Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unpopular Star Wars Opinions

-Darth Maul is one of the weakest antagonists in major fiction, in Episode I's narrative he is completely irrelevant to the plot and doesn't display an inch of characterisation. He's improved greatly in the cartoons but in the original movie, he's just a vessel for the finale's fight scene.

-At the same time, I adore General Grievous

-The Clone Wars movie isn't that bad. It's not great but it's an okay family movie with some surprisingly cool war scenes.

-Rogue One is 'meh'. It's a beautiful looking film which really adds something to the menace of the Death Star, it nailed Vader and Tarkin fantastically but outside of that I find most of the characters uncompelling, the pacing off, the dialogue clunky and the soundtrack just bad (with a couple of exceptions). I really don't understand where a lot of the love for this movie comes from.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Several of the space battles (especially Ep. 3, and 6 to a lesser extent) could have been better made; Ep.3 showed no naval coordination whatsoever, and the space battle as a story arc could have been done much better (one could have shown the maneuvering from a CIC's standpoint, say, Plo Koon, would have had its flagship engaging the Invisible Hand and what other ships that character's fleet would have might have served as a distraction by engaging other elements), Ep.6 (although it could be chalked up to the technology of the time) had capital ships playing no real storyline role other than being blown up, and firing very few turbolaser shots. Might be biased because I, as a writer, systematically take part in fleeting in an invasion when I do write in one, however.

I have to say, on account of having 1) capital ships firing at each other and 2) capital ships playing significant storyline roles on both sides in a space battle arc, Star Trek had it better.

I accept that there is a finite amount of character development that one could give anybody in film, drawn from a total amount of character development across all of them. There is a time and place for character development vs. action. However, for the prequels: it is a very difficult job to do, especially since they have to operate under the constraints set forth by the original trilogy, and I'm sure they did what they could.

What I liked about Rogue One is that more room is given away from the protagonists, and it's all too clear that the protagonists couldn't have done it on their own.


Morality Policeman :)
1. Put your nostalgia glasses away. The prequels have more depth than the original trilogy. The original trilogy is a "galaxy" made up of 6 planets, 8 people, 2 robots, and a lethargic empire. The prequels are a lesson in history and explore morality beyond concrete "light" and "dark", and provide far more intrigue and motivation than "Space Nazis are evil."

2. Sith Empires are dumb. EU Sith are dumb psychopaths. Palpatine and Dooku were real Sith.

3. 90% of the EU just flat out sucks, Disney or not. Power creep and new age mysticism led to wannabe medieval fantasy writers copying and pasting their characters and deities onto an outer space background.

4. Fandalorians pls stop

5. Everything about Episode 7 belongs in the trash, and Episode 8 will too unless some major adjustments are made.

6. Let's stop with the Solos and Skywalkers.

7. Rogue One was better than expected.

8. Jar Jar Binks isn't terrible. Star Wars is for kids.

9. Star Wars fans are the worst.


Well-Known Member
I reckon it is that .....the concept of another force user that adhere to an alternative view of the force. Such as the Whills, Bendu and such.....and maybe the idea that as Master Yoda said. The current interpretation of the chosen one prophecy was miss read and could play into the next phase of the saga beyond ep 6? Maybe say ep 7,8 & 9?

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
I like the 2008 The Clone Wars better than anything else made about Star Wars, that includes prequels, originals, eu, and the 2003 series. Yes even the 2003 series.

Why? Because the storyline is straighter, the character development is better, and the writing is consistently good. Which, isn't really the case for most of Star Wars material. Plus not only does it cover the story of the Skywalkers and the Force, but it follows citizens of the Galaxy, politicians on both sides, the soldiers who fight the aforementioned wars in the stars, and even criminals and pirates. Also, Domino squad, I mean, Domino squad guys.
90% of this thread aren't exactly unpopular.

But then you occasionally get this

Farlon Orbit said:
I like the 2008 The Clone Wars better than anything else made about Star Wars, that includes prequels, originals, eu, and the 2003 series. Yes even the 2003 series.
And we're in unheard of territory. Not unpopular, but just 'no one has ever said this before, ever' territory. :p
I think Ep 7 is one of the most enjoyable viewing experiences I have had with a Star Wars feature.

Grey Jedi are trash and should never be implemented in Canon.

I am glad Han Solo died (Even though I love him).

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