[member="Kyrel Ren"]

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