Underworld Witch
It was evenings like today that had Maiev wondering what her younger self would’ve thought. If she went back in time and told her what they’d end up doing in the coming years. How would that version of herself even respond?
Guess what? You’ll be in charge of a reputable massage parlour in the next twenty plus years.
Yeah, she wouldn’t have believed it for a second. Not that teenager, one who had yet to mature and still naive about the galaxy as a whole. Back during a time when Maiev still had a spirit co-inhabiting her body since birth.
Kalax-Ra, her mentor and mother figure.
It had been years since the spirit had willingly separated herself from the witch. An act that had become necessary to ensure Maiev wouldn’t die. The trauma that caused resulted in a disruption within her connection to the Force, and her magic. Ultimately it was temporary, but the pain of losing Kalax was most definitely not.
Not to mention the remnants of her old Clan deciding to draw the spirit back into her body, by force. But that was a whole other story.
Right now, Maiev was dealing with a matter that had gone up in flames…quite literally in fact.
“Hey Alli, I know this is like my seventh call, but if you could get back to me as soon as possible, I’d appreciate it.” Maiev let the commlink click off before she let out a tired sigh. “Well so much for that. Here’s hoping this Jedi shows up soon.”
For the past several months now her establishment had been dealing with harassment. Maiev had put in numerous requests with the CSF to investigate, but they had only ever done the bare minimum. And now after this latest incident? The witch had resorted to putting in a request with the NJO. Not that she had any issues with the Jedi. But if she couldn’t get anything from those looking after Coruscant. Then what chances were there with a group whose focus was on the galaxy?
Either way, someone at the Jedi Temple had pinged her request as ‘accepted’. It seemed someone there had deemed it worthy enough to investigate. Now it was just a matter of waiting, as the witch leant against a wall across the street.