Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unorthadox Teachings, For Unorthadox Students

Location: Hyperspace, abaord the Gypsy Caravan

[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara leaned back on the crate she was sitting on. The day had been very long and for a few moments she had indulged in a quiet meditation. Her conscious thoughts channelled through the crystal that she had found on Illum. The Glare Ice crystal, calming and cooling. Both black gloved hands were cupped around it in her lap.

Her shotgun, gunbelt and jacket lay tossed aside at the foot of the crate. Only a dirty white tanktop remained and her black trousers with boots. Sakon was aboard somewhere. She had chosen him from the pool of trainees specifically for this trip. He had expressed desire to tread the darker side of the Rogue path, and she would test him now. See just how far he could go.

Icy blue orbs snapped open and she rose, stretching wide, lithe like cat. With a tender gait she made her way towards the cockpit, retrieved a steel canteen and came back to the crate to sit. The hangar was rusty, dull grey and full of odd shaped crates and debris. The lights were down low, bathing it a dull orange.

Vassara let the nutty smell of the stim caf waft into her nostrils. It contrasted sharply with the mech grease and pungent smells of long dried blood on her deckplates. She sent one word echoing out in space, hoping to grab his attention wherever he was on her ship.


Sakon would feel it in the force...
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Location: Hyperspace, abaord the Gypsy Caravan - The brig

Sakon often stayed in the darker areas of the ship/ He avoided most people and raerly ever spoke unless needed. He more often then not dwelled on his past which gave him the anger and hatred needed to use and harness the dark side of the force. He had been meditating when he heard a voice through the force calling him. His deep blue eyes opened and he stood up walking from the dark room iover to the room where he could sense the force the strongest seeing Vassara leaning on the crates. He then asked "Did you summon me?"
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara nodded, waving at him to have a seat. she had felt him earlier, meditating on anger and harshness. The young man was fast on the path to becoming straight up a Sith. That was something Vassara was hoping to avoid in him. Many who walked the knifes edge had slipped just a little too far into the darkness. Vassara herself had strayed many times in battle, but always it was a balancing act. For every ill action a good action,


Vassara took her own seat, still sipping the stim caf and nodded coolly to Sakon. She had barely met him whilst they were rebuilding the Grey Temple in the Crystalsong. Some young whelp Minna had known. So the first part was to get to know him, strengths failings all of it. Only when you know yourself can you begin to shore up your weaker points.

"So tell me Sakon. What's your history? Well first lets back up. Let me tell you about me. I'm Vassara Raxis, infamous explorer of the unknown. I've battled Sith and Jedi alike at times. I've walked the razors edge into the darkness and back, faced down reavers, rancors, pirates the lot. I've faced down the Red Ravens, and led expeditions onto planets folks never even heard of."

Vassara paused and then continued.

"Currently I work against the Sith with a small band of folks out of many secret locations in the galaxy. I'm not very good at saber work, I only know form I. My actual expertise is in marksmanship, space explorations, and force applications not known to the masses."

That was enough. She wrapped it up and nodded. Her palm raised a bit and from the far end of the cabin floated another cup, full of steamy stim caf right into Sakons hands.

"Now, tell me about yourself. Where you are from, what you hope to learn here, and why you choose to walk the knifes edge."
Tristan sits aboard the ship mediating on his bed completely naked he found out being naked while mediating did indeed strengthen his connection to the force he was half sith pureblood half/ human for a mixed race he got the best of both worlds including the purebloods strength being leagues ahead of the strongest human his human traits included dreadlocks and brown eyes from the purebloods yellow. he stil mediates letting the force flow though him like a strem or river
[member="Vassara Raxis"] He sat down and began listioning to her talk. He had guessed sh ewas an explorer by her outfit and the outset of the ship. Thoughsome of these feats like the rancors and planetary expiditions were most iompressive at the least. Once she had finished he spoke "i'm sakon Xarabia" he said to her as her cought teh cup, his deep ice blue eyes watching her "i come from Tattoine, born in the dune seas to a mandalorian mother and a tuskin raider father" eh told her "although i consider neather to be parents....mearly creators" eh added "As for what i hope to learn...well...i hope to become powerful in the dark side of the one day be able to make entire planets bow down to my abilities" eh told her still in the same calm cold voice "and as for why i am walking the knifes edge...well i am bound by no limited view, neather the jedi nor the sith are correct in code, they are one extreme or the other...i consider myself a rogue grey force user" He told her as he took a drink from his cup
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassaras eyebrows raised for just a moment before resetting. This guy was the typical Sithly type yes. So eager to attain power, to make lanets bow before him. It was more the rhetoric of the One Sith than anything else. Still she could teach him a few things, and certainly could get him started on his journey.

"Let me explain to you friend. Wielding great power comes with responsibility. Using the Dark side primarily would actually plunge you deeper into it, consuming your mind body and Soul. Ever seen a Sith lord? There's a reason they look so horribly disfigured."

She paused another moment and took a sip of her caf and then looked over the brim back towards the young would be Grey Jedi.

"You have to understand that the knifes edge is just that. Sure I dont believe in the Jedi code either, but I do believe in virtues. My life is about exploring, teaching and defending those who cannot do it themselves. On the other hand what makes me a bad Jedi is that I hardly mind striking down a fool who attacks me, or a Sith. In fact I love killing Sith. I see no problem with using violence as tool to bring justice rather than petty words and begging. So you see my penance for visiting wanton destruction is the good virtues that balance me out."

She shifted, letting her legs down over the crate and sipping again.

"So If you want to be a Grey Jedi, you have to have Virtues young one. It's not all about power and conquering. It's partly about the reasons you do what you do. So tell me, what good virtues do you believe in. Without these, you are essentially just a Rogue Sith."
[member="Vassara Raxis"] he couldnt help but laugh a little bit ghood vertues. the jedi handled things way to kindly. there tactics had them all kilewd off long ago. he stood up anbd walked over to the window watching teh stars before looking back "good vertues huh?" eh asked walk locking his eyes on her "tell me, when the smuggler sells off death sticks laced with icey jelly fish venom or yansak toxin to millions of people, wheres good vertue? when the slavers of tattoine kidnap people selling them off like there better..wheres good vertue?" eh asked her. Though he was in the grey area his mind was incredibly devolged in the dark "There isnt very much good about me...but i guess if i had to would be that i am going to stop at nothing to derail, destabalize and destroy the slave markets and slaver rings by whatever means" eh said looking at her unblinkingly. wail eh wasnt as deformed as the sith, his skin was abnomrally pale
he get out od bed giving up on mediating for the day he puts on his standard sith robes in black and blood red he pulls them tightly around himself tight fitting it was has he pulls his light saber from his night stand using the force and puts it at his belt as he runs his hand though his black locks breathing deeply for a few seconds has he walks out his room the door flying open and back shut has he exits he spots 2 figures @Sakon Xarabia [member="Vassara Raxis"] he knows ones a rouge from grey jedi like aura surrounding him and a female I non force user but he was not fully sure yet and it didn't matter anyway cause he could kill them both without breaking a sweat as he approaches them his boots make a tap tap tap noise that echoes though the mostly empty ship and hull
[member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Darth Ravik"]

"Well then there you are. Sure the galay at large is full of bad people doing bad things. It's what you do that makes the difference. If you're intent on brining justice to these slavers of yours and the other scum of the galaxy than I can teach you. If you only lust for power and conquest, I cannot."

Vassara turned to regard the other Sith as well.

"That goes for you too. I cannot teach Sith. However if you were to renounce your Sith affiliations, and join the Rogue Circle, or just renounce them all together. Well then I could teach you a great deal. Violence is certainly a tool, but in the name of justice, not in the name power itself."

Vassara took another sip from her canteen, seeing how the two would react.
[member="Vassara Raxis"] As long as i can eliminate the slave rings i will do what i must" eh said to her "this is why i need power....rings like those and cartels running them like sempra the hutt wont fall easly to some flimsy wimsy using mind trick and healing" he said to her as he walked over to her again "it takes power, and an extremely high amount of it to take on such a complex and wide spread plague...i will do whatever i must to get the power i need to shut them down" he said to her with ice in his voice "no matter what the cost may be" eh said to her
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

"Ha ha ha slow down there white knight. First you need to master the basics. So we will start with lesson one. Meditation, the base of all force power is being able to calm yourself, and remain in your center. From there you can branch out."

Vassara set the canteen down and returned to her pose, letting her hands be cupped in her lap.

"Meditation is handy to draw energy into oneself. Simply focus on opening yourself to the force. Let it flow through you and completely quiet your mind. The faster you can do this, the faster you can move in battle. Meditation is about focus, and move like force push, pull and punch, things of that nature, require constant focus. Try it now, gather some energy."

Vassara closed her eyes and let herself slip into the currents of the force. It flowed through the more experienced knight quickly, as if she let the flood gates open. It also helped to have the Sheer Ice crystal with her, calming her nerves and helping to facilitate the connection. she felt the raw powers surge straight through her, surrounding her. She coated herself in them, letting them strengthen her body...
[member="Vassara Raxis"] "meditation?" he thought to himself in content. he knew how to do that, in fact he spend most of his time doing that . He sat down and placed his hands on hsi knees closing his eyes. his anger and rage still filled his heart even subconscious as he began meditating. soon things began floating in the air around him like gravity, some things like old cans and junk began getting crushed under the anger that permeated the air around him. It was quite clear that he was not the kind to be light at heart
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

"Stop." Vassra uttered. It was one simple word, but the power of the force was strangely present in the word itself, making it abhorrently loud in the air. The young mans mind was out of control. He seethed for now reason almost, but to seethe.

"You are out of control of yourself. You simply radiate hate and anger like a bonfire in a dark field on Corellia. Control yourself Sakon. If you can't control yourself, you cannot control the force. Also letting everything out of control allows others to readily see you in the force. which means you have no chance of being sneaky whatsoever."

Vassara paused shooting him a look.

"Now learn to cage that anger and put it away. Keep it deep down in you asa tool. For now focus on the light. When \it's time for anger then take it out."

Vassara closed her eyes again.

"Again, try."
[member="Vassara Raxis"] He took a breath as he heard the words "stop" every thing crunched and dropped to the floor "if you only knew" he said before attempting to calm his mind and shove his anger deep into his heard to stow it away. things began levitating again though in a calmer fashion, however if she used the force to look inside him, the anger and rage was still very much present, just shoved deep in his heart as though to keep it out of the way. His skin had the pale appearance of a sith though it was pretty obvious he didn't keep the same values the sith did.
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

"Much better, now open your eyes and hold on to that energy."

Vassara rose from her seat, keeping herself immersed in the force, focusing slightly. It came easy to her after so long to keep the focus sharp. As long as she wasn't distracted she could in fact do most things with ease. Distractions made focus slip, focus slipping made weak moves.

"First you have to master the fundamentals. So pull that crate across the room. slowly control yourself remember?"

Vassara crossed her arms, watching him. She wondered how long he could hold the rage and his focus. He may be a good candidate to teach the Jed'aii code that Zavzen used to teach with the Expeditionary Fleet.
[member="Vassara Raxis"] This was something he was able to do from the beginning. Sakon had trained for a long while in the force on his own and in the valley of the dark lords. This was a possible cause of why his anger was nearly boundless. He raised his hand and lifted the crate easily with his right hand. he pulled the crate over and moved it to the other side of the room and set the crate down after exhaling "like that?" he asked
"if one like myself could which to a rouge so fast what whould be the point of having me out here on this ship but your offers dose inded intreg me a bit i will think about if but for now tell me more about this slave ring " he says has he sits on a create next to the pair looking back and forth between the two
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"]
[member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Darth Ravik"]

Vassara nodded, flashing a smile towards the pair.

"The point I'm getting at is that you are a Sith, Ravik. I don't teach Sith, sorry."

She turned back to Sakon now and a small glint lit up in her crazy blue eyes. Vassara gathered her force within her core, compressing it and then raised her hand. With a simple gesture and mighty amount of concentration she gripped the crate. It did not move slow and controlled but this time, moved quickly at a blitzing speed towards Sakon.

"Defend yourself, let's see how you apply the basics, since you already know them."
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

HIs eyes wide ed momentarily as he saw the crate blitz at him from the wall. It was moving quite fast, he jumped over the crate drawing his light sabers cutting the top threw and then sending a force push to redirect the two half's straight for vassara as a counter strike befor landing and gathering his thoughts. Both purple and red blade out
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

The young warrior was quick, she had to admit that. Vassara watched him as his first instinct was to draw sabers, she guessed he'd fit more into the category of Guardian than anything else. Each step would be a learning experience both for him and for her. With eyes flashing she rose to her full height and pressed both gloved hands in front of her. The force rushed into the space before her, solidify in layer upon layer.

It was a hastily constructed shield, but it held. Her barrier was just in time to catch the two halves. The crates smashed to smaller bit upon impact, flying about the room like so many fragments from a shotgun shell. As they rattled to the deck Vassara smiled.

"You're pretty fast Sakon. So you want to do Saber work as well then?"

From the depths of her jacket nearby her own saber rose to her hand. As the silver metallic cylinder met her palm the orange blade sprang to life, buzzing with great intensity. The tip of the blade buzzed through the air, coming diagonal across her body in a natural guard stance. Feet planted firmly apart and centred in the ey of the storm Vassara waited.

"I practice Form I, nothing else. Swordmanship to me is the last tool I prefer to use. However, knowing your basic fundamentals is key. Whatever other forms can deliver can always be countered by the proper application of the first form. Give it a a go."

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