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Unorthadox Transport


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Location: Lothal, Unidentified Bar
Time: Late Morning

Tin'tinag had a slight scowl on her face, legs crossed and on the table as she talked with a potential employer, the soft sound of classical music playing in the background at the somewhat high end bar, still devoid of many customer due to the earliness in the day. "So correct me if I am wrong, but you want me to take these, what ever they are, private plans, cutting across the First Order salients that reaches into the Mayagil Sector and deliver them to Fondor, mainly becuse of some stupid time restraints that came up due to a delay of some sort you where not prepared for". "Is that the gist of it"?

"Well yes, more or less, but you muss understan-"

"Understand what, cutting corners to lower cost, making you skip on quality control or what not.... I'm not saying I wouldn't take the job, but you could have saved yourself a huge amount of trouble, because for a trip like that I expect a decent payment, which means at the end of the day you didn't save a single credit".

"Yes of course, you will be payed by our predetermined amount, and more if you encounter any troubles, just make sure you uphold your end of the deal".

Tin'tinag gave a light chuckle, "Hey I may not be very traditional, but I am still a Jedi, as long as what you ask of me is not too illegal, I'll be more then glad to help, now we just have to wait on the other person you hired for this job".

[member="Rhia Solo"]

(OOC anyone is welcome to join, weather you want to help or hinder)


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
As her employer left the table Tin went about planning the trip, not only would she need to find the best rout, but also stock up on supplies and maybe find additional crew members, after all she would need a cover story if caught and a half empty ship usually caught people attention. 'hmm, but where am I going to find some random traveler looking for work, that is also willing to either take the risk or go without any information on their job would be".

As luck would have it she was soon joined by a rather unique individual, another Twi'lek and a pink skinned on at that, something that not even she had seen much of. Upon sitting down tin noted that said Twi'lek woman seemed o be rather shy, uttering a small hello, "Oh she seems meek, mabye I'll be able to take her with me". Tin gave the woman a slight Lekku wave for hello before approaching her more directly, "Hi back at ya, might I ask what a pretty thing like you are doing here"?



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Even with pink skin Tin could see the slight blush from the other Twi'lek, the redness of her cheeks and her reaction being cute, still, of they were looking for work this meeting would be in her favor, especially if they where shy. "Well their are always people looking for workers on the border worlds, you I'll give you that, and as for a job, I have several places vacant on my freighter, what are you good at, mechanical or engineering stuff could use one of those, or maybe a co pilot, can't stay at the helm 24/7".



Every rose has its thorns
i-I can do both of those flying always feet like the pinnacle of freedom! * shows little spark from a glove that unless seeing this was almost unrecognizable as a high-power shock-glove* as for building/ making things it almost comes second nature to me. * A bit of pride burns in her eyes as well a smile forming across her face she hasn't met many other twi'leks and this one reminded her of her sister* a-also I can cook.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Well this was lucky, perhaps such a crew would make a good first mate, always nice to have another pretty thing on broad, "Well well, that a good thing to have, nice philosophy to have as well if I do say, nothing quite like flying your own ship". Well it was how she was able to escape Ryloth anyways so in a scene flying was how she achieved freedom in the first place, in addition to many other events. "Well you can be the ships mechanic, don;t worry you'll have help, I am not the best with machines but I've learned a few things in my years abroad".

Tin finished off her drink, for now one crew member would do, unless someone else showed up, also being a Twi'lek meant they could communicate in their Lekku sign language without any pesky trooper knowing, "Ah a cook you say, well I may be able to get you some pretty good ingredient for any dish you want to make, but anyhow, may I ask your name? I am Tin'tinag, your new captain".

Myles steadily walked into the bar, ready to take a breather from the last job. After finishing a simple delivery mission, he stopped on Lothal to re-supply and fuel up for wherever the galaxy takes him next.

Grabbing a seat nearby he hailed a bartender droid which came clamoring over. "Jawa juice please." he prompted the droid as he tossed a credit chit to the machine. The Soldier took some time to survey the patrons and his surroundings. He saw a familiar white set of armor--Stormtrooper of some kind.

He did make note of two Twi'lek women conversing among each other, nothing out of place with that. He nodded toward them as the bartender droid brought him his drink. After sloshing the drink to mix it up, he downed the glass. Myles' face was spotty with black spots, indicating either blaster rifle scorch or just working hard on a ship.

[member="Silence"] [member="Petal"] [member="Tin'tinag"]


Every rose has its thorns
I-Its Petal and thank you. *shrinks in to sit a bit trying to hide her self behind [member="Tin'tinag"] as she felt the eyes the new patron move over her* w-when do we start C-captain?

[member="Myles Davorak"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
"Awww, petal, that's a cute name, not a traditional Twi'lek one, but nice never the less", she wondered how many people gave the the 'awww so cute' treatment, if she did then most likely many others did as well, she had the potential to be a master manipulator, but that would not be anytime soon. For now her skills as a flyer and mechanic would do, but still, she needed at least one more person on her ship before the job, and no crew was complete without a burly muscle.

Her eyes scanned around the room, hoping to find some one to take on the role, even if it was just for one run, said yellow eye falling on the new patron that had walked in, the same one Petal was looking at which had given both Twi'lek women a slight nod, "Hmmm, he seems interesting". He looked old, experienced, and seemed to have a soldiers air about him, though she doubted he was a retired veteran, perhaps a mercenary of sorts? if that was the case maybe he would do for the time being, "Just follow me for a sec, I want to talk to that old fella over there, if he scares you just hide behind me".

Tin gave petal a sly wink before standing up, sauntering over to the man, leaning against the bar as he received his drink, "Well hello there, I saw ya looking at me and my friend but a moment ago, you seems like you could handle yourself in a fight as well, and I am looking for... lets just say a guard for a short delivery mission, would you be interested"? It was kind of straight forward but Tin was slightly prodding around the man a bit, she would know if he had any harmful intentions, or anterior motives.

[member="Petal"] l [member="Myles Davorak"]
After finishing the last of his drink he noticed the two Twi'lek women walking over to him. Here we go he thought. Myles had no idea what to expect.

Tin'tinag said:
"Well hello there, I saw ya looking at me and my friend but a moment ago, you seems like you could handle yourself in a fight as well, and I am looking for... lets just say a guard for a short delivery mission, would you be interested"?
Myles chuckled heartily which made his teeth flash at the two Twi'lek women. "What gave me away? You aren't connected with the 'Force' are you? I might be interested in a stint like that. Once I hear more details such as how much you wanna pay, I will gladly offer my services to you Miss...?"

Crossing his arms he studied the two with intrigue as he got up from his chair to make eye contact with these mysterious patrons.

[member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Petal"]


Every rose has its thorns
Tin'tinag said:
"Awww, petal, that's a cute name, not a traditional Twi'lek one, but nice never the less", she wondered how many people gave the the 'awww so cute' treatment, if she did then most likely many others did as well,
*face goes a little red again* dint matter how times it happened she never really understood what people saw in her.

Tin'tinag said:
"Just follow me for a sec, I want to talk to that old fella over there, if he scares you just hide behind me".
*slowly gets up and follows close behind [member="Tin'tinag"] hiding as close as she could without being annoying*

[member="Myles Davorak"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin could not help but give the man a sly look, in her line of business one knew how to spot mercs out of the crowd with ease, even without the force, "I may be, I might not be, but that does not have to do with spotting you, I've met quite a lot of soldiers of fortune before, your looks, tone of voice, the way your carry yourself, either that or war veterans, but since you just sort of gave it away yourself".

"As for payment, I am willing to go three ways with the cut at the end of said job, though I’ll be giving you the last 10 percent as well since this is spur of the moment, also kind of a one trip thing, moneys not really a goal for me in this mission since it’s also half a favour". Well it was more of her obligation as a Jedi then a favour but the gist of it was that parting with a little money was a small price to pay to get the delivery done smoothly.

"Jobs a simple transport mission, but we will be cutting across First Order space to save time due to my employer’s request, and I need a proper crew to look that part if we are picked up, though I personally know a way around patrols and what not, it’s better to be ready just in case". Hopefully that was enough information, disclosing what said cargo is was kind of secret, even to herself.

[member="Petal"] l [member="Myles Davorak"]
Hearing the slyness in her voice, he offered her a hearty smile before nodding at her.

"What can I say? I am a man...I am good at telling on myself sometimes. But only sometimes. " He chuckled.

This Twi'lek woman had quite the information to display to him, and he took every word she had to heart.
"Hmmm...Alright, sounds good enough to me. Well, if it is a favor, I ask who might you be? Favors are done with people knowing one another. A name would be a great place to start."

Myles didn't mind taking up the job but knowing who he was with not only made him feel slightly relieved but it would be hard to communicate with someone if you don't know their name.

"Transport mission eh? I have done more than a few of those. No sweat lass. I can play my part well, although First Order space is pretty serious, must be some serious cargo. Either way, I won't snoop in the contents."

Myles stood up to meet the women eye-to-eye as to show them respect.

[member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Petal"]
Sitting at her table, swirling a single finger in her drink, she eyed the patrons. Her salvage team were out spending their hard earned credits after a long, tedious expedition. Where her team opted to spend their credits greedily, Aisling chose to save hers; minus this drink, the previous two, and the food she was waiting for. From her vantage spot, she could hear others plotting a scheme that would take them deep into First Order space. She didn't care much for the First Order, or any government based faction. She was a Mandalorian, her loyalty was with them, and when they called for war she would swipe out her profession as a salvager for that of a warrior.

"Your food, ma'am," the waitress said placing a hot, steaming pile of food consisting of something that looked edible. But in her profession, food was food. Pulling a small sip from her mug, she placed it down taking up the utensils; digging into her food.

Two of the schemers seemed to be is some sizing-up match, putting an annoying scowl on Aisling's face. There were times it was fun to watch, even partake in, bar room brawls but this wasn't one of those fun time moments. She had two options, either get involved or enjoy her food. Swirling an over cooked green vegetable in her mouth, the choice was made. She continued to eat whilst watching the live drama play itself out.

[member="Tin'tinag"] / [member="Myles Davorak"] / [member="Petal"]


Every rose has its thorns
*was about to meekly say her name with a small squeak coming out of her mouth* Pe...... * but stops herself letting her new captain take the lead as well as trying to hide more as she feels eyes of other patrons on her*.
[member="Tin'tinag"] / [member="Myles Davorak"] / [member="Aisling Wren"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tins hands clapped together with joy at the gun for hires answer, and rightly so he seemed to be a bit worried about the whole First Order space thing as well as her employer, which was a closed deal thing, but disclosing a bit on information would be okay, "For a name I can’t say, but I can tell you that it has to do with the Fondor Ship yards and a few of its higher up, and when I mean favour, it has some partial stuff to do with a pardon due to some... slightly illegal business deals I've done in the past". That itself was true, after escaping the Knights of Ren she went about joining the Jedi, but rightly so had to make up for past crimes during her days as an operative of the 13th rail.

"Don't worry about the First Order guys, I know a few ways of getting around them, let’s just say I have some inside knowledge", it was a good thing the Ren’s and normal military kept separate, knowledge of her leaving the Order would probably be kept under wraps, that was if people had cared about the wayward Twi'lek in the first place. "I am mainly using you as cover for if we get searched, trooper tend to get paranoid when there is less crew".

She gave the man a firm nod, glad about his acceptance of the mission, but now it was time to get friendly, a crew that seemed to be good friends and experienced with one another usually drew less suspicion. "Well, I guess introductions are in order, I am Tin'tinag, freelancer shipper, ace pilot and deadly with a wide range of electric weapons, this here is Petal, the ships new mechanic and co-pilot... you want to say hi, might I ask your name mister"?

[member="Petal"] l [member="Myles Davorak"]
"Well either way, I will join ya. Could be a fun stint eh?" He said with confidence. The fact that this Twi'lek was divulging the information to him was surprising, at least she was upfront about it.

"If you use me as cover or not, I am a more than decent shot so if we run into trouble, I feel that we can handle the situation" He said slyly. This woman certainly knew her stuff, which was a welcome change to work with more experienced personnel.

The other Twi'lek with her did not speak much but Myles hoped that this would change in due time. " [member="Tin'tinag"] pleasure to meet you and your friend; [member="Petal"] . Name's Myles Davorak, soldier of fortune and pilot. " He would extend his hand out to shake with Tin and Petal.

However Myles could feel other eyes on them somewhere in the cantina...he wasn't sure where but he knew that someone...or something was watching.

[member="Aisling Wren"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
"Fun with a little bit of danger mixed in, which is my type of fun too, not sure about petal here, she kind of shy", it was an odd sort of crew, but that what made it even more enjoyable to parlay with, she could just imagine what shenanigans the trio would gt up to, heck maybe more would join along the way.

"Aving a crack shot on times is good, perhaps you could teach me a few things, I'm good on the quick draw but crap with the aim, the main reason I stick to CQC when I can". She already liked this guys attitude about things, she just hoped petal could keep up with the care free personas of the two and thirst for danger.

"Ay, a pilot as well, that good to know, we cal all take turns flying at some point, also nice to know either of us can take the wheel in an emergency, well Mr [member="Myles Davorak"] welcome abroad, not time like the present hu, or do you want ti finish your drink first". She wouldn't be pushy, they had plenty of time before leaving, though she knew that the sooner the got started the easier things would be, also the Mando leering at them was kind of getting annoying.

[member="Petal"] l [member="Aisling Wren"]

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