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Unlearn What You Have Learned (group training, open to Jedi or anyone who'd reasonably be around)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

The Dantooine Jedi enclave had not been formally affiliated with the Order in a very long time, but Shule had often been among those who found it a suitable place to train and meditate. The Sith Empire had controlled this territory in its day, and launched raid after raid on an ostensibly empty location, catching stray Jedi from time to time. Then had come the Mandalorians and, paradoxically, peace. The territory around Dantooine was not especially friendly to Jedi, but if a Jedi was willing to keep a low profile and avoid ruffling feathers, he could train here, even live here. Didn't hurt that there was a standing order from a now-retired Mandalorian Field Marshal to leave the Dantooine enclave alone as long as its visitors kept their collective nose clean.

Occasionally, Shule got visitors out here. He was not a man of reputation or any special power -- his focus was insight, not strength -- but from time to time Jedi found it worthwhile to come train at the Dantooine enclave he informally led, and he did his best to accommodate them. He could normally be found training in the fields, in the upper level's courtyard, or in the archives and lecture halls of the lower level. Anyone who landed at the enclave's docking bay would find him waiting to greet them: an unassuming, somewhat dusty, tired-looking man in his early thirties, in serious need of a haircut and possibly a shave.
A shuttle had soon arrived on Dantooine. Not too many passangers, at least not the normal crowd of people who would come for whatever usual reason normal people had on the planet. There were some who had business other than that, such as a young force-sensative girl who eagerly stepped out of the shuttle and looked about the place while following others out. Sophie Gutav, a jedi padawn, had come to this planet because she'd heard from word of mouth about Master [member="Shule Windspeaker"], She was curious to see what his methods were like and to try and learn things from a Jedi Master of Mandalorian heritage, since she herself had come from a similar background before her family moved into Republic space.

She was dressed more unqiue than most other passangers, wearing a long skirt and a dress shirt with stockings and boots and an ascot around her neck and a bow that kept her long brown hair in a ponytail. Her large blue eyes looked amazed at finally landing on Dantooine, another planet she'd yet to visit, before spotting who she could only assume to be Master Windspeaker. When she did she tried to push past others, excusing and pardoning herself as she did due to trying to not offend anyone.

Once she'd reached him she gave a cursty and asked "Master Windspeaker? I'm Sophie Gustav. Jedi Padawan."
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Khal’s induction to the Order had been made quietly, he was given a few robes, a training saber and a few routine explanation rounds that had made him fall asleep within the first few minutes. Of course he had looked very guilty afterwards and apologized, they were simply trying to help him, and yet Khaleel couldn’t help but wonder if there wasn’t a way to be trained in a way that guided along his strengths.

Instead of trying to develop things he clearly had no passion or knack for.

Soon the Masters of the Order had decided to sent him to Dantooine, they figured its presiding Master could instill some form of respect and dignity to the aspiring padawan.

The Icarii stepped out of the transport shuttle, shielding his eyes to the sudden bright light of the sun.

Good start for an… interesting opportunity, the former thief thought.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Sophie Gustav"]

"That's me -- welcome to Dantooine, Padawan Gustav." He offered the girl an easy grin and a handshake, as between colleagues. Cute kid -- eager, apologetic, polite. Brought back memories, and good ones. "The Enclave's always pretty quiet, but I'm hoping we can find enough for you to do that this trip won't have been a waste of time. At the very least, I'm hoping the more Jedi come out this way, the more we'll all remember that losing the Coruscant temple and evacuating Tython didn't end us. There's more to the 'verse than just the Core."

His eyes flicked to [member="Khaleel Malvern"], who got the same easy grin though Shule took in the blaster on the young man's belt. "Welcome to Dantooine -- you must be Padawan Malvern. I'm Master Windspeaker." He squinted up past the shuttle's wing at the mid-afternoon sun. The open-topped docking bay let in the weather, but Dantooine's climate was mild. "It's a bit warm out still. There's a circular training room just down this hall; let's start in there. Your weapons -- you won't need them."
She smiled a bit as in introduction and talk of trying to find something to do, Sophie saying "Oh trust me, sir, just being here's proven not to be a waste of time. This whole planet is so amazing. All of it is. And now that have a chance to have some lessoning from a Master like yourself it just an added bonus. Besides, I've heard your from Mandalorian space, right? My grandfather was a soldier for Mandalor and my grandmother was a Jedi master from one of the perviously occupied planets. Before the Republic I mean."

When [member="Khaleel Malvern"] had arrived behind her Sophie only turned and stepped back, allowing both he and [member="Shule Windspeaker"] to speak. At the mention of not needing weapons Sophie only sighed with relief, not having brought any her own and fearing she would've needed them. Thankfully whatever sessions of training were involved it would be something safer than saber training.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Shule Windspeaker"]

Had it been anyone else Malvern would have ignored them. One always needs to carry protection, can’t ever know what kind of situation you might get yourself into. But this guy was different, somehow, he felt more… real? Less pompous and imperious, which made Khal only take him more seriously.

If he said there wasn’t need for a blaster here, who was he to question that? With nod of acceptance Khal ran back in and left the blaster on one of the tables, before returning again.

Master Windspeaker, it’s an honor.’ he said with less of the usual sarcasm in his voice, before taking a look at the other padawan on the field.

Hello.’ he tried, addressing [member="Sophie Gustav"] ‘...Khaleel Malvern.’ before extending his hand for a shake of sort.

Okay, he might not be the smoothest guy in the bunch, but you don’t get a lot of training in talking to girls on Nar Shaddaa. He’ll improve, probably.
His Master had been killed in action, and it thus left left Vrook without a formal Master to guide him along the path to Knighthood. However, the Council had sent away the Nikto to Dantooine, in hopes that he would find the one who went by the name of [member="Shule Windspeaker"] . To him it hadn't rang a bell, but to continue his journye down the path of the Jedi, he would do the will of the wisest of the Order.

One foot off the shuttle, and he spotted the most curious sight. There was no one else here with such a magnitude in the Force, so the man with blonde hair seemed to fit the description perfectly. He wisped away with his figure, seeing that the small group was already moving along. He manuvered himself through the others, cutting through the small crevices left open within the crowd. He even went so far as to knock an elder over, but he caught her of course. Clumsy of him, happens when your rushing.

He saw the other male place down his weapon, and so that was Leem did as well. He then fell in line with the others, and they all moved down a hall which led to a much larger room.

He bowed to the others, trying not to show that he was clearly out of breath at the moment from exerting himself to catch up.

"Hello to you all."

[member="Sophie Gustav"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Sophie Gustav"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"]

"I'm not sure I could call myself a Mandalorian," he said with a chuckle, "but Dantooine is Mandalorian territory, and I try to be a good guest. I've got some roots around here, and my mando'a is decent, though maybe not fluent. You'll have to tell me more about your ancestors later, Padawan Gustav -- paths might have crossed, back in the day."

They moved down the hall into the first chamber, the circular training room that former the upper section of the main building. He greeted the Nikto, Vrook Cho Leem, in the process.

"All right," he said, and came to a halt. "Off to your right is one of the doors outside, to the left is the briefing room-slash-assembly hall and a Council chamber that doesn't get used anymore -- this place doesn't have its own Council, any more than the whole Order does these days. That's probably a good thing. The Jedi can operate just fine without one; that's been proven over and over. And ahead of us, that's the visitor quarters. There are bunks in there, and 'freshers. If you need to take a minute, go for it. I'll be right here when you're ready to get started."
He awoke from the embrace of dreams with a start , lying in a pool of his own sweat. The dreams felt important, but memory of them sifted through like sand, leaving him empty but for one thought.

Dantooine. They're on Dantooine.

What are?


Ryan arrived late, just after the Nikto. He glanced around beneath the cowl of his coarse, earthen hued robe. These halls felt empty, but not in the way of the Ossus Temple. There the emptiness sang of lost majesty and sorrow. Here it took on the humors of an empty home, waiting the return of its occupants with welcome arms. The young Knight pursed his lips in thought, then lowered his hood and moved to the refresher.

Long flights into Mandalorian space did horrible things for the bladder.

He returned a moment later, feeling that the refresher had lived up to its name.

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"] [member="Sophie Gustav"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Blond-haired head jerked up as she heard someone else enter the refresher. Slowly, she drew her feet up in the stall and leaned forward, peaking through a crack. What was a dude doing in the girl's refresher?!

Thin lips pursed even thinner to keep the snort that threatened to erupt from the back of her throat from escaping.

Grey-blue eyes squeezed closed beneath glass lenses and she froze, hands stationary above the datapad on her lap. Contrary to popular belief, she found refreshers as the perfect chairs for slicing activities besides using them for relief of bodily functions. People rarely disturbed you.

Except for red-haired dudes.

Shoulders relaxed as he left. She counted twenty-five seconds longer before packing up her gear and another five seconds before slipping out and joining the others, looking at everyone but the ginger. The bony-shouldered girl shuffled to the corner of the room and waited to see if this master guy lived up to Carn Dista's recommendation.

@Shule Windspeaker @Vrook Cho Leem @Sophie Gustav @Khaleel Malvern [member="Ryan Korr"]

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(Apologies for disorganization and whatnot. Phone posting this one.)

The crucible of war was no place to forge Jedi Knights. They were to be defenders of peace and all that was good across the galaxy, yet Graxin's training had been just the opposite. The Grand Council had named him a Master of the Order, though outside of Ession that title held little weight. The Ession Jedi had cut all ties with the Republic and those within the mainstream order, Graxin going so far as to call them heretics in a moment of anger.

Perhaps it had been too drastic; too driven by raw emotion, but the deed was done. The Grand Council now looked to unite the the Silver Jedi and those of the Levantine Sanctum with themselves, and salvage what was left of the outer rim. There was far more to the galaxy than the core, after all.

While all this was lovely, Graxin had begun to notice his own flaws. The newly named Master had grown arrogant: at risk of being consumed by his own hubris. He had begun his crusade to unite the outer rim under one banner, to do good for those forgotten by the Republic, but those good intentions had quickly been perverted into a desire to conquer. He wanted to enforce his own views upon the galaxy, a complete mockery of everything that he preached.

Graxin was working on this issue, and the Enclave on Dantooine seemed to be a solution. On that train of thought, days before the campaign to sweep across the outer rim, Graxin had abruptly left Ession with a simple letter stating his return in a week or so. He needed to be around history; while the Grand Temple provided peace, Dantooine had stood the test of time as an ancestral ground for the Jedi Order. He'd never visited the world before, and he had no idea how the Jedi that inhabited it perceived the Reformation. There was no hope of hiding his allegiances--he led the damned movement. He would just have to deal with their scrutiny and hope they would tolerate him for a bit of time.

Dantooine was two quick jumps away from Ession, and the trip had been uneventful. The Mephirium came to a slow hover some distance away from the enclave, and came to land between two grassy hills. Graxin exited with a lowered head, his helmet tucked under his arm.

The trek toward the enclave was a relatively short one. He looked very much the Jedi Knight, albeit with a bit more durasteel than cloth in his outfit. He stopped just outside the entrance, and drew in a deep breath.

If the masters here would allow, then he might be able to help them teach. Perhaps he's gain further insight himself--you never became too old or advanced to learn.

Gathering his courage, Graxin strode through the doors.

The halls were much unlike the Grand Temple: there were no turrets hanging from the walls, for one. He strode forth, and so long as no one came to greet him, would continue to do so.

It was when he heard voices that he came to a stop. The errant Master rounded a corner, and peered out at strangers converting. Padawans and another Master, perhaps. He stepped forward to come into earshot, but otherwise remained still. He was content to listen for now. To observe those he did not understand. It was a bit of perspective he felt he needed; to see Jedi whose lives revolved around introspection and meditation, rather than great temples, governing , and peacekeeping.

[member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Sophie Gustav"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Sophie Gustav"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

Korr, like the others, received a nod and the offer of a handshake. Rade, for his part, received a slow nod, and Shule’s mind touched that of his fellow Master, just for a moment: Welcome to Dantooine, Lord Rade. You’re welcome to learn and participate here, but not to teach, for the moment. Fair enough?

Shule took a seat, cross-legged on the floor, and gestured for the others to do the same. “Now, first things first. It’s natural for Padawans to dream of being able to do superhuman things-” He glanced apologetically at the Nikto. “-so to speak. We’re raised on tales of impossible acts. Heroism. Terror. We wind up hearing war stories about Sith Lords taking down armored divisions. Maybe some of you have even been out to Rhommamool, where a group of Sith Lords caused a solar flare and toasted a couple of worlds, millions dead. Maybe you think you need power to resist power, and you wouldn’t be the first to think that. It’s an easy thing to believe,” he admitted, “and I haven’t been immune to it either. But I think we can all agree that the best and most effective Jedi aren’t the ones who put their faith in what they’ve learned to do.

“Case study. A lone Jedi Knight is brought into the presence of the two most powerful Sith Masters alive. He’s goaded into attacking one of them, for the sake of his friends; he's emotionally off-balance. His training has been unexceptional, even spotty; he’s relatively good at Form Five, but has only a basic grounding in what’re called the Core Powers. He’s facing men who personally defeated the greatest lightsabre practitioners and Force-users of their time -- highly skilled Djem So and Juyo stylists with long-range telekinetic powers, city-sized area-of-effect Force Drain, lightning, the ability to warp spacetime into a hyperspace wormhole. He’s in their base, surrounded by their most loyal servants. By every possible measurement, he’s outmatched -- but he beats one in a clean fight, then turns him against the other, and our unimpressive Knight is the only one of the three to walk away.

“Question for the class. Why? What’s the missing element? I'll tell you straight up, I'm looking for one specific answer, but that doesn't mean other answers and thoughts don't have validity. If you feel you can make a contribution, no matter how small, feel free to speak up.”

Qun Vell

Qun was in the back, a besalisk of minor importance. Other than the fact he had two extra arms as opposed to most sentients and used them to thoroughly enjoy his juice he was blending in rather well. At least, until one got close enough to his breath to realize that his juice was spiked, and that he was a little buzzed at the moment. Though a chronic acoholic, Qun wasn't really a bad person, he just couldn't feel the Force without first feeling his drink, so since joining the Jedi he had been drinking a lot. A Jedi named Micheal Sardun once described him as having a mental block in that regard, but it wasn't a comment that Qun remembered. After all, he didn't really remember most of his training, only felt what instincts his body had picked up.

The teacher, by all reports a decent man who needed a bit of a razor, asked them all what was missing. Why a simple Knight could take on these dark lords of destruction. Not too drunk yet the Besalisk rose a hand, as if he were a youngling in an academy somewhere.

"Sith Lords too proud. Powerful, but forget defense. Jedi keeps basics in mind, works to attack flaws, not overpower." Qun guessed, his answer simple, perhaps a 'Jedi' answer, but an honest perspective.

[member="Shule Windspeaker"]
With the arrival of more people and [member="Shule Windspeaker"] intructing on where to go, Sophie looked about and smiled while keeping an eager look to her face and personailty. She was glad she wouldn't be the only one joining her and the other padawans in learning what they could from Master Windspeaker. It meant more oppertunity to meet with others like her and hope to learn off of them as well. She just hoped they were nice enough.

Following the others while giving small waves to those like [member="Khaleel Malvern"] and [member="Spark Finn"] Sophie made her way to the quaters where she was quick to claim one of the bunks near a window. Sitting on the side of it and testing the bed she giggled a little at how soft it was. She looked back to her view, seeing the rest of Dantooine, and sighed with relief. She loved having a view, in fact she'd always insisted on having on if it were possible. Be in on a flight or on a boat or sleeping in a cabin. As long as she could see the outside that was enough to keep her satisifed.

When Master Windspeaker called everyone to the center of the room to sit Sophie jumped up and hurried over, taking her seat just across from where he was. She had to lift her skirt a little before sitting cross-legged, standing out since she didn't wear the jedi padawn robes as the others may have. She leaned in and listened to his question about the Jedi beign forced to attack Sith lords and all and pondered the answer. When [member="Qun Vell"] had given his answer she thought it did make sense, since the Sith were all about pride and power over anything else. However she had her own opinion.

Looking to Vell she said "But Sith try to do that to. At least those that know where their power's limits come in. Some even use emotion as a weakness. That's why the Jedi try to keep them under control when fighting them. I think what was missing was the right disicpline. Keeping one's self in check so they don't become too engorssed."

[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"]
Every Jedi, in every task, should prepare for the possibility of failure.
What was missing?

Such an interesting puzzle. One that Jedi Knight A'dele Adonnai was certainly curious to see what the padawans would reply with. Granted, she was but an observer. It was all one as she could do unless the Force willed it.

She would be but a whisper in the wind. That rising of the hair at the neck. That tiny chill down the spine and then promptly forgotten. That shadow at the corner of the eye that would disappear when one would focus upon it.

Ever watchful and ever ready.
Korr reentered the room after his refresher break with a confident gait that seized to an abrupt halt upon witnessing the new occupants of the room. Muscles in his jaw twisted and writhed as he clamped down on the internal storm.

Familiar faces all around.

Qun Vell. And Rade.

His sword-kissed face remained impassive beyond the clenching of his teeth. The redhead took a seat on the floor, knees on the ground, hands on his thighs, back ram-rod straight.

The young knight listened intently, but held his tongue as the padawans spoke. He thought he might know an answer, but it stemmed from a conflict of his own and perhaps too ironic if it came from him. The Force knew he struggled enough with that particular issue enough as it was. He would later recognize that, sardonically, withholding his thoughts only gave more evidence to his struggle.

[member="Sophie Gustav"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Qun Vell"] [member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
She parked herself on the ground with a plop, comm and wireless keyboard on her lap. Rhommo-what-now? Form Five? De-jay-um-so? Vaah-pad?

Little spectacled-wearing head spun.

Nimble-digits furiously typed in each unknown word as the teacher spoke. Galactigoogle was a lifesaver. She had a lot of research to do until this jedi stuff stopped sounding like something way on the other side of basic. And this master guy certainly seemed vanilla. No frills, bells, or whistles and a haircut to match. Maybe that's why she felt comfortable enough to speak up even without knowing what half the words he just said meant.

"Well, the knight got the other bad dude to join him. Pure numbers right? Two against one instead of one against two."

She closed her mouth, silent questions still swirling. How did the knight beat the first? And what did he mean by clean fight? Were fights ever really clean? How did he turn that first dude?

She straightened the black-rimmed glasses on her face, feeling the tinge of color already make its way to her cheeks. Gaze quickly traveled back to her comm screen as she looked up the definition to Core Force Powers.

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] @Ryan Korr @Vrook Cho Leem @Khaleel Malvern @Sophie Gustav @Graxin Rade

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Not to worry. I'm only here to observe your ways my friend. I won't disrupt your lessons. Graxin thought. He possessed absolutely no skill for mentalism or telekinesis, so he simply thought things and hoped the whoever contacted him was listening.

It was uncomfortable having someone in your mind like that, but he would never voice it. He didn't want the other Jedi to feel some sort of guilt for using it as a path for communication.

Padawans were interesting. Each brought fresh ideas to the Jedi as a whole, specific orders notwithstanding. He listened with interest as both [member="Qun Vell"] and [member="Sophie Gustav"] spoke. Both had logical reasoning at hand, and his thoughts drifted to his own Padawan. The boy was off negotiating with the Shadow Empire on their acceptance into the Reformatiom. Graxin would have to bring him here once things cooled down on the home front.

He hooked his helmet to his belt, folded his arms over his chest, and leaned heavily on the side of the wall. He offered the Padawans a kindly smile, and shifted his gaze toward Master Windspeaker with obvious amusement.

The answer was simple, at least in the Archlord's devoted and often zealous mind.

The force wills it. The Dark Side is a perversion, a falsehood. The Sith fail because the Light and all that is good must prevail. It is the way of things.

He didn't actually say it. He was here to observe, not to ruin the Padawans' lesson, and he was admittedly curious as to why they and the Dantooine Master's answers might be.

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Qun Vell

Qun was hit on the side by a small woman who seemed more at home with a keyboard than in a jedi temple. She reasoned through complex mathematics, or what seemed like complex mathematics to Qun's ever-getting drunker mind. He lowered himself next to her and offered her a box of "juicy" juice. He had at least a carton in his backpack.

"This'll help you figure it out. Always helps me solve problems." He said to the hacker, before returning to his standing position. Being more near the back, he couldn't see the teacher over the heads of the others while sitting down.

[member="Spark Finn"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
The Thief thought very hard about it and finally came to an answer of sorts. It was probably not -the- answer, perhaps not even -an- answer. But everyone was giving out a suggestion so why not him? Worst thing they'd laugh and he could take that.

'Well... clearly the Jedi Knight had a blaster, hold-out version. Those who are used to throwing around Force Magicka stuff or waving around a flaming plasma stick won't expect someone to shoot him point-blank.' Khaleel looked around, suddenly embarrassed. 'Or something else, I don't know.'

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Vrook Cho Leem"]

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