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@[member="Tormax Tryte"] well have you done anything grand in your backstory that would get you some? Etc. Or you could work for another person, get the cash and purchase. I can always aid in that end as well, Rp out doing a mission for/with me and I can get you one.
Lol I kind of did the same at the start. Zaiden was an assassin that lived like a bum, saving all of his cash in his backstory. So it is acceptable, just not for super huge purchases etc. If you need me just @ me @[member="Tormax Tryte"]
@[member="Penumbra"] Alright will do. I'll probably just do a mission get some money..And try and get an investment with Kuat Drive Yards and then..yeah
@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Or not? im ballin. i ain't worried about none.
But yeah, @[member="Penumbra"] I think I'll get on a Mission right now.
What is the name of your Company and is it on "Penumbra" or another character?
No droids lol. No robots. And... we need to buy ships if anything. I think I'm a pretty good space combatant through Forum Roleplay so yeah...haven't lost a battle in any forums..Plus with the Yuuzhan Vong Ships..damn lol
@[member="High Prophet Dredge"] I have ships that have been approved in the factory we could use, I just need to locate them.. they are not vong made but they will work for space combat.