The sheer numbers of people answering the call didn't surprise Saram one bit. The CIS never failed to help their own when they were in need. "No shortage of the who's who of the Confederacy's important and powerful, eh vod?" asked Ran over a private line. Ran was right. Gerwald Lechner, the shabla Nightmother herself, her only question was who else was going to join them on this operation? Somehow, she had the feeling that she hadn't seen the full team just yet. How much more to the situation was there that this was the case? How much worse were things than one would initially believe?
"Somehow I get the feeling we haven't seen anything yet, vod," she said, pausing as she noticed
Gerwald Lechner
standing to his feet.
"Looks like we're about to get some intel, with our intel." Ran's chuckles filtered in from the other end before he terminated the connection. The first sign she had that things were likely to go to haran in a handbasket was when he mentioned that the Viceroy went missing investigating a temple in the woods that they'd caught a decent look at outside the tavern on their way in.
And just when she thought for the briefest of moments that he was done with the creepy osik, her illusion was shattered when he mentioned the 'Dark Ones'. Saram didn't scare easily, she'd fought force users before. Hell, she'd have finished the job with that shabuire Australis if he hadn't pulled a fast one on them at Rodia. There was something about these 'dark ones' that threatened to overwhelm her with concern. Especially from the way he was describing them. For most people, that might give way to unbridled fear. In a Mandalorian like her, that fear only filled her with an urge to put a round in every one of the shabuire.
He finished off by telling them to gather their gear. "Leave the speeders, we're not going to need them. I don't like the sound of any of this. Any of you even think you hear something, I want to hear it" she ordered over squad comms, getting affirmative responses from the rest of the squad. Unfortunately they'd left the birikade back on the gunship. Too many friendly force users to have to take into account. Kriffing shame given what they were possibly going to up against. It was up to said force users to handle that front. A lesson in trust at the worst possible timing. Again, shab.
There was some discussion about how to split their numbers. One of the CDF soldiers, a woman named Hark if her IFF tag was reading correctly, suggested splitting them up so there was a force user in each group. Saram instantly found a measure of respect for Hark. She definitely had her head on right, that was for sure. Without any way for the non-force users to be able to defend against force abilities, that was the best idea.
It was about then that another Viceroy entered the tavern, to Saram's complete lack of surprise. Vanir Eris. She didn't know much about the man beyond that he was Viceroy of Arbra. Though it appeared he was also an apprentice to Master Knight Lechner. That was...interesting. What was even more peculiar was that he carried with him an honest to Kad bow, and an old fashioned sword. While she had nothing but respect for anyone possessing the skills to use weapons as such, she wasn't quite so sure that they'd cut it here in this situation. Only time would tell she supposed.
Her theory about the extent of the team gathering was proven right when none other than Exarch
John Locke
and his...companion,
Gianna Aegis
walked in. You didn't need to be a shabla genius to figure out that they were together, but she didn't purport to know the extent of their relationship, and frankly nor did she care. What she did care about was that there were a lot of important CIS personnel here, and that if this all went south, things had the potential to have disastrous consequences for the CIS. Not that she doubted the Exarch's ability to handle himself.
It was about then that the Nightmother outlined her plan for splitting the teams. Saram was in agreement, and stopped short of voicing the same, not for any reason other than Master Knight Gerwald voiced his disapproval of the grouping. Saram resisted the urge to sigh. In changing the groupings he'd neglected to reassign the teams in a meaningful manner beyond what suited him. That didn't quite sit right with her, but at the same time she did understand where he was coming from. He and those with him moved off quickly, even for her cybernetically enhanced reflexes. This time, she did sigh.
"Viraen, Rusana, post up outside the tavern and report in if you see anything, and I do mean anything," she ordered. Rusana nodded and the two wordlessly activated their optical camouflage suites and stepped outside. The rain would make the optical camouflage far less effective, but it was better than nothing. She watched them leave and then turned her attention to the group left. The question was who to work with. She very much doubted that she'd get any volunteers, but before she could ask, she immediately got word from Viraen.
"Akalenedat! Energy signature from the woods concurrent with force lighting! It caught Master Knight Lechner. That Feng woman's moving to attack! Better get here quick, alor!" came Viraen's voice in over the comms, clear as day at this range despite the atmospherics and the EM interference from the force power.
"We're under attack, force lightning out from the woods. No more time to chat, we should move. My squad'll take a force user volunteer if anyone's up for it, if not, we're moving regardless," no later than the last syllables came out of her mouth, Saram and the other five members of Davaab squad bolted out the entrance to the tavern to rejoin their comrades and move to the source of contact. She knew that things were going to haran before they expected it to, and oh how she hated being right about it.