Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unorthadox Teachings, For Unorthadox Students

[member="Vassara Raxis"]

you need both to survive" he said looking back at her as he stood up straight and met her gaze "what if your disarmed of your light saber...or your in a force drained area....if you excelled in one and focus only on that...and for some reason your no longer able to use that...then your dead" he said in a calm emotionless voice "no its best to be fluent in both in my opinion...that way you at least have something to fall back on incase of disarmament or force getting cut" eh said as he pulled out a small blaster showing her "and another in case both are disarmed from you" he added putting it away "but i prefer not to use it" he added as he watched her pulling her own saber out. "I practice Djin so and ataru mainly...and sometimes use a 2nd saber just incase" he said as he pulled his red saber out igniting it. That also symbolized his deep indulgence into the dark side of the force. this was also noticeable by his pale skin but as for his eyes, they remained a deep ocean blue, unless he was angered to the max however.
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara still stood her ground. Both spacers boots planted firmly against the deck shoulder length, and her orange blade humming across her shoulder. Still there was no movement from her muscles but a blank stare to draw her student in. Fancy forms were great when your opponent was a skilled duelist.

However nothing was quite as effective as fundamentals. No fundamentals, no form mastery.

"I'm still waiting, show me what you have."
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Right" he said as he hit a button on the hilt of his blade. there was a clank like noise as the saber hilt broke into two and the middle became a saber whip type of blade "but i think i will start a little unorthodox if you dont mind" eh said as he made a movment with his wrest and sent the blade and plazma covored middle soaring right for vassara at an uncomminly high speed and power
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara for a second was surprised by the Padawans trick move. She certainly had not expected that to happen.

Interesting modification to the saber.

But her musings were cut short as the blade homed in. The force was flowing heavy through her limbs now, and she was in the eye of the storm. Vassara did not act, but rather the force acted on her behalf, directing her blade, showing her where to go. So she moved fluidly and stped back. From the diagonal guard it was easy to level the blade parralel to her chest and swipe upwards.

The advantage of solid Form I was the natural guard. The second part? The counter attack.

One black boot shifted forwards and one rear. Vassara gritted her teeth, her hand came up extending towards Sakon with an open palm. there was swoosh of air and her spacers jacket ruffled as the force push slammed towards him. It was not all out, but a measured attack. Meant to open his defenses.

She followed in her attack, pressing whatever advantage she might have gained. Her saber came out to the side, high right and her muscles tensed as two orange flashes marked twin strikes angled down towards Sakons left shoulder. These too were measured strikes, not intended to hit but to stop just short of his flesh and give him a slight burn.

Unfortunatley one could not train all out without training sabers, of which Vassara had none at the moment.
[member="Vassara Raxis"] Sakon fealt the rush of the force induced push sending him back but he kept hsi feet planted on the ground, then before he knew it she had rushed him with her saber out. His eyes locked on the orange light and retracting his red saber he used his free hand to push at the ground, not intending to break it, he let the push force himself in the air away from her swinging blade where he shot bolts of sith lightnoing from his free hand. She was beginning to make him realize he would have to focus
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara stepped back, Orange blade swinging quickly to her natural guard. She was getting amped now, her blood pumping to maximum levels. Adrenaline flushed her veins, making her crazy eyes widen even more. He had certainly done a decent job avoiding the attack and suddenly he showed his true colors.

Force lightning, something Vassara did not practice, nor appreciate practiced in her presence. Since she had once practiced tutaminis and several variation of force barrier with Zavzen and the Expeditionary Fleet, it was not too bad of an issue. Her free hand came around and quickly she summoned the force into her palm.

The lightning struck with a blinding glare, as she gritted her teeth. The force wrapped itself around the stream, compressing the arcing wicked energies and Vassara closed her palm, absorbing the remaining shock into herself.

"You realize that Force Lightning is dark side power right?"

Vassaras temper flared slightly, her pupil dilating.

"It is a manifestation of pure hatred, and will drain your body. You will destroy yourself Sakon. Is that what you want? Do you want to use the darkside?"
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

He watched her absorb the lightning into her pal, she was rather gifted for one who seemingly hadnt been a jedi nor sith at some point. He landed on the ground hearing her talk of the lightning and its ties to hatred and draining. "all i care about is the fall of the cartel and the destruction of the slavers" eh said as he stood up and ignighted his red lightsaber. Truley his only goal was to destroy the slave ring "after that...i don't care what happens to my body." He told her as he walked foward towards her "I walk the razors edge as you put it...if i were to avoid the dark side i would be a jedi, if i were to lose myself to lust and power i would be sith but i chose neather, Im not afraid of the dark side like jedi are, i embrace it, madness and hate reside in all living being regardless of what we do to hide it away, and yet i will not let it consume my goal, that which has been my goal since day 1" eh told her as he used augmented speed and shot right at her aiming a vertical strike for her wail ignighting his purple saber
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara nodded, moving to meet his strike. With her own blade she swung up parallel and pushed with the force behind her swing. Hopefully his blade would be knocked off guard, or far enough to open him up. The sabers clashed for a brief moment, sparks illuminating the cargo bay. Vassara stepped left, withdrawing her saber and returning to her natural guard.

The counter attack came swiftly, flowing in one fluid motion. There were twin tracers of blazing orange as her shoulder worked the blade, spinning it twice off her right side and then swinging wide across her body in a sweeping power blow. Sakon would have to think fast, she was gaining steam now.

"The objective here is space. Master your fundamentals first. Fancy sword work does not help you without a solid grasp."

Vassara glared at him, sweat beginning to pool on her skin, moistening her matted midnight hair.

"You say you want to destroy the Slavers? But you dont walk the razors edge, I've seen you use nothing but darkness since you've arrived. For every action a reaction. For every kill a birth, for every defeat, a victory. Maintain your balance."
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

He saw her block his blade and do some sort of what he assumed was a perry liekmove knocking his saber to the side. he then saw as her orange blade came racing for him. quickly getting teh purple blade in teh way he blocked the blade and jumped backwards avoiding the bladeas he skid backwards and stood up watching her "you make a point" he said to her refering to the remark on the swordwork but his eyes flashed cold as he heard the remark about the dark side. "i know" eh said to her as hehis eyes darted around swiftly loking at teh room, searching it pover. "I have had no need to use any of them as of yet" eh told her. In truth light sided abilities were not something he had particularly mastered as his soul posessed far to much unrest to calm itself. He had begun to sweat a little as well though not very much as he had been maintaining a steady breathing pattern
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

"Riiiight." Vassara countered.

With a small bow she deactivated her saber, letting it snap and hiss to nothing. A quick movement stowed it back into her belt. Sakon was decent swordsman, not anything advanced for him yet though. No that would all come to him in his travels. That wasn't something she was able to teach. But she was able to teach other things.

Unorthadox things.

"I didn't bring you here to debate Jedi Code' or play with Sabers or match force powers Sakon. You are a decent student I see, but much too dark for me. I cannot train you any longer than just this one session, but I will give you this."

Vassara held out a crystal block, lined with ancient writings. It was simple Datacron, much like the one Karen had one given her to learn from. Inside was a wealth of knowledge, but unfortunately it was not dark. This particular Datacron had been pilfered from a Jedi temple during Sith raid long ago. Vassara had added a few things of course, giving it her own twist.

"There's something in there called instinctive astrogation. And another ability called the Force imbue."

Vassara paused, brushing her hair back and retrieving her coat from a nearby crate.

"Read those entries, and then come back in an hour. I'll give you a basic session on one of those abilities and Battlemind. After that, you're on your own."
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

He let out a soft laugh, a short one as well as he stowed his light sabers away in his belt. It seemed as though she leabned more towqards the light then anything. His light abilities, as limited as they were, were more used and geared towards his covert operations as teh light side seemed less productive in the heat of battle.They seemed to gear more towards calming abilities, something of little use if he was confronted with an army or a angered sith. He took the data pack from her and said "very well" to her calmly. He was right to suspect she would be unable to properly teach him, No matter, he would need to find somebody who would be able to deal with his less then light heart
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

As he read Vassara simply sat. She was immersed deep in the force, eyes closed. There was a certain tranquillity about the void, something very calming about rows of endless stars. No wars' no factions vying for power, no politics. Just oneself and their thoughts. It was reaching almost the end of the hour and her eyes flicked open as a small timer went off.

Refreshed she rose, stretching wide and calling out.

"Sakon, you done yet?"
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

He looked up at her calmly and spoke "I have " he told her as he shut the data pac off and set it on a near by box. I like the 1st option" he told her "the one to do with gut feeling" he saud to her calmly as he sat down on the box and watched her close and spoke again "it could help quite a bit when exploring and searching" he said calmly
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

"Ah instinctive Astrogation it is then."

Vassara waved to him and went to the cockpit, strapping herself into the seat. She left the Co-pilots seat open and began to fire up the nav computer. She would double check all his coordinates before they jumped. Hopefully that would keep them out of a black hole or worse, a supernova.

"Alright strap in then. You're about to learn a time honored skill."
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara nodded. And then turned to look at him, piercing him with a blazing stare.

"Ok here we go now. So I'm just going to throw you right into it. If you have the skill, you have it, if not, well it's hard to teach."

Vassara began to fire up the hyperdirve as she spoke. Her black gloved fingers danced intricate patters through the array of holographic controls. The cabin was a bit stale in the air, and a the blue sheen reflected off her face, making her almost ghost like.

"Ok then its really simple. In space there is six points of location that mark your location. six dimensions if you will. No up no down, no side to side, its all arbitrary. Your jobs is to use the force and your gut instinct to simply plot a course in the nav computer and jump. Remember, every point in space is a designated six points. So as you feel your way across the void, you should be able to feel the patterns in the stars."

Vassara closed her eyes now, slipping into her meditative state. Her mind was almost all but quiet and she felt that familiar little feeling in the bottom of her gut. The prickling cold but hot feeling.

"Trust your instincts as you feel your way. Let the force use you, rather than you use it. It will guide you where it see's fit. Try it now. Plot a jump, anywhere really. Let the force flow through you and type the coordinates for you."
[member="Vassara Raxis"] "right" he said closing his eyes and beginning to meditate. things began to float around himn but not aggressive or agatated like before as he began attemnpoting to use the force in the manner needed. After a few minutes he ebgan to feel an odd sort of feeling. moving his hand over he slowly began plotting a course on the nave com according to what his gut inbstint was
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

Vassara watched his progress, keeping an eye on the coordinates. As he punched them into his console, her fingers moved through the holographic controls, punching them into the nav computer and double checking them. So far he was good, a microjump to a specific pint. Another longshot, and then two more micro jumps.

But the last one was a problem. It was sloppy. Intended to be a slingshot around a star, it happened to bring their trajectory way too close to a blackhole. Blackholes had a gravity well that spelled almost certain death, even light never escaped them. Vassara raised an eyebrow and gave him a glance.


She pushed his hand away from the console.

"Refocus, that last coordinate package was sloppy. You're gonna sink my ship. You need to feel your destination Sakon. Think of it as a sliding scale. You can sense when a blasters being pointed in your direction, or someone’s got ill intentions for you. Use that scale, don’t just feel the point in space, feel around it, looks for clues and possible obstacles."
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

sakon took a breath once she intrervined, it had taken quite a bit of consintration. "right..." he said calnmly wail he caught his breath. Her had a tendancy to hold his breath at times when he used the force deeply like that. he tried again, breathing calmly and began slowly charting in the quordinates. Slow breathing and divulging deeper in the force
[member="Sakon Xarabia"]

This set jived much better with her Nav computer and her gut didn't wrench when she felt it out herself. How fast was she feeling things now? Pretty darn fast. Using the same skill again and again was begging to make it razor sharp for her. Still there could always be errors. There was no room for a Jedi to be arrogant, hence why she double checked.

They weren't trying to escape a fraked up situation, so she had the time.

"Ok so I plotted the jump, and it takes us right here."

She pointed to the screen.

"We're going right along the edge of the Wild Space... too Orazerus."

Vassara pulled up a quick file on what was on the world itself, having never heard of it. The holonet didn't say much, just anarchy and poisonous fauna of all kinds.

"Gotta love danger kid. Alright punch the drive, lets go. We're going to Orazerus."

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