Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Unity of Hatred

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

Nathema Orbital Complex

The carcass of a dead terentatek was brought into the hangar bay of the station as the goddess Onrai watched over the newest addition to her domain. The head of course would be merely mounted up and sold on the market, as it was needed to be. The hide would be appropriately tanned and prepped for future use - there had to be something that could be more effectively done with such a creature's flesh. Elsewhere, the goddess's manifestations continued working, establishing such places of worship within the region. From her past losses of energy, she had drained a portion of the remaining darkness of Nathema itself in order to regain her appropriate nourishment.

Those that had died would find their remaining life force taken by the goddess - nourishing her by a sliver, repayment for their devotion in life. Finally a system of true godhood was being established here in Nathema, a means by which she could bless those who supported her and received benefits from their worship as well.

Until someone showed up. Someone with a sort of hatred she herself had.
Really, Alina needed a new weapon. Her style of fighting as a brawler made it all too easy for a lightsaber to leave her exposed. All it took was a flick of the wrist and she'd be down a hand, or worse. It's what brought her here. Rumors of an acolyte that had taken down a Terentatek spread like wildfire. She'd come honestly in a hopes to be pointed in a direction to kill her own. They would be a good test for her new power.

She wandered in quietly to this place, glancing around with mild curiosity.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
The laboratory on board the Complex was not as complex or otherwise developed as her facility on Malachor V, but it was still a valuable resource in question. Her multiple manifestations, sleek and shadowy forms that pored over analyzers and transported samples from one hivelike table to the next, hurriedly fluttered from place to place. They paid the apprentice no mind - well, all of them except for one. That one manifestation altered its form, returning to the brown-eyed blonde that Vanessa had worn as her native form before her ascension as it eyed the young blonde.

"You must be Alina Tremiru." She said calmly. "You'll have to excuse the seeming shrugging off of you - it's just a lot of work." She said. "You're here looking for a new weapon, are you not?"

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
"The.. What?" This 'seeming' word Onrai Onrai used made no sense in the current moment, but weapon certainly did. Alina nodded to the question, her gaze shifting to the complex itself. There were a lot of the same person flying about, which was a rather odd sight to see. Was it all the same person? Clones? There was a lot of the Force she wasn't sure of yet.

"You already know what I want?"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
“Ah... my apologies.” She said. The acolyte had no understanding of what precisely it was that they were witnessing. The other forms soon vanished, all items being transported still moving of their own accord until they reached their place of rest. “An exercise of power, so to speak - one has to think of the concept of time as extant because of one’s belief in it. Without it, such wondrous feats can be accomplished - such as existing, truly existing, in multiple places at the same time.”

Onrai’s form soon came over to Alina herself. “I know not what kind of weapon you want, only that you want one. Your mental barriers are down and your immediate thoughts are being broadcast to any who could potentially read them.” She said - for now, this Alina was quite something. “Focus and close your mind - I do not seek to intrude upon your privacy, only shield it from intrusion.”

She waited to see what came of it before more directly responding. “Given that, what sort of weapon is it that you want, Alina? I would be glad to make something for you, depending on what precisely it is.”

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
No, that's not possible. Alina's eyes widened as she saw the other Onrai Onrai 's disappear and listened to the explanation. What the Sith Lord was suggesting this was contradicted what the young Sith knew of reality. The surprise slowly faded. No, if what this Lord was saying was true, then there was no doubting that this Sith had power. Her brow furrowed as the being continued to speak. Close her mind? Was that something she could even do? Maybe. The Matukai way of channeling the Force empowered her body.

Maybe it'd work for shielding her thoughts.

It took a moment, as the Acolyte closed her eyes and focused, before her mind would indeed close off. Somewhat. A flimsy shield at best, but a start of a foundation to protect her mind.

"How I fight uses my fists as my weapons. Something to help protect myself from lightsabers so I can fight more freely. That's what I want. I suppose it's not really much of a weapon, huh."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Onrai smiled as the seeping of Alina’s memories into the fabric of nearby reality slowly trickled down to a drip before ceasing entirely. Her defenses would have been easily breached, but engaging in blue-on-blue violence was not the way Onrai did such things. She pondered for a moment at the request of Alina, a hand coming up to stroke her chin as she considered over the appropriate solution to this situation.

“I can make you whatever it is you desire.” She said, smiling. With the motion of her hand, something arose from one of the open-topped vats within the laboratory - a set of surprisingly slender and finger-fitting gloves whose texture seemed to shift from metallic to leathery and even to shiny or crystalline. “What you want are gloves, gloves allowing you to do such enjoyable things as grabbing a lightsaber by the blade, pulling it to the side, and socking someone in the face with them, among other things.” That had always been a classic. “I will gladly give you these gloves for your own use, with whatever material and properties you desire. All I ask is that you do one thing with me.”

Perhaps this would be the first one she could enlighten.

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Alina peered suspiciously as the gloves were brought forward. Had Onrai Onrai been spying on her to know this request ahead of time? Or was this something already made? Or, worse, was this some kind of trick of the Dark? The young acolyte had little faith in the unnatural Lords of the Sith. Thus far she'd only seen their selfishness and cruelty.

"What do you want."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Simple." The goddess replied. "I want you to learn and understand something that few have truly been able to realize - why this universe exists as it does. Why the Sith continue to rise and fall as though they were a tide within the galaxy. And what the true limitations are of the Force." It was a vague and nebulous enough comment, but one which she felt Alina would prove to be more acceptable of than not. The gloves continued to shift, their perpetual alterations maddening to the eye as they were placed on a rack above one of the vats, allowing the fluid on them to drip and dry. Onrai herself reached out, offering a hand to Alina.

"If you take my hand, we will begin - and once we are done, the gloves in question will be yours, ready to make a mockery of the Jedi's weapon."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
"Yeaahh.. No." Alina shook heard pretty quickly at that offer. She already didn't trust any of this. The acolyte backed right off and hurriedly went to her ship to head out. No way she was going to get involved with whatever sorcery this was.

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