Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aria made a small noise as her mind put together the pieces of Vaylin's answer to fill in more gaps. That explained the blue lightsaber - it explained Vaylin's fear - and, of course, it explained how the Zabrak had landed on Dxun.
And it was easy to see how she could've turned to the dark in those five years.

"Sounds like the Jedi," she agreed. "They like to disappear on you. Oh, you can sit down - I think I put blankets in here somewhere, if you need them -" she quickly got up to poke around the ship, and a moment later tossed a throw at Vaylin. It'd be easier to wash than the built-in seating running around the interior, at least.

"Alright, so - five years? Could you not find a way off the planet, or did you not want to?"

The Jedi were hardly the sort one wanted to return to, she supposed, but Dxun didn't look a fun place to live for five years.
I can't have been the only one who went temporarily insane and turned up here.

A quiet mechanical whir, barely distinct through the howls of the storm, announced Stabby's arrival into the scene. The Roomba sidled up to the Zabrak, knife in front, and moved into the first surface it'd make contact with a few times before he shuffled off in another direction.

"STABBY!" Aria fought to stifle laughter, looking back at Vaylin with a desperate attempt at apology on her face. "Sorry, that's Stabby. He likes to...well...stab."

Vaylin watched Aria closely, seeing the woman work the pieces together into whatever conclusion was forming in her mind.

At the mention of the Jedi though, she tilted her head to the side; in a curious fashion. Wondering if the human was possibly speaking from experience.

She watched as Aria disappeared around the ship, returning shortly after with a towel in hand. Vaylin caught it with one hand, placed her glass on the table before she placed the towel over the seat, covering it and the backing. With that, she finally took a seat and looked over at Aria as she returned to hers.

The Zabrak opened her mouth to speak when the whirring started. Her eyes immediately zoned in on Stabby as it seemingly made a beeline for her feet.

Vaylin, with a cat like grace suddenly leaped up and landed on the towel-covered seat, settling into a 'sit crouch'. She glared at the small machine until it wandered off.

Then her attention returned to Aria, and looked at the woman as if she was crazy.

"How...original." She commented, her tone dry. "You taped a knife to it." Vaylin looked over at Stabby a few times to ensure she wasn't going crazy and seeing things. Once it was clear the machine wasn't going to move in her direction anymore, Vaylin cautiously sat back down properly.

"I tried to during the first year or so, but I discovered this area was rather remote in comparison. Besides, back then I could barely move about without being hounded by the beasts that lurk on this moon. By the time I was able to get around a lot more, I had already settled myself. That, and more often than not, anyone who arrive were either going to the the tomb or they're a group of armored individuals building an outpost."

[member="Aria Vale"]​
"I don't know, it seemed cool."

Aria shrugged amidst stifled giggles as Vaylin leapt onto her seat, looking fondly at Stabby puttering off. She was all too liable to stab wounds of her own at the Roomba's blade, but Stabby's exploits entertained her simply too much to get rid of her 'pet'.

"That's fair, though," she agreed, resting her elbows on her knees as she leaned in curiously. "Do you want to stay on Dxun?"

She was made oddly curious by the Zabrak for reasons that her mind was still trying to work out. Perhaps it was that feral stench of darkness, so very intriguing and twice so after she'd seen it wielded against her. Perhaps it was that Vaylin had been a Jedi before her team had vanished and left her on Dxun (and oh, she knew how it felt to have someone you trusted disappear - it was a weakness and she knew it, but hearing about how the Jedi had let Vaylin down like they had Aria all those years ago refused not to nudge at her brain).

Whatever it was, Aria was a slave to her curiosity and Vaylin had piqued it. To part of her mind it was downright outlandish to be talking to the Zabrak so calmly and openly after the other woman had tried to kill her - in Aria's defense, she'd had more awkward introductions before - an even smaller part of her mind would've called executing her after she'd won the fight the smart decision.

But Vaylin had intrigued her.
Aria found a lot of things became unimportant when sating her curiosity was at hand.

Do I want to stay on Dxun?

The thought honestly stumped Vaylin, it wasn't something that had occured to her at all. Well, she supposed there was a variant of it during her first few months to a year on the moon. A desire to want to get off as soon as possible. But that obviously never happened, and she just gradually got use to being stuck on Dxun.

It was a revelation that struck the Zabrak.

All she had known for five years was Dxun, it was her life; what she lived and breathed every day. And in the wake of Aria's arrival, their fight and her soundly being defeated - it resulted in a clearer mind for Vaylin.

This was an opportunity. She could ask Aria to take her to some place in the galaxy and just leave her, she'd at least finally be free from the Demon Moon.

And yet, she'd also be leaving her comfort zone. Albeit a very dangerous one, with a distinct lack of consistent diet and hygiene.

"No. I'd prefer to leave it behind, never look back at it again if I can help it."

Vaylin grabbed her cup again and brought the water to her lips, taking a sip. As she did though, she began to sniff and realized the mud she was covered in had a smell to it. Nothing particularly awful, it had a very earthy scent to it, but it still stuck out like a sore thumb.

[member="Aria Vale"]​
She just nodded.

Then she paused.

"Okay," she started, hurriedly mapping the words out in her mind, "this ship's not in great shape but it'll get to Maena, that's where I live." Right now, she was missed the nice, hot, dry lands that comprised Maena extraordinarily; she had a hunch Vaylin would appreciate the planet just as much."I can take you that far. You don't have to look at Dxun ever again if you don't want to - I know damn well I don't."

It was rare for Aria to speak this much within so little time - and infinitely so with a stranger.
But she pressed right on.

Breath. "From there, you can leave if you like, or you can stay with me. It's up to you. I can help you get back on your feet, get used to not living in a jungle, show you what you need to know, the like. If not, though, I'll get you what you need to go wherever it is you want to go.

"It's up to you, though," she reaffirmed, getting to her feet - she was suddenly keen for a drink of her own.

Once again, Aria managed to surprise her, and the question - the offer even that she was giving her stumped the Zabrak.

Vaylin didn't recognize the name Maena, she assumed it was a planet or just a place in general. Either way it wasn't Dxun, and that was what mattered to the her right now.

But the offer to stay with her? That made Vaylin hesitate, both out of caution over what the woman was up to, but also because it was such a foreign concept to her. She had spent years on her own, the only companion she had was the rare beast she was able to tame to the point of it being a tentative pet. So to even think on the idea of having another person there with her...was confusing.

Part of her just wanted to stick around until they reached Maena, then go her own way. But then, Vaylin knew the galaxy was colossal in comparison to just Dxun, and she'd inevitably get lost and fall into something she wouldn't be able to get out of.

And yet...

"I'd like that..." Vaylin's voice was rather quiet in comparison to before, had a timid lilt to it as she stared down at her glass of water. "Staying with you I mean, until I can get settled back into things."

Overall it was a shock to even Vaylin. Where had the feral woman gone? The one that had been attacking Aria not that long ago.
[member="Aria Vale"]​
These decisions tended to require more thought, and Aria was the sort who liked to think things through in great detail when she could. But it'd equally be unfair to her to presume she'd jumped into the suggestion on a whim - she was bright enough to gather a sense of what housing the Zabrak would entail, to know what she was getting herself into.

Externally it looked almost like altruism. Aria was bordering scornful of the concept (and she imagined Vaylin would pick up on that fairly early on, too) but without the context one could almost be fooled into thinking she was helping the Zabrak off Dxun out of the goodness of her heart.

But anything Aria did that wasn't to her apparent and immediate benefit she did because she was viewing the situation through the lens of curiosity. At the end of the day she lived for herself, without cease and without fear, and when something caught her interest she'd chase it just like that. Vaylin had caught her interest, and she was too intrigued by the idea of what she'd end up to not extend the offer.

"Good." She cleared her throat, faintly self-conscious. "I'll start the ship, we'll be back on Maena in a day or so. Make yourself comfortable meanwhile - there's books and what have you around the place, and keep an eye out for Stabby. Oh, and the 'fresher," she gestured around a corner, "is that way, if you want to get cleaned up."

It had been years since Vaylin had interacted with another person, well at least on a more civil level were the both were talking and not trying to kill one another. And she couldn't be more grateful that her interaction with Aria hadn't resulted in that. Mainly because the Zabrak would've been on the receiving end of death, but also because it led to this.

She was finally escape Dxun, the hellhole that had been her life for half a decade.

The notion never crossed Vaylin's mind, despite how cautious she had become on the Demon Moon. But then, it couldn't really be compared to how unpredictable people could be. As such it never occured to the Zabrak that Aria could be doing this for her own benefit, or just general curiosity. Hardened as she was to fighting beasts, Vaylin was still very naive with other subjects.

At the mention of the refresher, Vaylin's eyes practically lit up. Like many things, it had been a long time since she had ever heard of the name. Sure, she had washed over the years but it had always been via ineffective means like waterfalls.

Though a rather baleful expression appeared at the mention of Stabby. More like it should keep an eye out for me...

"Thank you," Vaylin said, finally speaking up again. She finished off her water before standing up. "I think I'll go get cleaned up first." With that, she began walking in the direction Aria had pointed to.

While proceeding to disrobe along the way.

Step by step, Vaylin peeled an article of clothing off, although honestly they were more like pieces of it instead. They were after all the Zabrak's old Jedi robes, somehow managing to stay together over the years. She had certainly cleaned them when needed, but over time they had just gradually fallen apart. To a point they just seemed to tumble off Vaylin's form as she walked. The Zabrak was bare of it all by the time she disappeared around the corner.

[member="Aria Vale"]​
It took a few more moments than Aria would ever admit to to stop eyeing the Zabrak pacing down the hallways of her starship - she'd expected Vaylin's appearance about as much as she'd expected her lack of reserve - but she did manage to move her gaze eventually, and quickly she got to the control deck.

Hands flew from button to button as the engine started up with a roar. It took more strain than it should've done (that would be thanks to the mud - it would need looking at, she was sure) but the craft managed to lift just a few moments later, and with a few more bursts of power they soared out of the fierce jungles of Dxun, flying up through the storm and straight into hyperspace.

A final push of a button and the ship switched into autopilot. Aria got to her feet, satisfied, and glanced across the interior of the vessel.

She was fond of the sound of engines once they'd settled into their flight - the low hum was calming, familiar. Adventure was a lifelong pursuit of hers, but familiarity was comfort; and she needed both. Her quest was enlightenment, discovering everything the galaxy could tell her. But she had to know that she had a place to go at the end of it all, a place to rest.

Quite clearly, she was also fond of reverie.

Her daydream ended and Aria was reminded of her passenger.

Vaylin was somewhat glad Aria hadn't been there, or in general nearby when she finally made it to the refresher. Mainly because for the first few minutes, the Zabrak couldn't work out how to turn it on.

There was embarrassment, followed by anger. A resounding thud of a fist hitting metal rang out, whether Aria heard it she had no idea. But Vaylin had resorted to hitting it when she got frustrated. As was par the course over the years whenever the Zabrak had to deal with technology on Dxun. Which was usually bogged down by mud or the constant storms.

Nonetheless, eventually Vaylin was able to turn it on and immediately scampered out of it like a frightened cat.

T-that's freezing!

For a moment or two, she wondered if the human preferred cold showers. But some further investigation resulted in finally altering the temperature. And she almost didn't want to step away from the hot water. It was something she had gone without for five years, with nothing but a cold waterfall as a means to keep clean. It was practically heaven to the Zabrak and her mood was certainly more chipper when she was done.

Then she was faced with the next problem. Clothing. She had none, and it wasn't like she could just have her old tattered robes cleaned as those had practically fallen apart.

So, that was the state she was in when she came wandering into Aria's view shortly after calling for her.

"I'm here, sorry I-uh...need some clothes." She said, standing there with a towel wrapped around her body. Hair still wet and stringy, but lacking the dirt and mud that had been caked into it previously.

[member="Aria Vale"]​
Just briefly, Aria was speechless, expression half vacant - it was easy enough to tell that the Zabrak had caught her something by surprise. The moment of confusion (Vaylin looked less ferocious now, and it was half how Aria identified her in her mind) passed after a moment, though, and Aria nodded as she blinked.

"Oh! Yeah, I have spares somewhere, just stay right there." She spoke quickly and moved off to find the clothes just as hurriedly. The Zabrak was a fair bit taller than her - everyone was - but Aria was sure it wouldn't matter too much.

Her ship only had a few rooms, and finding which ones held clothing took very little time; Vaylin might notice that it nonetheless took Aria a while longer than it should have to return.
After all, it wouldn't do not to offer just the right outfit.

She returned in several minutes' time with several black garments draped over one arm, and tossed them to Vaylin as she entered.

"There you go, those should fit," she announced. "You hungry?"

Throughout Aria's absence, the Zabrak remained where she stood just being generally awkward. It was a moment of silence and contemplation for her, that realization coming back to her that she was still off Dxun, and was actually being...cared for?

Vaylin wasn't entirely sure it was the right word, but it felt correct at least. Aria had effectively put a roof over her head, let her clean up and was now going to get her some clothes.

As she thought on it further, the Zabrak realized she was feeling grateful. Something that hadn't occured to the young woman in a long time.

Though that was interrupted when she heard it approaching.

There was nothing more than a smooth humming as Stabby whirled along into view. Vaylin's eyes zoned on the 'pet', and kept a wary gaze as it moved towards her. Given that the droid wasn't able to get the jump on her the Zabrak was able to simply step aside as it neared. But then it rotated three-sixty back towards her.

What the chit, is the thing after me?

Again after again, Vaylin would move aside and Stabby would pass, only to turn back around and repeat the process. It never crossed the Zabrak's mind that the droid was simply doing its job, cleaning the mess she was making because her wet hair was dripping on the floor. Eventually Vaylin got fed up and simply leaned down and picked Stabby up. His little motors kept buzzing along despite the lack of flooring, but it gave the Zabrak the time to properly examine it.

The literally just taped to it...

Part of her wondered just what type of person Aria was. But pushed it aside as she placed Stabby back down. The droid continued moving around her legs, until her hair stopped dripping water and Stabby dissappeared once more.

It was at that point Aria returned, arms full of clothing. Vaylin caught them with ease and began moving to a nearby room to change after a quick 'thank you'. Her question reaching the Zabrak's ears as she entered.

"I'd love something to eat!"

[member="Aria Vale"]​
A nod and Aria turned. "The kitchen's to your left once you're ready, I'll see what we have."

Her 'kitchen' was a sink next to a kettle and a stove alongside a refrigerator, complete with a few shelves and cabinets along the walls. Flights could take days when Aria set her sights on more ambitious journeys, and she kept her ship permanently well-stocked because of it. In an ideal world she'd have decked out the kitchen with first-rate equipment and food and perhaps put in a servant or two (or slaves, she supposed, she had very immediate access to those whenever she pleased) to handle cooking - but she hadn't yet the wealth to renovate the vessel with the luxury she'd like, so for now this would suffice.

Eyes ran along the length of the room as she considered what might do the trick. Vaylin hadn't eaten what Aria would define as a normal meal in five years and she had a hunch that the Zabrak would be somewhat unaccustomed to whatever hadn't been at hand in Dxun jungles.

Assuming Vaylin found her way into the kitchen within the next few minutes, she'd find an assortment of meat laid out on the counter (leftovers from the flight there, warmed slightly on her stove) whilst the kettle boiled merrily. Aria herself had set an egg to fry; currently she was on tiptoes reaching for the shelf that held mugs.

"Help yourself," she said cheerfully over her shoulder.

As Vaylin busied herself slipping into the clothes Aria had given her, she felt strange. It was the first time in years that she was wearing something new. Well, she wasn't entirely sure if they were new, but she wasn't going to complain in the slightest. The Zabrak had gone five years dressed in the same robes, slowly torn apart over time. There was admittedly some measure of awe as her fingers brushed against the material, just feeling the texture.

Vaylin blinked, a realization dawning on her.

I'll be able to sleep...properly. With like, an actual bed...

A certain emotion began to swell, and the Zabrak blinked several more times as it became clear to her. She frowned, rubbing her eyes quickly before continuing on with getting dressed.

Several minutes later she returned, though it took a some more time for her to reach the kitchen. Give her a jungle or forest to navigate and she'd be fine. But on a ship, even one as small as Aria's? The Zabrak had trouble getting around.

Though not like she was ever going to outright admit that.

Vaylin walked in just as Aria was reaching up for something on the shelves. She looked around for a bit, feeling odd being in an actual kitchen after so long. Her eyes lingered over to the counter in wake of being allowed to eat. Which the Zabrak was going to, very much so. She walked over and began eyeing up the meat on offer. The Zabrak had grown bored of what Dxun had to offer, which over the years she did indeed take to hunting, skinning and cooking whatever beasts she killed. Each had their various pros and cons, but none of that really mattered after you've had the same things over and over.

You could only switch between different combinations, before everything became bland.

As such the moment Vaylin made her choice, she was like an animal. She grabbed the meat with her bare fingers, popping it into her mouth and tearing into it with her teeth. Not a single glance was given to the nearby utensils.

[member="Aria Vale"]​

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